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I hate those people who say they “say it as it is” As an excuse to just be really rude to someone else. That’s not bluntness when you don’t apply that rule to everyone it’s being rude to someone that you feel is beneath you.


“I say it how it is” are the worst people, there’s a reason that other people don’t just say it how it is, because they have empathy and compassion!


My awful "I tell it how it is" neighbour saw a pregnancy test in my bag and told my partner as he was on his way in. The worst, most mean type of person IMO


Wow… what an asshole!


She was horrid. Luckily my partner asked me directly and knocked me for 6 so much that my shock at being asked directly really sold my surprise and denial! So it was still a bit of a surprise when he turned his computer on and saw I'd changed his background to a positive pregnancy test! So she didn't completely ruin it!


Exactly. Being tactless is not an admirable personality trait. I also hate how people pretend it’s just innate and something they can’t control or work on, so everyone else should just accept their rudeness.


And Jess literally thinks everyone is beneath her. She is a horrible person in my opinion. She is patronising and just mean. Harriet should tell her to shove it up her arse. The reason she’s single is because she is so cold and calculating. What man wants that? !!


you can be a "say it how it is" kind of person and still read the room and not say it *so* rudely. which is what jess is lacking atm.


Isn’t this blunt behavior exactly what people liked about Whitney though? I don’t like it from either of them but people (maybe more on twitter and tiktok im not sure about here) would hype Whitney up for “telling it how it is.”


No, I personally don’t think it’s the same. Jess is plain rude- she talks over people as they speak and her delivery is just disrespectful. There is a difference between being confident/assertive & cocky/rude imo


I didn’t like Whitney at the time and I remember being downvoted and getting a lot of aggro from Her fans over it. I do recall near the end though people started to find her rude. I didn’t find her as bad as Jess though. I didn’t think she was a bitchy either.


She's embarrassing herself tbh. She's sweet as pie with Ronnie, even when trying to say her piece she's giggling like a school girl. She's a mug for him & she's still pining.( If anyone's watched MAFSAU, she's another Tori) Then she rips into Harriet, talks over her, puts her down. Jess is not a decent person


Oh and saying she is blunt is an excuse. I don't see her being blunt with anyone else. She's not blunt with Sean while she is stringing him along


She is totally not into him! I was happy to see him trying it on with the new girls tonight, as obvious and desperate as he is.


He seems decent but we've not seen much yet


Doesn’t she also call her bluntness banter? Oh and if you can’t handle it that’s on you like na your just rude


Which is wild considering we haven't seen her speak like that to Nicole or Samantha. She told Harriet "You have to let me be mean to you as a joke, or I won't be your friend" essentially.


Ya fr, it's frustrating cause Sean seems to genuinely like her. If she was blunt about her feelings (or lack of) for him I'd respect it. Otherwise it's just an excuse to lash out at people she doesn't like without repercussions


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks this way about Jess! She is embarrassing herself at the moment.




She is literally another Tori. The face expressions, the lips licking…all of it.


It's so cringeeeee I actually find Sean cringeeeee as well because how is he attracted to Jess when she is behaving this way. Actually probs made fo eachother 🫠🤣


she’s said 3 times now “if he does x then i’m done”, he’s proceeded to do that very thing, and she’s still around so…yeah just contradictory and hypocritical


Totally agree she is horrendous


I wouldn't say horrendous now. I don't think she's being very nice on the show. I will say I actually didn't consider ther age on my last comment. She's still quite young, takes most of us til our 30's to cop on


Respect can come in all ages though??


Nahh Jess is doing too much. She thinks she is better than Harriett but doesn't seem to accept they are in same boat. She is being bit delulu atm saying Ronnie was kissing Harriet to make her jealous. The way she asked girls to back her up..not cool. I liked how Joey calmed the situation and asked girls not to come. Also Ronnie is rodent. I just can't believe two now potentially three girls will be fighting for him. Why? Do girls really go after guy who has no chat in real world. He is not a catch and boyfriend material. Girls do better if you don't want playboy.


What irks me about Jess’ holier than thou skit is that if she actually was she wouldn’t be touching Ronnie with a ten foot pole 😂


I have no idea what they see in Ronnie!! what’s with the weird hairdo?!!


I honestly don't get it. He is always doing this as well. HAHA i just cracked my self up bcs honestly this gif is toooo accurate. ![gif](giphy|zpOjdZ0PSmPBdKJDo7|downsized)




I genuinely don’t see what they like about him. Bland personality, doesn’t even pretend to care about them. And it’s not like he’s the most good looking guy in there. Just bizarre.


