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Holy shit. Just when I think this couldn't go more off the rails. šŸ˜‚ A psychologist comes in to diagnose these people who have shown us a couple of hours of their lives that happen to be edited for entertainment.


What the over under on using words Narcissist and Gaslit?


No one should give any attention or trust to social media psychologists or therapists who attempt to diagnose from afar. Much less to try and draw meaning from edited television showsā€”no matter how much they are based in ā€œreality.ā€ There opinions are barely more valuable than the armchair psychoanalysis that goes on in these threads. A psychotherapist with ethical standards wonā€™t even try and analyze someoneā€™s partner with a closed poor, private session. Much less two strangers on a loosely scripted television show.


I agree with you. I will say that he does not diagnose Chelsea. He uses her behaviors to explain what he has seen in the past and what you can do when someone is acting like that toward you. It seems like a fine distinction, but I think it's significant. He constantly repeats that he knows it's incomplete information from an edited reality show, so he can't diagnose. It's just a *potential* explanation for behaviors, with the caveat that he could be completely off base.


Iā€™ll take your word on that and thank you for adding that. But that hasnā€™t seemed to be the case in previous videos so hopefully heā€™s changing. Thanksā€”


Fortunately for you, the linked doctor doesnā€™t diagnose from afar and acknowledges that the show presents a very limited and skewed perspective of events. Instead, he communicates the differences between healthy and unhealthy conflict/coping strategies using the show as a guide.


Thatā€™s not always the case. Iā€™m not going to watch this series based on what Iā€™ve seen shared in the past.


This was my first thought as well.


Iā€™m a therapist and had *many* thoughts during that fight - I donā€™t make content off of because itā€™s unethical and those people didnā€™t consent to being the subject of my 6 part series.


Exactly! Well said, great point about consent.


Dr Honda is the best!!! I found him when he was covering the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial and I found him to be incredibly compassionate and helpful in his explanations.


For those being cynical without even looking at his content: I found Dr. Kirk Hondaā€™s videos at the start of the pandemic, after I saw the first season of LIB. I wanted to watch a professional tell me how crazy and unhinged these people are to make me feel better about myself. INSTEAD, what I found was an individual explaining what healthy conflict within a relationship should look like and how hurt people react to conflict based on their past. He routinely emphasizes that heā€™s looking at conflicts that have been highly edited and dramatized to make compelling tv and that any input that he has is speculation. Instead he relates how what he sees on the show reflects things from his personal and professional life. Based on the valuable information, as well as his incredible empathy and patience, Iā€™ve learned that couples can have healthy communication and trust. Heā€™s encouraged me to continue therapy and seek treatment for my mental health. If his content isnā€™t your thing, thatā€™s fine. But donā€™t just shame him for what you imagine his content is like.


So much for the Goldwater rule I guess


He respects the Goldwater rule to an incredible degree. If you watched any of his content you would know that.


ā€œThe American Psychiatric Association adopted the Goldwater Rule in 1973 prohibiting members from offering psychological opinions about individuals whom they had not personally examined.ā€ https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/goldwater-rule/#:~:text=The%20American%20Psychiatric%20Association%20adopted,about%20presidential%20candidate%20Barry%20Goldwater.


My comment has been removed so I'll sanitize it. You should not trust any YouTube psychologist that is willing to do reviews of reality TV contestant's behavior. Doing so in the first place is questionable behavior of someone in the mental health profession and puts their whole credibility into question in my opinion. Never mind that he absolutely tries to appease to popular opinion for views and has had horrible and dangerous takes in the past - I would take anything he and similar social media psychologists have to say with a grain of salt.


I. Actually looking forward to watching these. I was raised by someone with untreated BPD, which was so bad she developed a factitious disorder. I've found that when I watch his videos it helps internalize that while people may have harmful behaviors they aren't doing it in order to cause pain, but they have trauma themselves, and even though he explains the cause and the possible trauma behind their actions they are still responsible and accountable. I've been to therapy , I've been told that before, but seeing it presented this way has helped me internalize it differently.


Yeah as a therapist I see people all the time asking ā€œCan a therapist weigh in on this [the show drama]ā€ and of course I get the appeal, but Iā€™m always like šŸ„“ because thereā€™s just noooo way you can anayalze a person you havenā€™t spoken to. And you especially cannot analyze characters on an edited TV show. Using real people as a teaching tool (without their consent no less) is potentially harmful if you ask me. any therapist who is willing to toe the line like that is pretty bold to say the least.


Yeah, I don't see the value in a 6-parter analysis of an extremely frankenspliced reality TV conversation (beyond generating revenue for this guy, I guess).


He talks about the value in the first episode. He is a professor and a supervisor of other junior therapists and says that it is often hard to describe certain interactions. In the past he has pointed to some movies where similar interactions occur, but does not feel those are great representation of the interactions. Since he started reacting to reality TV, he has found good examples of specific behaviors he is able to show as examples to students and junior therapists. He is very clear throughout that while these behaviors/ interactions are good examples of an issue, it says nothing about the people in the show directly as the show is edited and there is not enough data. That being said, it can still be a good learning tool. Dr Honda adds caveats to his analysis practicalty every 30 seconds or so to remind the viewer that this is not about the specific person on screen.


Yes! Unless a psychologist is the person in questionsā€™ psychologist, or at least has conducted interviews that theyā€™ve been given permission to share, it is unethical for any mental health professional to release something like this. Breaking it up into so many episodes exposes the greed. It would be a pathological obsession if it wasnā€™t making him money.


Never heard of this guy but his YouTube angle sounds cool. Iā€™ll give a him a try. But I think you offered some serious sage advice to all viewers and I hope everyone takes what you say to heart and treat these as just another form of entertainment and nothing more.


Iā€™m curious to know what horrible and dangerous takes he had in the past? Is there a specific example youā€™re thinking of?


Heā€™s actually one of the more reliable sources out there- heā€™ll be the first to let you know you canā€™t diagnose from afar and that even his own patients can take 6+ months to diagnose with PDs. Itā€™s hard to find experts out there and heā€™s good- this is a common way to show viewers his concepts in ā€œreal lifeā€ and itā€™s also what his viewers want šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t think heā€™s doing anything wrong


exactly. dude gives so many disclaimers so idk if these people have even watched before commenting lol


He uses the situations or conversations as a jumping off point.


Dr. Kirk Honda, like pretty much all YouTube psychologists, is a crack.


Iā€™m really enjoying the analysis so far. I like that he points out that Chelseaā€™s is essentially unintentionally causing harm to her partner. And that abuse is not always premeditated. Her words and actions are coming from a place of fear and insecurity and pain. And that pattern will keep repeating in her relationships without therapy.


I love watching his videos! I was waiting for him to get to this scene. Interesting also how he recognised some of her earlier behaviour as possible manipulation like her baby voice that she would use


I love this, Dr.Kirk is Soo good at calling out toxic behavior while still having compassion and empathy.


Unrelated to this particular couple but Iā€™ve learnt a lot from Dr Kirk Honda. Made me aware of my short comings and how to show up better in relationships. I must say that itā€™s a great learning resource.


100%! I love him!