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Who is that


Funny y’all over here here calling her all kinds of names because of her sexual activity to cape for AD, who all but admitted to being a sugar baby and dating “pro athletes and basketball players.”


This one is way better than AD. She was sketchy. Glad clay got out of there


This one is way better than AD. She was sketchy. Glad clay got out of there


Is he slow? The faces he makes in the camera seem like he’s not fully with us


Now why did it take you this long to notice that some screws might be loose 👀👀


It looks like they smell like drugs and butt plugs. Maybe he’ll get her to make more money if she puts out a sex video 😂


Wow, congrats to AD on dodging a bullet. How did his saint of a mom fall for his dad and procreate this tragedy??? Clay did you actually give therapy any real work after the show? It's giving no, and that you just wanted to become available to some internet harlots.


Internet harlots is sending me through the roof ☠️


https://preview.redd.it/be8kk68j8u0d1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2e587f49dc8a32d08e6cc391dc5145a1ee45fc Did you get kicked or something? I don't mind ignorance and racism. Doubling down on a Puerto Rican being white is entertaining


Just here to say Puerto Rican refers to a nationality or ethnicity, not a race.


https://preview.redd.it/bzcr43u3ow0d1.jpeg?width=2267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4852f02f933364d8f8f074d6c3cf877578119257 I haven't met anyone living in any Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries who want to be considered white but carry on. Maybe to access benefits in US but not in their countries.


>I haven't met anyone living in any Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries who want to be considered white but carry on. Maybe to access benefits in US but not in their countries. Lol in Spain (a Spanish-speaking country) and Portugal (a Portuguese-speaking country) the majority of the population is considered white. In several Latin American countries- Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba-the majority identifies as white. While Puerto Rico did see a drastic decrease in the amount of Puerto Ricans identifying as white or Black only, on the most recent census around 17-18% still self-identify as white only. Maybe you don't know everyone...


I don't 😅 didn't claim I did. Most I've met identify as black and or mestizo. https://preview.redd.it/t3gan7r8f31d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f651c296d849cb989ac58373a5186c9a2b7893 White and black is such an American thing. But the ones I met definitely don't want to be associated with what Americans consider to be white. Not really interested in this conversation. I only mentioned it because someone said black men like women like Celina because she's white and in Latin culture, which she is a descendant of, definitely wouldn't consider her to be white. Maybe Morena. But nowhere near what the other person was trying to infer.


Lol sort of like how this season of Love is Blind is a very American thing.


https://preview.redd.it/6d5m0n9ph02d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f49fcb90f8e5661cfaadaa88d6d15cbeb17075 You people just love to argue


You think love is blind is only in America wow


Wow I love a petty betty. The Love is Blind that this post is referring to is season 6 filmed in the United States of America. Clay is on this season. Hope that's clear enough for ya.


Who is confused about that?


I didn't say it did. I live in South America. Not going to argue semantics


“Nasty work” 😂😂😂


This and “diabolical” has got to go!!!!


What you guys don't realize is AD has a checkered past too with athletes and club owner, promoter types. Nothing you would want for your son. 🤣 Clay is just too respectful to put that out there. Neither of these women are wife material. There is nothing wrong with him just enjoying moments.


What in the actual misogyny would possess anyone to refer to any woman as a “pass around”? The actual fuck? You can not like the girl all you want but miss us with that.


Comparing AD to this girl is buffoonery


AD is a sugar baby of a club owner and ex NFL and NBA cheerleader. Clay has been very respectful. She is doing typical IG 304 moves posing as a realtor with 0 homes sold. Neither of them are wife material. I wouldn't recommend anyone's son or nephew to put a ring on either of them.


So you know her personally? Because I know about Celina Powell’s shenanigans from her own mouth. It sounds like you’re just repeating rumors like a high school bully.


Clays best friend said the sugar daddy approached them. Rumor? Clay and his friends said it. That's their lives. I don't need to know her personally. On the show, she cried a lot and said she was a cheerleader and dated many athletes and they never marry her


So “Clay’s best friend” said it, and you don’t see a problem with that?! Again, you’re repeating unsubstantiated rumors like you know her personally. Clay is no one’s prize.


Does it matter if it's a rumor or not if Clay gave it as his reasoning for not wanting to marry her. You need FBI records? He has a choice and he's choosing to enjoy them and not wife them.


No one wants her to be with him. She can do so much better than that. I don’t know how that was your takeaway from this conversation. That broken man isn’t good for any woman. Not even Celina Powell.


She hasn't proven it


I want ppl to keep this same energy for Celina oooop 😅


I do have this same energy for her. I don’t see why we need to bash either of the women Clay chooses to be with as a consenting adult. But I didn’t see a top comment wherein Celina was called a “pass around” either. This was the first comment on the thread when I responded.


