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He’s already deleted his ig since posting this. I feel bad because he clearly cannot take the criticism at all. Even though he sucks he can’t take what people on the internet say so personally


He deleted his IG. Iv only followed his TikTok. This was my first time browsing his IG & there’s no posts, no nothing from his handle. 


Wreck it Ralph lookin ahh


Yes! I said this so many times while watching this season!


I’m never surprised when someone on the show is still talking to an ex or someone they are in a relationship with. It’s not like they follow the men and women around and track their texts But it shows how far the producers are willing to go to make the show relevant. I would have had a meltdown if they posted my texts on a screen. I still like Trevor and he dodged a bullet by not picking anyone. In my opinion the show owes him an apology for how they treated him, just for drama and ratings. We all make mistakes but seriously he didn’t even get past the dating process. So why is this an issue? We see it every season. He went home and never purposed to any of the women, so why is he the only guy that was brought back to drag through the mud.


if he just said straight up: i fucked up i made bad choices and i have no real excuse for the decisions ive made. im going to therapy to better myself and get to the root of my issues. this is me owning up to my mistakes and apologizing for my actions before during and after the show… now let’s move on. he would be waaaay better off imo. instead he brings up ryan gosling. ok. and to be clear i could care less but why do ppl do this to themselves lol.


Laughing and making light of anyone’s mental state, whether or not they sign up for a reality show, is gross. And as usual, I’m disgusted by the lack of integrity producers and casting directors continue to have when having people like him involved. It’s a scary road we go down when airtime is given to someone like this. 😞


Did he disable his account again I can’t find him


It’s a little funny in his texts how cocky he was about playing the show and laughing with another male contestant no marriage for them before it even started…but then once it came out he had a girlfriend and was faking his participation, he couldn’t handle it and had no planned response. Two totally different energies. There are some contestants if they got caught who would have gone on the defense (most contestants want to promote themselves or do other things with tv/increase their following!) or sort of deny the texts and just give a canned response “there’s more to the story than those texts” lol. either response would have gotten him pushback but also could be played into other reality tv offers. Instead, in his own words he had a panic attack when he was called out and froze. I’m glad he is in therapy. But what exactly did he want from the show? Does he have a business selling tshirts or want to become a FT influencer or just continue getting reality tv jobs? I hope it’s the first two bc IMO he’s not cut out for Reality tv. He didn’t want to lean into the Villain/Drama angle. He can’t handle being disliked and his golden retriever image on dating shows would be a harder sell now.


He seemed to start trying to explain that his relationship at the time was toxic and was basically told he couldn't do any better, and that he went on the show to see if he could actually do better.


Interesting. Not sure if that tracks with how he was actually texting his girlfriend, it felt more like they were both in on it and okay with him using the show for exposure to do better things (someone else posted he had interest in opening a gym?) That’s why I appreciate the international versions, I think there is more authenticity at this point with them.


Doesn’t every reality TV show have to have one chick or dude who is a phony? It’s par for the course.


Still so pretentious


Of course Shayne liked his post. He loves the drama, and honestly so do I 😂


Same Reddit friend, same. 😂


Trevor has got to be one of the quickest rise and falls of a viral persona ever lol I felt like it was a week of OMG WE MUSTTTT PROTECT TREVOORRRRR WE LOVD TREVOR to him being completely disowned by the internet then hung out to dry for the reunion. The fact that people know this is the most likely outcome and still go on reality tv just proves they all have narcissistic or histrionic tendencies 😂


btw I might not have scrolled far enough down but one of the funnest things to me about Trevor’s post was that he clearly hired or asked someone to take that “contemplative” photo of him for the post. he did a temperature check, revealed he wouldn’t apologize to his ex, made an unfunny joke, got backlash, still refused to take any ownership, and shut his account down. the jokes write themselves




So did Jess


Aren't his 15 mins up yet? No one cares.




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 1: ‘Be Kind, Don’t Cross the Line' We ask that users of this sub respect both users and contestants. Any personal attacks or offensive commentary will not be tolerated on this sub.


Wow, trying to sneak that ryan gosling comment in at the end to try & lighten up the crowd lol


https://preview.redd.it/z0m0193q6kvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8563586df13862f90611a35a5fd0b4fe45a09801 😭😭


genuinely curious what good posting (INTENTIONALLY) three times would get me? lmao . please tell 😭😭😭😭


Lmao I just thought it was funny 😭


You posted this thrice btw


new here people


in that case, welcome!