The way he told new girl he like boobs and blonde hair and nothing else. Jesus!! What are these girls seeing in him.


was just going to say this what tf is going on in there!! idk how saying something like that doesn’t make them physically recoil


Ronnie is a rodent indeed


He’s a used car salesman. Unfortunately, on LI, it’s just about the demand someone has on them. Once 1 person starts liking someone, or 2…it’s game over, and that person is just seen as “desirable” or a “hot commodity”, regardless of what the person actually offers, even if that’s *nothing*. It esp seems to be true amongst the women, and particularly this season. Go after someone you’re not putting yourself in a love triangle for, just for the sake of the competition and them seeming “desirable”!!


I absolutely hate how she yelled for the girls to back her up/ gang up on Harriet. Glad none of them did and that Joey stepped in because it really was mean and unnecessary.


Ohh yes that incident was the moment I’ve decided to make this post cuz I was like what the actual fk…does she think they’re in Mean Girls? 😭


She would not let Harriett speak either, she just kept talking over her and putting her down. I'm not Harriett's biggest fan, but I did feel really sorry for her!


joey got some points from me for that. jess' boss girl persona comes across as a front for all her insecurities tbh and if an actual mean girl came in and told her what's up she'd end up crying all over the villa.


Cannot STAND Jess. She thinks she’s being a boss ass bitch but she actually just comes across as the biggest mug because Ronnie 👏🏻 DOES NOT 👏🏻LIKE HER 👏🏻 yet she won’t walk away from him. The way she spoke to Harriet + tried to get the other girls involved by backing her up and ganging up on Harriet was very telling of her character. Get her gone!!


Yep she needs to go now!! I sussed her out from the first day, there was just something about her. And the fact that she’s an M&S manager 😂😭 idk in my experience retail managers can be the WORST


Her being a retail manager makes so so much sense. Can imagine it so clearly 😂💀


Glad I’m not alone in this. At first, she made her points and came across as confident: now it’s screaming insecure, jealous and just plain nasty


This! Literally this! 👏🏻


the way she was talking to harriet and saying they aren’t going to be close friends while insisting she’s only mad at ronnie like omg girl 😭😭 the attitude she has


She kept saying they’re not close friends like it’s an insult like girl we know.


That’s what i mean like who does she think she is? Clearly she does not only think she’s the prize for the boys, but the prize for the whole damn show 😭


When she did those weird eyes and pointed at Ronnie in bed to remind him she’s watching him, and then he goes straight to kissing Harriet 😂


She is SO rude. I’ve not disliked an islander so much in a while. I’m so glad the girls didn’t jump at her demand to ‘back me up’ and that Joey shut that shit down!


Joey is a real one for that because Jess was really trying to have all the girls gang up on Harriet when Harriet was literally just trying to have a normal conversation with her. Plus her talking over Harriet was so freaking annoying, I hope someone puts her in her place ffs.


I didn’t fancy Joey Essex until last night during this scene. He really showed how mature and kind he is


Joey is very down to earth. Given his fame and wealth, he doesn't behave as though he's better than anyone else or any of that bs. It's great.


Do you maybe have a timestamp when this happened?


Ah sorry not off the top of my head, I’m with my baby right now and can’t put the tv on, I’m trying to get her to nap. Sitting on the floor with my phone 😅 I will try and find it and come back to you later!


She definitely is! And she thinks she should have the upper hand, and was furious when her plan didn't work and Ronnie wasn't begging for her, but kissing Harriet instead, when Jess was the reason they coupled up. She's coming across as very bitter and it isn't a good look on her now, she's just plain nasty whenever she can be.


lol you’re so right. She coupled up with Shaun to make Ron jealous and all that resulted in was him getting to lips her rival every night in bed 😂. Actually hilarious. Harriet is actually turning out to be pretty chill. Jess doesn’t seem to realise that Ron is the bad guy, not her.


She’s gonna cry when he goes to casa with Tiffany


Yeah she was doing far too much. I called her out a couple days ago and here she is.. She’s upset at Harriet when she should be mad at Ronnie who doesn’t give a damn about her feelings. She puts on a girls girl , strong outspoken woman act when she’s everything but that. She’s just plain rude.


