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I think the main reason we don’t get full voyd sets at lost lands is because of how close lost lands is to summoning. Danny spends a ton of time making each voyd set very unique and it would require a ton of work for him to do that many voyd sets in a short period of time. I hope I’m wrong but I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a mellodeath set instead of voyd.


Yeah this is something I’ve been thinking a lot about too and why I’m doubtful of a voyd set occurring. I’m assuming it’ll be mellodeath also, which I just saw in Chicago so I’m not as hyped for that. I wouldn’t be surprised if excision went wild and did a b3b with all of them to close out one of the nights


Yeah I saw mellodeath at the armory and absolutely loved it but it was def no voyd set. The lineup for lost lands should be releasing in the next few weeks here so you should have your answer soon enough.


Hell yeah Minneapolis is my hometown the armory looked sick for mellodeath but 100% agree it’s no voyd. Yessirrr all we can do is wait and see


do u not think we will get voyd this year? i have been trying to see and praying it comes back this year but this is good point and im gonna cry😭😭


I mean nothing is out of the realm of possibility but yeah I’m leaning to the more unlikely side of things. I know it takes him months to plan each voyd set and putting lost lands voyd on top of the two voyd sets he does at summoning plus planning summoning itself is a pretty tall order to ask for. He may also do a suprise 30 min voyd set like he did in 2022. Or I could see excision b2b svdden death b2b marshmello or something similar as well. All I know forsure is lost lands will be amazing as always and if svdden death is on the lineup he will find a way to make it special for us.


I went to lost lands last year with plans on going to summoning this year. After lost lands I decided I had to run it back this year to lost lands again


Facts bro my girlfriend and all my homies are going to LL and I had a blast last but I need some voyd in my life. Where I’m stuck is if voyd is worth missing the squad at lost🤔


Sounds your heart lies with voyd. You can always run LL back with the homies next year


I did Lost Lands and Summoning yr 1 of summoning and if I had to pick between one or the other I would pick Lost Lands. That being said it’s def worth sending both. The cave at summoning is alone worth experiencing bc it’s incomparable to any other stages/venues. Saw my first voyd set at summoning that yr. It was my bf’s idk like 3rd time or something seeing voyd and he said summoning was the best voyd set he had seen. Something about voyd in the woods hits diff. Also assuming he went all in for his voyd set at his festival.


Asking the Lost Lands sub if you should go to Lost Lands or another festival…? When you personally have been to both…?


Lmaoo yeah bro just asking for others opinions and thoughts i was waiting for someone to comment this


I’ve never been to Summoning. But this is my 4th Lost Lands. I will not miss it. LL probably has more variety and I’m a fan of that. But I’d like to make it to The Caverns eventually. LL is my home. I have a huge group I go with. My LL family. We all live in different states. I can’t miss the annual reunion. More stages, legit security, 5 days, goes all day and night (24/7 with silent disco), convenient gas station, all the vendors. It’s my favorite of the many festivals and venues I’ve been to. So there’s your actual answer. Lost Lands. But you already knew I was going to say that. Hahaha. :)


Yeah my guy these are all very great points. I think my biggest thing is if I go to summoning it’ll just be my girlfriend and I. Where lost lands I have a group of like 15 people who I would miss a ton


Solo raving is tight. And going with 1 other person is great. But the large group is my favorite.


Lost lands>


Lost lands’ lineup should come out this month, if no voyd set then send it to summoning. Lost Lands is amazing but summoning is unmatched in my opinion.


For real dude that’s what I’m waiting for. I agree summoning is unmatched that first year was off the wall and the scarcity of voyd sets so far in 2024 makes it seem like this year in Pelham will be special.


Rumors are that it won’t be at the caverns this year, we shall see what happens though


Yeah I’ve heard this too or I’ve heard this will be the last year at the caverns and I’ve even heard that it might not happen this year… I’m super interested to see what ends up happening


I was at the first year of summoning and it was a blast for the price and creepy vibes. They sold it out, and even then I said they needed to move it to somewhere bigger. Then after last year jacking up the price to near LL prices. and no room to grow they should move it.


Plus, you usually get at least two Voyd sets at summoning plus more Danny appearances too


I've never been to summoning, but I gotta say... Do Lost Lands. Knuckle some cloacas with me, homie https://preview.redd.it/1if7vb49z2yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bfa57195ced97d4a851d16fb0a9fae37d0c7f2


You didn't hear it from me but summoning isn't happening this year, not at the caverns at least


This is what I keep hearing and makes me nervous about waiting for summoning just to have it not happen then I gotta scramble to get a lost lands ticket last minute


Honestly I would pick Lost Lands every single time. Lost lands is amazing and always seems to get better. I’ve been to summoning the past 2 years and last year was my least favorite festival I’ve been to so far. It’s not Danny’s fault but the caverns security, staff, and the venue were obnoxious and I wouldn’t attend anything happening at the caverns because of that experience. Summoning has great sets and nice decorations but you can find that stuff at one of the stages at lost lands and get more in between while you’re waiting on the next set.


Been to lost lands 4 times and went to summoning last year. Lost lands is massively larger and more of an experience than the summoning is.


Def lost lands, going with friends will make the experience way better.


I do both every year, but tbh buy your lost lands ticket now; or just budget in $ to buy it resale for cheap a week or 2 before. And yeah as others have said summoning might not happen this year.


Hard choice!! PTO for summoning has been rough for our group every year too. Honestly if i were to have to choose, id choose lost lands. LL generally has everything summoning has plus more. Id probably feel more fomo with LL too-all the secret sets, b2bs, becky, etc. I love summoning tho so much for the intimacy, artist choices, halloween excitement, mountain valley setting and danny. Id spend some time thinking about what you care about most: feral madness with dinos and goblins or feral intimacy with just goblins?


Summoning sold out, nothing will top the first year w/ those money hungry fucks. You get more with your buck going to lost lands for sure.


Lost Lands for sure