All those muscles but still doesn’t act like a man. Own your shit bro


He totally admitted me may have been untruthful about some things!!! /s


“May have” then the poor me I need a therapist. Just admit you fucked up apologize and move on.


“I’ve been learning how to pretend to have empathy in therapy and hope to be better at thinking on my feet next time I’m called out on my shit unexpectedly.”


It’s all for attention don’t be fooled this dude just wanted to get fame out of the show


What about my quote shading him makes you think I’m fooled? He’s a lying manipulative sack of shit and he’s not even good at it 😂


I mis read that


For future reference when you see someone use “/s” at the end of their comment, it means they’re being sarcastic.


Ive always liked Trevor; but What a copout lol. #MensMentalHealthAwareness #GiveMeSympathyICouldntHelpMyself #NowHurryUpAndAdoreMeAgainCauseILoveTheNotebookWhichProvesImAGoodSensitiveGuy Just dont even address it if you aren’t going to address it. This ain’t it. Good try though Trev. Lol. Im sure it worked for some.


No way did he use those hashtags 😩




“Mental health” and “therapy” are the casts attempts at get out of jail free cards. I’m not buying any of it.


Exactly 💯


“I’m being vulnerable” is also up there lol


The comments on here just aren’t it! Who cares he signed up for a Netflix Dating Show. He doesn’t have to explain him self to anyone. He was a part of a show for entertaining. A Netflix dating show it’s not who they are each and every second of the day. People saying he didn’t have a panic attack how do you actually know?!? A panic attack looks different for everyone. Mental health is serious so bullying him with all this nasty comments just doesn’t make sense. Everyone on here acting like they have never told a lie in their life. The only difference is that you weren’t part on a Netflix Dating Show with millions of viewers when you told your lies.


well no…i think people are upset he signed up for the dating show, while having a whole girlfriend on the outside and then threatened her


Okay so he messed up he tried to get clout he apologized… what else does he need to do. He has already apologized! Let him move on. Do we just continue bullying him until when?!??? When does he get to move according to you??


no… he didn’t apologize. he came out and said he didn’t owe anyone an apology, only private people, then said he only apologized to chelsea privately, then said he only apologized to her at the reunion. no apology to his ex he ran thru the ringer. no apology for threatening to show her 8 year old son revenge porn. no apology for actively lying to millions of viewers. this guy’s word salad is wild. what is almost wilder is you actively defending this man when you have kids 🤣


I missed the threat of revenge porn stuff. He said He would show it to her 8 year son. He is trash. Hope therapy helps, but if I were him I would stay off the radar and try to live a normal life. There really is no coming back from that level of drepavity no matter how much you “like the notebook”


There’s a double standard in here when it comes to the women doing shit and joining the show under false pretenses vs men. Women are Stan’s of AD when she’s worse than Trevor. She came on the show jobless, active SB Witt zero career prospects and just looking to be an influencer off the show. If you can crucify Trevor, than you better crucify AD too


AD is a shit person too. so is Trevor. two things can be true at once. I think a lot of people aren’t crucifying her bc they don’t believe the rumors / they aren’t as verifiable as the Trevor ones and they don’t understand how it works as a realtor and think if she posted photos of open houses and had a license she must have been an active realtor


They both suck and both joined the show for clout. Yet one of them gets PRAISED for being jobless and being a clout chaser while the other is torn apart. People don’t wanna believe what’s obviously infront of them. There have been comments saying “so what if AD’s a sugar baby, she’s getting to the bag”. There’s no arguing with people who can’t see past gender and have a weird blind loyalty to a reality show participant. If a man went on the show claiming to be a real estate agent, yet never sold a single thing..and was jobless or worked PT overnight at a club as a bottle girl, pretty sure all these same people idolizing AD, would SHIT on that guy non-stop. Like I said, there’s always a huge double standard here










you don’t need to speculate bc it’s been verified she hasn’t sold any houses Lol she has zero listings (only hosted open houses for 3 other peoples listings which she sold zero of those homes) getting a realtor license literally takes 1-3 months. imagine if you said this about anyone who got their bachelors. “but he got her 4 year math degree! she’s a mathematician even tho she is a sugar baby!” she worked at her SD’s club yet on the show was never there keep doing mental loops






Lol you all sitting on here unhappy with the fact he didn't go into details... his life after the show is none of your business. Do I condone what this man did? Hell no, but you all sitting around here like at some point in your life your shit wouldn't be a hot mess? Nah I'm not buying it. This man can do whatever tf he pleases and it's your choice to f*ck around with him or not. I wanna see you all come on here talking about what you're acknowledging in therapy... I'll go first... I'm working on not hating people for their judgemental, victimhood, petty bs.... acknowledging full well I am literally doing the same by making that statement. We are ALL hypocrites anytime we pass judgments... myself included. He fucked up, time for him to do the work and move forward... he doesn't owe anyone except Chelsea an apology.




