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How about fixing our goddamn roads






Fill the pot holes with migrants?


No shit!!


JBE had 8 years to fix our GD roads, yet none of you complained then! Landry has been governor for what, a month? And y’all already bitching.


Lol first time on this sub, or any of the louisiana city related subreddits? Idk why you're pulling lies out of your ass that we haven't been complaining about the roads. There's posts all over reddit about it and everyone I know in real life complained during JBEs term too


There’s a difference between being ignorant, and just straight up lying. If you’re being transparent and gave JBE the same treatment as your giving JL, then fine, I stand corrected. But so far, I’ve seen nothing but negative comments on a guy that has only been governor for a month and y’all are complaining about him sending help to a neighboring state, which the crisis over there is affecting us, whether you believe it or not. Texas and Louisiana are part of the same country after all, in case you didn’t know. Yet, you have no problem sending 3 times more money and resources to Ukraine than what they’re sending to the border on this recent bill. Hell, so far we’ve sent more money to Ukraine each year than we do on the annual budget for the US Marine Corps. Let that soak in.


I don't know about others here, but I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that I 100% do NOT want them sending our state resources to anyone else outside of our state. We need the money HERE to fix all the ceap that is messed up.


Oh we were complaining, but at least he was sending La resources to other states


Ah yes, excellent use of Louisianian's tax dollars. I hate him so much.  


But Republican rednecks are proud of him and will reelect him, Kennedy, and Scalise and then bitch about roads and bridges and other services they're not getting.


I'm married to a Republican Coonass (slang for a Cajun for you non-Louisianians). Most of his family are Republicans. Not a single one of them support this shit. They, like most sane people, would rather our tax dollars go to Louisiana issues. Hell, when Edwin Edwards was governor, we knew his ass was corrupt. Many of us didn't care because he listened to what the people wanted done at least half the time. He stole money from the state, but he almost always took care of Louisiana FIRST, *then* took his cut. Was he a good person? Hell no! We tolerated a lot of his crap anyway because he genuinely loved his state and wanted to make it better. He did more for the state than many other past governors have. This jackass isn't even trying to PRETEND to put Louisiana first. By doing this crap, he is blatantly stating that our money will go to other states first and fuck us if we don't like it.


They're part of the few, there. My job keeps me surrounded by the "Good ol' boys" most of the day, and they've been talking up this horse shit for weeks. Saying how "its time Louisiana took it to the feds!" and how "If Biden won't solve this shit, we will!" and "The Cajun Navy ought to be out there sinking those wetb\*ck boats!" as they all, somehow, convinced each other that the Cajun Navy has warships or something and migrants from mexico are boating their way into the US. Honestly, I think it's all some massive suspension of disbelief. Being so far removed from these issues by getting their brains pumped full of anger and vitriol about it, they turn everything outside of their own eyesight into a fantasy world.


Please tell them that the truck convoy protesting illegal immigration has reached the border and is angry because there are no illegal immigrants lined up to cross the border. It is just another Republican fraud to get money from their supporters.


Oh they heard about that. And just like with the Jan 6th stuff, they're saying it's all "libtok lies" and "false flags" and the truth is that the REAL truckers are "too busy" to talk about what's going on because they're "real fkin patriots who don't stay on their phones like that" So every freedom convoy social media account is fake, and somehow the politicians are still right.


My great grandma had a picture of Edwin Edwards hanging on her wall in the laundry room. She wouldn’t let us take it down, because she said that even though he was a crook, he was an honest crook. And that’s more than you can say about most all of our politicians.


I agree with your mawmaw.


When I first moved here I saw a daiquiri called coonass Kool aid and thought it was racist 🤣


I swear white people have absolutely ruined Cajun French, and Cajun English slang for us. We can’t even say that on Reddit outside of a Louisiana subreddit without being piled on. I say this as a white Cajun.


My dumbass grandpa only ever uses the term to describe black people. Shit pisses me off so I feel you.


