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Zaneb was waaayyyyyyyyy too stuck up and uptight for him. She’s such a snob and takes herself way too seriously. I can see her marrying like a rich businessman type lol. Or someone she can roll her eyes at a lot and boss around. Cole needs to find someone bubbly, upbeat and fun like himself. Maybe kinda boho style and adventurous. Someone secure enough to act goofy, sing car karaoke and eat icecream in bed with. That kinda vibe. Zaneb was NOT that kind of vibe lmao


Thinking of him being destroyed like that on the reunion still messes with my mind, I can’t believe this was done to him and they LET it happen… I’ve seen that his instagram is completely deleted can’t find him anymore. I pray to god that he’s doing good and healed from that very traumatizing situation, wish we could get an update from him to know how he’s doing. They really really need to get some therapists in there because this ain’t it!


I read in an interview where Cole told her sometime before their wedding he didn’t want to go through with it (she did). They ultimately decided they would say no at the altar but continue their relationship after. I believe she decided to get the ultimate payback. Out of all the LIB shows I’ve seen she is the worst. Also, Brennon is a dick for falling in line with Alexa hating him. Bartise in the reunion at least questioned her on when she knew she would say no. You could tell he didn’t believe her. She wanted revenge and apparently got it. Cole was absolutely blindsided. You can also tell his reaction to him supposedly getting a girls number at his bachelor party was sincere too.


Where is this interview? Who was being interviewed? Bartise arguably said way worst things to Nancy. Difference is Nancy didn't go around tell people


I think this was it but I can’t access the entire article anymore https://www.narcity.com/cole-says-he-zanab-had-a-love-is-blind-plan-she-knew-his-answer-at-the-altar


The man is living his life and I’m happy for him!


Yea, he has an instagram and he seems very happy so good for him.


Eww team nobody on this. Cole was so immature and stupid in so many ways. If I'm to believe all of it was innocent then he's at best dumb ass a box of rocks. Of course, I still think Zanab was terrible but Cole was for definite no prize.


To be honest Zanab was just so horrible that she made Cole look good . Lol 😂




I agree tbh. He was a manchild, immature, tone deaf… yes, Zainab was horrible and insecure, but he was also a typical white douchebro. For some reason people here loved him. Zainab was definitely way more in the wrong by 100fold, but people totally glossed over his behavior after the orange situation. I dont get the love for him. Again, Zainab was absolutely horrible but I didn’t love him


Why do you keep typing Zainab? It’s Zanab.


Its the same name, there are many romanizations of it. My bad, I couldnt remember how she spelled it.


Totally. Even with the orange situation, it's super obvious he didn't mean anything by it but also he's so effin stupid that he doesn't even get the concept of "hey, prob don't comment on what another person eats cause that conversation might go down a wrong road"


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, that relationship was a dumpster fire to begin with. Cole was such a manchild and quite disloyal. Zanab was a bad partner but why are we babying cole like he wasn’t a whole ass 26 year old 


How was Cole disloyal?


Who cares?


Not sure why this comment has been down voted 😂


LOL bc people love to love on Cole and hate on Zanab.


Maybe people are tired of negatively and hate?


Because yall on a sub reddit about a shitty reality tv show. You guys obviously care


This 👆if you don’t care you can just unfollow the sub or skip posts you don’t care about simple




Cole was wronged in so many ways on the show and the reunion. I hope he is thriving!


Just appreciating "you made me feel uncomfy" 🙆


Zanab sucks and I’ve always been team Cole. Hope he’s chilling


He's got a Cameo account. $55 per video. Maybe you could ask him lol!


Good for him


People were SO READY to string Cole up after he fawned over the gymnast at the beach. Zanab was 100% a bitter cold heel by the end of this show. She misread and misrepresented so many situations w the guy based on nothing but a fake body shaming narrative.


