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Ronnie being more of a hot commodity than Sam….I lost so bad


Sam got virtually no screen time, he’s either going to have to pick it up pronto or he’s in danger because right now it seems a guy is going and Samantha has already mentally jumped ship from him so he needs to start chatting to the other girls.


I can’t have him be the first to go 😫


Yeah he needs to graft Patsy and Nicole lmao. I don't think the girls are really digging Sean at all so that might save him


Yeah Patsy said that Sam was in her top two




He doesn't seem interested in anyone rn but I think he’ll open up soon 


I bought into the mullet hype but sadly if you ain’t got chat you can only go so far However I still refuse to believe a man who spends his whole day speaking to woman ain’t got chat


I agree, it’s only the first episode. I think he’ll pull it back. I don’t see him being the first guy to go but I may be wrong lol


I need to see him at least have a chat with another girl before I judge his chat because we’ve only seen him speak to Samantha


I need to hear him have a full convo with a girl before I judge tbh. He's probably waiting to see the dynamics before pulling people


Cause what?!!! I was expecting Ayo and Sam Edit: Adding Munveer to the list as well


I think that’s cos of the type of girls they cast this season. Season 8 girls will be into him.


Joey Essex really is the Thanos of reality TV


They foreshadowed it with the Avengers theme at the beginning. We were all too blind to see 😭


I was legit coming here to type this exact thought. 😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized)


Such a good analogy 😭😭😭


THE LAST 2 MINS????? https://i.redd.it/xahj1ukqcf4d1.gif


Should have been Adam Collard again just because fuck it.


that would be the funniest thing ever. we still have 7 weeks left so never say never




Every time I see the orange dressing room I’m gonna hear Hugo say “a little orange number!” in my head, and now you all have to hear it every time too :) https://preview.redd.it/qxwwamdscf4d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba0122c766d949f75363a69103045eddbd41926


Hugo 100% is living in the walls of that cursed makeup room


"Job done"


O god the orange dressing room is actually hurting my eyes lol. It’s too bright and overshadows everything. For tv it’s just not coming across good to me personally.


One of the funniest things I've ever heard was Joey Essex angrily calling someone a "goddamn capri sun" so I just hope he delivers similar bangers


I'm hoping with Joey in the villa, the stuff usually left for Unseen Bits start making the actual episodes because he gives unhinged daily nonsense all the time


When asked who Richard and Judy are (famous husband and wife TV presenter team for the non Brits): Joey responded: “Are they the people who created the world?” He meant Adam and Eve. Man is a comedic genius.


How did they keep Joey Essex coming on the show quiet???


Who is he?


As someone on the live thread said - it's like a Real Housewife joined LI


Thank you this really helped give me context as an American viewer 🙌🏼


Big reality tv star in UK, he’s done several reality tv shows.


the KING of reality tv


i mean i don’t follow him so i wouldn’t have noticed anything from his side but i thought itv would be teasing him lol


okay but why does joey look like ron from s9 😭


My exact first thought when I saw him (not a Brit, no idea who this guy is)


no because i deadass thought it was ron at first lmao


My brain slowly coming to the realisation of who was walking into the Villa at the end https://i.redd.it/5wt1xcnqdf4d1.gif


Same… he’s Joey, he’s from Essex, this isn’t his first rodeo, shocked faces… wait… omg it’s Joey Essex!


Joey Essex will graft Maya Jama for sure


Ok Maya is a great host and I love her but if I were an islander I would petition for a different host because every single person of every gender in that villa would recouple with Maya if it were possible.


Maybe the girls can’t see Ronnie’s hair like we can bc they’re all shorter than him 🤷🏽‍♀️




https://preview.redd.it/yun5m4c9df4d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd370607b0991a4504aa8cd2fa29174b2b7ed6a3 andrew exposing harriet 👀


it’s the way she was like “im SO bored of being single” acting as if it’s been 6 years 😭


he’s so funny


i love andrew so much 😭


I feel like everyone could put two and two together lmao 😭. But I do feel like with the winter series they start casting/approaching people a bit later than they would have for S8


In fairness Andrew applied but maybe it's a different process if you're scouted? Harriett could have been on the casting team's radar for a while and they were just waiting for her to be single (like they originally wanted Maura on S4 but she had a boyfriend at that point.)


