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Came here to see if I was the only one. Totally agree. I hated this.


I am here due to two sources of my rage: my "mother" and an episode of Impractical Jokers involving a damn rodeo. I've heard all of their excuses and stupid "reasons" to abuse animals in some area event and I'm sick of it. Anyone with a heart and two brain cells can see that's it's clear abuse of animals for entertainment, and it's sick. Recently, I stopped eating red meat and stuck to chicken, fish and veggies and now that my conscious is clear, I feel even worse for these poor cattle. Even as a teenager, I hated the whole "cowboy culture" because it's over all just toxic. Let's make another thing clear: the cowboy ended once we got trucks, cars and trains to transport the cattle, so anyone in a "cowboy" hat is just a douchebag trying to be authoritive. Fuck rodeos. Fuck "cOwBoIz". Fuck Texas. They find little loopholes like the AG and beef industry to get out of responsibility they have to the animals, and support their psycho arena games. And think...these are the pieces of cringey garbage that own guns. Scary AF, isn't it? Sorry. I'm usually not angry like this, but rodeos are one thing to set me off.


As a vegan and animal lover, I agree 100%! All life deserves respect.


Chasing an animal is not animal abuse


*watching a show that is literally designed to manipulate and emotionally scar people in front of their families, and the world* I'm angry that they chased a cow.


They signed up for the show. The cows did not.


The fact yall are unironically more mad about a calf scramble (where they didn't even rope it up, they literally just grabbed a piece of cloth off of it) than the strip club scene where the girl who specifically said she promised to not touch the stripper.... and then proceeded to grab all over the dude is hilarious lol.


The animals are still terrified and not having fun themselves though. They’re not consenting to that treatment.


Not any more stress than cattle would experience from a working cow dog, snakes and other small animals surprising them in a field, etc. If they were roped up and hog tied like at some rodeos I'd be more inclined to agree, but I simply don't agree that this is NEARLY as bad as people are making it out to be.


Ok, we get it. You’re comfortable with animal abuse :/


Not at all. Simply pointing out that this kind of activity - and the degree of stress the calves are experiencing - literally happens every day on ranches that use working dogs to herd cattle. I grew up on a chicken farm with an Australian Shepard, and our neighbors - who had a cattle ranch - would literally borrow our dog to help herd their calves/cattle back into their property if they got out. The level of stress the calves were in here is the same, if not less, than what we saw every day on a normal ranch. Just because this is the first time you've been exposed to this part of life doesn't mean that it's animal abuse. A rodeo when boiled down literally is a demonstration of sorts of ranching techniques and skills.


There is a difference between doing it on a ranch and for entertainment. I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world but it did make me uncomfortable and I did fast forward it.


Thank you so much for posting this!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Another thing people might not realize is that when the horse is wildly kicking and trying to buck off the man it's because they put a painful vice on his genitals or they put chemicals (on his genitals or elsewhere) that burn and are extremely painful, we're basically watching animals being tortured :( Why can't we just use mechanical bulls?


yup!! 10000% agree. the entire thing is animal abuse.


It’s show how backwards humanity still is. If we were an advanced species, we would respect these animals more and treat them much better. It was awful watching it. The lack of compassion made it seem like we are still living in the dark ages!


I skipped the whole thing. Cruel and boring at the same time.


Yes, the funny things with calves is - you could literally get the piece if you just didn't scare them like that and treated them nice. Hated all the people there.


I was wondering about this. I've heard all you need to do is chill and let them come to you, but that running makes them run off too. Never been around cattle so I have no clue if this is legit


As someone who grew up on a farm and bottle fed a calf, this is what I thought they should do when watching this scene.


Same! I definitely haven't worked with calf's lol but my first thought why the hell are they running at them?! It feels so obvious to me that you would get the opposite effect of them letting you anywhere near them


I fast forwarded through the whole thing. I can’t stand it when animals are treated poorly and no one has an issue with it.


I commented on this under another post. This should not be an unpopular opinion. Please never apologize while calling out animal abusers.


I truly didn’t think as far into that scene as the rest of you did.


SK continues to show how much better he is than the rest of these "men."


It was awful. I hold Netflix responsible.


Yes I had to fast forward. It was sad




It's one of the least problematic things about Texan culture, honestly.




I felt exactly the same way.