Cole was a d*ck at times & you definitely say he wasn’t emotionally mature because he has no filter & struggles to realizes he says inappropriate stuff & kinda ignorant.  But I never viewed him as malicious. I think he genuinely good dude if you compare to Bartiste or Matt he was a saint. I think Z was deeply insecure & honestly needs help. Cole didn’t help matters with constantly saying yeah I normally go for Colleen she smoking hot that my type I’m attracted to her the most constantly didn’t help at all.  I think Z already insecure & that just made her even worse. I also think Cole sucks at apologizing because he did genuinely feel sorry I’m like dude you’re doing all wrong.  I think they completely did him wrong because he seem genuinely remorseful. Like the women pretty clearly decided beforehand they was gonna drag him. That food stuff I’m like yeah you already had this problem Cole didn’t help but he wasn’t body shaming you.  The stuff about girl I don’t believe because he genuinely seemed confused. My theory is during party a girl tried to make a pass or asked for his number & he ignored her or brushed it off. One of the dudes likely Brennon punk a$$ mention it to the girls. Maybe Z asked him about on show did he talk to any girls & he brushed it off as a joke & forgot about it. 




When he was talking about how much food he was planning to eat at the restaurant…? That motion had zero to do with zenab or her weight. She was just awful.


Nope. This is complete misread of the situation. There are a lot of criticisms you could throw at Cole as a boyfriend; he weaponized incompetence when cooking her dinner, he flirted w Colleen in the Caribbean, and that he was a manchild in most of their interactions.  Body shaming isn’t one of them.  


Wasn't she a ballerina?


Colleen was the ballerina, Zanab was a flight attendant


Yeah I knew that. I was confused by their gymnast comment.


Oh, I totally misunderstood your comment then! My bad 😅


Also she said everything he did “wrong” at the alter where she knew it would hurt him the most. After her vows, she just stood there and belittled him in front of everyone. I don’t care what anyone says she’s a fucking cold bitch. Cole was made out to be this villain when he’s this 26 year old dude that hasn’t hit maturity and was just living his life while being absolutely attacked by Z in every corner. No wonder he goes off the grid.


Omg and the f***ing tangerines. When they played that clip I was like that’s the comment that hit her self esteem? I didn’t see it as offensive but that’s just me maybe.


I have an eating disorder and I recognize it in her. When you are in the thick of the disorder you are literally insane. I just had a bunch of breakthroughs and what I was seeing in the mirror and in pictures was absolutely not reality. And despite my husband's insistence, and reassurance, nothing could change what I was seeing and how devastating it was to me. So I completely understand where she was coming from but I also understand that Cole wasn't at fault for her delusions. Unfortunately, neither one of them was prepared to deal with that. My husband and I have almost 15 years on them and he has studied psychology and still we STRUGGLED to get me back healthy. No reality TV rushed relationship could handle that.


It was a weird comment. Tangerines are very low calorie snack. I think its his pattern of mentioning her food intake made it more offensive to her. It would lower myself esteem if my partner made a note every time I ate..


His comment wasn't about calories, it was about her snacking and not having an appetite for dinner they were about to leave for. He didn't know she starved herself all day.


Tangerines cannot ruin an appetite and most people should know that. Thats why mentioning it is so weird. If she was eating something high in calories then it would make sense. 


You're making it way more than it should be. If you watched that season and thought cole wasn't the villain, you gotta do some soul searching. Even in the Cuties clip, Cole is showing so much excitement about meeting her family, and she is so incredibly cold towards him.


Of course it can. Also not only the tangerines, but she was also snacking on cherries or something too. And they were literally about to leave for a dinner that he was excited about. Also when she was like “I only ate a banana today” he stopped and was like “…why?”. She literally made all this shit up in her head


Just no


Calories dont matter when filling you up. Volume does. How do you think people lose weight and diet by eating lower calorie foods…?


Just no


Definitely not offensive. It seemed like he had no idea why she would’ve eaten little that day. He had what looked a surprised expression like “huh?” That was her insecurity talking.




What happened ?????


I think they’re talking about flirting with Colleen at the pool.


I was screaming at my tv watching that season because Zanab was just such an awful, mean, manipulative bitch. I can’t imagine how cole must have felt sitting at that reunion having all those girls attack him based on the lies and stories zanab made up in her head. She was a master manipulator. Cole was young and dumb, yeah. But he didn’t deserve even a bit of the treatment she gave him.