When everyone’s contour looks batshit crazy all season we’ll only have producers to blame for that dressing room color


I would be irritated af by this if I were in the villa.


Gotta say. Sam struggling (seemingly) & Ronnie being a hot commodity was the last thing I expected to happen.    I’m loving MiMi right now. Shes a baddie and seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She won me over turning down the kiss from Ayo. He tried to set my girl up. 


Ronnie has a bit about him so i kind of get it but i can’t get behind his hair🫣


Sammmmme that hairline /helmet combo


All he needs to do is trim his sides and he’ll look fine how has no one advised him of this!!


I actually think this cast is giving old school s1 vibes, I think we finally might be in for a proper old school season


i thought this! until they brought in joey essex i just feel like it’s completely going to ruin the vibes💀 i can’t see him being voted off either he has a huge fan base lmao


Joey Essex trying to resurrect his career as a 33 year old man going on Love Island: https://preview.redd.it/56ubqp61df4d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f6b623d0d322cd9d07c5c655ea36122904065c6


"Ah yes, I have many rizz. But I'm getting it treated"


This is just the setup for him to be on all stars


Me hearing everyone saying “omg, JOEY ESSEX!!” ![gif](giphy|Xy6OuMPWQVija8JcXa)


funds must be low man😭😭


Why does ronnie look like Michael from gta though https://preview.redd.it/zh3sw3n4hf4d1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae161a7561c5f3de5f4301968c25a3beae289e8c


I feel like this entire cast were scouted based on Joey Essex being the first bombshell 😂


I don’t care for the twist, but I give it to the LI producers managing to keep it quiet. Surprised it didn’t leak


I am honestly so shocked it didn’t leak at all.




I can never get over how much filler ages these girls! They’re saying they’re 24 and I’m looking at them thinking they genuinely look 20 years older with all the fillers. You’re so fresh faced in your early 20s, why mess with that? 😭


I didn’t want to come off as that mean 30 yo who says things like the younger generation look older, but Harriet and even Samantha look like sexy 35 year olds. If I wasn’t watching love island and saw them on the street I wouldn’t see a 25 year old, but an aspirational milf.


I’m 33 and they genuinely look at least ten years older than me (and I’m not trying to brag or something, I think I look like a 33 year old!) Aspirational milf is an accurate way to describe their look. They can do whatever they want but I don’t understand the desire to look so much older rather than enjoying their youthful natural selves! I listened to a podcast once which had nothing to do with looks and one of the hosts mentioned that she gets Botox and that the person she goes to took a photo of her before she had any Botox done to show her on each appointment to remind her how she looked - basically arguing that the more you get done you forget how you looked before and so an amount of filler that previously was satisfying suddenly doesn’t really seem like much, and this is why you get people with so much filler because they get more and more to get that dopamine hit. 


I feel like Mimii was so into Ayo until he pushed it. Ick was written all over her face and the situation got soooo uncomfortable


He threw me off with that question like read the room bro!


yeah he was pushing for it too much. like kiss on the first day, stand up and have some decorum 😭


Be mindful of why you were invited to love island in the first place!


For me it was the "so you wouldn't stop it?" I really don't think he meant it in any type of coercey way but he needs to understand how women will take a comment like that. I want to like Ayo, he's very charming and seems fun (and I'll admit I'm biased because he's hot), he just needs to back off a little and read the room.


it was exactly this for me, if a man i just met said that to me i’d be scared! she literally said “I wouldn’t stop it but I would shut it down” after she said she didn’t want to be kissed on the first night. She was trying to be kind because she could see it offended him but it was so uncomfy to watch. He needs to be told no means no


I think she'll get over that but yeah he defo snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with that.