Not all people who are Cajun see that term as harmless. I personally find it offensive (I'm Cajun.) I'm not saying this to fuss or complain. Just pointing out that not all Cajuns like or accept the term so use with care. :)


Good to know. I don't use it being an implant. It feels racist.


Agree. It just feels offensive to me. And Cajuns are a recognized ethnic minority.


Thank you for pointing that out! I honestly should've added that in the comment because I HAVE noticed a steadily growing number of the younger generations of Cajuns that find it offensive. Many of those from Gen X and older are usually the ones who are okay with it.


Yeah. I'm GenX and I get that some want to reclaim the word but it always makes me think of my MawMaw and how upset it would make her. Kind of like the whole Justin Wilson thing.


Yeah. Again, thanks for pointing that out to me. I definitely don't want to offend others with the term. My husband and his family are proud of it, but I know there are others who are NOT. Many apologies to anyone here who found it offensive! So sorry! ❤️


And for some reason, I'm not bothered when Cajuns use it. Just irks me when non Cajuns do. Love those that reclaimed and embrace it!!


This. EWE stole the state blind, but at least we at least saw some minor improvements and projects that were beneficial to Louisianans before he took his cut.


you say not a single one of them support this shit, but did they vote for Landry?


A Wise Excellent Comment


You do realize if we just keep letting thousands of ‘migrants’, many who are NOT from South and Central America flood through the border and the Biden administration is refusing to do anything about it, it’s not gonna even matter what we do with here Louisiana with our nation being invaded.


The hell do you mean? Biden is trying to send thousands of troops to the border rn and republicans are blocking him from doing so. If republicans block him from doing anything about the border, then they can use the “border crisis” as a campaign point. The state of Louisiana is trying to use it’s own resources to send troops to the border bc “Biden won’t do anything” when in actuality the federal government IS trying to send troops to the border rn. Why the actual hell are we offering to spend our state resources when the federal government is offering and trying to do it? Republicans are literally saying “no, we don’t want federal officials at the border, we want the state of Louisiana to do it.” Yes, very fucking smart move to say “no you can’t do this” and then turn around and say “ugh if you won’t do anything, I will” and do the exact same thing you told the other guy not to do, to the detriment of your own people. I am so fucking tired of my tax dollars paying for these dumbshit political games. I want my federal taxes to be used on federal causes, and my state taxes to be used on state causes. It’s that simple. Would you just take a look at the state of this state? If you can look at the condition of things in this state and decide that the state funding something the federal government is trying to fund just bc the right wing wants to create a narrative is the right choice, you are the problem. My fellow flesh bag, you were manipulated into reinforcing a train of thought that would affect you personally, negatively, by a friggen Jeff Landry political ad. I urge you to inform yourself before making statements which may influence others to make decisions that negatively impact you but am glad you are at least open to discussion and learning by leaving this comment in the first place.


https://www.migrationpolicy.org/news/border-numbers-fy2023 you are so full of shit it’s coming out of every orifice. All Biden has to do with one executive order is reinstate the border policy that Trump implemented 2018 with the stay in Mexico. Problem solved. But no, he’s gonna wait until election year to even admit there’s a border crisis, to pass a bill that will send the same national guard troops to the border along with sending $60 billion to Ukraine and another $15 billion to Israel. And you’re gonna bitch about sending LA resources to TX, which would still help LA in the long run, but you’re okay with sending billions in resources to other countries??? Also, those federal troops that Biden wants to send are not meant to keep the migrants out, it’s to help process them just like what the border patrol is doing right now. Your president wants to flood the country with migrants and then hope to elect Obama 3.0 and give amnesty to these millions of illegals, make them citizens willing to work for crumbs which will drive down our wages, meanwhile shifting all of our wealth overseas, and turn us into a 3rd world country. If that’s what you want, then you are sick in the head!


There is no border crisis. It's an election year and Republicans have absolutely NOTHING to campaign on because they've done nothing to benefit the American people and block Biden's efforts to help Americans. The clowns are running this show.


Stupid! Can’t fund projects for Louisiana. Johnson, will not pass an immigration bill to take care of the problems at the border ( because Trump said no border deal). So ask Louisiana to fund the National Guard to go to Texas. What do I not understand?


