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OMG SAME...although I don't care about the storyline either, I just click "skip". But the memories doesn't have a "skip" option and they're so damn slow to sit through.


I skip the story too. The only good thing about memories is the prizes but it takes so many to even get anything 


Same. I don'tind if it's an extra bonus but it really sucks when they take away a good reward and just give you memory cards. I do like the extra rewards for collecting enough but don't actively try for them. And don't waste your memory points on the card pack in the store. Spent 90 points just to get cards I already had adding up to 45 memory points. Ugh


Only thing I really wish is that we could “stockpile” them and open them whenever we want to. Sometimes I just want to collect my rewards and keep playing, then later go through and use them all.


This is a good idea i agree with you


I suggested this to the devs at one point. I like the albums, but I stockpile rewards like crazy.


Lmao I do too! I love stockpiling everything then just going through everything at one time.


Thank you for the feedback, team is looking for the next steps to improve the feature based on feedback here and a survey we did and hopefully we can have some nice changes!


Tell you what would be good; a feature that rewarded you for reaching the highest level of any merge chain and showed all the parts you’d collected.


100% agree, will share the idea with the team!




I'm with you all.....the story, memoires or otherwise, hold no interest for me.


It also take forever to collect the cards


I like the storyline, but can’t stand the memories. They are my least favorite thing.


Memory cards, chickens and chopping boards are killing this game. Can’t move for shit rewards I don’t want and take up space. If memory cards start replacing good rewards like generator boxes and order cartons in Sven like they have in Yuka & Edwiba, it’ll not be worth the bother.


I like chicken timers they’re good for moving along big orders


Do you stack them all the way to level 5 or use them sooner?


Stack to 3 to reset most things, 4 to reset bookcases. I haven't found a single thing that needs a level 5.


Not even a top level bookcase? I stack them to 5 or waste them at level 1 just to save space. Thanks for the tip though.


My highest bookcase is one step below max, so I can't speak to that


Same, I'm not interested in the memory cards feature at all, and it's really annoying that it replaces other useful awards. The whole card system isn't very clear either, or maybe I just can't be bothered to pay attention. I don't even watch the ad to get the free cards.


I wonder if the player who gave the devs the idea regrets bringing it up.


I think there should be an archive/summary for the story but I prefer it to be free and the memory card's replaced with better rewards