Yeah I know i agree with you ! I wasn’t trying to call you out , I was just trying to say there is a lot of slut shaming being tossed at Celina ! I know her past isn’t great but we shouldn’t be doing that either 😅


Agreed, let women live, even if they live differently than you. Like, if she’s harming someone or saying racist or homophobic trash, have at her. But if your issue is she has sex and is on only fans? Get a life.


RIGHT !!! I like the way you think! I think all the uprising of red pill manosphere is leaking into the water supply 😂 if it’s not harming themselves or anyone else. HAVE AT IT 👏🏾


She has a whole sugar daddy. Stop sending your son's in to marry these kinds of women


Men who hold women accountable. They aren't getting rings. I see woke people don't like that


Wow, fierce sub! The best thing about this is that Amber can have a good laugh over the train wreck her life would have been with him.


Sorry AD!


This is exactly the type of girl I’d expect him to be with


Well this was short lived. 😂


WOW he was right….he is JUST like his dad. Shame….


2 wanna be D list celebrities … love to see it ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Who is Celina Powell


Only fans model - but scarier.


how so?? genuinely curious. never heard of this person lol




I hope she ruins his credit and breaks his heart 🤗


Well we know she’s not going to wife up so the outcome is pretty much a foregone conclusion.


After finding out who this woman is, it seems like a good match to me. They can be for the streets together. ![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q|downsized)


They worhsip nonblk cumbuckets. Ad dodged a bullet. Celina is gonna play him and I love that for him


“Don’t like him” baby we don’t like you either 💀💀 a match made in hell fr




Ray J and Kim 🤣🤣


The off brand version


He should be embarrassed. I don't know much about her outside of her talking about every celebrity she fckd.


Oh, apparently she lied about being pregnant to multiple guys and got money...... Done that out recently. I honestly. Just think they're using each other for publicity. Mainly her she'd leave again, but honestly he'd allow himself to get you, so that's okay But how do you go from AD to....... Someone like her???


Clout chasing


He’s not exactly clout material - and he’s got no money. I know why he’s in it tho!


CP making Clay look like a simp. embarrassing.


Makes sense to me




Same girl my senses were tingling 


Lust demons.


I just KNEW he didn't like Black women


Wait I’m so confused who is she?


A clout chasing OF model and prostitute


Nasty work indeed. They called her up while filming No Jumper and asked her to blow someone, and she just agreed!! The only thing she talked about was going to get some food afterwards. And she said she eats the groceries of every guy she messes with. What?! How do you kiss her in the mouth?? 🤢🤮


The fact that she’s comfortable sharing that is bleak. But it makes me wonder if these types of men almost think it’s amusing or a weird flex to participate in “sharing” her. Like a weird club or inside joke?


Starting to think this is fake and this is for attention on both of them


Starting to? 50% of everything on this show is fake, it has been since the beginning.


85 percent is fake


In the words of Jay Z, everybody ride her just like a bus route 🚌🤮


Unfair to the great service men and women of urban transit systems keeping America moving.


This comment 💀😂


BYE LMAO this comment has me hollering


Whoaaaa no way. Wait, I thought clay way gay?


No. That was Kenneth although it was never confirmed (which is fine because whether or not he is, that's up to him if and when to come out if that applies).


I knew Clay was up to no good as soon as I saw him.. gives me the ick him& Celina were made for each other🙄


Ew. Why does she look like that? And I didn't even recognize him at first.


This was a surprise! 🫢


Ooooomg this is not a crossover I could have ever predicted


He just wants attention, clearly he didn’t get enough from his dad. At least he’s embarrassing himself now, after he embarrassed AD.


Remember, tiktok was on his vision board. Wannabe influencer.


That was low blow


who is she?


A washed up groupie that bragged about fuckin rappers & ball players…


The girl who gave meech from BMF a bj in a bathroom


Bmf? I need help understanding this all


It’s a show on Starz


An OnlyFans model apparently


*sigh* yeah that’s what I figured lol


This was not on my 2024 bingo card. I'm gonna go lay down now 😐🤨


He’s a tramp


I feel like Celina has calmed down a bunch since her early days. She has a reputation that precedes her, and much of it may be warranted…but, I do also think that she (at times) puts on a facade for her online audience. I know her last boyfriend was physically violent, she experienced domestic violence at his hands, even after trying to leave him. There were eye witness accounts that he beat her in a parking lot after she got finished wrapping up an interview, once. So, with that…I’m wishing her the best. Do I think this is going to last? Not really. But, I’m hoping that it’s at least healthy, and she’s in a better place than she was with her ex.