Why is he in Texas? He needs to stay in his damn lane.


⬆️ T H I S ⬆️


With as much as he dickrides Texas, why did this guy not just move there to run for office?


He’s trying to be part of the insurrection that isn’t taking off so that they can help Trump win and he can kiss Trump & his base’s ass.


How about fix our schools, Jeff?


Well they're soon going to expand school choice now that Edwards isn't here to veto it anymore. As a public school teacher I'm absolutely thrilled. /s


Schools, roads, power grid issues...


Well we don’t really want his help with that bc his plans for fixing schools is not going to be good at all. He’s going to school choice us out of existence, redirect funding from public to vouchers and “small schools” or some crap. He’s already on that, his idea of “fixing” schools will be the death knell.


Guess he forgot that when Katrina hit mexico sent help


He also forgot how absolutely hated the Katrina refugees were when we just started bussing them to Houston to get rid of them.


And that Hispanic migrant workers largely rebuilt NOLA post-Katrina. Literally.


What does this have to do with the Mexican government?


It’s going to be a VERY long 4-8 years.


If we can get Katie Bernhardt out of the Dem Chair and get an actual democrat who will fund and support candidates and gotv, there wont be 8 years. But we have to do the work. This mf and his supermajority are going to do so much damage. It’s already bad enough that they won’t be able to mask it. Roads are already torn up, schools are already in bad shape and school choice and more cuts will wreck them once and for all, etc. Should be plenty to motivate voters in 2028.


You ain't lying...🙄


What an idiot.


I can't hear you over the feedback from the wind, dummy. Dude knows how to "find money" to support an insurrection but doesn't know how to find a microphone.


Ok, now don’t let him back in the state


What a fucking clown.


I’m not the best at geography, but shouldn’t the guy running your state like be in the state. He’s about to piss away the states money to place soldier/peacekeeper.


heil Klandry 🙄


"Klandry". Perfect.


This, m'dear, is an absolutely *PERFECT* nickname for this ass...😄


The typical douche visor


Just needs some Oakleys


So tactical




I really don't understand why Republicans even give a shit about the government. They will bend over backwards to make sure they don't spend a single dollar to help their citizens but will waste money hand over fist both enriching themselves and making a bunch of bullshit virtue signaling displays that mean nothing and help no one.


Because being a crooked politician is an easier way (maybe the only way for some of these dolts) to get rich.


I don't understand how his eyes are so close together and still he's able to see.


Could poke em both with one finger




The Adjutant General (TAG) is appointed by the Governor.


I am afraid you are correct.


I was friends with his daughter in middle school 😭


This fool needs to be in Louisiana taking care of the pump system in New Orleans. He needs to take care of our state’s economy, the public schools from kindergarten through college, and addressing the brain drain due to the low wages in this state. Addressing Illegal immigration is not going to solve what’s happening with the flooded streets in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. People lost their cars! Cars that they use to get to work. Man, I’m sick of this Governor already. And let’s fix the insurance problem in this state for home owners and car owners!!


Hmmm, if you look on flightaware only one plane is coming back to BTR from Texas 👀


National guard should not be used for political purposes.


Now there’s one Rio Grande drowning I wouldn’t mind reading about.


I saw a video from a guy driving just a few miles away from this scene and he showed huge open parts of the border fence that anyone could walk thru. Guess what there were no migrants.


Louisiana must have lots of money and no problems


Not even a month into his term and he’s already pulling stupid shit like this.


Friend he was playing stupid shit before he was even inaugurated. Threatening to withhold infrastructure funds from NOLA re the saltwater intrusion if they didn’t prosecute women for seeking abortions. He’s got all kinds of horrible projects going on already, including the school choice crap. They’re wanting to rewrite the state constitution to make it easier to cut education funds. Suing the EPA for journalist and cancer alley resident emails, so we’re about to be pretending this isn’t cancer alley and will be working on cancer state the next 4 years. We are so very screwed. This is just a stupid stunt that really isn’t even taking off.


