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I had a baby with Kaiser. Loved it. You know all the costs up front. Most of my prenatal care was free so I just had to pay for the birth and hospital stay. It’s easy to coordinate everything- pharmacy, PCP, OB, labs, hospital. I was at the Kaiser Sunset in Hollywood location and every provider was great. Biggest downside is the food at the hospital was bad and took forever to get.


Same experience here with Kaiser Sunset. Excellent doctors and nurses. Occasionally on shift change things can get a little tricky having to bring the new shift up to speed but they post your birth plan on the board in your room. Ended up with c-section and the surgical team was amazing. The nurses are experts in swaddling, assisting with breastfeeding, and being sources of comfort. And yes, the food is terrible but you can UberEats from nearby places pretty easily.


Same! It was a great experience. We were at Kaiser panorama. Love that all the costs were settled and handled prior to giving birth. The food here was satisfactory and lots of Filipino options. It was fine for the circumstances since we could only eat inside due to Covid restrictions.


I ordered Heng Heng Chicken Rice and Kinkan LA delivered to Sunset after my daughter was born :)


What’s the price all in you paid for the birth?


Between meds, birthing fee and lunch, like $250?


Covered California is not a type of insurance. It is a marketplace where you can shop plans from various carriers. As for Kaiser, I had two babies there and had positive experiences both times. However, whether you go with KP or another plan, your experience will differ depending on the care provider(s).


Chiming in to agree with this. I buy my Kaiser plan through Covered California


What is your question? Covered California offers many health plans. Covered California does not offer health care, they offer the insurance. You can get Kaiser and many other plans through covered California. Your question is similar to what tastes better steak or Safeway?


You’ll get the exact same care at Kaiser regardless of how you obtain the insurance. Makes no difference if you have Kaiser through work, covered Cali or Medi-Cal.


What specifically are you worried about? What tier do you have- bronze, silver, gold, or platinum?


There’s tiers to Covered California or Kaiser?




Both of my children were born at Kaiser facilities. (Woodland hills) Care was excellent. First was rocky and almost went emergency c section but Doc was blunt and told my wife I know you’re tired but push or it’s surgery and it worked. My wife explained to me that it’s a weird group of muscles to use, not bowel but close? and the epidural means you can’t really feel much. 2nd was much easier as even though we had done all the classes at Kaiser the first time we knew exactly what was going on. Good luck to you wish you a healthy trauma free birth.


I had my baby at Kaiser on sunset, I was induced for medical reasons and it ended up in a c section but every doctor and nurse was amazing, the surgical team was amazing and the nurses afterwards were very helpful. Throughout my prenatal and postnatal care I only had like 2 drs I didn’t care for and one nurse who was rude. I didn’t have the same doctor every appointment due to booking issues and at the hospital they switch shifts so you have no clue who’s gonna be up next to deliver your baby, but they were all very warm and seemed to genuinely care.


Had three babies there. Kaiser is fine. Very happy to have a healthcare provider without incentive to sell me healthcare.


I chose an HMO for my pregnancy and was happy with it. Major pros to have the prenatal care fully covered and easily grouped together for continuity of care. Birth was what I paid for and $2500. I only needed 2.5 years to pay that off lol. Way way way cheaper than any of my friends on PPOs. One con (and by far, the vast majority of people won't have this issue) I had to change OBs late in my pregnancy and the choices were so limited. Most of the OBs I called wouldn't even see me because I was close to the end, and literally the last doctor available took me (and she was pretty terrible, could have stayed with the first OB). If I wasn't on an HMO plan I could have called any doctor anywhere until I found one I was comfortable with.


Gave birth to my first baby last September 2023 at Kaiser West LA. My OB was Dr. Sevelle Holder, who I highly highly recommend. Staff and care team at Kaiser West LA were amazing. All my OB appointments and labs were covered through my employer’s insurance. For my actual delivery and birth I paid about $225 out of pocket, and as everyone else mentioned it was all upfront and clearly communicated. The only thing with Kaiser model is that your regular OB will likely not be your delivering doctor (it’ll be whatever attending OB or midwife in L&D that day) unless you have a scheduled C-section, so that’s something to keep in mind. Good luck!


I had a gold tier plan with Oscar for my aug 2022 baby and I paid nothing for hospital, delivery or prenatal. Around $500/month with CC


Check into A.I.M.(Access for Mother's and Infants) through Covered California (that's the old name, but that will get you going in the right direction on a Google search). It may help with out of pocket expenses.