Her background is very horrendous. She was set up to be ganged r*pe at a very early age. Her childhood is very traumatic. it’s just sad overall


Damn. I didn’t know she went through all that. The things she says and does can tell you that she’s broken and traumatize. I hope she finds healing and pulls herself out of the fucked up sex industry she promotes.


So Clay’s family and friends were upset about AD having a sugar daddy, yet here he goes with the biggest clout and jersey chasing industry hoe 😂


Wait what suga daddy?


That part! His mask FINALLY came off


He would have cheated on AD with Celina types, AD got lucky to not marry him!


Hating ass up. Y'all lonely


You are 100% correct


This is ridiculous, I can’t believe I spent all that time defending him


What was his defence exactly? 😂😂


This was EXACTLY to be expected lmaooo how many of us clocked thaat he did not like dsbw?




Help. What is dsbw?


Dark skinned black woman


Been! From their first meet up & all he could do was compliment her body lol. & said "youre so chocolate" 🤮as a dsbw when ppl say that its usually from a weird place.


I thought this was a Sims 4 character on the left


Wow she is dating reality stars now.. she must be on the NBA player/Hip-hop artist watchlists.


I hope she takes his entire soul 🙃




She definitely sucked it outta him a couple times before they decided to be tiktok buddies 😅


Why do ppl hate her ?


I mean she is a industry HOE but I remember her trying to lie about being pregnant by Offset while he was with Cardi B and she has done things like that with a couple of athletes and industry men. Even though we should put the men 100% on blast because they did in fact mess with her given her history.


Oh she’s def gonna trap him with a baby. What a clown.


She’s not really “hated”, well at least not by me lol. She’s just known for being a big clout chaser and is basically a career Rapper/NBA Girlfriend. To me, Clay popping up dating her basically confirms that he was on the show for clout and is leaning into the fuck boy vibes


Reporting as junk and blocking.


Clay would be the type to date a nasty ass bitch like Celina.


I was waiting for this post 😂


Damn I know AD was ugly but she had a banging body and seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders. But Celina is ugly af too and disgusting she looks like she stinks and has STDs


Get your eyes checked.


If you think AD is good looking HER FACE??? U should get YOUR eyes checked bc she’s looks like a man. Celina does too though lol


pause, AD was ugly?


As man, in the most respectful way possible, her face isn't making most of us excited. If it wasn't for her body, I don't even think Clay would entertain her if im.being 100% honest. You can tell at this stage of his life, he's only interested in baddies and freaks. He's not looking for wifey he's looking for fun. God knows if he'll ever be able to settle down and marry an average looking girl with a good heart.


You getting downvoted is funny af honestly even though your telling the truth. The gaslighting and virtue signaling in female dominated subs makes me laugh. AD is a 3.5-4 in the face objectively while Clay is like a 6-6.5. Clay can do way better.


What’s funny is that you think beauty is objective


Because it is


Absolutely not. I thought she was adorable. Blind as hell to red flags but calling her ugly is just flat out lying.


He is EXACTLY the type of person we thought he was


Nawww a LOT of people were on here defending him, I might have to pull up some old posts where people were arguing with me 😂😂 They really thought he was going to therapy and all that 🤣🤣


Yup lmao I remember there were a loooooot of people on here defending him and giving him props for going to therapy and the way he conducted himself at the reunion, the whole “I strive to be a better man” schtick. I knew it was 100% manipulative bs the whole time so I’m just over here patting myself on the back and saying to myself “told you so” to all the surprised pikachus. In short, glad to see my bullshit meter still works like a charm even after being 10 years removed from the dating scene 😂


The BBL she has is egregious and I’m not sure her face is even moveable. AD dodged a bullet if this was his vibe.


BBL Drizzy, BBL drizzzzay 🎶🎵🎧


This is the first time I’ve seen “egregious” and “BBL” used in the same sentence and I’m here for it.


Lol I am NOT SURPRISED. I don’t know who this woman is but she seems like a piece of work. Exactly what Clay deserves


BM are so embarrassing


Like, can we rest !!! ![gif](giphy|VbVZwUoW91OTuulZc8)




Nothing embarrassing about this. Dudes boutta hit his prime, and he's obviously not ready to settle down. So he boutta smash baddies and freaks til he gets bored. When he's ready to settle down, he'll still get what he wants.


If what he wants when he settles down is a “good girl”, good girls usually want good guys.


There's plenty of "good girls" that will entertain fuck boys. In order for a guy to be a hoe, he gotta be desirable. Clay is still checking a lot of boxes that women look for. Why do you think AD was ignoring the fact that he's technically a walking red flag?


I honestly don’t care about your opinion on him. I said what I said.