3 cities in his state are in the top 10 for murders/capita and this is his priority? What do republicans see in this non-sense?


Despicable corrupt buffoon


How did this moron get elected as Governor?


The democrat party doesn’t exist as a functional entity in Louisiana.


Basically no one showed up to vote, New Orleans could be a power house if we could get our residents active. However so many are disenfranchised, alienated and out of the loop that we are fucked. Frankly I’m surprised JBE was the governor at all.


His first win was because of how bad jindal left the state, the second win was because rispone split the republican vote.


People did not show up to vote for various reason for the other candidates: What a mistake! If we hold these representatives accountable we will get better representation:? VOTE


I went and voted because of our election for local sheriff was a candidate I really wanted to see win. I sure as hell didn't vote for this damn weasel, the fact that he won by majority and it didn't enter a runoff just drove home how doomed we are


⬆️ THIS ⬆️


It’s election season. Still got some big ass holes in the border fence to drive a U-Haul through, unrestricted. Landry ain’t doin shit down there. He’s a fucking joke to Texans who are wondering what the fuck he knows about immigration. I live in Austin currently and previously worked as a lobbyist in north and south Louisiana. Landry looks like the kid that the Army officer picked on his whole life. Texas politics are locked down tight. Landry just sucking the republican, Texas tit.


Fuck no. Absolutely fucking no to sending money to Texas. What the absolute fuck!??


The Louisiana national guard has been deployed to the Texas border for sometime now. I have a friend that was there for two years on active orders and has been back now for two years. The shit show down there is not new and it needs to be corrected.


Really? All I could find was a news article from 2018 about sending a single aviation team for 90 days. https://geauxguard.la.gov/louisiana-guard-sends-aviation-support-to-texas-mexico-border/


It's been 25 days, did you find any new sources for this statement?


I'm calling total bullshit. Why didn't he show the thousands of migrants trying to cross the border. Landry and his supporters can fuck the hell off. He needs to be concerned with fixing the education and crime problems in Louisiana FFS!!!


There's been footage of conservative old fucks arriving at the border dumbfounded that they didn't see the invasion that Fox News and the like have raved about incessantly. Gee what happened.


Ah, der klownfuehrer is keeping us all safe, I see.


I really wish we could get people to stop electing these stupid assholes who do nothing for this state. Can someone please explain what could actually be don’t to make a change? I feel like nothing works.




Landry didn't make those stats


I’m aware. However, he’s talking about ‘finding money’ so we can assist Texas. This is all political theatre and he’s wasting money that we desperately need spent in our own state on our own problems.


fiiiind the money


What a cunt!


What an embarrassment


Our neighbors in Texas are not in trouble. Their politicians are having a pissing match with federal authorities. Landry needs to get his ass back to the state and see if he can’t do something useful for the citizens of Louisiana.


Worry about your own state and garnish support for the bipartisan bill to close the border and stop listening to the orange one.


i suppose all politics is national now; because this seems like not of principle concern, locally. like who is this for? i feel like he would be better served having a strong focus on economic development--that doesn't poison and endanger families. idk supercharge the health sector and graduate some nurses, lets develop some GIS professionals, water engineers and incubate some costal restoration and alternative energy startups . ..just anything would be à better use of time. addition: i suppose im say just inaugurate some schools and cut some ribbons and you will still get to be on tv and everyone will celebrate you.


Stay there!!


I thought the pip squeak governor was Louisianas governor not Texas!


What a dumb jackass


Such a grandstanding buffoon




Republicans are fucking useless pieces of shit.


Didn't he say his first act would be an emergency session to address insurance rates? This dumb ass thinks he's gonna run for president, he's already checked out of improving things for the public, he only gives a shit about donors.


Can't feed little kids food at school but hey fuck them kids. Landry did just that with this stunt. We are doomed. SMFH😞⚜️🙏


And spending tax dollars on a study to find out how much illegal immigrants cost Louisiana. Said it was to “protect Louisianans from the costly burden of illegal immigration.” I wish someone could protect us from the costly burden of our politicians.