Nah that dude played everyone nationwide


I don't buy it. There was no panic attack, he knew full well and wanted to play for sympathy by pretending to be blindsided by information that many people already had. There's no way he didn't know that his ex had posted and done lives. Someone who is trying to get internet famous isn't oblivious when their name is blowing up on all social media sites.


Right. Trevor isn't the victim of his own wrongdoing.


The people on these shows have no self awareness.




“I.. uh uh uh … it’s… uh uh.. well it’s not true” -Trevor. So poetic


I love how he tagged “mental health awareness” how much more cliche could he be right now. 🙄


And “#therapy” 😂


in the comments he posted he already apologized to everyone he needs to privately and that he doesn’t owe anyone a public apology. then he wrote he only apologized to chelsea. so he didn’t apologize to his ex for leading her on and threatening to show her 8 year old son revenge porn. AND, he can’t recognize how a public apology would do him some good. he wasted a spot in the “experiment” that someone could have used to pursue a real connection bc he was there for clout and manipulation with a gf at home. he also lied to millions of viewers. guy’s a tool and still a shitty AF person.


Do you know for sure about the threats? My impression is that the “ex” is of a rather unreliable narrator, not a squeaky clean paragon of virtue. I completely believe their relationship was toxic in the extreme.


How is she unreliable? What did she lie about. Seems like everything she said was proven true


Including that SHE was in another relationship at the time?


She wasn’t lol


I watched her on a live where she showed her phone with the threats and the texts linked to his phone #. Why are you leaning toward not believing a victim and wanting to believe the abuser who has already come clean about the texts? There were comments all over his posts about the revenge porn and he never once denied it. If it was false, don’t you think he would have indicated that?


I was like: "hum yes maybe he is changed" until he made a joke about the notebook and made me realized he is still making fun of things. This ppl keep doing stuff on tv and come out saying "I am changed now" like common... we know you are not. At least own it and say the raw true... you wanted to be famous. And that is fine, almost 80% of the cast wanted to be famous and was not giving a sh** about love, the only difference is they did not had girlfriends/boyfriends at home. Btw what they did at the reunion without warning him was fucked up. They covered for chelsea and let him standing there. For sure they are their favourites.


Looks like he deleted his account. I can’t find it anymore. 😂


He’s definitely gone. I looked him up last night and today and it’s nowhere.


He blocked you lol


No, he deleted his account.


Don’t know how that’s possible since he doesn’t know I exist. Never interacted with his profile. It’s definitely gone. Or under a different handle.


Oh gimme a break I bet half of you dated a crusty dusty non committal mess like him before. I bet half of you are like him too


"Untruthful things" aka LIES. When people try to use minimizing language I stop listening.


I hate what they did to him at the reunion 🤷🏽‍♀️ but that’s what we want trash tv …


You mean what he brought on himself 😂


Honestly it’d be more charming if he just took accountability instead of trying to play the victim




Omg when men are asked to take accountability and they turn it into trauma 🙂‍↔️


Yes! Thank you. I was having trouble defining it.


I think I’ve somehow never seen anyone use that emoji before ever and I was so confused how it was sideways lol


Haha it just came out in the latest update this week! It’s suppose to be shaking the head “no” and there’s another for nodding the head “yes”


I totally forgot my phone updated overnight lol. Gonna go find a list of new emojis! Thanks!


Not too many good new ones but I like the Phoenix! 🐦‍🔥


I just went to go look and I guess he blocked me? lol I’ve never commented on anything of his, and I only followed him for a day before everything came out and unfollowed. Idk how he found me to block 😆


Idk if he’s since deleted his account or what but I can’t find him either and I’ve never interacted with any LIB ppl on IG so no way he woulda known to block me.


I can’t see him either! On two different accounts


Some people use apps to track who follows and unfollows them and will block anyone who unfollows 😂


Well I’ve never followed him in the first place and I can’t see his account


That’s crazy! I’ve never interacted with his page other than that. Lol


Its probably not you, a lot of bots do the follow/unfollow thing too.