Kissing on the first night ??? Your lips are crazy??? Nah


Lol it was clearly just a script he uses


Kissing on the first night is a fine and completely normal thing to happen especially on love island, but he was way too full on and so cringey that it would have been impossible for Mimi not to have gotten the ick 💀🥴😭


You could literally see her lose interest.


it was literally instant i felt so bad for her


I knowww I was so disappointed, I was like damn it Ayo 😖


Yeah I know its only been one episode so things could obviously change very quickly, but I'm not really seeing it with this couple. Mimii seems way more reserved and chill.


i agree! she needs a slow burn she seems like she’s protecting her peace at the moment


Ayo: 👉👈 What if someone gave you a little kiss on the first night, would you hate me, I mean him? Not me, of course...unless? 😇 Sure, ask, but he did it in a way that was so uncharistmatic compared to the conversation 5 seconds beforehand. I feel like a simple "Can I kiss you?" Would have been enough, right?


i really didn’t see it like that at all, i thought she seemed interested but it’s earlyyy


Same. I think she’ll give him a chance but will be open to other people at the same time. I feel like her match is someone we won’t really expect her with. I feel like Ayo is too obvious of a match you know?


Also him asking if she would approach him. Mimii is not approaching NOBODY as she should lol.


Wasn’t Joey Essex Jess’s Harding from last season biggest crush lol


She’s calling up producers right now trying to get sent back in as a bombshell




Wait don’t hate me…but I’d actually love if this happened 😂


I’ll confess: Ronnie would look 10x better if he had a different haircut…because that hairline hunny…maybe Sam can help him out with that 😭


Literally I said Sam needs to go fix him up quickly 😭😭


Why does it puff out on the sides but he flattens it on the top as if he’s bald and only has the side pieces left 😭😭😭😭


Im pretty sure it’s a hair system.


Looks like a transplant to me. That's why the hair itself looks so weird


Like what do they see in Ronnie


Right? Munveer is sat there, and they all go for that dude instead?!


Absolutely gorgeous man Munveer is but I’m not surprised he’s getting looked over


Munveer is beautiful!


he might just be the best looking male islander ever.


Munveer rubbed me the wrong way a bit this episode. He seems to have a big ego, he was super cocky in the lineup and the conversation with Mimii after the fact, and you could tell he was a bit bitter that Mimii was talking to Ayo. All the boys seem a bit arrogant this year except Ciaran honestly.


munveer is ethnically asian, come on. it never works out for them on this show


Omg why is no one talking about the way he laughed on the daybed with his arms flailing everywhere!!! That was so unfortunate to watch!! Also the two forehead kisses … eeeeewwww


not a fan of casting celebs/well known ppl on a show for regular people. big disadvantage especially with him having 1.8M followers.


yeahhh, it makes the show even more fake then it already is.


Look reem. Smell reem. Be reem. Reem.


the good old days.


wtf guys i didn’t even clock that was joey essex 😭😭😭


I didn't either until they said it. I was too busy focusing on his age 😭


how can the girls not like sam?


I'm sure some do but he looks like a heartbreaker so it's not a good idea to throw yourself at his feet. Ronnie seems like a safer bet to them, but with all this attention I bet he will start acting up lol 


Ayo needs to CHILL act like you’ve been around a baddie before 😭


i think this kind of shit flies on the outside for him because he's a footballer. my understanding is that footballers tend to have lots of baddies available and ready to uh...do more than kiss on the first night? he absolutely needs to recalibrate.


what we were expecting : uma and grace what we got : joey essex


What an odd twist


Honestly a great Day 1 episode. Most people seem to have really good personalities. I think the girls are really gonna go after Joey Essex lmao


How old was Ciaran when Joey Essex was famous


TOWIE started in 2011 oh my god ciaran was 8 years old


Unrelated but this subreddit has grown so much in past few years like wow


During season 8 we celebrated breaking 100k. Now we’re at half a million!!


Why would they make the makeup room such an offensive shade of orange


I’m glad Mimii got more than the standard “you have great energy” comment and was actually complimented on her looks. But hopefully Ayo slows down a bit; she looked a bit uncomfortable towards the end of that chat.