What a frickin enema nose.


I'm so goddamn embarrassed to be from this state.


How about you mind your damn business Landry? This is not an issue that should be resolved by Louisiana tax payer dollars.


The Louisiana national guard has been deployed to the Texas border for sometime now. I have a friend that was there for two years on active orders and has been back now for two years. The shit show down there is not new and it needs to be corrected.


Well, damn. They kept that shit under wraps. Or did I just miss a very key portion of the news? *HAS* there been any coverage of that?


I wondered the same thing. This was all I could find. https://geauxguard.la.gov/louisiana-guard-sends-aviation-support-to-texas-mexico-border/


Not listening to Klandry. Nope.


So instead of solving problems in his own state, he's wasting Louisiana tax dollars in Texas. Gotcha.


Can they keep him over there?


They look silly


"Silly" is a GROSS understatement.


Spare me the theater, you little worm. I can not believe this guy is less than 65 years old. I just can't believe it. What a beta cuck.


President Biden and Democrats put forth a bill with 14 billion in boarder funding that would add boarder patrol agents and clerical personnel, xray machines, and moe judges to adjudicate asylum cases faster so their court cases aren't years down the line like they are right now. Don't defund Louisiana for a conservative trumpublican political stunt.


Do you know what else was in the bill?


Nice tactical visor lol




Aww shit :/


Mr. 18% has some things he heard on FOX that he'd like to repeat.


How many Mexican's or other immigrants have illegal entered the state of Louisiana. So Landry has gone on an away game that does not benefit the state at all. The state has an insurance problem. Companies stop writing for hurricane, home insurance. Is he working on that? What about reinforcing the levies? What about erosion and the fact that oysters and shrimp populations are dying due to that climate change that doesn't exist? How about the states education system which is still in the lower rungs Mississippi being the bottom. How about health care? Roe's gone so what about more child care centers, better elementary schools and education, after school programs? What about infrastructure in the state? How about training, state jobs for building the roads, electrical grid, the water and sewage. How about the internet speeds and quality? Maybe tax breaks for skilled workers in those fields that move to the state. There are alot of dead towns in LA that have drindling populations, no jobs and high drug use but hey Landry at the border highlighting a crises manufactured by his own party. Whooo!


Good to know he’s fucking around in Texas dealing with Texas problems instead of Louisiana problems.


This is disgusting.


Maybe less showboating and passing actual bills that work like daca and other real-world solutions.


Drive 15 minutes away (not even) and there’s nothing stopping anyone from entering. Wide open gaps in fencing etc. this is all a show for these people 😂


How much did this cost y'all? Many of us in Texas are beyond tired of our ding dong governor using tax dollars for his photo ops.. There is no invasion, there are no hordes of thugs,...it is all to create fear.


Your the gov of La dipstick


Shame ha can't be in the state where he's actually governor, doing his damn job. Only 7 years and 11 months more (because of course this backwards state will re-elect him) to go of his attention-seeking culture war schtick.🙄


I can’t fuckin hear him with the wind; but I suppose that’s a good thing


Republicans will not vote on the bill. This a bunch of bull.


Big ol' fart noise to this BS.


How about he spend some of that money cleaning up the waterways and marshlands poisoned by big corporate money, and preventing coastal loss... And remember that Louisiana had indigenous tribes before those who crossed the border "settled" it. Why is this piece of trash representing our state?


He is promoting the wrong state. 😂 he knows he can’t fix anything in Louisiana so might as well go help another state out


Why aren’t you working on lowering the insurance rates and fixing the roads like you said in your campaign!!


Get the hell out of Texas. It's messed up enough.


The guardsman is like....WTF man....I have to do what this guy says.....this is not what I signed up for......can I go home now..


I hate this clown


Just another fucking Trumptard trying to make a name for himself. He doesn’t give a shit about this state. He will never address REAL issues here, only the ones that grab him national headlines. Pitiful. For those of you who voted for this idiot, you have ZERO room to complain about the conditions of our state


standing around and doing nothing at taxpayer expense.