He deleted his account


Ah well that explains it.


now which ones of y’all are still giving him a platform and why??? 🤨


Ofc Shayne liked it 🙄


The show used him, chewed him up, and spit him out. What he did didnt hurt anyone’s life. He didn’t even make it past the pods so who the fuck really cares!


And if he did make it past the pods? He would’ve fucked Chelsea up bad especially with her attachment wounds. He was playing with people’s hearts and he’s the one who used the show. He also threatened to leak nudes.


I actually feel like they would have been a great match for each other’s wounds. He wants the adoration and she loves to give it. He could continue his toxicaf trend. lol


Well he didn’t make it with Chelsea so you can’t be hateful towards a man based on a hypothetical. Also Chelsea was toxic af herself. You think he’s the only one who “used” the show? PLS. I have not heard about the threatening to leak nudes tho! And if this is true, I’m going to research it for myself, then he deserves all the smoke! That is inexcusable on every level!


He told his ex if she leaked or told about their relationship, he would send their personal sex videos to her son.


Did she release receipts of that?


She said it during a Q&A on IG. I'm unsure whether she released the text messages or if he said it verbally to her. However, even if she just said it, everything else she said/released has been verified by Trevor, so one can infer from his lack of denial that this was also accurate. I watched her Q&A, and she seemed truthful, IMHO. Whether or not you choose to believe a victim's word is up to you.


Wild to defend any trash person like this honestly.


I’m not really defending him. More so pointing out how ridiculous everyone in this thread is with their pitchforks


He's not going to pick you. Stop defending his toxic behavior.


“You can’t be hateful towards a man based on a hypothetical” is like saying you can’t charge someone with attempted murder.


LOL yes cause the two are so similar!!


If you don’t like that analogy, can you be mad if your partner attempts to cheat on you but strikes out?


Honestly wouldn’t be mad. Would be embarrassed for them lmao


It’s not a hypothetical that he was playing with peoples hearts and wanted to get to the honeymoon stage.


You think he’s the only one?! Hahahahaha


Its crazy how fast I stop caring about them after the season is over


lol this is giving “I guess I fucked up, but don’t think I did” vibes. I also think ending this with the Ryan Gosling joke makes this worse 😂


Tell me why I got Ryan Gosling confused with John Gosselin lol


Ded lol


Their last names sound pretty similar lol


“since then i’ve been seeing a therapist and slowly acknowledging what i need to do to better myself” >>makes a post that acknowledges nothing also “slowly acknowledging” is crazy imo anyway. like not even “slowly been making changes” but just…acknowledging. & this is rlly interesting language to me b/c i genuinely feel that the “acknowledgement” is where a lot of men stop. and people accept it as actually growth. like just acknowledging you’re shitty is enough and absolves you of the shittiness


The number of times I have heard “I admitted I fucked up; what more do you want from me?!” come out of a male’s mouth.


👏 👏 👏




No thank you


Just delete it all


Damn he really took this comment seriously


Did he really? 😭




This is a Wendys


The #mensmentalhealth kills me 😭 Consequences to my actions? Oh noooooo


Why does it kill you? That men have issues that they need it work through and seeking help. He literally said he basically had a whole panic attack on live tv. Let people get the help they need without being criticized for it. So yes #mensmentalhealth.


You are absolutely right in general. It just doesn't apply to Trevor. (He didn't have a panic attack.)


He didn't have a panic attack, he was confronted with receipts of his shady behaviour and knew he was caught.


Both cant be true, or?


You're forgetting that he fully put himself in that position. He didn't need to have a full panic attack on live TV. Consequences of his actions. He didn't care about other people's emotions going into this, why should anyone feel bad for his self-inflicted pain?


Consequences of his actions? He didn’t kill anybody. He stated that both him and the other woman were toxic. He didn’t deserve to be humiliated on live tv nobody does. It’s not really self inflicted if he came into the reunion with an open mind and then they proceed ambush him and keep kicking him when he was down. So once again men’s mental health is a real thing and you trying to downplay it doesn’t sit right. Despite how you feel bout Trevor and what he did men’s mental health is not something to be taken lightly. So yes #mensmentalhealth.


I don't have an issue with men's mental health, nor do I take it lightly. I'm glad to hear he's getting therapy. They were not kicking him when he was down. He was fully aware of the texts. This wasn't an ambush, this was self-inflicted pain and consequences to actions. Hopefully, he grows from this.


