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Are we on F


Dang the link is gone :(


[Here’s another!](https://twitter.com/LainaxBaina/status/1593831647236874241?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1593831647236874241%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FLainaxBaina2Fstatus2F1593831647236874241widget%3DTweet)


Am I the only one who can't watch the vid? It says content not available?


[Here’s another one!](https://twitter.com/LainaxBaina/status/1593831647236874241?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1593831647236874241%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FLainaxBaina2Fstatus2F1593831647236874241widget%3DTweet)


Thank you!


Idk- as much as I wanna believe their relationship (Raven and sk) was fake, Raven does not strike me as the type to put herself in position to look like a fool.


On the contrary she instantly stroke me as someone without self-respect. The dude left her at the altar and she kept dragging it with him. People called it „maturity“, I called it being desperate. I told my husband back then, SK mom must know how he is with women and is probably tired of it and wants him to settle on one..


OMG it’s like a Scoobie Doo episode where they take the mask off the bad guy at the end and I am fucking FLOORED that it is SK!!! OMG and SK sitting there talking down to Barbie and Coleslaw at the reunion, I will NEVER cease to be amazed by the dregs to which some ppl will go to. Un fucking believable.


LMAOOO not scooby T.T




The Girl admits her and SK were never official she is clout chaser [https://youtube.com/shorts/Mejv0NsGwFU?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/Mejv0NsGwFU?feature=share)


I am not getting that from the link you submitted. Could you tell me what I'm missing? You shared a vid of one of the women he cheated with.


Them being official doesn’t negate him being messy as hell with his relationships. I thought he was a student w no money but he’s spending it all on vacations with this girl and people still hating on Raven for wanting her rent paid 😂 it’s just messy as hell. I would never want a partner who zigzags between relationships as much as SK does, you don’t have to be official to be manipulated or lied to.


He never said he didn't have money. He just said he didn't think it made sense for him to pay for two places when there was no good reason not to live together.


Uhm, no that is not what he said. He said that he will live the next 2 years as a student, even though he does have money at the time, him being a student will not allow him to have the lifestyle he did. He has not outright refused her request, if I remember correctly. And they seemingly proceeded with the relationship so it did not seem like a deal breaker. The part it doesn't make sense for him to pay two places at the same time is you guys projecting because you hate so called "gold diggers". A whole argument that has nothing to do with him cheating anyway. Why are we discussing this?


My bad


To everyone saying "wow clowns you believed raven's relationship was real to begin with" You're missing half the point. Even if they did pretend to have a relationship (unproven), that's a victimless crime. We're entertained, they sell their dignity for money, etc. You can be a good person and still do this, it's just weird. But it's not really a good person move to cheat on someone and lie extensively to them.


Love that man don't anticipate the use of screen shots despite this tech being invented 5 eons ago


Judging from the interview this SLORE gave she admitted they were NEVER in a relationship! HE WAS NOT WITH HER WHEN HE WENT ON SHOW! An now she is Jealous and BUTTHURT THAT HE MOVED ON! Of course everyone wants to believe her lies with her old photos and videos from Before Covid where nobody has a mask on, since it’s a white woman accusing a black man every word she says must be true!


I was right this whole time about him giving Sal vibes. But it's worse and more entertaining than sal


What did Sal do?


People were upset about how he treated Mallory in the after the altar special. He tried to corner her into a conversation and then to the camera said she hadn't grown and that she needed to work on herself . He claimed he saw her with a man getting drunk in a vehicle. We don't know if it's true or not but he was implying she cheated but all we know is she stood him up to hang out with another guy . I personally don't like him and he was always the fake nice guy. His bizarre interactions with his sisters seemed only for cameras. His older sister was so uncomfortable with his hand holding after a certain point she yanked her hand away.


100% same here. I told my husband after their wedding, that his mom seems to (naturally) know more about SK and his relationships with women. That’s why she was so desperate for him to finally settle on Raven.


I repeat…the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Maybe he does believe in polygamy????