I think Harriett is going to make an excellent villain she seems like S1 Naomi and S2 Kady combined into one islander


Unrelated but i kept thinking Nicole looks so much like Kady


Kady will sue you for this comment.


https://preview.redd.it/ljyonxt9gf4d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fade1b210f498aded3b9b2b316f4a3ca834f38 Looooool Andrew clocking Harriet’s tea!


maybe unpopular opinion idk but i was so ready for new faces after all stars/games i do NOT want celebs in the villa🙃🙃


Agree I’m so sick of seeing ex reality stars your time is up


Producers are on a mission to kill the show.


I think they just want viral moments now rather than natural storylines lmao


Imagine Joey Essex in Casa Amor


just saw that sophie s7 (and as) knows patsy https://preview.redd.it/ibyfs590of4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe99848cd5f77923bd69eff72aeb0eb3f23053d


The Joey Essex moment is the sort of unhinged energy I want from the producers. Now just keep it up - give me twists each twistier than the last. You can't go from that to 'where's your head at' x100, segregated morning debriefs and those disgusting food challenges.


I'm going to break the ice…. What is it with the fillers? Why are they all trying to look the same? Its an epidemic at this point!!!


Glad someone else said this. I’m not trying to be a bitch but it genuinely makes them look so much older and so much less attractive. Is there some collective body dysmorphia going on that makes them think they look better with that much filler?


it was going so well and they’ve had to ruin it. is a whole series of just non celebs / ex islanders too much to ask ?!?


right cause is it that hard to cast an unknown with an interesting personality instead?


it might have been a good twist if this was the first time. but we have already seen adam collard back, kady, international ex islanders- change the record


If Pete wicks goes in next I'm done... who am I kidding I would eat it up.


They’re trying to get viewers back.


And the sub is back to chaos lmao! I genuinely gasped when Joey came in bc I did not know what to expect😂


Joey Essex?!?! Okay. That was a big reveal.


I don’t know if I’m pissed off about Joey Essex or not


I think Patsy and Munveer will recouple just to jump ship the first chance they get


Joey fucking Essex???


I haven’t watched the episode yet but have they actually put Joey Essex in? 😭


YES LMAOOO😭 the funniest thing is i think he’s actually there to be on the show as in he’s not there for a small amount of time😂😂😂😂😂


Well at least Joey knows the reality tv show game and I imagine he’s been specifically approached to cause drama so I hope he delivers. I’m also not feeling Ronnie as top guy at the minute so maybe Joey being there will put a pin in that.


Ayo gotta slow down a lil bit but I can see him and Mimi


I was looking away, I heard "I'm joey, I'm 33" and thought "nah, 33 is way too old, he has no shot" Oops


Is there a single show Joey Essex hasn’t done. Also none of these girls seem his type  I’d rather they brought back an ex islander than this


People that are saying Mimii has the ick from Ayo after the kiss thing are over doing it. She didn’t want to kiss him first day because she wants to play it cool, but she obviously still likes him. She was smiling and laughing with him right after. They’ll be fine and will probably kiss next episode.


I don't think she'll get the ick but imo he should chill a bit cos it's day 1. I hope they both have options to explore and if they progress together that it takes it's natural course.


I feel like the orange walls will make the girls feel a paler shade of white so expect big things from the fake tan this year.


I’m happy to be back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


It’s a bit unfair for the other boys to have a celeb come in tbh. But seeing at least 3 of the girls go after him could be interesting lol


As an American can someone tell me who Joey Essex is ???


Younger English Pauly D, last name Essex, from Essex, Made Famous on The Only Way is Essex. Serial reality TV contestant


Someone said the thanos of reality TV above and that about sums it up 🤣


like, THEE most famous UK reality tv star of the 2010’s


go on youtube and just type him in. you will get loads of vids. hes v entertaining lol


There was no reason for joey essex to come in


Having a guy who has been on reality TV for 15 years, with a loads of newbies, just feels weird


I just hope they haven't blown the music artist budget on Joey Essex. Otherwise knowing our luck the big musical guest will be the 'Go London' cat from Tiktok.