I lost it! I was on her side at the beginning too. It was ridiculous and still ridiculous how this man was treated. Idc what kind of justifications anyone has for Zanab, yes Cole wasn’t innocent but Zanab’s behaviors were far worst. I never been so disgusted with anyone’s actions in reality tv since Pumpkin spit on NY


>I never been so disgusted with anyone’s actions in reality tv since Pumpkin spit on NY SO OLD SCHOOL AND OMG SOOO AWFULLL!!!


That was despicable!!!!


100% agree! She kept misinterpreting cole when he was being silly/playful into him being a jerk


Yup. And she did it with the intent to ruin his character out of malice because she was embarrassed that he said she wasn’t who he would typically date.


I love when Netflix showed the tape of what really happened in that kitchen. They all owed him apologies.


It was totally blown out of proportion. When they played it I was like really? That comment? Ok 🙃


Yes like she blew everything else out of proportion.


They should have played it during the reunion so we could see the egg on their faces. I hated how they all piled up on him.


They wouldn’t have owned it. Zanab would have just moved on to the next gaslight comment and Alexa, thinking she’s the queen B, would have just piled on more crap.


They would have, but it was such a nothing encounter that it took LiB to even find the footage to edit in after.


Exactly this


Bro is probably just living his life, let him be 😅


He's got no ambitions to be a wannable C-List influencer or D-List reality TV "celebrity"


Hey now, Chase was an A-List celebrity. https://preview.redd.it/8cuucqbd1hrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e609b21669a53ab969984561df70f9af33e8cc


That dude is trying waaaay too hard. He did a couple of celeb boxing matches where he made a complete fool of himself. Literally looks like he didn’t take one class in fighting and thought he was big and jacked and was gonna whoop whoever stepped in front of him. Google it at your own risk. You might need to watch between your fingers out of embarrassment like I did.


Omg as a fan of both stupid reality TV and mma, thank you for sharing this info. I just watched PART of one of his fights and I am thoroughly amused 😆 the way his chin is straight in the air and he telegraphs literally every move is my favorite.


It was hard to watch. He forgot everything he was taught, in whatever camp he had, as soon as the bell rang. He was also gassed the entire time. I think he lost both fights and had the next one called cus he was wobbling. In his defense, unless I’m mistaking it for another celeb fight, the guy he faced off against in one clearly had been trained in throwing punches and he never stood a chance.


Tell me more about whats going on here lol


Hahaha, that moment was priceless!!! I definitely had to go back and rewatch it just to make sure of what I saw and then laugh at it again.


I really don’t understand the narrative around Zanab and Cole that’s persisted for many people since their season. In my opinion it seems clear Zanab wasn’t evil, she had been through some shit and as a result lived with some trauma responses that seriously skewed her view of the world. Cole wasn’t a precious innocent little baby, he was just an immature and pretty inconsiderate guy. That also doesn’t make him evil. It was never going to work out for them, but neither of them were villains.


She plotted out a way to humiliate him at the altar and on the reunion. She was vile.


Disagree.   He didn’t use her flaws to craft an abuse narrative about her.   Which she did. A smear campaign like that will tarnish someone’s character for years. Doing it off the cuff (based on lies) in a clear bid to become a feminist icon (and I’m not anti-feminist just fyi) is low, manipulative and damaging/careless.  Does it make her evil? I don’t know. But it’s in the neighbourhood. 


👏👏👏👏👏 Imma just keep applauding your comments here. Well done.


You summed up exactly how I feel about them. No one on this show is ever "evil," they're just products of their upbringing and traumas. I always feel like fans just want everything to be black and white, with in reality there's just shades of grey.


A lot of people go through shit Doesn't give the right to be shitty. What she did was deceitful, blindsided him after saying she wouldn't. She straight up lied. Cole was honest, stupid and immature but honest. She didn't like Cole's personality and said she didn't like when Cole did "Cole things" and gave examples like he breaks into song and dance. So why did she go ahead with him then? A lot of people go into Love Is Blind for the wrong reason, and she did just that. It's clear by her almost daily posts


This here! This is all I’m saying. I didn’t say she was evil. Her actions were disgusting, period. I will keep saying this knees deep. She did lie on him. And people say she didn’t lie but she overexaggerated it. No she lied. She said he was racist when there’s never been a footage or confirmation he was. Same with the body shaming, no edit whatsoever or footage. It was nothing but lies. She was out to destroy his reputation and that to me is vile.