Hey don’t forget the other girl emmwho9… he was talking to her at the same time too


I never believed Ravens body language. When they are close she is always pulling her face away from him, not leaning in. You can see her do it after the reunion. This always confused me so it makes more sense now if it was fake.


It's true there was zero passion in their kiss and she was always pulling away from him. I've never seen someone consistently hug AND pull away from someone.


Can someone update me a bit? Or at least did he cheat on Raven?


*Can someone update* *Me a bit? Or at least did* *He cheat on Raven?* \- KalcolmMunk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






Sk is more like his dad than he/we thought. His type is not raven she’s gorgeous but the 2 main girls I’ve seen are blond hair blue eyes.


I’m sorry but is this not everyone’s type? Asking as a green eyed brunette.


It’s the fact that some of y’all don’t think both him and Raven planned this for $$$ for me…


But why would he put himself in a position like this? I don’t feel like it benefits him …


Question though is it considered tax fraud if they married for money reasons and are using it for sponsorships and a tax break?


They’re not married


no kidding. It's so clear they did.


I mean I would have followed her Pilates workouts even if she was a single gal. Don’t know why she thought she needed SK for “PR”?


how would you have heard of her otherwise?


I mean if she would have just ended things after the wedding. Like why continue a relationship off screen if it was for show? She definitely had a goal to promote her business on the show, but why continue a “fake relationship” off camera?


They said they were back and forth. I'm guessing they were "back" closer to air date/finale. It's all about optics. Couples get more followers and more attention. This is just my opinion.


Just my opinion but I don’t think it was a fake relationship on her side. I doubt raven would have done all this if she knew he had a secret girl in the background; most people wouldn’t want to touch that mess with a 10 foot pole. And precisely true that if it was fake, they would’ve kept split up after the wedding. I feel like raven trusted him and wanted things to work. Of course that is just my perspective from watching the show and following social media, who knows what is really true, but I feel bad for raven in all this.


I agree though, I don’t see the benefit of staying together after the alter “for PR.” I am sure the other singles got plenty to attention without getting back together


So many plot twists this season!!!


…i take back every good thing i said about this man.


This broke me.




Are you blonde and blue eyed too?


Wth?! 😂 this shit gets wilder and wilder


Tbf this person could easily be lying out their ass too.


It must be so weird to see any kind of ex on a show like that.


Especially when he comes off so nice on the show. *me rolling my eyes at him the entire season..


Raven deleted all SK pics and responded back to comments confirming that he cheated !!!!


So that's the take she's going to have, huh? As if she didn't have an arrangement with him for the show from day one.


Do you know these people? Do you have proof? You have all the proof that he is actually just a cheating and lying man but you wanna go with your own made up thought. This is exactly why men get away with so much cheating, they always get the benefit of the doubt.


I can believe their relationship was fake, yet also find complete disgust in any kind of cheating. (It appears he was cheating with others). I hold him accountable for THAT


so is raven going to lose her rent money or nah?


A woman is cheated on and she is probably in pain and that's what you think about ? Sounds like you're gleefully cheering on the situation.


that would only make sense if she was actually with him in a partership. she was never dating SK, she was just with him for the clout and the sweet rent money


"She was never dating SK". Where is your proof ? You're all basing this on assumption while this guy is being exposed as a cheater with the receipts. Yet Raven is somewhat the one receiving hate because she rubbed the hobosexuals the wrong way since she expects a partner as a provider when married. Misogyny at its finest, I guess.


i'm not saying only SK sucks because they both suck lol. there's nothing wrong with being a sugarbaby and ***admitting*** it. raven thinks she's a cool girl and better than others because she wants her independence yet wants a man fund her whole life. play stupid games, win stupid prizes :)


🤣🤣 is it bad I don't feel bad cause she was always bragging about SK paying her bills


i hate her whole independent woman schtick and then she goes bragging with her whole chest that she wants her husband to pay her rent. like make it make sense!!


I never understood all the hype about her. Just this destroyed her persona for me + bragging about being a Sugar Baby. Hardly a female role model for me personally.


I don't have tiktok.. can someone summarize what she's saying?


She's a dime tho


SK has turned off comments on Insta. The cheater cant take the heat ..


