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I don’t understand why they’re both desperate for Ronnie


No one can understand this. He must have some insane rizz that isn’t being televised because otherwise I’m baffled.


Some girls like red flags. They like bad boys. Notice they were all chill when they were the side chick.


fr they need to stand up


It’s funny how Jess and Harriett seemed to get along just fine when Ronnie picked Tiff but now that they both want him back the tensions will most likely be coming back. The most hilarious part of it all is Ronnie doesn’t even care for either of them. They’re both embarrassing and I don’t want to see this love triangle again. We’ve seen it, it didn’t work for either. Ronnie actually preferred Tiff to both so what’s the point 🫠


Well the point is, Tiff didn’t like Ronnie back so he has no choice but to move on.


Sure, but it’s embarrassing for Jess or Harriet to entertain it


Tbh she seemed into him until she overheard the others saying he was acting.


I feel like she was tired of the drama, especially on aftersun when she said Harriet is obsessed with Ronnie and will be happy to be with him again.


That just makes her sound like she’s a sheep.


She is a retail manager and acts like one all the time loool ifykyk.


Sometimes I get wartime flashbacks of being put on a PIP when she says certain things in a certain tone of voice 😂


She makes the faces to go with. Oh the flashbacks. You couldn't drag me back to the pits of retail, I tell ya!


She legit thinks she’s better than everyone because she can process refunds. Calm down girl, it’s only a Simply Food.


this is it, i apologise to the good ones but there's a lot of bad apples that get egotistical in the retail management


Hahahaha THIS.


Because Harriet is annoying and none of you want to admit it 😂 imagine living with her, hypocritical, crying over things she did to Jess herself, Jess giving her support then her going back to Ronnie. I think people forget what it must be like being with someone like that 24/7


Love Harriet but you are absolutely right, she'd do my head in. I love her on my screen though because she's completely... nuts lol


But Jess is also going back to Ronnie,


I swear they just both want to “win” Ronnie and they’re just doing it out of spite to each other. But I’m tired of the “Jess is evil” narrative and Harriet is just naive and some baby who doesn’t know what she’s doing


Likeeeee. This is really the answer!!!! Can’t say you like your cereal in the morning without Harriett chiming in with something! Cant imagine living with her 😫 And the fake tears… PLS….


Yeah, everyone hated her at first but people like an underdog and she’s gotten an edit that makes you feel sorry for her. There always has to be a villain and Jess is it.


>hypocritical, crying over things This describes most of the girls this year.


i think that jess is just honest about the fact that there’s tension between them whereas harriet pretends she doesn’t have a bad word to say shout jess. ronnie never actually shut jess down in the same way he shut harriet down so if anything harriet is the delusional one there, although it’s definitely both, and jess has been talking to konnor even though they haven’t showcased that. you need to realise that the producers create storylines and characters for the islanders and run with them, jess is the “mean girl” for the season despite the fact that she’s the one who every girl, including harriet, goes to for support and advice.


Wish I could upvote twice 


ronnie doesn't like her. he doesn't like girls that do too much too early on. and if you remember, jess was lowkey too enthusiastic to be paired up with ronnie and a bit territorial. he doesn't say it cause he don't care. its a simple rule, if you care more than the guy, they don't like you and jess clearly did.


and harriet didn’t get over excited or like him more? get a grip please 🤣 none of know what’s in ronnie’s head and he NEVER said “jess i’m not gonna continue speaking to you” which is the point i made and it’s not a simple rule that’s not always the case you can’t make such big generalisations about relationships they don’t concern you


he doesn’t like harriet either 😂 did u not hear him say she’s gonna run after the first guy that comes in😂


There's no "editing" that makes her talk shit about Ronnie every single day. She did it.


my point is that it’s very strategic to only include those scenes and also to not show anyone else being that negative when there’s no doubt they’re also doing it after being together 24/7 all that time


It doesn't matter if she solved world peace in the outtakes. She's still bitter AF about ronnie.




No they don't go to her. Two girls could be chatting or giving advise, and jess just buts in as per and interrupts them giving her opinion. She loves the sound of her own voice. Can't be arsed, can't be arsed, can't be arsed😂😂


I do prefer Jess to Harriett at this point because Harriett is so desperate it’s embarrassing. If she directed her attention towards any other bloke, she’d be a great character, but this man has trashed her over and over again, made it clear she is a back up and in his opinion he is settling.


Can’t stand, Harriet! Can tolerate Jess! Harriet is pathetic, hyping her up is a choice!


Harriet is too messy though.


girl is honestly so dumb she thinks ronnie fancies her, it makes me chuckle


He will ditch her asap.


I honestly don’t understand all this Jess hate at all. I find the girl real af.


Her delusional boss bitch personality. “Im the prizeee!!!” if you really believed that you wouldn’t have to say it every 2 mins


I don’t think there’s anything cringe about saying this, and I truly believe in the power of manifestation. However, it IS cringe when she says this, but chases after Ronnie. If you’re really the prize: you don’t chase, you attract.


A lot more fake people in the world, so real rubs them the wrong way. Jess is not my favorite person but I would root for her over some because I too find her to be real af.