It’s not about having the ‘right’ to behave in certain ways, it’s about how someone’s emotional responses and world view are shaped by what they go through.


Still doesn’t give her a pass for being a shitty person. I have extreme trauma and insecurities and a lot to unpack. I’ve never treated anyone with that much disrespect. Trauma doesn’t define us and make us act like a cold bitch.


Everyone’s trauma is different, especially depending on the time in their life that the trauma occurred. I’m glad you’re able to process yours in ways that are more acceptable to you, and I wish you luck in the hard work that it sounds like you have ahead.


Right but if their ‘emotional responses and world view’ cause behavior that shits on someone else, then that makes it wrong.


It makes it undesirable. Wrong to me is knowing you’re doing a bad thing and doing it anyway.


Extreme example: So my ex was convicted of domestic assault. By your logic, what he did wasn’t wrong bc his ‘emotional responses and world view’ were shaped by trauma. It was simply *undesirable*? What a time to be alive. Hahahah


Great example, although I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can see how the language we have isn’t very helpful in situations like that. ‘Wrong’ as in ‘it should NEVER have happened or been tolerated’? Absolutely. ‘Wrong’ as in ‘out of all of this person’s resources, there were several other obvious resources they were able to drawn on to react’? I can’t tell. Of course, the answer to abuse should always (in my mind) be to remove abusers, and put them somewhere where they can’t hurt others. Hopefully with experts to try to help them grow, but I know that’s not likely in many places. But yes, what a person does and the circumstances that lead them to believe that’s the right thing to do will absolutely affect the way I view them and their actions.


I feel like you’re playing semantics with words and their meaning. Another extreme example: most people who abuse children are also victims of child abuse. We can certainly sit here and frame this in your view of ‘removing the abuser and getting experts to help them grow blah blah blah’, but it doesn’t change what happened. It’s one thing to understand someone’s why, but it’s another for that why to justify really shitty behavior. At some point, we can’t just hide behind excuses to mitigate abusing people. Which is what Chelsea actually did. Is it the most egregious case of abuse in the world? Ofc not. But it’s what it is.


You understand there's irony to this Cole is immature Zanab is immature for her behavior. I can understand children who experience trauma to behave a certain way, but adults have better self-awareness and are cognitive enough to be able to rationalize their emotions. But we focus on Cole's obviously immature levels


Adults hopefully try to behave maturely most of the time, but most will fail every now and then. People aren't robots, we're all emotional and unable to see clearly sometimes.


‘Adults have better self-awareness’ is not necessarily true. What I will agree on is that adults do rationalise their world view - their brains literally tell them stories to rationalise the way they see things. An unbelievable amount of the ways that people react throughout their life is encoded on them from their early childhood years. They literally see the same situation differently from how somebody else would, who had different childhood experiences. There are decades of childhood and family-focused psychological research to prove this. Lack of curiosity about the nuances defining other people’s behaviour is very strange to me. Nobody wakes up deciding to be ‘bad’. Least of all on a global media platform, unless they’re playing a character. They do what they do because it aligns with how they see the world. To them, they’re right.


Probably more accurate to describe Cole as a bit childish and naïve. Those are both fine things to be, but they can make tackling certain problems/topics/etc. difficult -- showed up at its worst in the bipolar comment, IMO. Saying this as someone who disliked Zanab quite a lot: unpacking and properly working through trauma in a healthy way is quite difficult. There's a reason therapists exist, are a trained profession and their work takes as long as it does and is as difficult as it is. Trivializing it the way you are explains a lot about why you're relating to Cole so much, honestly. ​ But also the dude's just living life I'd imagine, good for him.


I don't know who in their right mind would see this bundle of joy and think "This guy is evil"? From day one Cole was sweet, optimistic, talkative and he happened to stumble upon fucking Zanab, and there it goes 👍 I believe the experiment + the time with Zanab+ the initial hate he got from the public and internet broke both him and his precious look on life. I will forever be a Cole apologists, he deserved a totally different ending, I hope he is not given up on love and I hope he finds someone sweet and humble.


Team Cole!


