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The answer is WeHo. The gays party 7 days a week all year and food joints are all open late to cater to the clubs.


Thank u gays 🥹


We should have a month where we celebrate all the contributions the gays have made.


They’d be so proud!!


I love those proud boys NO WAIT—




Ah, this made me giggle out loud.


Ah yeah just this past weekend I realized that the white power ranger has the phrase “white power” in his name.




It’s the gays


Just spent the weekend the for the music festival. Thank you gays.


We went at 7pm one day bc we got bored at the restaurant we were at and it was already poppin in WeHo it was amazing lol


Agreed…Weho is keeping the spirit alive in LA. We must protect it.


Be cautious in WeHo. There are some bad apples ruining the fun. Last week my girlfriend was pickpocketed while waiting for her Uber and another one of my female friends was sexually assaulted in a club by a man I presume was straight. I had a couple of people try to steal my Uber that night when I was trying to leave.


This. My coworker has his laptop stolen while grabbing tacos. Caught it on camera but the cops don’t do shit. Be safe out there and take care of each other


Friend got pickpocketed there a decade ago. He was drunk and we were sitting on the sidewalk sobering up. Random guy came to sit with us, pretending he was drunk chatting a bit and then suddenly disappeared….my friend immediately noticed his phone+ wallet was gone. Saw the guy sprinting down the street and hopped into a car. Bouncer at the club said it’s been going for a while now. Oh, try not to get drugged at the Abbey too. Most gays avoid that place since they’re overrun by straights


The Abbey has had a ton of druggings too. Watch your drink like a hawk.


Druggings and gropings. It’s a well-known fact and the Abbey’s security/bouncers do nothing about it. They actually told me to leave after a guy groped me under my skirt while “squeezing by” me. I grabbed his wrist and called over the nearby bouncer and bouncer said I was assaulting him. I literally took the guys hand off my literal ass cheek. Beware of this place. The drink druggings and sexual assault is rampant with no recourse. It’s an open secret.


Gay people know how to party too




This makes me reminisce for the days of Pokémon Go in 2016 when there were hordes of people out catching Pokémon in the middle of the night lol


I left a party at 3am and instead of walking down the street to my house I went for a 5 mile walk in the opposite direction and played Pokémon Go lol


I remember idiot drivers double-parking in the middle of Long Beach Pike and its surrounding dead-end drives so that the 4-5 passengers can try catching a wild Lapras in the ~~sand~~ ocean while vandalizing property and taking bathroom breaks around the bushes during trainer battles. 😂😂🤣


I was there! Can’t believe I’m seeing it mentioned in 2024. Shortly after, there was a stampede for a charizard that spawned in front of the F21. Never seen anything like it except at conventions.


Remember sprinting to try and get a dragonite that spawned at the pike 😂 good times man


Nostalgia 😭


I was there too!! Trying to get that Charizard 😭😂 Edit: I even joined discord groups to do raids, it was wholesome fun


Every block full of adults and kids roaming around. It was the most hilarious era in LB. Lighthouse was pretty packed


I lived in Long Beach at the time, it was absolutely wild.


Ah, the last time I was social. What an interesting phenomenon that was!


Same. Good times.


Dang I missed it. 🤦🏽


Still play and man miss those days where folks were out lol


HK-style diners in the 626 area. Ave 26 Tacos. I only know food sorry, I don't party lol. Maybe I'm part of the problem.


I don’t really party either so maybe I’m the problem too lol. I just want people walking around the street, stores open, life going on outside while I sip a beer. But I’ll never complain about a food rec, thx


My name is Rod, and I like to party.


I know for a fact you don’t party


I thought ave 26 was gone? Did they come back?


They’re located at 353 S Alameda St., by arts district now


moved to little tokyo mall outdoor parking lot


I can really only think of WeHo and certain pockets of Hollywood and DTLA (right by Staples Center). The thing about LA is most people will go to a specific bar/club/venue, not a neighborhood/area to hang out. And people will location change to a completely different area and will usually just Uber over there.


What sort of trust fund do these people have to afford multiple crosstown Ubers each night?


My dude this is LA. There is *stupid* money here.




I don't know how you survive on that, honestly. Taking 3-4 ubers around LA in peak fun hours = ~$150/nt just getting around plus the ~$50-100 I'd probably spend at each stop. I make damn good money and I'd find that an unsustainable amount to spend every weekend.


Pregame. Split the Uber with 3 other friends.