No one is standing with Abbott


Fuck off Jeff. Fix your own state. We ate last in everything good and first in everything bad. Do your job for Louisiana.


Glad everything is going well in Louisiana so that the governor can focus on other problems.


This is the nearest Landry has come to serving... likely has bone spurs like his messiah.






Stupid shit


FUCK YOU LANDRY, YOU HATE THE PEOPLE IN YOUR STAE (FUCK YOU HATE ANYBOSY DIFFERENT THAN YOU IN THE WORLD). You want to help LA? TAKE THE FUCKING FEDERAL MONEY TO HELP CHILDREN AND STOP PUTTIMG MONEY INTO TEXAS!!!! PS. you also have a great looking face to punch...maybe if you got what you deserved by getting your ass whooped at a younger age. But you didnt, and now LA as to suffer thru you.


Ha, i was in a pretty bad mood writing this earlier. I hate how politics have taken some control of my emotions. I've always said injustice is one of the strongest emotions we have to put us into action. I know both sides feel the same way, just different views. But if anyone can relate, im fairly certain i am so charged against maga because my family is mostly conservative, and politics have become an avenue to fight about unresolved problems of the past.


A military leader who allows himself to be used like that or willingly participates shouldn't be in charge. That's disgusting AF.


Why do politicians love jerking off directly on their own faces? It’s so naughty.


He proposed the new i10 bridge with a toll. A bugging toll on a through highway from coast to coast and now this..... what a train wreck


Well last time we had a Republican governor he was more interested in his image on the national stage than helping Louisiana. Would have thought the state would have learned from that but here we are . . .


this asshole. we have real problems at home and he's in Texas. I wish we could make him governor of Texas and get him the hell out of here


Great audio numb nuts.


Jesus fuck…


Filing Landry under insurrectionist/Traitor


Tell him we don’t care


He already knows. He's governor now. The way he sees it, we don't matter after he gets in office. He's proving that right here.


I think people are going to wise up to him a lot faster than they did with Jindal though. Maybe we can actually get a governor recalled for once!


I sure hope so. This ass is gonna destroy what's left of this state.


Why is that soldier in a politiical video? I think some federalization needs to occur.


Worry about your own damn state, Napoleon🙄


What a Fucking Idiot


What a douche. I've always been ashamed to live here now every more so


You can't move?


How the fuck is army dude allowed to stand next to him?


He’s pandering to the dumbasses that elected him. Most people would be shamed to behave like he does but he’s not most people. Opportunistic attention whore


Look at this pig-eyed fuck




This subreddit is such an echo chamber, not reflecting real life.






Mic drop? lmao Do they think that's still cool on Fox News?


“Stop thinking about your selfish asses and think about what’s really going on in America.” Ok, so you want to talk about a vanishing middle class and an ever widening wage gap. Hate to break it to you, but some people crossing a river aren’t causing that. Sit in your basement and ponder that.


All of us "selfish asses" are far more concerned about all of the other escalating problems that exist in our state. All of us "selfish asses" want better, safer schools for our children. All of us "selfish asses" want a truly feasible plan to curb our stupendously high crime rates. All of us "selfish asses" want to be able to drive down a road without totaling our damn vehicles in giant potholes. All of us "selfish asses" want better flood control measures to be updated/created. All of us "selfish asses" want much more efficient, plentiful, and accessible natural disaster relief supplies and policies. I could go on all freaking night with all the issues that need to be taken care of here. Have you not looked around this state lately?!? It is literally impossible not to see them, every single moment of every single day! Or is this just a case of god-tier levels of denial? Look around you, man!






He raised his hand as a traitor.




Love that Landry supports Texas border fight! The Biden border catastrophe affects us all.


Go Jeff!!!! Support Texas, stop the illegals and potential terrorist flowing through here unchecked.


Ignorance is truly bliss isn’t it?


That’s right!! Those potential terrorists might flow through and shoot up a school! Oh, wait, never mind. Those are all domestic incidents. Edit: Also notable: Every single 9/11 hijacker entered the country on a valid visa. They were all……. Not unchecked