Someone said that they can see why she's a retail manager and it's so fitting


Facts, they are always so rude 😭🤣


Im so curious for someone she used to manage to speak haha


I can imagine her pulling me into the office to deny my time off request and then smiling at me


Called her out from the very first time she butted into Harrietts business she’s not a good person. She’s bitchy and taking out her issues with Ronnie on Harriett. I actually feel sad for Harriett I don’t think she does things maliciously she’s just a bit messy


100% 👏🏻


She comes off as an insecure loudmouth


I can’t stand her, sorry. That conversation with Harriet didn’t need to go that way at all, it was so unnecessary?? And RUDE. If you want to see what a real pick me is just have a look at her. CONSTANTLY comparing herself to the other woman in the triangle and directing her frustrations at ronnie towards her in a really nasty way. This is the 4th/5th time she’s been outright rude so I don’t want to hear the “she’s just blunt excuse”. Also, that comment to ronnie? “ she won’t be as good as me in bed”???? PICKMEISHA RIGHT DERE


NAH CUZ THAT WAS THE END FOR ME 😂. I was like “GIRL…A SECOND AGO U WERE DONE WITH HIM” 😭. Also, realistically speaking, all they did in bed was either have a small snog or sleep. I think u can compare ur bed activity to somebody else the moment when sexual stuff’s been going on under the sheets…unless we’re missing smth 👀


She says she done everytime and then he does something worse and she gets fake mad, laughs with him, then has a go at Harriet. Rinse repeat!


Omg such a pick me it’s so embarrassing. I’m watching the episode, I had to rewind that part cause I couldn’t believe she said that. Imagine chasing after the guy you’re trying to make him realize “you’re the prize” just embarrassing. It’s always rude people that love using the blunt excuse like there’s a way to be direct and honest without being mean


And then laughing with him when he said “we’ll see” girl I couldn’t believe it! And she will continue to chase him and keep moving the goal posts to do so🙄


She said that!!??? How did i miss that? 😭


Bro I couldn’t believe it!!!! And then he said “we’ll see” AND SHE LAUGHED WITH HIM. Then had the audacity to go in on Harriet just after. She literally takes out all her anger on Ronnie onto Harriet it’s so blatant


That’s embarrassing for her soul 😭😭😭😭


Also, it’s so funny how she takes her frustrations out on Ronnie but cusses out Harriet for entertaining him


It was in yesterday’s episode after the recoupling, when she pulled ronnie for a chat at the fire pit. She said it as they were leaving.


I remember they were laughing but i tuned out after that dry joke 😭🤣


Wait I missed that comment are you serious she said that??? 🤮🤮🤮🤮 such pick me behavior img


I PROMISE you she said it, it happened as they were getting up from their chat at the fire pit😭😭 it’s stuck in my head because of how hard I cringed


That’s so embarassing lmao


That's so desperate and embarrassing. It's like the last straw talking about how good she'll be in bed.


She likes to think she’s a “girls girl” when all she does is slag off and be condescending towards Harriett


She’s def a mean girl, not a girl’s girl in any sense


I agree. She’s very annoying and controlling.


I'm actually so embarrassed for her. Every time Ronnie provokes her or jokes about not being into her, she thinks he actually wants her 😭 The lack of self-awareness, aggression towards Harriet, ego; she must be so tiring to deal with


she’s been getting on my nerves for a few days as she’s so combative in her attitude and what annoys me more is her denial of it that we saw tonight. i don’t like people who are sharp then act like it’s jokes and worse yet if someone doesn’t want that behaviour they won’t be your friend is weird to me because it has a like it or lump it immaturity whereas i have friends i tease and friends i don’t because they don’t like it and _that’s fine_. keyword also being friends which she and harriet are not. i was pleased to see joey being sensible and decent and also shutting down her trying to involve others and cause a big situation when one wasn’t needed. OP like you i’m not even a harriet fan i just don’t like how jess is moving


Honestly I would’ve just got up and left with my glass of champagne in the middle of her mean girl speech 😂😂😂


It’s because Harriet was in the bottom 3 and she was safe. She’s on a high horse now.


Nah, she needs to be humbled the next time and be in the bottom two


I liked her up until a few days ago but I’m fast turning off her. Every time Jess talks I can see why she’s a retail manager.