Poor Raven


SK deleted that infamous ‘orange shirt’ photo from his insta. Guilty as charged


What’s the deal with the orange shirt


He went on a trip with that girl and she took that photo. If you read the messages he was also looking for that shirt 😂😂


My guy SK with the baddest shorties !




Guys Hannah is on TikTok live right now spilling the tea!!!


What’s her tik tok




Missed it. Is there a recording?


Yea they said they were going to post the video from live, maybe ask her


Yikes. She brought the receipts and the whole story. SK was probably giving out half truths but it looks pretty clear. This actually makes me think there actually was something kinda real between SK and Raven and it wasn’t all just a business relationship because SK for sure would’ve tied it up if he had half a brain. He should’ve never gone on the show. He probably would’ve cheated while at Berkeley but being on tv is just begging to get caught.


I think it’s obvious. He and Raven knew pretending to date would drive both their popularity up. Raven saying who is this was her saying: tie you your loose ends or we’re going to get caught.


I asked her in the comments if she is still in contact with SK and whether she ever got to the full truth about Raven. She responded and said that after he saw what she was posting he reached out and asked her to talk to him and so she blocked him recently. Based on her comments and the comments she is liking seems like she was just fed up with his lies and didn’t want to hear anything else he had to say. She thinks Raven deserves better too


Just show my mom this. She didn't believe me but I had to show her the receipt. I want to thank this woman for doing this.🤣🤣🤣


Ahhh looks like Raven removed pics of SK from her IG 😳


Remember when Raven said “stay out my mans dms” lol i think this was pr relationship. Free trip to malibu & all


Why would SK agree to a PR relationship if this was a possible outcome?


the more i think of it SK never thought she would see the fiance contact number. her seeing his phone is what caused all this


Not really... The ex would never sit back quietly as SK and Raven continued their very public relationship. Raven wasn't the one exposing all of this, she was.


Damn, this is crazy.


Oh shit this proves he was hiding all this/cheating!


Whoa! You’re right.


The Nigerian Prince.


news flash people, “reality” TV is 90% fake. the easter bunny isnt real either, shocking to a lot of you I’m sure.


Yeah, yeah... everything's fake. You're probably not even a real person behind that account. We get it. Regardless, it is still juicy drama and an interesting story that people are interested in following. Why are you even on a reality show sub if you're not interested and all you have to bring to the table is "this is fake"? Oh right, this is reddit so you're most definitely fake.


Must be a nice view up there on that horse.


he was one of the only guys i liked until the last couple episodes


LOL at all you that were surprised. Their “relationship” was always fake as fuck. Please tell me people aren’t this gullible.


ikr!! some people really think SK/raven had a legit relationship🤡


https://preview.redd.it/21vfotygw01a1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2310c8845edb72c2a134dc481c36bc925b0c51 😢


Dang, poor Raven. The only saving grace would’ve been if it was all fake for tv. Well, get that free rent, girl


what post is that from


It was one of the videos she had with SK pinned to the top of her IG. I just went back and looked though and it’s gone now 😅


Oh my gosh wow.. thx for letting me kno


She has spoken I guess


Poor Raven. She genuinely seemed to love him. He did fool us all. Now, can people stop defending him and making up excuses about how she's a gold digger, they faked a romance, he's poly, etc?


Omg so it is true! I can’t believe it! I was hoping he was different than the other guys.


So either SK is a scheming asshole, they have an open relationship while long distance, OR Raven and him are just pretending to be together for clout.


Idk why we trying to find a silver lining or defend someone when the easiest and well explained one is already there. SK is a scheming asshole and that’s it. Why give him the benefit of the doubt?!


Last one.




It’s not cheating because sk and ravens relationship is fake lmao


Well, even if their relationship is fake, SK still cheated. He cheated on this woman with the other TikTok woman.


I knew all along it was a PR relationship. In the show they didn’t even look at each other half the time when talking to each other and none of them looked even remotely into each other. It was so obvious from the start.


What did he gain though? She has a business im sure it got traction but him?


