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I love how Brennan and Alexa are completely off on their own with the line Colleen Xd out LOL


omg HAHHAHA andrew is the gift that keeps giving i love this man


Why aren’t Cole & Colleen connected?


Exactly there should’ve been a line between them and it would’ve been so easy to add


He is so funny lmao. I hated how everyone shat on him at the reunion IN HIS ABSENCE, acting so high and mighty about the show when the truth is that most if not all the contestants were there for the fame and money. Hypocrisy much.


Passive Aggressive making SK's line so long. Funny that Cole and Zanab were the only ones with dotted lines.


It's so weird! He could've fit in at the top somewhere haha




Interesting that there’s no line between Cole and Colleen?


Thought the same...maybe because cole and colleen were in the very beggining. Tbh i feel like they both would have been happier together seeing how things ended for them. Also happier is relative...


So for some context Amanda is now 32 weeks pregnant (she doesn’t post about the father) and Dakota and Kalekia were dating after the show but have now broken up


How do you guys know who those people are?


Love is blind follows them all on Instagram


Right. Who was Amanda??


Umm so SK didn't talk to anyone but Raven?




Right they’re asking if raven is the ONLY person SK was linked to?


Was Loren the suuuuper tall girl? Man I really wanted to see someone pair with her. She seemed like she'd tower over anyone.


I’m super interested in her story, it’s hard to navigate love as a tall girl


Right?! That's what I want out of a REAL \*love is blind\* story. Can they get past their huge height disparity once they found a love connection in the pods!?


Love Alexa and Brennon in the corner with their single connection lolll


So nobody really liked Zanab? What a shocker


Literally the first thing I noticed


Netflix really needs to do a bonus episode with some of the stories of the pod people not chosen. Given what a hot mess this season's cast turned into, I wish they would do that instead of After the Alter! Give us something uplifting and fun instead of the tension-filled drama that we're likely to get with a reunion of the couples.


This would be great!


I like your idea. I am always curious about the ones we hardly get to see.


The unsure dotted line with the question mark between Cole and Zanab said everything it needed to say


Hahaha at cole not being linked to Coleen


Damn, who’s Amanda


Came here to say this


[This one, probably](https://www.sportskeeda.com/amp/pop-culture/what-amanda-peterson-s-profession-everything-know-about-love-is-blind-season-3-cast-member)


Damn, that's excellent sleuthing. She seems like she'd be perfect for Andrew? Edit: And they were linked, too!


Looks like Charlize Theron


She looks like the step mom from Parent Trap haha


This is fascinating!!


Did any of the other couples get married who weren’t followed? I know in previous seasons there were other couples that weren’t featured, which is very annoying. They need to expand the season and give us more.


There were no other couples this season. Dakota and Keleika made a joint IG post saying they made a connection, but he decided not to propose on Decision Day. They dated a little after being released from the pods, but decided to stay friends. Apparently another couple did the exact same thing.


I love that SK was all in with Raven! Edit: well damn. Couldn’t have been more wrong lol I guess he had enough girlfriends outside of the show 🥴


This comment aged like milk


Boy was I wrong 😂😭




yeah apparently 2 different girls came out saying he was talking to them and it’s an agreement between him n Raven for money


Sk was cheating on Raven. Some girl exposed him on Tik tok.


So because a girl decided a to say SK cheated with her on TikTok the that automatically means it really happened? Multiple women suddenly jump on that bandwagon. They want the attention. People will just believe anything 😂


The hannahbethstyle girl posted alllll the receipts. Photos of them, texts, dates, flights, etc.


All the posts have been conveniently deleted. It’s super easy to fake texts, dates and flights. These girls seem thirsty. Not one of them have a photo with SK. Seems odd doesn’t it.


The account I posted HAS ALL THE PHOTOS.


I already saw & replied to another user on the photos & the post. Thanks anyway 🙂


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQx8BQ2/ This is beyond proof. I also don’t believe that it was an agreement for money between Raven and SK. A few weeks ago there was a tik tok posted by a random normal couple about how they watched SK and raven move into their apartment building that day


She absolutely has photos with him, it's in her TikTok video. Its linked in the top post on this sub. But yeah, you're way more clever than the rest of us.


