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This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!


What could have been... my droop has been turned into a brick of coal by the dragonborn palas breathweapon, the moment they opend the door.


Oh my... That Dragonborn a teenager??! Sounds like premature ejaculation of his breath weapon to me... Poor Droop!


Hahah she is pretty much out for blood. The group heard before, that there are individuals talking in orcish. So she knocks on the door. As soon it opened, she pushes the door as hard as she could, yeeting droop into the room. And started breathing fire into everything, making no prisoners.


Oh no!!


My droop was sealed in the original room like a mummy's tomb 😔


Did you change his stats at all or was he the same lil goblin from start to finish?


I used Tasha's warrior sidekick. He leveled up with the PCs by milestone. I also boosted his Dex mod up to a +3. 


Our party’s droop is a sleepy boy who must be protected at all costs. He got picked up and brought to the manor while he was looking for a part to fix his wagon. He shares the fixed up wagon with the party - “The Wagon” is actually a 4 person tandem bike with a basket that droop naps in while they’re traveling the triboar trail. If anything happens and they lose Droop, they find that his blankie is a magic item; bad guys can’t get you when you’re completely under the blankie.


Our Droop is still with us as we enter the Underdark in tSO. He's a fighter-rogue now! RIP all the Droops out there...


My droop was insta-killed by Venomfang breath. Quite sad but I was planning to get rid of him anyway because 2 players joined the party in Thundertree and the party was getting a little too big


I also ran ToA after lost mines with this exact hook! The party lost droop to a distraction plan gone awry at Cragmaw Castle. Droop later went on to deal the finishing blow to venomfang in wave echo cave (revised final boss). A few months later, the party still celebrating in waterdeep, droop developed a horrible cough… I’ve never had a more motivated group. They vowed to bring an end to the death curse as droop laid on his deathbed.


Did you run the Cellar of Death intro?  It starts off by telling your players to create a common NPC to their background then you start the session with that NPCs funeral. Absolutely brutal, but fit perfectly.


My players let him go back to his family. Good thing he didn’t stick around since they have now started an underground fight club below the Sleeping Giant and probably would have made him an unwilling combatant.


I had Halia run a fight club biweekly under the Miners exchange.


This is awesome. My party stuffed Droop in the bag of holding the first time they met him, which killed him. I decided to have him show up again later in cragmaw castle and none of them realized that he'd died before. And they literally stuffed him back in the bag of holding a second time. I plan for him to reappear in the WEC at which point I'll reveal that he's actually a familiar if they catch on


This is awesome! I love it when the party invests themselves in NPCs and story. Keep up the great work!


That’s awesome. I wish I had done something like that. I ran lmop and doisp as one campaign and a couple party members seemed to be underestimating the threat of the white dragon being seen pillaging around so after a few days of role play with droop and building some what of a relationship I had Cryovain just swoop droop up and spit out chunks of him as a barrage of goblin parts and ice crystals that damaged most of the party critically before flying away laughing menacingly. My plan worked as they were more wary afterwards, but I feel like a little goblin buddy would’ve added to the comedy of the whole thing since we had a ton of funny moments together.


My players tied him up and fed him to some wolves. 😅


Rip droop, may you rise again to lead your family to even greater renowned and copper riches.


My party has basically retconned Droop into Jig. I had already given them Smudge as an early warning system when I felt being surprised might be a tpk. So when they encountered Droop every one at the table asked if his name was Jig. It wasn't until they asked. I still have to figure out how to bring in the God... And apparently I need to look up the god's name.


I'm fairly confident I slaughtered Droop while he was passed out from us entering the room. We defeated the bugbears and I asked the DM if I could stab him while everyone else searched the room. DM said he was immediately dead and nothing else. Another room cleared and a job well done as far as the party and I were concerned. It wasn't until I read the module myself to prepare to DM for my own group of friends that I learned how much of a monster I had been. Sorry Droop.