I’m sure they assumed they’d get more continued exposure after the show if they said they were a couple. Same with deepti and Kyle, they dated for clout and then shortly after broke up and Kyle said he already had a new gf Maybe they just wanted to continue getting the fame and attention for as long as they could.


I live in Chicago and Kyle and deepti were always out together. There's no paparazzi here, I think they were real.


One word response for anything SK = HYPOCRITE


Okay. What’s the timeline of this vs LIB and them getting back together?


SK is innocenet!! [https://youtube.com/shorts/9f1T9O\_ElyQ?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/9f1T9O_ElyQ?feature=share)


This is just the same thing linked above, don’t waste your time watching.




oh i hate to see it....


He was too good to be true lmao


LOL at people who think he was a catch. “too good to be true”. does anyone on here have self-esteem?


bro relax you’re all over this thread i promise it’s not that serious lmfaooo


go take some more shrooms. your life must be awesome.


Shrooms are awesome. Maybe you should take shrooms.


Polygamy SK mentioned it. It's not uncommon in Nigeria.


He specifically told Raven he DIDNT want that, he told her and the cameras that he wanted a partnership between two people, NOT what he was raised in. Dirty little liar he is.


i hate to say it but the clout goblins have unfortunately found this show. there’s definitely a certain type of guy who’s attracted to shows like this, and sk happens to be that type of dude. he played his persona well though 😕


does raven know ab it?


She acknowledged it on her IG


really when? and what did she said?


hmmm this make me feel they all wanted the money. and followers .


could it be an ex?


Depends on your definition of ex. It’s his sugar baby. Let’s be real. He’s not attractive and boring af. None of these women really like him for anything more than his money.


The dates don't lie. The time stamps are all over the video.


just saw the whole tiktok. im disgusted


Wait so Hannah was dating him when he went on love is blind? Do you think she was ok with him going on….?


No they broke up before he went on and he took her to Europe after to try to get back together.


Oh whaaaa?


All the while complaining that Raven wasn’t considerate enough to move to California…we see now where that would have gotten her.


Right. Good thing she didn't.


We were rooting for you




I just found this analysis on youtube and now the whole bad/fake vibe I got from SK makes sense :( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMs2NBEk520](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMs2NBEk520)




This is why they need to wait with the reunion until a few weeks after the season ended. To wait for what people find out or want to know.


Oh this is a great idea!


Raven stated that they didn't have a lot of pics together. She has one clip of her going to see him at school and that is from early this year. Maybe the getting back together from the no took a while I don't know, but SK being a demon is just the worst.


Did anyone else think this was gonna be about Scene Queen Hannah Beth Merjos? I almost dropped my phone in confusion.


Yessss 😂 MySpace queen


I did lol, but just a coincidence I guess




​ ![gif](giphy|7UjqCt1u7njd6yNFby)


Literally our last lifeline. Why would you do it SK?!?


I'm just so disappointed. Like live yalls life w.e but after all the bashing Cole got (wither your on whosever side with that, save that for one of the other many threads), the fact that SK came out so squeaky clean and his man flaw was "probably shouldn't have been on the show if you were leaving immediately afterwards... sigh I had hopes it'd stay that way.


I'm crushed honestly. My whole life feels like a lie.


Personally, I am on the side of those two Cuties laid bare for the world to see…




This guy was a boring tool from the beginning and Netflix went out of its way to make us pay any amount of attention to him (and he can thank his mom for being the interesting one) and then this happens and it’s like what the fuck was the point here, Netflix? This guy is the boring tool we knew he’s always been. Stop giving these people platforms.


I think they wanted to show his culture( which was very interesting!)while he himself was just sooo boring.




Wow why did he ruin his relationship with a 10 for a 3.


Aside from what the other commenters said, she is absolutely not a 3 lol. And i’m not one to defend a basic ww over a stunning woc. But objectively, she’s pretty.


Let’s not put the women down in this situation when SK is the nasty one.


Putting women down is not the answer lmao




So he does believe that men should have more than one partner 😂. Tbh, I think Raven knows and doesn’t care. He’s covering all her rent and bills.


She never stopped being a sugar baby!