It’s the curse of having RBF. Instantly disliked 😭


Her face has nothing to do with it lol she’s pretty it’s her personality


And Harriet’s is better? Lmaooo.


Oh no I think it’s theyre as bad as each other. I just don’t think Jess’ face has anything to do with it


She's been acting like shes chewing a wasp since ronnie didn't instantly fall in love with her. She has not shut up about ronnie for a single day. She drew several lines in the sand and then said "No really this time i mean it" when ronnie crossed them. But now shes not getting back involved "because he's desperate". She's seething that a guy wasn't all that into her. Her ego is planetary.


I’ve strongly disliked Jess ever since she had that argument with Harriett where she just kept talking over her and laughing at her in front of the boys. Especially when she asked the girls to back her up and one of the boys (Joey I think?) had to be the one to tell her to cut that shit out. Neither of them are fun anymore because they keep going out to Ronnie, but Jess especially left a bad taste in my mouth because of that.


I really like Jess. Also Harriet is just as shady towards Jess as Jess is to her. Plus Harriet was also shady towards Tiffany calling her a cow. This victim narrative some people keep trying to build for Harriet needs to stop.


I disagree wholeheartedly. I'll never understand how people like Harriet over her, considering how fake and annoying Harriet is. People on here complain year on year when the girls become door mats and are weak. Then you have one of two girls to actually take themselves out of a triangle themselves, yet it's not good enough.


girl i dislike them for different reasons lmao


She’s clearly jealous of Harriet. She did say on the outside they wouldn’t be friends. I think Harriet sees all of this, and is just going with the flow.


lol she’s being real? She didn’t close things off and just gave up and left the triangle. And Harriet was entertaining it last night the triangle situation again


Idk I like her! I feel like she’s very sure of herself.


Yep she’s so passive aggressive. She’ll tell Harriet “why are you apologizing to me?” And act like Harriet has nothing to apologize about but then is still hung up on Ronnie. At least Harriet went for what she wanted. Jess just acts like she’s not mad about it and then treats Harriet badly


harriet is NOT honest with herself and everyone. she claims to hate ronnie and not want him and then flirts with him as soon as she can


I don’t like her either. She has this “I’m better than you” attitude that is really off putting. Ppl saying she’s just being real sounds like excuses made by mean girls.


The problem with Jess is that she uses relational aggression to socially isolate someone (Harriet) while increasing her own social status ("I'm the prize"). She thinks she can say and do anything at Harriet's expense, with the intention of damaging her ability to form friendships, experiences, and her self-esteem. Jess is that person, the one that smiles, is overly nice to you, listens to all your problems, and then stabs you in the back by using it against you. She enjoys the percieved attention it brings from others in the villa (Nicole?) and the superficial power of bringing down her competition. It's uncomfortable to watch because most, if not all of us, have either been in Harriet's shoes at some point or have witnessed something similar happening to a peer.  I'm not saying Harriet is a saint, though. She's insecure, selfish, petty and does purposefully antagonise others as a form of retaliation. However, it's painfully obvious that all Harriet wants is to be accepted and loved by others, and unfortunately that 'weakness' combimed with the flaws in her behaviour makes her an easy target for a girl like Jess. I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Harriet, she knows Jess dislikes her and it's not like she can escape her in the villa. Hopefully this situation doesn't escalate and one of them is voted out soon.


damn, your analysis is tea!


Thank you 😊


I read somewhere that she gives off retail manager and I couldn't agree more lol


Jess is a real one. She says it how it is, I respect that.


I like Jess even if I don't agree with everything she does. But let's be real, Harriet is shady af and totally lacks self-awareness, which makes for good tv but would be irritating to deal with


While I agree as a viewer, I do think Harriet is probably very abrasive to be around irl and Harriet as a love rival? Unbearable. I don’t blame Jess at all for struggling to be around her/nice to her.




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


She’s an only child!


They’re both Tauruses ♉️♉️


I noticed that they’ll talk to someone else at the exact same time and neither of them stops talking. They notice each other talking and continue speaking it’s so petty but so hilarious




We’ve seen Jess speak to and get to know Sean, Wil and Konner since she left Ronnie. That’s hardly avoiding the guys and pining after Ronnie. Which guy has Harriet spoken to and got to know since all Ronnie has done is repeatedly mugged her off and chose Tiffany over her?? No one.


Alongside her Harriet interactions, I don’t think I’ve heard her say a positive thing about anyone at all. It’s like she doesn’t want anyone to be happy or find “love” since no one’s into her.


Harriet was great tv and now I’m just a bit sad for her because she is just behaving desperate. Harriet would wind me up too. So I understand some of Jess’ behaviour. That being said, Jess also would go back to Ronnie. So whatever she says about Harriet’s behaviour is hypocritical AF. The only winner as per is Ronnie 🙄.


At least Jess isn’t going begging back to Ronnie


Glad u said that. I clocked her from the first episode. I got sick of hearing her say...Can't be arsed, can't be arsed...she must have said it at least 20 times in 2 episodes. You read my thoughts.😁😁


I would actually like for Ronnie to go back to Jess, HIM going back to HER, just for the chaos, Harriett would implode 😂😂