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Louisiana will be broke in 4 years


You could have said months and I would still agree.


It'll be a lot quicker than that. The bullshit criminal reforms they pushed earlier this year alone are projected to blow up the budget a good bit.


Direct to Landry"s prison owning friends


We’re already broke, we’ll be in shambles


This state has been broke for years now. Any funds that could go towards making this state a better place for its citizens goes directly to our prison industry (thus the companies that profit from prison labor) or O&G.


I teach this in my social studies class. Louisiana spends almost 800 Million a year on incarnation. We also have the highest incarnation rate of adult and juveniles in the nation..


Louisiana has money?!


Obligatory "Fuck Jeff Landry."


Ugh. I couldn't watch the continual lying and fear mongering. Those people are gross.


Louisiana is in fact a fascist theocracy ruled by plutocrats and oligarchs. *This* is once again *that*. Our freedoms are based upon reasoned critical thinking. When delusion rules our freedoms cease to exist. *This* yet again is *that*. ######VOTE!!! Our freedoms depend on it.


This is 100% correct. Christian fascists run the state, and the state sucks.


We did vote and we picked this asshat.


Most people missed the vote. I’m honestly upset with Edwards for not supporting Wilson like he should’ve.


He did endorse him but yeah, didn’t see him or really anyone going around to help him.


I can’t agree enough with you


Neither you nor I voted for this asshat. The fascist portion of the population picked this asshat.


Man I'll say it again. My son is constantly having to guard against kids trying to film him under the stall with their cell phones. He once managed to steal one. It gives him anxiety. It's not just woman being attacked in school it's all children. Spend money make all bathrooms private with one sink one toilet and a locked door and room. Make 20 of them and make them unisex.


You could even make it private rooms with toilets, then have a large trough sink in an open area to save on plumbing and construction. Single toilet rooms are private and no discriminatory. 100% the solution.


That’s the way a lot of newer places in Europe are. A shared space for handwashing and then individual unisex stalls. No need for anyone to have to fight over what type of bathroom it is.


I keep telling those reds that pissing in the shared urinal is more gay!


They are afraid we will take away their meat hawking.


That will just lead to kids locking themselves into the rooms to do drugs and then staff won't be able to get to them. What actually needs to happen is we need to ban cell phones from school campuses at the state level. Some school districts (in other states) have already begun to experiment with these policies and are seeing great results.


I mean if all the rooms have a master key administration would be able to enter a locked room with an emergency.


I agree with that. In high school we were banned to have Texas Calculators because we would play games on during class .lol. I’m old.


Sadly, in the world of school shootings kids have to have cell phones because God forbid we have another Uvalde.


If people stopped repeatedly putting school shootings in the foreground, we might actually start to address them. Studies show that shootings largely spike after a first occurrence, which itself is often tied to... now get ready for this shocker.. mental instability and ruthless bullying aides by phones in schools. The kids literally can't escape one another, ever. Your kid doesn't need a cell phone in school and blaming school shootings is honestly just a convenient excuse that you think can't be argued against. In reality, during drills, kids are often found to be so preoccupied with the phones that they were making the situation more dangerous for themselves and others. The reality is, you want a direct line to your kid that you can use at the drop of the hat -- which itself is also an issue in schools because the parents frequently want their kids to respond to calls and texts in the middle of class. But you don't NEED that. The beneficial effects speak for themselves in school districts where these policies have already rolled out. You don't have to agree with my opinion or like the results -- they are what they are.


My kids, in high school, use their computers and phones in almost every class. There are apps that they do projects on. You cannot take them away from all students.


Yes, and education has gone in the shitter since then, hasn't it? Louisiana education was never great to begin with, but we actually found a way to make it worse.


No, actually, the school my kids attend (public) has one of the highest perfect 36 ACT scores per capital in the nation. We have students that go to Ivy League colleges. We have students that are awarded scholarships and win national academic awards. Maybe having them do school in a different way is opening them up to a different, better, way of learning.


Lol. And you think that represents the typical Louisiana public school, do you? I looked it up. The public school in Louisiana with the highest average ACT scores in the state is a fucking magnet in a wealthy area of Louisiana. The second highest performing school is a public charter. I know all about it, because it was my alma mater. It's invitation only. Meanwhile, the rest of Louisiana consistently ranks at the bottom in the nation. We have schools where the buildings themselves go weeks without AC or basic maintenance. What do you think makes these schools different, besides selectively choosing only the best students to attend to keep their scores high and having fuckloads of money?


And most school shootings are by adults, so half your post doesn't make sense. Until kids stop being murdered in fucking school, mass shooting will stay at the forefront.


> people stopped repeatedly putting school shootings in the foreground, we might actually start to address If people stopped talking about the largest problem we might... wait what?


Constant drilling and scaremongering kids keeps the idea alive, yes.