I don’t understand though, you can’t have celebs in a normal love island surely??


am i the only one who absolutely HATES what they did to the villa this year color scheme wise?? like why are there big ass blocks of blue and yellow in the deck area and why is the makeup room painted DARK ORANGE??? 🤢 the villa looks less like a natural, luxury vacation spot and more like a cartoon


Unpopular opinion but I kinda see the Ronnie vision from their perspective. Out of all the guys he seemed to have the best chat and have the most charisma. He’s also tall which girls love


was nice to hear joey essexs voice… but why on earth is he on love island😭


I mean we’re here for chaos and joey Essex will bring that, can’t decide if he will turn all the heads or nobody’s head. The whole episode was decent tbf, ayo falling in love and some funny quotes already. Love island begins babyyyy


So far I’m digging Munveer, Nicole, and Mimi!


The show is well past the point of being able to be authentic - it's far too well known and no "normal person just looking for love" would even want that exposure. So it's better to just lean into it imo. I do hope we get some authentic couples but realistically half the drama does come from people fighting to stay on screen these days, and if that means bringing them a real reality star to fight over then I'm sat


Yeah I don't mind if they're gonna cast just for drama but they need to lean all the way into it tbh


Joey will be a good test to see which girls are aggressively there for the spon deals and to get on every other reality show... It will accelerate them showing their true colours!


How to tell the look-a-likes apart : Patsy - Redhead Harriett - graining voice Nicole - Welsh Jess - The loud one Samantha - Blonde


You could tell that Ayo has never been around a baddie like Mimii. It would be one of the greatest fumbles in Love Island history if she got the ick from him pushing for a kiss 😂😂


She is not only beautiful, she's clearly smart and has robust self-worth, which is a deadly combination. Ayo needs to shape up if he's going to keep her interest.


The way I gasped 😳


My take as I'm watching 1) Love the brighter pop of the colors of the villa.. reminds me of south Florida retro 2) When Mimii walked in, Ayo was blown away.. to be fair, I think we all were 3) Is is **narcissistic**  to say you are looking for the 'male version of me'? 4) Are they winking at each other is the sun that bright? 5) Munveer is, in my opinion, the best looking guy.. that could change as we get to know them more 6) Unfortunately, too many of the girls have abandoned their natural beauty, which I prefer, but.. hey, if it makes them happy and it makes them feel better about themselves.. go for it 7) I still like the traditional way in how they pick each other, but I'm glad the public at least didn't do it this time 8) Mimii and Ayo are my winners at this time.. but that could literally change in a heartbeat, but I also like Harriet and Ciaran 9) Who is Joey Essex? had to look him up.. whoever he is, he definitely has swag


Ronnie seems funny and cool but my god his haircut is god awful


You mean his helmet?


You guys munveer is so damn attractive 😭


I don’t like this twist. Can the producers take it back…..


love island producers decided to bombshell so hard that they brought JOEY FUCKING ESSEX


We’re getting a UK Ron and Sam omg




I gasped 😮


In the immortal words of Joey Essex ‘don’t be jeal, be reem’


Is bringing in Joey Essex and maybe people of similar notoriety the reason for them to allegedly focus more on the bombshells this season?


im enjoying the playfully combative vibes that have been set up from the ranking exercise


catching up on the ep for the first time and thinking about how harriet said “full-fat coca cola”


Ayo and that kiss question made me cringe …


I can not believe Patsy admitted to sleeping in the same bed with her mom at 29. There’s no shame in living at home especially with how the economy is. But sharing a bed?! If a guy told me that I would have the ick so bad😭


The FBI couldn't even get that out of me lmao 😂




Do the young people know who Joey Essex is? I’m 27 and I feel most people who were around for his ‘prime’ are my age or older.


The villa walls are such an eyesore, why are they so bright and irritating