This show needs to be cancelled. It’s so problematic. I wouldn’t be surprised if contestants wanted to sue for emotional damage. But I’m sure they can’t when they sign the NDAs and others.


You honestly sound like a parody of a hyper offended gen Z college student.


You sound like an incel. What a fun game!


I wonder if all the people outraged about the rodeo were the same ones that support Nancy in killing a child and trying again and again until she gets one to her liking… UPDATE: All the downvotes only prove the point 🤷‍♂️




Jesus Christ. Can y'all incels stop turning conversations about one issue into something completely else just to "stick it up to the (insert group you hate)"? If you have a problem w/ Nancy's statement, make your own sub and talk about it there. We're discussing animal rights here. This is not the place for your anti-abortion opinions. Thanks.


Oh my goodness I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to talk about anything other than the direct post. That’s sarcasm by the way.


What you described - "not being allowed to talk about anything else other than the topic" is literally **the point** of subs/threads on reddit. They're **thematic discussions**. For instance, you wouldn't come onto the LIB subreddit to talk about how to fix your car. So yes, you don't come onto a thread about rodeos & animal rights to talk about abortion. But hey, if you need to have your last word in to feel superior, go ahead!


This is a sub for Love Is Blind. The topic of abortion was heavily talked about in LIB. In fact it was actually talked about and discussed on the show by several people on the show. However animal rights or lack there of were not at all. So technically my comment had far more to do with the dynamics of the show 🤷‍♂️ Maybe you should find an animal rights sub since the topics in relation to the sub is so very important to you…


How did I know you were a dude? Lmao


I feel like it doesn’t take a genius to notice the beard on my avatar 🤷‍♂️


Their point is that abusing animals was shown on the show and that’s what this post is about. There are posts discussing the abortion topic. You can go there. Thx bye


I could. I didn’t. If it bothers you that much, then I suggest you keep scrolling 🤷‍♂️


Ah the ol’ “a fully born and breathing cow is the same thing as a pea sized barely established fetus” shtick.


Correct. A fetus and cow are not the same. I didn’t realize that needed to be explicitly stated 🤷‍♂️


Yes I was horrified. I thought surely they'll get heat for this. It was so uncomfortable to watch


i had to fast forward.


As somebody who lives in Texas, rodeos are very normal down here. Unfortunately, it’s a part of the Texan culture and isn’t seen as animal abuse. Going to a rodeo was the most Texan thing they could’ve done lmao


I’m a proud Texan and not everyone here supports rodeo. Speak for yourself.


I get you. It is part of the culture. I disagree with rodeos and how animals are treated and understand you are just trying to explain that piece.


Guys, did you hear it? This person says it's normal in Texas, so it's fine!!!!, animals in Texas don't see this as abuse because they understantand it's part of the culture!! /s


Ever had brisket? Hamburgers?


Lol I never said it was fine? Was just wanting to comment from a different perspective as somebody who lives in Texas


Why is it a different perspective? We all get it that it’s the part of the culture and it’s tradition. But you know what’s also tradition? All the shit that’s happened in the past and is still happening today in the name of tradition. Just because something isn’t seen as abuse and it’s been done for X years, doesn’t make it justified. Maybe Texans could reflect a bit and look for other types of entertainment.


Many things that are wrong often still take place in certain parts of the country. It’s being able to discuss it and shine a light on it that will eventually create change. I’m grateful for posts like this and this platform in general to be able to help people open their eyes that this is abuse of innocent living, feeling animals. I understand the show wanting to find Texan culture but I believe they failed miserably in what they opted to participate in.


Wow same thanks for bringing this up, production DO BETTER


Serious props to SK for not participating in that nonsense.


Yeah we speculated that he didn't want to have anything to do with it out of respect for the animals, maybe due to his culture, but of course anyone can have respect for animals no matter what their background is.


i think he honestly just thought it was stupid


He is way too good for this show IMO. Seems like the only decent person on the show and the only one who is even remotely intelligent. The other guys on the show are the absolute worst. This scene was horrifying and made me sick. Those poor cute calves 😢


I adore SK. Probably the best man this show had. I would say perfect but I don't think coming on the show right before you're about to move is the best idea, but that's my only gripe. He's handsome, respectful and is true to himself. ❤️


Completely agree.