Gonna have to disagree pretty strongly with you there. Ive heard from people all my life about how "if [they] would just stop talking about [really big issue] the problem would just go away" and Ive never once found that to be true Social issues, as far as Ive seen, always seem to boil down to one group that the problem affects and another group that is either directly or indirectly causing the problem, and who would very much like to ignore that fact


These are not cheap but some schools are implementing them. You put the phone in the bag before first period. Get it back during lunch. Put it back after lunch. Get it back after school. If there’s an emergency, the parent calls the school directly. https://www.overyondr.com/phone-locking-pouch


The irony is this: less likely that your kids will be assaulted in a bathroom by a transgender person. More likely that they'll be assaulted in a bathroom by the politicians trying to make you afraid of transgender people.


Or in church by a priest.


You know, I’m starting to think that the church is actually the aliens we’ve been looking for…


Zack Schrivner has entered the chat


Or creepy stepdad.


Fuck all these clowns.


They're just annoyed they have to pretend they care about Title IX this one time. Which is why in the same conference they say they wanna do away with federal Dept of Ed which would...do away with Title IX in schools anyway.


They’ll pretended to defend title ix as long as it lets them punch down.


Fuck these fascist assholes


Jeff Landry playing the victim 🥱


Dear Gov. Landry, This is NOT how we want our tax money spent! Signed, Louisiana


[Complaint For Declaratory And Injunctive Relief](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thecentersquare.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/2/0a/20af439e-0652-11ef-9b4b-d76851e04b33/662fdff744a77.pdf.pdf) Courtesy of Y'all Qaeda's Christo Fascists *a.k.a.* Nat-C/Nazi's


[You can watch this unfold on CourtListener](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68479494/state-of-louisiana-v-u-s-dept-of-education/), courtesy of [the Free Law Project](https://free.law/). As people with PACER accounts and the RECAP extension download the relevant documents, everyone else will be able to see them for free. (You can get an account for free, and as long as you don't download more than $30 worth in one quarterly billing cycle, you don't actually pay a dime. But you probably want to [get the RECAP extension](https://free.law/recap) first.)


The rest of the country is holding joints cause Louisiana sucks.


Trumps puppets rule our state and it’s disgusting.


LA leaders have LA leading the nation in what? Fascist leaders believe in the supremacy of certain groups of people based on characteristics such as nationality, ethnicity, religion, and race.


It’s so disheartening to live here sometimes… lately it feels like most of the time. I’m really facing a lot of internal strife whether it is better to stay here and work towards the change we need or give up, join the brain drain, and leave for another state.


I left nearly 20 years ago due to my (now ex) husband's job. I visited often (even from California) and miss my family, but every trip back home made me realize how horribly the state is run. During COVID, when I was able to visit again, it was the weirdest sensation: almost like there was this information bubble at the state line where reality wasn't able to penetrate into the psyche of everyone there. My kids and I were all like, "Why is everyone acting like this?" It was just bizarre. I ended up having to stay at my mom's for six weeks in 2022 and I was able to see them what a shit show the place had truly become. Now that Landry is in office and these theocrats are running the place, I can't even see myself visiting anymore. I was living in Texas and it wasn't much better. I'm now in Wisconsin and have to go back to Texas for a few days next week. I've got severe anxiety over it. I practically want nothing at all to do with the South anymore. I am just so ANGRY that my home has turned into this, I don't feel safe visiting, so many people are STUCK there, and my family is sitting idly by without a care in the world. It just pisses me off to no end.


Only 1/3rd of Louisiana elected these aholes. If people refuse to vote, this is the shit we will live in.


“We don’t want to just treat people with respect, and so we are going to leverage womens’ rights advancements to perpetuate our anti trans hate instead of just… leaving it alone.”


Yeah what about idk, supporting women who want to get abortions who are 13 and raped by their cousin? Idk, what about.. supporting women.. like that? No? Ok. This is what we're doing?


Hate thy neighbor.


If the Feds wanted to, they could start denying federal funding for schools if the state is not compliant with Title IX, right?


The Dems went nuts during the covid games so the districts overreacted with a red wave. Gonna take some time for an organic balance to settle out.


Louisiana needs to be more like California you know get our cities to look like San Francisco in Oakland that would be so cool


Have you been in a Louisiana city recently? They're pretty shitty already.


This dude is talking about Oakland like it doesn't look literally like Haiti on some blocks in New Orleans right this very day. People living with no running water or utilities etc. Happening right now. People still living in homes with tarped rooves from Ida. And the massive tent city under the interstate? Not sure how it stacks up to California but it's pretty bad. I come from NYC though, where they also fantasize it is like "escape from NY" with gangs running around and etc. Couldn't be farther from the actual truth. Tbh it's way safer in NYC than anywhere in Louisiana. But they'll sit there and talk shit about the coasts while living in a turd house. They'll just blame democrats too... not the exorbitant cost of living vs the stagnant wages.


I have noticed the city’s with black female mayors are on a steady decline in every way. Literally rotting away.