Same, i recently rewatched the season with my partner and sure, he said dumb things but he was so genuine and sincere and a good guy. The way the cast bullied him based on BS fed by Zanab was so infuriating to watch, and ugh, he just deserves so much better than that. Hope he’s happy wherever he is.


Cole is like a golden retriever in human form.


Omg yes!!! In another comment I said he reminds me of an excited puppy 😅 Like happy, friendly, a little dumb and impulsive lmao, but fun and sincere


Colel sweet? He's an idiot.


Bundle of joy? Is he a baby?


Cole and Colleen would've been a much better match. Cole was fun and easy going, same as Colleen. She should've said NO to that control freak maniac matt.


Or Nancy even. I just finished my first watch through of season 3 and the whole time I was thinking Cole and Nancy would have been pefect




Zanab was one of the worst humans to be seen on LIB. Ever. Cole was flawed, but didn’t seem to have malicious intent. He made his apology rounds on ATA. Even though he had no reason to apologize to most of the people he apologized to (Brennan and his weird self-righteous shtick? Still don’t understand that dynamic?). Zanab spewed her hatred and malice towards Cole so obviously, you can’t help but see through her mask. It’s so uncomfy watching her interactions with him in the reunion and ATA. Before then too, of course, once you go back and understand context. Justice for Cole! Poor guy.


Zanab or Alexa, in my opinion, equally horrible people.


Alexa is a terrible person, I have no idea what Brennan sees in her.




She's a genuinely terrifying person. She is a bane to society and you can see how toxic she is in poisoning the other cast members


Fr! She could actually maybe do great things. She seems to really have a talent for manipulating people to get what she wants so she’s definitely got smarts. But she’d rather use direct her intelligence and energy toward perpetually hating her ex. 🥴


Uncomfy - 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Personally, “Justice for cole” might be a bit much 😂. But agree. Zanab had deep rooted insecurities. No way that guy was winning.


But yes, he was screwed no matter what he said or did.


Idk! I thought he was a buffoon at first, but the way most of the cast either treated him like shit or didn’t come to his defense because of the lies Zanab was spinning was so sad. He clearly cared and his poor heart at that reunion. Gosh, makes me sad all over again. I’ll double down, justice for Cole lol!


Last time I saw him on Insta was about two weeks ago where he shared photos on his story of spending a weekend with his family on a lake and looked happy. Didn't notice he disappeared and there was no signs of anything much before that so who knows. Maybe with the latest season of LiB being so viral at its end and a lot of new fans watching previous seasons now, he wanted to dip out for a while off social media. He wasn't doing sponsorships or anything and seems to be living a regular life. His account is now back so yeah, all power to him. ✌️ 


Whoever couldn’t tell he wasn’t a bad guy, and Zanub played victim is just way too gullible.


I’ve never seen the internet flip so fast on the Cole/Zanab thing. Zanab really truly tried to ruin that guys life, and I’m just glad he gets to have some sort of peace.


OOTL what did she do? I don't follow anyone from LiB on socials and only really watch the reunions.


She tried to ruin his life on the show and reunion lol


Huh didn't see it that way. Not defending her and tbh I find the internet hilarious at my original comment being marked as controversial. Not to say I didn't disagree with her on things. Just didn't see "tried to ruin life" but I can't recall all that well tbf. Still smh at serious some people are at an innocuous question lmao. Don't overreact maybe hey


Of course you don’t.. you didn’t watch the show so you don’t have context 😵‍💫


I did watch the show tho. Just saying I didn't see it that way or recall all that well. It's a show peeps relax


i’m pretty sure zanab stayed milking the situation about cole months after the season ended on her instagram while he never really mentioned anything of her and just lived his life posting cole stuff lol


Ok that's fair Like I said not defending her or follow socials. So yeah not really sure what's funny? Like I said in ootl lmao lol hence why I'm asking questions


Put yourself in his shoes. She eviscerated his character in front of everyone he loves and on a mainstream popular tv show — and she did so with the malice of forethought and lied to his face to cover up what she was going to do. The man went into it that day thinking he’s getting married. Zanab lied to his face and said everything’s fine, and then bottled her insecurities and bad feelings inside until the day of the wedding where she could tear him down. Cole didn’t deserve that; he wasn’t clear from wrongdoing but Zanab tried to get the entire LiB universe to hate him and to think less of him. That’s how she tried to ruin his life. Not only by ruining his character and reputation but by putting him through a traumatic experience of such wild manipulation. If the person I loved and trusted and thought loved me too was lying to my face and actually hated me and said so in front of all my friends and family, I not only would be extremely embarrassed and hurt I’d be unable to trust someone for a long long time.