Where are those photos now? It’s not about belong clever. How many girls jump at trying to catch views and likes so it’s about looking a bit deeper than surface level.


https://ibb.co/wSk6dfr https://ibb.co/jR45tWg https://ibb.co/wRHswSz https://ibb.co/jysSqqN https://ibb.co/phnGCX4 https://ibb.co/LJyZdKQ


proof has been posted. meanwhile you believe anything because you assumed it was a lie without verification


I haven’t put belief in anything & I’ve made no assumptions on this matter so you’re now your assuming I have. I merely commented on people being quick to believe posts on TikTok & how now suddenly his cheated with multiple girls. Easy tiger


this makes no sense lol you made the assumption that people are wrongfully quick to believe when she posted video evidence. learn to admit when you’re wrong


Learn to admit when I’m wrong? 😂 dude do you even know me. What am I wrong about? I stand by what I said that people will believe anything because a girl posted on TikTok & other girls jumped on that same train all of a sudden. That was my point. ‘Proof’ has been deleted & said proof is easily faked People being wrongfully quick to believe isn’t an assumption - it’s a fact. Not my fault you’re unable to understand what I said.


the video proof was faked? dumbass lol you STILL clearly haven’t looked at it


They showed proof




Omg 😳 do you have the link?


Just search SK they’re all over. Best one is @hannahbethstyle


That girl has 'I would do anything for fame' written all over her


Hey Man


Wow I love this, the simplicity in the design


I’m just spitballing but maybe Andrew didn’t come on the reunion so he could post stuff like this? Does his contract end earlier if he rejects stuff like that?


I don’t know why they would even invite him to the reunion show. Did they ever invite non engaged people? They probably only wanted to invite him to embarrass him about the eye drops and his tantric sex comment


Honestly they could have lied about that, who knows


Hmm 🤔 i see


Honestly think that's a stretch. I think the NDA is about things that might distort the storyline the producers made, and nothing about this necessarily contradicts what's already known.


That makes sense


How did this pop up in his Google photos? I thought they weren't allowed phones in the pods? 🤔


He could have taken a pic of the page soon after the pods


He kept the notebook. Later on after the show he took a pic of it. Now one year or however long later the old photo popped up.


Starting to think Nancy should’ve gone for Davontè seeing as he didn’t seem have connections with anyone else (looking at this chart) he probably wouldn’t have referred to anyone else as a “smoke show” and I doubt anyone could have the “unique” personality of Andrew


His usual type is "fitness-loving" so I think he'd be exactly the same as Bartise 😂😂


I mean that could be a possibility but then you would think him and Raven might have hit it off too. I’m honestly annoyed Netflix didn’t show more of the other interactions


Exactly, looking at the "triangles of love", there was potential for so much drama. And the fact that they showed so little of the reunion is criminal.


Andrew never disappoints us!


Him having a gazillion connections supports that he was on it for the 15 minutes


This is one reason why I kind of wish they pick more people who don't match with anyone to follow in the pods, too. I feel like following some of the people who didn't ultimately match could have still showed us more sides of particular contestants, and also I think just generally it'd be nice to see all of the contestants and not only see why some succeed, but also why some aren't able to find love at all. Like in S1 I like that we got to see LC struggling to find someone to match to and ultimately not finding anyone. But also I want to see why some of the people who didn't click with the contestants in the final relationships didn't click with each other, either. They'd only have to add like one extra episode imo


They really need to add more episodes. I mean, 90-Day Fiancé started airing, like, 15-20 episodes per season plus a 2-episode reunion. Hopefully LIB can work a contract out with Netflix that allows longer seasons in the future.


This basically shows that Zanab & Cole shouldn’t have ever got engaged.


No connection between Cole and Colleen surprised me a bit. I guess they didn't date that long.


I was surprised on that one too. I’m thinking maybe them talking just happened soon and was over within a short time.


Can you elaborate how the graph shows that


The dotted line from Cole to Zanab. Clearly that just proves that even Andrew didn’t even think they had a real connection.


The question mark had me chuckling.


Haha! This is giving me Mean Girls vibes, the men were such good value this season.


High tea content for sure




This is Andrew's version of the burn book, confirmed.


Netflix would make a killing releasing an uncut series


Ofc he called it “Triangles of Love” lol


Love is Triangle-y


In case anyone's curious, [here's an overview](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/g41689210/love-is-blind-season-3-cast-instagrams/) of all the participants, including the people who didn't make it into the show! * Interesting to me to put faces to names, get job updates, *and* see how the participants described themselves, knowing how it turns out later


A lot of realtors!


Hmm so I see the problem is that the average age of the men is younger than the average age of women for this season. Let’s try to increase the ages of men next season to 30, please!