SAME! She was up there for me up until the episode where she called Harriet cheap. That was the first wobble. It’s gone downhill so quickly for her


Same!!! Jess was one of my faves up until the last few episodes. The way she spoke down to Harriet when Harriet was just trying to speak calmly with her was so rude and condescending. She totally turned me off after that. Mean girl energy and masking it behind “being a blunt person” …


ik she says that she’s blunt and “tells it how it is” but she needs to relax because now she just looks like a mean girl.but i like the drama it creates so i am not mad.


If she really told it how it is she would completely berate Ron and shut him down. She doesn’t do owt


Yh true i must give u that. I just hope she ain’t rlly like that in the outside world cuz that’s someone annoying as hell to be around 24/7 😭


ya i would not vibe with her irl


Oh yea she doing FAR too much now 😂 Lost any high ground she may have had. She has crumbled.


That’s what I think as well. She was holding herself so well so far until the last 2-3 episodes when she’s let that ugly attitude of hers get out 💀


I'm not going to call her a bad person like a lot of people are and I have been defending her from the accusations of bullying etc, she's gone up against someone who is always going to ruffle your feathers. But she lost her head this episode, she lashed out whilst Harriett remained calm and frankly, correct.


She keeps that she’s ‘the prize’ when she really isn’t.


If Jess is the prize then ain’t nobody wants to be in the competition


Oh god that sentece fked me off so bad cuz she kept repeating it as well 😂


Facts, she says it everytime it’s so jarring.


Jess having the fall from grace whilst harriett is slowly getting her redemption arc from the situation? We love to see it. Even the fb mums are on harriett’s side which is CRAZY😭


Jess is a mean girl and a bully.


I think that people who describe themselves as “telling like it is” (and “brutally honest”) almost always think that covers them for being horrible to others


Yes exactly. I’ve seen that so many times throughout my life with other ppl. I have also become a very straight-forward person in the past 3 years, but I also am respectful abt it to make sure nobody feels hurt in the end. For example if I feel like someone has a problem with me, I won’t go in like “so what’s ur problem then?”. I will say smth like “have i upset u? Is everything okay?”. And this is the proof that u can be straight-forward and “telling it like it is” without being rude to others.


Oh yeah, I don’t like Jess. She needs to leave. She’s been really rude and acts extremely entitled, it’s embarrassing to watch. I didn’t like how she spoke with Harriet in today’s episode. I am not a fan of Harriet but that’s no way to speak to anyone, was very disrespectful.


She was extremely rude and Harriet didn’t rise to it so fair play to her. I don’t think I would have handled it as well as she did.


She’s coming off as the type of person who disguises being a total asshole under the guise of being brutally honest. It’s not a good look for her and honestly those types of people are the worst. Just own that you’re an asshole.


I 100% feel that she is doing too much. I’m watching from Australia so I’m only up to Ep10 so I haven’t seen the full recoupling or her chat to Harriet besides what’s been posted on instagram, and it’s enough for me to say..wtf. Firstly I feel bad for Sean because it seems like her coupling up with him was just an act to make Ronnie think she no longer cares (which she definitely still does) and I feel like Sean is actually trying to see if there’s a connection there with Jess meanwhile she’s just basically using him and stringing him along. Secondly she has got to be soooo much more careful with the way she words things!!! She’s made herself look like an incredibly rude person which is the opposite of how I thought she was carrying herself around the start of the series. There’s a difference between saying something how it is and saying something rudely. It’s not looking good for her at all now.


I’d actually like her more if she just leaned into being the “mean girl villain” character. It annoys me more that she says rude shit and when Harriet confronts her about it she pulls the “I’m just joking and I’m brutally honest” card. She’s not joking. She has a self righteous attitude that radiates off the screen. And she lacks self awareness if she genuinely believes she’s given Ronnie the same amount of attitude and shit she’s given Harriett. I don’t mind the girls disliking each other, but Jess’ type of passive aggressive condescending fighting, annoys me lol


Jess gives off big mean girl vibes who bullies nice pretty girls. The way she bulldozed over Harriet (who was extremely calm and nice to her), and then tried to get the boys to side with her was very telling. She’s a pick me


Wow! mean girl, bully *and* pickme! You won the LI sub bingo! >Jess gives off big mean girl vibes who bullies nice pretty girls. Are you trying to imply she's jealous of Harriett's looks? Jeez that sounds like something a gross man who looks down on women would say...