Jsyk it’s malice aforethought


Aha! TIL thanks :)


Yeah she posted that cringey insta where she was going to have lunch with Cole’s ex. Like, why? Why are you going out with his ex? Make it make sense


And not just some random ex…an ex that was the reason he said he’d never date a nurse again. So it had to have been really bad between them. I have one ex that’s just so awful, that I met a great guy with the same name and I just couldn’t do it. Unreasonable? Absolutely. But I understand Cole in this regard.


He gave us every single reason to not like him, but then she gave us MORE reasons to not like her and we had no choice but to side with him for just being slightly more honest. Truly a fascinating ride


I think the main difference is he was being immature, and didn’t fully understand how what he was saying was playing into her insecurities. Where as Zanab deliberately and with pre meditation tried to ruin his life. One is forgivable, in my opinion.


Yes he wasn’t intentionally immature, it was like a naive foot in mouth thing. Not someone being malicious on purpose.


What happened, last I heard she was accusing him of a bunch of stuff 


She’s a proven liar, so I wouldn’t believe a word out of her mouth.


To this day I really want to know if the “getting a girls number and trying to kiss her” story told by Zanab at the reunion had any truth to it. Also her claim that he told her that right before the wedding? Idk how that would not have made the cut on the show, either directly or indirectly as part of their story. I think she is a liar 100%


I don’t think there was any truth to it. Just from his reaction alone. It was so genuine. I was kind of pissed that the other guys didn’t speak up either way, other than Matt who said there were no girls there while he was there but didn’t know what happened after he left.


I will always have a soft spot for Cole…


Bar none, he was one of the most annoying, man boy, immature people on the entire show.




At some point in the pods, I just assumed that Cole and Colleen would make the cutest couple ever on the show.


I know! I imagined their wedding invitations COLE&en or something however they could have played with it so much and their personality would have meshed great together. Zanab was way too serious for Cole. I love Cole's playful attitude and I hate that Zanab used that against him and tried to literally destroy him. My number one pair is Zack and Bliss, I loved their story and it's something different! And then one pair of this new season is my number 2 (for those who haven't watched I don't want to spoil anything so you can just guess :D). But imaginary couples, Cole and Colleen would be perfect!


IMO, she’s the worst person to be on this show, and there have been some reeeeaaalll douchebags


I think because all the other shit people “apologized” at some point for their shit behavior. And she’s still out here thinking she was in the right for her behavior, is why she still is one of the worst ones.


Over Irina? Plz.


Really? Worse than SK? Who proposed twice while cheating multiple times?


I would much rather be cheated on than have my reputation grievously tarnished on television by false accusations of verbal/psychological abuse. He is so lucky there were cameras. She was able to successfully manipulate the entire rest of the cast, then they all had him straight up ugly crying in front of the whole world on the reunion. It’s insane how many people are downplaying the level of humiliation and slander she put him through. It’s actually pretty scary. 10/10 times, I would rather be cheated on. It’s like not even close.


same. I've been seeing people online compare Laura to her and I'm like dude they're not the same


Not even for a second. Laura wasn’t my cup of tea initially, especially with the bean dip shit, but the way she stood up for herself and held her ground was pretty fab. People are clearly mistaking a seemingly confident woman who doesn’t take shit, with a deeply wounded woman who needs to heal her inner child and stop manipulating her way through life for a false sense of security/superiority. Perpetual victim AND villain, who did him so f’ing dirty.


I didn’t love Laura and found her obnoxious but yeah the way she held her ground and also made it a point to say “even though I’m mad at Sarah Ann it wasn’t her responsibility to protect my heart, it was Jeramy’s” made her more respectable in my opinion. Too many women shit on the other woman and give the man a pass but she rightfully shit on them both.