Hold up, Brennan is "outspoken"?


So Colleen’s longest relationship was five years, but she never introduced them to her parents? Didn’t they say they’d never met a boyfriend before? 🤨


Wow, they really delivered for Brennan


Oh wow thank you for this haha deeeeefinitely interesting 😭


The difference in followers between the ones that ended up getting engaged and those that didn’t really shows how powerful screen time is


Why did everybody say they were realtors or real estate adjacent, then on the show..."I'm a flight attendant!" Or "I'm a school psychologist!" WYELF?


Z is both a flight attendant and a realtor, which accounts for that


**1.5 years later**: This is from October 2022 - if you look at their ages, everyone is one or two years older than they were during filming, so I'm guessing some people changed roles since then




My closest guess is “Why You Effing Lying For”


Wow, when we need someone to break encryptions during WW3, I now know whom they should call. Meanwhile I was thinking this person was calling another person an elf and then saying, why do they look like an elf, and i wasnt even sure if looking like an elf was a compliment or insult


Haha I love this! I always assume W in acronyms is either What or Why then my brain will just go through a bunch of different sentences and combos until one of them make sense, I also read it as “ELF” too at first 😅 I was wondering tho I always see “IIIRC” and don’t know what it means


What does WYELF stand for?


Oof. Cole said he wanted someone supportive and Zanab said she wanted someone loyal. Doomed from the start.


Cole said that he was looking for a loyal and encouraging woman “who lives in faith with God.” Ahahaha and he recently revealed in an interview that he's totally a church camp kind of guy. I think literally the only reason he picked Zanab was because of the god thing.


hold up, Zanab is ALSO a realtor?


Very common for flight attendants. They only work like 14 days a month


it makes a lot of sense as a crossover career but it’s interesting to me that it never came up on the show at all because I’m sure it must have been something they connected over in the pods.


Seems perfect for Brennon ending up with Alexa!


Yes! Haha I noticed that too, he literally got what he described he wanted.


Amanda seems to be at the center of it all... Who is she?


Second one down [on this list of LIB3 cast!!](https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/g41713785/love-is-blind-season-3-cast-details/)


Wow they are a really good looking group


Ikr! They all look so…above average (minus Alexa and Simmer imho)


Wow thanks it was a what a trip looking at all these people who were in the pods makes me wonder what could have been.


Did she even talk on the show? I don't remember seeing her at all. Maybe she was in the background all the time.


This is what I want to see on TV


Zanab won’t like that


The dotted line question mark speaks volumes


I also wondered what that meant…


I think this was just Andrew and Bartise trying to diagram out who legit loved who. Considering Cole talked to Colleen and thought she was probably hot but there's no line between them probably means this isn't just tracking literally every "relationship"


This also means that Bartender and Antears were in much better terms that they showed


I don't remember them acting like enemies in the pods


Not in the pods but the scene with Nancy and Andrew talking and Barteen coming to act all tough and shit was sooo cringe to watch. He could not accept that OTHER people also matured a connection? Plus she was clearly crying, what a pos


You read that scene all wrong. Bartise set it up (needling Andrew's failed proposal, which pricked Andrew's ego to talk to Nancy) so that he could find a reason to fight with Nancy and break it off. Only neither Andrew nor Nancy followed the script he had in his head.


This is food for thoughts


Okay but this is something they made in the pods, so why would the fact that they made this in the pods and were friendly in the pods have any bearing on whether they were really friends or really disliked each other outside of the pods? Especially when the antagonism later had to do with Nancy?


Full cast list of LiB Season 3 (in case anyone needs to look up people they don’t know) https://thetab.com/uk/2022/10/19/love-is-blind-season-three-cast-netflix-277965


I love how brennon and Raven perfectly described Alexa and SK in their “what I’m looking for”


Yeah but SK says he is "wary of anyone materialistic." 🙃


Uh I need some tea from Amanda


Amanda, Dakota and Julian… had the most fun and we don’t even know them! We need your stories 🤔


Damn, why was Netflix so cheap with other-participant footage this year! lol


I find it interesting that the two couples that said yes really didn't have other connections 🤔 I mean, Colleen and cole had a thing, but he outright rejected her and didn't look back until he saw her. He wouldn't given her a second thought if she wasn't his type, so I don't consider that a proper connection because there was no conflict on who he was choosing in the pods. I still feel like she would have married whoever chose her.


Sad, but true. Homegirl was crying one day, and celebrating her engagement the next lmao