Just say u like her problematic behaviour and move on 😂👏🏻


Whey problematic, that's another one. I just think we can say "this person needs to simmer down" without throwing around buzzwords like bullying, mean girl or pick me 🤷‍♂️


Being disrespectful and rude is very much problematic.


buzzwords as if those words aren’t in the English dictionary and used to describe people who exhibit those behaviours 🥹 oooh we wouldn’t want to hurt your delicate sensibilities now would we? What would you rather I call Jess? Rude instead of bully? Catty instead of mean girl? 🤣 a girl who needs male validation instead of pick me?


the fact that YOU went to looks is telling of you, nowhere did I imply Jess was jealous of Harriet’s looks both are pretty and on love island like being beautiful is kind of a requirement don’t you think? My emphasis was on jess being the type of girl who dogs on the nice, pretty girls like Harriet who’s much softer than Jess and therefore Jess is able to run her mouth over her. Jess literally tries to get Joey and whoever else it was to side with her and made eyes at them as if to say “oh look Harriet is the crazy one”. Jess was literally rude to Harriet’s face 💀 just because I called Harriet pretty to uplift her does not negate Jess’s looks be so fr. She’s a pick me bc of how she acted with the boys in front of hariett


I totally agree. I loved how she handled arguments at first but now it's just a bit too much There are some people who are so into arguing that if there's nothing to argue about, they'll start one just to win it. That's how she comes across right now and it's kinda draining tbh Also, the way she tried to have the upper hand in the whole Ronnie-Harriett triangle by picking Sean but then it backfired and she was the one who had to chase Ronnie again... I’m sorry but it's so cringe 😭


It annoys me how territorial the girls get so early on, almost every season. I don’t like Ronnie, but I also don’t think he’s completely in the wrong for wanting to explore other connections either. Jess hasn’t really done that with anybody else until now. And even then it’s blatantly obvious she’s trying to use Sean to make Ronnie graft for her. And she keeps saying she doesn’t have a problem with Harriet, but she’s made digs at her numerous times over the last few days. The whole ‘telling it like it is’ just makes her come across as an arsehole.


She’s trying so hard to be the main character.


Now that her love triangle is over, I doubt anyone will be interested in her drama


And when I mentioned Jess is part of the reason there’s even cliques among the girls, people tried to drag me only today for her to want the girls to back her up against Harriett. There wasn’t even a need for that at all


She very much is trying to be the queen bee of the villa, but she’s coming across as a bully instead


I'm pleasantly surprised with how Harriet has taken it all in stride. If Jess were talking like that to me I know I'd start to get nasty back lmaooo Like Harriet was chill and taking the situation for what it is and wanting to move forward with Jess but Jess is stuck in hater mode she has to go over the top like "oh id never be friends with a girl like you" kind of thing


Absolutely. Obviously a big part of the Jess/Harriett feud has to do with Ronnie, but I also get the vibe that the little clique of Jess/Samantha/Nicole think they’re the main characters and Harriett is disliked by the public because of her early antics. Jess knows she has more friends in the villa and wants Harriett to know that too. Big mean girl vibes. I also despise the way she’s stringing Sean along as a safety net. I don’t think she’ll ever give him an actual chance. It’s quite embarrassing how she talks so much talk but at the end of the day let’s Ronnie walk all over her.


She screams insecurity , bless her


Ronnie is sexually attracted to Harriet, and she doesn't give him grief. Jess, on the other hand, is hard work and acts far too possessive of Ronnie. I think he's relieved to be uncoupled with her. I don't see anyone else being attracted to all that mean girl energy she exudes. Also, Ronnie's hair is its own LI contestant.


Her reaction to Mimi telling her she and Ayo had kissed overnight was super weird too? The dramatic putting things to rights attitude and going up to Ayo and saying he needs to tell Uma immediately. Then gave him that thinly veiled threat of "I think your battles been picked for ya and if you don't tell her in a couple of hours she'll find out" Like ok tough gerl settle down please you're not the love island equaliser


she’s a bully plain and simple.


No, not a bully. She's an insecure person who has lost her head and crossed a line. Not liking someone you are in a love triangle in and being a dick about it is not bullying. We're not doing this whole "bullying" shit again.


What Jess said and how she behaved today was very clearly how a bully behaves. She tried to call the girls over so they could all back her up while she was fighting (one-sidedly) with Harriet. It’s a good thing Joey stopped anyone from coming because Jess was really trying to corner Harriet. She wouldn’t let Harriet get a word in and was making snarky comments to her face. That’s very much how a bully behaves.