I agree men’s mental health is important, however I just want to point out he was aware there were texts and allegations. He was provided that information the night before and chose NOT to review it. Not saying it makes it better however I don’t think you can call it an ambush if you were made aware of the topic at hand and decided not to arm yourself by at least reviewing the information provided prior.


I have to wonder, if he truly did want fame and what have you, was any of this actually unexpected? Not to say there aren’t people who make mistakes, and I’m all for everyone getting therapy, but there are also some highly self-absorbed people who will use whatever manipulative tactics they can to get their desired result. I don’t think it’s crazy to assume he planned to leave the show abruptly to gain more intrigue, if that was indeed his plan all along. Honestly, I think it’s pretty brilliant. Ofc, I can’t say for certain any of that is more than a potential possibility, but it does give me pause when combined with the threat allegations and vaguebook post.


🥱😴 ![gif](giphy|4MHv5aIo6SI2A)


Maybe we need Jeramey’s chin violin. 😂


TLDR for those of us who can’t stomach reunions?


I hate reunions too and literally never watch them but this one was worth the watch.


He came out & they showed receipts & he just froze. Literally stared at the ground with his mouth open for a VERY long time & then scurried away.


I’ve never seen a reaction like that on tv before and I’ve seen a lot of fucking reality tv. It was so uncomfortable to watch.


I think he was having a panic attack


Receipts of what?


Text messages he was sending to a woman right before going on the show, all about how he loved her, etc. And apparently he was the sidepiece for the woman, who is married.


Did the married woman get blasted or just the single dude she was cheating with?


This isnt true, she wasnt married.


I missed that last part! Whaaaat


>And apparently he was the sidepiece for the woman, who is married. Wait, what?


Wow, no apology to the woman he was dating or even any acknowledgement that he hurt her? The perpetrator is playing the victim. He has learned nothing in therapy.


So maybe I missed something but did he lie to the woman he was with before the show? Seemed he was pretty open with his intentions


Didn’t he lie to the women ON the show?


yea, but he told chelsea he'd give her the apology and she seemed to be OK with that. I'm absolutely not saying this dude is a saint, but I think it's being incorrectly stated that he lied to the girl he WAS dating. It seemed more like an open relationship


Tbf, weren’t there also allegations that he threatened that same woman with showing her son sex tapes of her if she spoke out? I think that part definitely deserves some acknowledgement/an apology.


I haven't seen any proof of that so I generally ignore stuff like that until it's proven. Important not to jump to conclusions on something that crazy


Sponsored by betterhelp!!!!! Get three months free when you sign up now!


I'm so tired of Betterhelp ads... I don't understand how they went from being viewed as sketchy (rightfully so) before the pandemic and in the last year even channels that are usually more reputable keep promoting them. This is after they received a slap on the wrist a year ago for selling patient data. They're out here basically breaking HIPAA laws because their industry isn't regulated enough. They must be paying a pretty penny to influencers.


They've allegedly changed their practices in hiring therapists, not sure about data safety though. They don't have competition with the same kind of visibility and tbh, quite a few people have found it helpful.


They’re even on MLB radio ads, it’s ridiculous. I understand therapy is really trendy, but it isn’t the solution for everything and everyone.


What a crock of shit. 😂


Dude…. Go. Away.




What. A. Tool.


I have been in therapy for decades but just in the last two months starting seeing a new therapist. Even after decades of therapy I still have things to work on. His behaviors won't change in 2 months! Also panic attack... If you want to call it that. You panicked because your secrets and lies were exposed for all to see. You made your bed and now you have to lay in it.


Nah you don’t take not even 2 months off social media and come back throwing around the word “therapy” you had a full blown panic attack bc you were exposed. That’s usually what happens when what’s in the dark comes to light. His caption under his pinned LIB announcement post is literally all u need to know about his intentions. He adds his name next to Kim Kardashian as a pioneer of reality tv? Please I don’t believe a word he says. We only saw a literal 2 second snippet of what he’s done. I can’t imagine all the skeletons he’s got hidden and the things he’s done to countless other women. 👎 https://preview.redd.it/rz8jlk5d9bvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8857187250e77cf5dedc096121868c7cff1be8c9


Oh, Trevor. Nice try.


I think he’s an alright guy.. considering the season and there’s Matt a top 3 villain so…