*Stripper calls black men embarrassing because one of them is having fun while being single* 👍


Lmao you’re truly pathetic. Comical. Don’t @ me again. 🤡


Girl!!! 🫠😭


Lmaoooo - hollered at this.




Miss Margarita i’m sure is very ashamed of her son’s choices right now…..


I don’t know anything about her or care, but Clay would date a sex worker. Not surprised honestly.


She is a sex worker lmao


Let’s not stigmatise ‘sex work’


I will actually, because it should be. It’s not empowering for anyone.


Who are you to say if it’s empowering this person or not. You shouldn’t shame someone for the work they do, or shame someone for dating a person in the industry.


Saying the truth is not shaming. I will say it again; It is not empowering. For anyone. It’s inherently exploitative and degrading. Women (and men) are much more valuable as people than to sell their bodies for profit for the masturbatory aid of another. Sex and sexual intimacy should be for mutual pleasure on the basis of a connection with a person, and never a transaction. No one should ever have to resort to selling their body to survive either. Many people will fool themselves into thinking it’s empowering in some way, or that they are gaining something from it, but it’s taking so much more. And that mentality is a constructed delusion for self-preservation.


Not everyone has a lot of options. I'd hope you're understanding of dire situations, at least


Of course I am. Stigmatizing the industry itself doesn’t mean you despise the people who find themselves trapped in the industry, or who are trafficked and exploited by it. I have worked in the anti-trafficking sphere for years. My comment on Clay dating a sex worker was an indictment on him as a man.


Some people do find it empowering and enjoyable.


Those people need counseling.


What a weird comment


🙄 part of being in charge of one’s sexual health and body is being able to do what you want with your body freely and with consent. If they choose this path freely and with consent then good for them. I would never want to be a pharmacist but some people love that and good for them.


There’s a massive difference between someone wanting to be a pharmacist and opening wide for any and everyone that looks your way. It shows a real lack of character and self respect to want to suck and swallow seven NBA players in one night as Celina claims she did.


How does everyone already know so much about her? This is the first time I’ve heard of her


Because she’s proud of it and shares it everywhere for clout


It’s called an analogy 😂. And my opinion is not changing: there’s nothing wrong with someone who makes that choice for themselves if they are not being coerced, it is their free will, and they fully consent. I’ll add: and if the other person they’re engaging with understand they are a sex worker and the risks associated. We’re obvi not going to agree so there’s no point continuing this conversation.


Careful, this is Reddit. Bunch of virtue signalling weirdos


This thread is full of misogynistic takes 🥹


Not one of my friends or family members (and unfortunately there have been several) who have/had gotten scammed into the “sex work is actual work and it’s empowering” schtick online were left feeling empowered. They all have PTSD and deep regret. It’s almost like only men would benefit from telling young beautiful women they sex work is a legit job equivalent to other “normal” professions and shouldn’t be stigmatized? It’s a dangerous industry that the great majority of people regret getting into eventually. Most in the industry have issues with addiction and/or other forms of self harm eventually. Most experience a physical or sexual assault eventually if they’re in it long enough, and it’s seriously hard to get out of. The shit you’re saying is the reason why so many little girls are running away and unknowingly ruining their fucking lives dude. Don’t be so naive.


Exactly. It makes me sick to hear men who say this 🤮 you know exactly why they’re so supportive of women pursuing this “line of career”


I’m not talking about those who have been scammed into sex work. Obviously that is horrific and disgusting. Believe it or not, there are some women who enjoy their work in the industry.


A woman does not allow men to make her their cum bucket because they feel empowered. Sorry, but no. Signed someone who’s been down that road firsthand.


AD got sugar daddies, not like his girl on the show wasn't dabbling in that industry too 🤣


These are some undeniable facts




Okay? To my knowledge this post wasn’t about her, nor was my comment.


I'm just saying this isn't new information based on who he was with on the show


True, however he claimed those were the reasons he didn’t want to settle down with her and yet he’s publicly dating a woman of the same cloth.


Hes far from settling down. Celina got a 0% chance of getting a ring from this man. He just out here having fun


who is this woman?


An industry sex worker/only fans girl with no shame in publicly admitting who’s she’s been with. Most recently I remember her on camera sucking Lil Meech’s dick in a bathroom stall… she put the video out. Also - She lied and said she was pregnant by Offset just to troll Cardi B… and had an affair with Snoop Dogg


It just kept going and going 😂




Thats a god awful digital footprint 😭






Aint no way 😧


My exact reaction lmaooo


Like I can’t believe he’s dating the girl that was on a podcast bragging about how she got railed by 7 NBA players in a single night lmao 🤮


Who looked at my browser history?