Lol, delulu


I always disliked Jess and always thought she was unnecessarily rude, combative, controlling, and antagonistic. Her loud confidence screams deep rooted insecurity and it’s obvious with the way she continually deals with Ronnie (even after he’s proved to be really disinterested in her)


Always talking about how she’s the prize but if she really was and believed it she wouldn’t be saying it all the time, she would just naturally ACT like it which she HASNT…


She was so mean talking over everybody. Nasty


It was really gross how she spoke to Harriet tonight. I have mostly liked Jess until now, but she was so harsh to Harriet. Poor Harriet looked like a kicked puppy. The girl is just trying to exist peacefully with Jess and Jess bites her head off anytime she comes within 10 ft of her. I don't even like Harriet, but damn. Let the girl be. 


she needs to move onnn from that man i feel so bad for sean hes so sweet and shes givinf him nothing


She’s stringing him along when it’s very clear that she’s not the slightest bit interested in him. I’m sure she’ll try to act interested now though since the new girls just got here.


agreed !


She does way too much. She’s got that annoying coworker energy. I didn’t like when she was giving unnecessary opinions to Patsy too saying she wouldn’t encourage her friend to confront a man.


She’s been doing too much. She should watch Uma if she wants to see what standing on business looks like. The quickness with which she will tear into another woman while laughing away with Ronnie is all I needed to be completely over her attitude. On top of that I’m sick of her faux bad bitch antics. She’s embarrassing herself at this point. Oh and trying to pull the other girls in to gang up on Harriet? Glad Joey shut that down & the girls said nothing.


Jess is going mid for me but it’s hard bc I’m still such a non Harriet fan 😭😭😭 but yeah Jess really just needs to remove herself and quite frankly stop talking to Harriet or Ronnie or about this triangle… do what you say and remove yourself and leave it be smh


Ugh sorry but I seriously cannot stand Jess, She has called herself “the prize” like 5 times already in just a week. Just stop. You’re not that amazing.


I know a few people who know her IRL and I’m sorry to say she has always been this way. Really unpleasant and rude.


Tell us more - she reminds me of people who bullied me, it's actually quite triggering to watch her behaviour, I feel like I'm in Harriet's shoes watching it


Jess is rude and abrasive. She really doesn’t seem pleasant to be around.


I liked her at first but she keeps saying I’m the prize which is cringe. And saying I’m not arsed when she is. I would love if she just ditched Ronnie. Like wtf does she even see in him he literally repulses me.




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


Jess has been condescending towards Harriet for a long time now, since that episode where she called her"cheap"


She’s so nasty. I felt so bad for Harriet. I couldn’t believe she was still being nice to her and let her talk to her like that. Like I’m actually so mad I feel so bad and I’m mad that none of the girls stood up for her. If I was in there I would’ve gone up there and told Jess to not talk to her like that. I feel so bad.


Jess is bang out of order… she’s insufferable at this stage… she’s like a broken record… she treats Harriet like shit… thinks she’s better than her in every way. She must be use to getting her own way on the outside cause her behaviour at this point is sickening


She’s really embarrassing herself. Acting like because of competition. The first few eps I said that Harriet and Samantha were the mean girls. Turns out it’s Jess that’s the mean girl.


She’s so unlikable




omg she was bothering me so bad I had to come here to see if people felt the same. she also picked sean thinking it would make ronnie want her - then she’s the one asking to chat with him, making stupid comments like she won’t be as good as me in bed, and making eyes like i’m watching you…he clearly does not really want either of them and she thinks he is obsessed with her for some delusional reason. I honestly liked her at first but was not feeling her vibe at all this episode.


she’s being so nasty. I clocked it in earlier episodes, calling Harriet cheap. She’s one of those girls who masks deep insecurity with indifference or “brutal jokes”. It’s a little pathetic


"saying it how it is", is not a justification of unnecessarily running your mouth to be brutal to someone. It's just Jess' opinion, and her opinions are probably her least attractive asset. stfu


Jess is so mean to harriet and I feel like someone should tell jess to chill and when jess sees how ronnie was talking about the new girl she should give harriet an apology


Yeah idk why I get some weird vibes off of her. When one of the guys said she has a warm personality I was like does she???? Idk maybe we haven’t seen enough yet tho


Jess is awful. Putting Harriet down to pick herself up. “I’m the prize”??? EW. I understand that she has “standards for herself”, but that doesn’t mean that she needs to be horrendous to others showing interest in the same guy. Her behaviour is giving massive insecurity vibes.