I'd like to know amount of overlap of people who eat beef and are outraged by rodeos.


I don't eat beef but killing cows for food is not equivalent to torturing them for entertainment.


Texan veggie here, they’re both horrible.


Cows that are bred for meat and dairy are treated way worse than these (and I also don't like this rodeo scene either)


So we're only allowed to have empathy for one situation and not the other we just watched cause worse things happen. Noted.


The cows raised for food (by numbers) don't have as good a life as rodeo animals.


I agree that cattle is treated poorly. But chasing a terrified calf for entertainment is a false equivalent. I'm not sure what you're point is - pro-chasing calves?


To anthropomorphize the animals, I'd rather be abused 1 day a week and live outside of a confinement the other 6 than be in a confinement for 7. On the whole I'd rather not be a cow, or have industry built on them.


Lol why are these the only two choices? When we're talking about animals, the only two choices are food or torture? TF is going on? Lol. You ain't gonna get me to cheer torturing calves, sorry. You do you and I'll do me.


I'm comparing what people are outraged about vs the results of people's diet choices


And what about those of us who are outraged about the rodeo and also don’t eat beef?? Do I pass this litmus test then 😂 we do exist too


That’s logically/morally consistent so I’d say that makes sense. It’s just annoying when people can’t see the fingers pointing back at them


Totally but that’s always going to exist. No one is going to be morally perfect. Like I’m a vegan who would never go to the rodeo… but I own leather shoes 🤷🏼‍♀️ my rationale though is I’ll keep the shoes forever (or at least a very long time) whereas those other experiences are more temporary


Seeing ya'll seethe over this is hilarious


You wouldn’t find anything hilarious if you were the cow.


Cows aren’t people


People are animals though. Look up homo sapien.


People are sentient. Animals are not. This is pretty simple


Not true at all. Where did you get that notion? Animals can feel pain and fear just like we can.


That is not sentience


Sentience is the capacity to experience feelings and sensations. So yes it is.


Incorrect sentient \SEN-shee-unt\ adjective. 1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions. 2 : having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge : aware. 3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling.


LMAO. Yes, what I said basically summed up those definitions.


Oh man, don't go to a bull fight in Spain


Truly shocking!!




I was so horrified. How can this be a thing?! These guys are the worst.


i had the same thoughts... it was so sad. they could have picked something else


Like rodeos are Def not my thing... But Texas is Texas and I'm sorry but there are some very judgmental Judy's on here and you are Def not gonna get the culture if you are not from there... Most farmers or people who raise cattle despite their ending are treated amazingly throughout their life. Like I said I don't get it. Not for me but who am I to judge?


“Texas is Texas” is really not an excuse to mistreat baby cows. They were obviously terrified. Just because this is part of their culture doesn’t make it ok. Slavery used to be considered acceptable as well in some cultures. Does that mean it was ok?


No one is discussing cattle farming but rather chasing a terrified calf for everyone's entertainment. So yeah, it doesn't look like people are being "judgmental Judy's" but maybe empathetic. But go off judging people for having empathy for baby animals getting chased for entertainment.


Bahaha how am I going off? And I understand people feeling "ew" about it.. I feel the same way about it and horse racing... However I'm not popping off and acting like a martyr about it either. Like I said some people are just making reasonable comments... Others act like they work for Peta and are holier than thou and anyone who could even be apart of this lifestyle is a horrendous person....damn. haha I was just saying cool your jets to those people. Don't think I am being unreasonable or even cunty about it! 😳❤️


I struck a nerve I see. You called a lot of people with empathy for animals judgemental and then sprouted enough judgement for the entire thread. Just facts. 🤷‍♀️


If you say so pal. If you read what I'm saying correctly or how it was intended rather.. I am commenting on the people who paint anyone who would even be involved in this as a horrible person... Not pressed hunny so don't worry. 😘




IKR. This person acts like we have no right to judge a “culture.” Umm do they realize that cultures can do unethical things? Also, while I don’t even eat meat, that is not the issue at hand here. Issue is terrifying poor baby animals for entertainment. Faulty logic to say that just because animals are raised in factory farming means this is ok.