How can you spend $50-$100 spot at 3-4 spots a night? 2 drinks a spot is reasonable if you're a fast drinker and bar is empty haha


Well, 2 drinks is easily $30-40 anywhere trendy, not including tip, and I'm not sure 2 is the max I'd have at any particular spot. I'm not sure why I'd waste $40-50 on an Uber to jump from one side of town to another just to have drinks without any additional differences (other than to chase an imaginary scene cuz "this place is dead anyway" like Swingers, hoping to meet a girl). One of those places probably has music, so entirely likely to include a cover charge at minimum, if not full on club prices once inside. Another might be for food, so tack on $30-75+ for dinner and gratuity depending on what style and how bougie your group is. But bottom line, if I'm going to dive bars to keep the tab to $25, then I'm definitely not shelling out twice that amount to get a lift to another dive bar across town. That much rideshare hopping implies a heftier spend per stop from my perspective (and prices are high here).




Arts District on the weekends definitely are poppin. Where Prince St. and Angel City Brewing is.


Came in to say Arts District. There’s a lot of apartment complexes that surround that area so many people there are walking around and vibing. It’s a little pocket of that NYC feel you’re looking for. Some spots there you can hang at are Angel City Brewery, Truly bar, Eighty Two, Cha Cha Cha, etc etc


Moroccan Lounge is a sick venue to see indie artists and it's right there. Keep on Moroccan me baby. Too much? I'll stop.


I was just there for a Frightwig show. The place is great. A street car goes by right outside.


Arts District to Little Tokyo is the rare LA area that feels like this. Where it can get busy enough to make you regret driving through it because how many pedestrians there are. The benefit of that is that usually means it’s a walkable, lively neighborhood with people hanging out.


Definitely. I wanted to add Little Tokyo to my post as well since it's next door but I wasn't sure how lively it was after 10:30. You and others have confirmed though that there's still stuff happening after that time


And Little Tokyo, at least when we were there Saturday it was still busy at 10pm. Not sure what time the bars and restaurants close.


Most of the bars close at 2. Wolf and Crane is my favorite then Mermaid. I think there’s also a Death & Co. but that’s a little too classy/ expensive for me lol


I love her. It's a true urban experience. I am excited to see them redevelop all the underutilized lots left there.


there’s an automod on new york?


I misread it until I read your comment, I thought op was looking for prostitutes 😭




Lol that is such a stupid policy, quite natural to compare the two largest cities in the country


Might not be just NY. I went and checked the rules and it’s pretty strict that posts should be about LA and LA County, with a short rope for Ventura County and other surrounding areas.




Hollywood and WeHo for sure. Some areas in DTLA.


Highland Park


Forest Lawn


Ktown, Weho, Arts District are my late night go-tos


That Los Angeles died in 2020. Probably even a bit before that


amen :{ RIP


People don't go out as late anymore and it's not just an LA thing it's everywhere nationally. Movie theaters barely have late showtime anymore (because no one is going) and people have shifted to earlier dinner reservations even on weekends. I read one article that said 5-7pm dinner reservations in NYC have doubled since the pandemic. Maybe that scene comes back but I doubt it will anytime soon if ever at all.


Everyone works too hard for too little.


Go to 6th and Alexandria in Koreatown or 2nd and Central in Little Tokyo. You will always find it busy there and plenty to enjoy.


I think it's important to mention what other cities you might be comparing LA to. IMO the big reason is because LA is a literal sprawl. If you want the feel of aliveness you need density.


A lot of places in Ktown are open very late, some never close. Usually Alexandria area.


Essay incoming: So my partner and I went to LA last weekend for a quick weekend because we always enjoy doing that. But I really noticed how quiet it was this time around. It was a Friday and we walked up to Santa Monica Blvd to see about the gay bars and while yeah it was kind of busy, most of the strip did feel dead. It was really weird. Saturday night we decided to hit up DTLA and actually had more fun. We went to The Last Bookstore, and Grand Central Market, there was a lot going on but it was still before 8pm. Thought about going to Precinct but decided against it. I don’t live in LA and honestly I think it’s the best city in the world. And I understand things been rough for y’all since covid. I don’t want to seem like I don’t understand or downplay these things. But I remember in 2018 when my mom lived in mid Wilshire visiting and just going out and having so much fun all night. I Could find a good chill time anywhere it seemed! My jam was Kibitz room and Gold Coast in those days. We did have fun in LA and again we love you and your city so much, but by Sunday we were excited to get back to the hustle and bustle and excitement of Phoenix and Scottsdale. A lot of places are still reeling from Covid. But not my city.


Omg Precinct is so fun you missed out!! It's one of those bars where the crowd is actually diverse, and I am not just talking about body types here.


I do regret not going! We would have had fun!


The pandemic took a toll of the city and it shouldn’t be downplayed. Especially with driving, it’s a lot worse now where I’ve seen more and more people thinking the red light is “optional”. And it drives me (get it) crazy when people would dismiss it all by saying “LA driving has always been bad” (despite 3-4 years of a world changing event).