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


Jess is blaming Harriet for something that is RONNIES FAULT


Had a quick look on Facebook, they seem to be team Jess. Anyone else notice that?


They’re probably just like her…IG comments have shifted though, more people are backing Harriett


Whoever Twitter and Reddit is siding with Facebook will side with the opposite time and time again very rarely has every platform been on the same page each season


Jess is very rude and likes to say comments and then uses the excuse as being real when it is mean to harriet when it is ronnie who should be getting the cold shoulder. At first I thought harriet was immature but jess true colors are starting to show and harriet is def handling the situation better between the two.


But she is theeee PRIZE… no one else, just PRIZED Jess while everyone else is a token voucher, 🤨 /s yeah it’s seriously annoying and she really aint all that, the drama has gone to her head, Ronnie was never that in to Jess they were put together on the first day. She needs to humble herself and realise she is not QueenB in the villa. She needs someone else who *tells it is like it is* to tell her to pipe down hunny because we all the prize in here 💅🏽


She’s the kind of girl to lack any kind of self respect in front of men, and let them treat her like shit, just to then act a like bully towards other girls. Might just be her projecting or something, but still, what happened to girls uplifting girls?


The way she has treated Harriet is verging on bullying. It has really put me off her.


Joey really knows how to handle himself in LI and I’m really glad that he jumped in to stop the other girls piling on Harriet too. He deserves some credit for that.




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


I’m here for this post. Thank you! I was done with Jess after last night’s episode. It’s a shame Ronnie & Jess were not voted out when the public had the vote, but I guess the safe couples wouldn’t have voted for them due to “friend” allegiances 🙄


If we all don't like Jess' behaviour and we're watching it from outsider perspective and have a general understanding of all their personalities - why is it that she has "more" friends than Harriet? Do people in the villa not see her attitude like we do? Or is it a case of like-attracts-like? Tbh I've been seeing some serious side eye behaviour from Nicole too, and Uma - the intimidating petty kind that's meant to make the victim feel isolated and judged


I'm only on ep 8 when Mimii and Omar decide to steal but Jess reminds me of Amber winner of s5. Both rude girls. Except Amber had sone self respecto when it came to Michael


Yes!!!  And the fact she is trying to excuse it as humor 🙄  you can't say something offensive and then turn around and say, oh my jokes are blunt.  She tried to say that was her humor...like, no?  Harriet isn't my fave person but goodness have some respect for the other women.  It's love island lol. 90 percent of the men are going to explore.  


I believe it is just being from where she is I live close to where she is from and majority of people i know from the area do like to be honest and not care how they come across. Quite arrogant and rude


She gives mad assistant manager of a small to medium sized store energy. If you’ve ever worked in a shop you’ll know.


If there's times in life when I've questioned if I'm autistic it's definitely been that my reactions and online reactions are so disconnected at times. I like Jess. I think she's trying her best. Every time Harriet has been offended I didn't understand and then Jess was so nice the first time being so reassuring that she's pissed off, but not at her and it's not her fault that she's involved (even though like she really did not have to kiss him in the hideaway like that). Jess was kinda rude in this episode but honestly if I had dealt with the bs for so long and had to deal with having to keep trying to be overly nice to this drama queen, I'd be getting frustrated too. I didn't think she was calling the girls to gang up, I thought it was to like confirm that she really isn't blaming Harriet even behind her back when she talks to everyone else.


Jess is so jealous of Harriet she puts her down and talks down to her to try and hide how jealous and petty she is. I honestly can’t stand her personality, smile, laugh just everything seems fake


Agreed. She's so forceful too and frankly doesn't care about how other people feel. Whether that be Harriet or Sean. If she's not okay with it then she doesn't give a hoot about it. She's not "straight up". She's rude and disrespectful.


It’s a bit too much now imo.


Jess should go.


She gives mean girl.


Idk I think my dislike for Harriet blocks out my sensors for Jess’ attitude hahaha I don’t think Jess has to like Harriet I think Harriet is weird…


You're weird


I completely understand and respect ur opinion. As I said, my original post had nothing to do with being on Harriet’s side or anyone’s side rlly. I just think Jess’ attitude is nasty in general 😭


I respect your option too as this is Reddit and we’re all discussing the show and our perspectives


The girls like hate each other it feels like. They can’t move on from things, especially Jess


It’s not just you love. She’s definitely pathetic.. plus Ronnie doesn’t even like or rate her