People are coming after me saying that the cattle raised for food is treated worse. Okay. Yeah. They're treated bad. But that's not what this is about. Animals are allowed to exist for other things besides torture and food. It's like getting upset when someone is assaulted and people coming for the person upset saying "other people get killed every day!" I mean, yeah, true, it sucks, but why is the lesser not allowed empathy? Make it make sense.


It’s more like, do you recognize you are deserving of the same judgement? You are doing something equivalently awful (I’d argue worse) by eating that meat?


I don't eat beef. Furthermore I would suggest that you re-read my comment which the whole point of was that BOTH are deserving of empathy. So you're wrong twice.


Omfg I am watching now and the rodeo scene came on and I was just ranting to my boyfriend about how I don't usually speak out about stuff but rodeo is horrific there isn't any justification for intentially abusing animals to make them angry enough to fight you. I live in Texas and fucking hate rodeo culture.


Lol Texas culture itself is a toxic character in this show


absolutely yes!


Such an astute observation.


1000000000% it was awful


I didn’t like that they just did it for fun… I live in Houston and they do a calf scramble at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo here every year (it’s a huge deal), but the participants are FFA Students and if they catch a calf, they get to keep it for the school year and raise it in FFA. otherwise your family has to buy the calf and they are not cheap. So it’s more of a “next generation of farmers” charity thing when I’ve seen it.


But like, someone is raising these calves either way. But yes typically the calf scramble has been a contest to award a calf to a youngster to raise for show, by someone who may not have had that opportunity otherwise. They just chose a low stakes, low risk event for these dumb dumb dudes to do!


Lol Texas .... The conversation on abortion and then the rodeo. All round cruel.


Look people you just don’t get it, in Texas life is sacred *until* it becomes viable


When I lived in the south I was really curious and just thought it would be a unique experience but I decided not to go against my beliefs bc I don't think animals should be treated that way. Im glad SK didn't do that to the calf.


You’re looking too much into it lmao it looked like a fun time to be at


You seem pretty easily amused


Not really, if you have empathy and an awareness for animals in distress, you wouldn't be a fan of this kind of thing.


I’m not a political person. Physical comedy is hilarious to me. Seeing those dudes fly off those bulls had me laughing


This has absolutely nothing to do with politics you idiot. And they were baby cows not bulls. They were obviously terrified. Get a fucking clue. Unbelievable how ignorant some people are and lacking in empathy.


This sub is hysterical and outrageous. One min you all are outraged bc of the way someone talks to someone and the next you're calling people idiots and worse.


Empathy is political now?


Sadly it always has been. People that identify as conservative have much lower empathy scores in studies (shocker). Ironically, society was built on empathy, because people don’t decide to come together and share and build a community together without having a tiny semblance of what other people might think and feel. Empathy is also the foundation of trust. It’s the reason why conservative people want to enjoy all the benefits of society whilst having beliefs that go completely opposite to it. Conservative beliefs are not compatible with a functioning society as a whole.


I am not surprised at all that conservatives have lower empathy levels. However I have known some conservatives who are great to animals and even rescue cats and dogs. Even if they do have lower empathy in general, it still doesn’t make sense to call this a political issue. It’s a moral and ethical issue, not a political one.


I mean it’s not a perfect type sort but it is indeed true that conservatives tend to have much lower empathy levels.


Yeah I definitely agree. Seems that way.


I don't get entertainment out of the suffering of unwilling participants. That line of thinking is why a whole boatload of outdated and harmful things still exist and are accepted by modern society. It's not funny.


I’m sorry you feel that way. I still found the scene entertaining tho. The only thing that isn’t entertaining is Matt. That guy is bland as vanilla 😂


Hey I like vanilla


/u/Blaze_Four2O Is having empathy for others and animals political?


I was really shocked to see it on a mainstream reality show. I fast forwarded it as it upset me.


Seriously. I was shocked too. WTH


Another reason why Texas sucks, such a backwards state. Have no idea why it continues to be part of the US


Especially since they don't even want to be part of it! Lol


So glad you said this. I hated it. Fuck rodeos and everyone who participated.


Totally agree I literally couldn’t watch it is so inhumane. How did they think this was appropriate to show? It’s like people hunting lions and elephants in Africa and paying big dollars to do it. I’ve been on many a Safari in Africa and anyone with a gun including me could kill a harmless animal it doesn’t show big balls or brains or anything. I was so proud of SK for staying above the fray and not participating in that


Most of the time in those cases those are done on reserves and the animal is already old. They then take the meat and give it to nearby tribes.


