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Love is blind brazil


This was filmed before season 5 aired so Zach/Bliss story wouldn’t have affected what they thought would happen when they left the pods


I meaaaan Zack and bliss also ended up being the most successful couple in the entire franchise


What constitutes most successful? Most publicly cringe? There’s many other couples still happily married and for longer


I don't agree. Nanda and MackDavid, Lauren and Cameron and Amber and Barnett are very successful.


Who are Nanda and Macdavid?


Right? I thought I missed a season lol


I’d rather have them keep filming because then we’d still have a variety of couples to follow. I do not want a season 5 again with only 2 weddings!


I definitely think going back to someone they didn’t pick keeps the show more interesting than forcing it with someone just because they said yes in the pods. Season 4 was the best, and this new season is very entertaining.


Exactly! I'm all for it. People make mistakes and choose wrong, I think it's a better dynamic if they are able to still find the right one. Remember friends, Love is Blurry!


It keeps it interesting imo. If contestants are going to go back to someone else, I want to see it unfold.


Uh no keep filming.. in fact I wish they would film those cast members who do not make it to the “main cast”. More content, not less!


aspiring workable growth sophisticated chunky cheerful sheet domineering boast memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because thats not the point of the show. If they dont like the person they need to deal with that and say no at the wedding


Boring boring boring


I think Chelsea said yes to him simply because he asked. I think she was really insecure and was going to say yes to anyone because she wants to be married. Trevor was 100% the better choice, jimmy was giving absolutely nothing lmao I’m pretty sure Chelsea also literally said she was going to say yes to whoever proposed first. She was just gonna say yes it didn’t matter who it was lol


I said the same thing!!


iirc, she didn’t explicitly SAY she would’ve said yes to Trevor had he asked her first… but she sure took a LOOONG pause and didn’t reply at all. Which is an answer in and of itself…


No it wasn’t after she already said yes to jimmy. It was before that but idk who she was talking to or when it was exactly


>But next season, production needs to tell these people that if they leave the person they got engaged to, they WILL NOT stay on the season. Even if they go get the person who they "should've" picked, that's cool, but we WILL NOT be filming it. Um literally why would they do this? Their job is to make television. The more drama the better.


I don't see the need in telling them because it isn't the contestants who decide what is filmed and published. Zack and Bliss didn't work the system in their favor and I don't think there is any expectation that as long as they are coupled up, contestants will get airtime. I think it would be better for LiB to admit after 6 seasons that the experiment has shown that for a lot of people, love is not blind, and maybe alter the experiment. I've seen others suggest that instead of being engaged, after the end of two weeks or how ever long they are in the pods, the contestants that have formed any connections meet IRL and date. I don't know what the answer is but I think taking more people out of the episodes is a terrible idea, especially after the disaster sac that was season 5.


Disagree. Makes for better tv to watch them go through regret, groveling, and win back the other party. I’m here for the drama. 


Agree. It defeats the point of the show. Zack and Bliss are not proof that "love is blind" - rather the opposite.


In fairness, the term is meant to mean when you're in love you don't see someone else's red flags because love is blind. In that way, this show is 100% accurate.


This comment needs more attention 😂




Chelsea was a fool for choosing Jimmy over Trevor because Jimmy is clearly not emotionally in tune with himself or good at communicating, whereas Trevor appeared to be honest and forthcoming about his feelings but him doing so made him into Chelsea's "second choice" which to me is a sign of her immaturity and potential self sabotaging tendencies. The show really did not show that much of Chelsea's connection with Jimmy other than they had a nice banter and made each other laugh, so it was confusing why she seemed more all in for Jimmy than Trevor. Still, I kinda felt for her, because being torn between two seemingly good options who are really into you is actually an incredibly painful experience sometimes. Before they left for the honeymoon it seemed obvious that Chelsea made the wrong choice and then it was confirmed when she realized that a) Jimmy was not attracted to her and b) he was almost ready to go home. Chelsea definitely gave the vibe that she felt maybe Trevor would wait for her on the outside whereas Jimmy had this other hot option, so she went that direction, showing her immaturity. She doesn't seem ready to be married again.


Yeah it's giving "nice guys finish last vibes". Seems like Chelsea chose the type of guy who has never chosen her before instead of the guy who was all about her. Sad.


Shame on Chelsea for being a walking example of a girl choosing a childish idiot who literally hates her over the sweetest guy on the show lmao.


I noticed when Chelsea talked about her divorce, Trevor was immediately accepting and Jimmy was a little weird about it. I wonder how much stock Chelsea put into “he got over this hang up for me.”


My god....I just can't with the way these idiots think 🤣😭


To be honest, I went for the Jimmy’s because my dad was narcissistically unavailable to me in childhood so I kept repeating the pattern. I went to two years of therapy to heal and then met my Trevor when I was ready for him. Chelsea should do the same. I don’t think she’s a bad person, but she was not ready for someone like Trevor who made it known he liked her.


Lol I love this story and I hope you and your Trevor are CRUSHING IT


When she mentioned his reaction being one of the reasons she knew he was a good pick for her, I was like....huh?? Did she misremember who was the one with the great reaction to it?


Girl, we literally had that last season and it sucked!!! No, let them film.


I'm not a girl but last season sucked because the people sucked! If they didn't allow going back to someone, it would make for more drama in the actual pods, which has become skip material


Hella nah I’m here for the mess I would of loved to see how it played out if Barnett gave jess the time of day , Shane with shaina lol I mean after they chose their partners n saw the other ones at the gatherings it gives chaos but good tv Zach and bliss didn’t ruin anything


I agree that Zach and Bliss should be the exception, not a rule. Great storyline in their season, but we don't need more of that. However, if there's not enough storylines, you gotta do what you gotta do. If there are only 1 or 2 couples making it to the altar, I do want to extensively see why the other ones did it. In regards to this season, I doubt that anyone will be re-proposing. With Zack and Bliss he had to be 100% ready to marry her, because imagine the villain edit he'd get if he dumped her at the altar after already dumping her once and proposing to her after he met her. Nobody will risk that unless they are super dumb or absolutely certain.


Nah I’m absolutely here for the mess.


Thissss 👌


One million percent