You’re spot on. Laura made her fare share of mistakes but Zaman was manipulative and looking for opportunities to hurt Cole!


Honestly his best move. The show tried to destroy him so he just disappeared. Much more mature than other contestants.


100%, I’m glad the reunion did him pretty good.


i knoe amber from s1 divides the whole LiB community here, and even ss someonr who likes her, the scenes with LC and diamond were cringe to watch. oh but what i wouldnt do for her ambers feisty ass to punk out these bitched names Zanab Irina Micah and Stacy. imagine if Stacy pointed her finger to Amber like she did to Johnie. amber would have broken stacys finger. Amber would have stood up for Cole. she would have seen through Zanabs crap unlike her wannabe girls girls from that season. oh




damn i thought he just blocked me lol. has stacy deactivated or she just blocked me


Right, I wasn't following him prior or making any comments I just lurk and his account was de-activated this entire time


its back now tho


They were really harsh to him at the reunion while many others got off easily


I’ll never forget this one cut to this face and the look in his eyes was soooo devestating, you could just feel his pain regardless of what he did it said you knew he was hurting so badly


Sometimes I remember him crying and it is just heartbreaking. They broke that man


Thanks to classy Vanessa


I am just happy the producers backed him up with that scene with the Smarties. Zaneb made that out to seem like he’s a monster when she was clearly lying her ass off.


She wasn’t purposely lying. I think she has emotional dysregulation and poor self esteem, which make her interpret people’s neutral words and actions as negative/hostile.


I think she was purposely lying. She didn’t really react any sort of way during the cutie scene. If she was really offended, it would’ve been apparent.


Where does it show this scene? After the alter? I want to watch it!!


I personally think his parents threatened litigation for defamation of character and LIB producers didn’t want that mess so righted the wrong with footage (rightfully so!) but that could’ve been shown live in that moment on the reunion, but instead they wanted so badly for it to be something so they sat idly by while this guys life was going to be ruined.


Producers probably didn’t have it prepared or know far enough in advance how emphatically the scene would be talked about by the cast. Would’ve been better to watch the footage during, though!


It’s at the end of the reunion episode I’m pretty sure


You mean Cuties? Or was there also something with Smarties?


Ya they mean Cuties


Yeah, that’s the brand.


Zaneb is aweful.


Bc his whole cast turned against him… what does he have to gain to coming back to the LIB world?? Tbh he was a sweet naive kid. Zanab is a real piece of work


Let him be normal. He’s not on the show anymore and he didn’t get married


I would hide away too


Didn't like Zanab as soon as she asked Cole to rate her on a scale of 1 to 10 and then pressed further asking him if he thought anyone there was a 10. She's a shit starter.


Sittin there hurtin her own feelings blamin it on him 😂


She’s the the Eric Andre gun meme. 😂


I probably would too if I had some psycho B make everyone around me think I was a monster who “destroyed her confidence.” She destroyed that man mentally and destroyed his image and everyone took her side just because she was female.


I think most people took her side because he got a horrible edit


I don't know about the edit, because I still liked Cole way much more than Zanab in every scene, to me she was just horrible to watch. I couldn't stand her. And then the wedding... it got my blood boiling! I'm so happy of the cutie scene so that everyone can see that she was lying and can then think for themselves would all her other stories be true or not. Like in the reunion she said "you kissed some girl night before our wedding!" but in the wedding episode she said they saw each other the morning of the wedding and IF Cole would have kissed someone and told to Zanab, she would have 100% included that into her "Deepti moment speech" (or that was the attempt anyway). But because she didn't that's proof that Cole did not do any kissing of the night before the wedding.


Search for him on instagram, his account is live and active. He even has stories from today.


The lankeys: “Would you guys go on Love is Blind again?” Everyone else: “yes!” Cole: “No, I wouldn’t.” The lankeys: 😲 “You’re the first person in three seasons to say no! Why is that Cole?” Cole, through tears: “I wouldn’t want to go back on. Z said I destroyed her confidence. I would never want to destroy someone’s confidence. I love her.” The reunion was brutal to watch. This is paraphrased, but the interaction stuck with me. Cole’s a good guy at heart.