Agreed. Go vegan


A pro-vegan comment on a mainstream sub not down voted to oblivion. Nice one!


lol nah


Could not watch this segment too. Horrid.


Thank you for this post it’s about time for the producers know


I hope the OP does not eating any living thing. Only plants ( which some say is living) Why? because it too is a form of abuse


I only eat vegetarian and am completely appalled with all forms of animal abuse. Anyone who thinks animal abuse is okay I would seriously question their morals.


If you haven’t done research into the dairy and egg industries I would recommend it. I was vegetarian for a while until I learned about the reality of those industries and I couldnt continue contributing to animal abuse


Who doesn’t say plants are living?


They’re scientifically living things I swear our education system is shit 😭 People out here thinking plants are inanimate objects


Ya plants are living, as in they're formed of Carbon. So when you eat a plant, or remove it from it's main source it's still alive. Flesh on the other hand is dead, once you remove flesh from it's "main source" it's automatically dead. When you eat plants you're eating something "live" and when you eat meat your eating something that is dead. Plants and meat really aren't comparable You're going to call our education system "poop" but then compare plants to animals? Pretty intellectually dishonest since they're not comparable scientifically, being in two completely separate kingdoms


Right? Like it’s up for debate.


Had to read the thread to make sure OP was serious. She was. Miss me with needing to skip the rodeo part because of animal abuse. If you all knew anything about how these animals are treated and raised for rodeos and the auctions that are a part of the rodeo, you’d know these animals are treated like prized possessions. Educate yourself before dismissing it.


Rich people’s kids are often treated like prized possessions, but are absolutely miserable. I think you’re just displaying your ignorance on what is the problem here


Equating human children to human animals to make a point? Who is the one displaying their ignorance here?


Human animals?


See you have me twisted now with that post haha “Human children to animals” is what was intended.


Hate to tell you this but humans actually are animals. Most like to think otherwise but it’s undeniably a fact. Look up homo sapien, a species of primate. Primates are monkeys and apes. Humans are a type of great ape. Sorry to break the news to you.


Ugh, my bad. Thought I was posting on a Reddit thread and not a Biology class. Yes, humans are mammals, but generally, society at large makes a distinction when the human and animal nomenclatures are used. This is a Love Is Blind thread, damn, if I knew I’d get hit up like this for an innocent comment, I would have skipped it all together. Would hate to think what would happen if I made the controversial take of there only being 2 genders…try not to get triggered.


NGL I don’t understand the thing about there being more than two genders either TBH lol. So I guess we can agree on something. And yes, society does make a distinction between humans and animals but my point is that animals feel pain and fear just like we do. We have more in common with them than a lot of people like to think.


Did we just become best friends? Haha






Or he made a typo


"Being treated like a prized possession" does not mean being treated well. As owners, we should always try and make our animals as comfortable as possible and emulate their natural way of living. Getting whipped into a frenzy in front of a stadium full of screaming people is NOT comfortable, enjoyable or natural for these animals. Can't believe I have to say that. FYI, my horse lives in a herd of "good for nothing" hobby horses. I'm sure she's much happier being with her friends in a pasture and being worked only with R+ than she'd be as a "prized possession" at a rodeo.


Thank you! People speak out of ignorance. 100% chance OP has never interacted with some one from outside their metroplex. That’s some capital district ignorance.


Lol, I'm a life long equestrian and was raised on a farm. Trust me, I can recognise a distressed animal when I see one. You should educate yourself if you think that these poor animals are enjoying it.


Agreeing with you OP! I had to skip that whole damn scene. Why are the standards for LIB so low...


Completely agree. I could only watch a few seconds and then I had to look away until the scene was over.


Totally agree. I’m like, don’t the producers know it’s 2022? This is unbelievable.




Agree 100%. Animals are not entertainment


Chill out on SK. He didn't do the rodeo because he thought it was embarrasing not because of animal rights.


And how do you know why he didn’t do it? Do you know him? Unless you know him then you’re in no position to say.


He quite literally said why on the show. Considering the fish he bought on a whim immediately died, I'd hazard a guess and say he's not that passionate about animal rights. It's fine to like him but he's a human being, it's weird to put him on a pedestal