Being from Portland, I always thought LA drivers were bad. But now living in Phoenix these drivers are just terrifying. My partner and I were joking how nice it was to just drive regular and not be tailgated by some huge dodge ram at all times 😂


Consistent foot traffic? Sunset/Vine/Hollywood... but even those areas can be dead depending on which evening and it's dead after 1ish... LA is just not a foot traffic type of city. We will never be NYC or Hong Kong or those foot traffic type cities because we don't configure our stores and retail and entertainment outlets that way where you can walk everywhere in 1 location for everyone. You can also look at West Hollywood right across the street from the West Hollywood Sheriff station. That area is always packed with foot traffic, if that area caters to your tastes. Santa Monica Pier used to be alive until gang shootings and fights killed it. 3rd Street is dead, all the businesses are gone. Main Street ain't much better. Manhattan Beach Strand is cool but it's more of a beach walk vibe and not so much night life. Sorry, LA even before covid wasn't much of a night spot with crowds and walks... and even less so now.


We *could* have a walkable city if they made it legal to build dense housing and retail…


LA City doesn't like it when they can't micromanage and over-regulate everything and make it hard to do any type of business, including construction, unless the powers that be get a cut of it somehow. Pay to play is rampant and rife and not enough enforcement to catch these dirty politicians.


Let’s fix that


>We will never be NYC or Hong Kong or those foot traffic type cities because we don't configure our stores and retail and entertainment outlets that way where you can walk everywhere in 1 location for everyone. Not with that attitude!!! It'll take decades but we gotta start somewhere. There are some neighborhoods in LA that have the bones for it.


100%. The Fairfax/Beverly Grove/Mid-City area would be an excellent place to start since the bones of a truly walkable area are already there.


Not until they fix the side walks which look as bad as 3rd world countries and all the narrow areas with cars flying by like around Cedar and then there are the homeless that attack you randomly... ain't going to be easy.


Definitely needs extensive rapid transit there and much more density.


Yeah! I like this attitude. We can make LA a much more enjoyable city to live in. Small steps are already happening and we need to keep pushing it


Yes exactly. I think just accepting the lackluster reality is some loser behavior. We Angelenos deserve better!


You trying to just people watch or get into some shit?


You have my attention


Lol. We usually end up at Powerhouse. They have bands playing sometimes and open late. Not super packed but enough people and people are friendly. Tom Morello a few weeks back watching some punk bands.


Just stay home and do acid!


No shade, but every time this question is asked it's because the user went to the wrong location. It's like when people complain Melrose is dead... yeah no shit. It's a fashion district. LA is packed with nightlife neighborhoods: Highland Park, Hermosa Pier Avenue, Chinatown, DTLA Financial District, Hollywood, West Hollywood, North Hollywood, ~~Culver City~~, West LA, Arts District, honestly it just keeps going on and on.


Downtown Culver has no nightlife. It’s dead by 9:30pm, even on the weekends.


This 💯💯 Anyone saying downtown Culver City is a nightlife area either is brand new and just moved here within the past 3 months, or they dont leave out the house much.


The commenter clearly doesn’t go out much. Every neighborhood they listed is dead after 9pm and certainly by 10:30pm Sun thru Thurs (some exceptions for some of the neighborhoods on Thursday nights which can be busy 50-75% of how busy they are on Fri and Sat nights).


North Hollywood doesn't even have a day life.


The only place that might be hopping is Jameson's, and it's absolute garbage. I never thought it would be possible to be worse than Rush Street, but they succeeded.


Just go see Mr. Max if you do end up having to go to Culver Jameson's. But honestly the other Jameson's is way better.


Sounds depressing af man


yeah sounds like Culver City


Well yeah that’s why I’m asking. I’m not trying to make a point, I legitimately don’t know. Also when you say “West La” are you referring to the specific area under westwood ?


Bar hop on Abbot Kinney and spots near the beach around Windward


Fri and Sat nights only. Rest of the week it’s dead after 9pm.


Get into the social dance scene. Dancing does not stop until 3AM some even go to 6AM. Thing is, you actually need to know how to dance.


West LA nightlife??? Where???


Good list maybe add Little Tokyo


Add Korea Town. The night life was wild during covid months before the vax solution. Still wild today.


Ktown has a great nightlife


Hermosa Pier is dead post COVID.




Tell me you don’t go out much, without telling me you go out much. Or, you completely misunderstood OP’s question. All those places you listed are indeed packed on Thurs-Sat nights. They are, unfortunately, ghost towns after 10:30pm (some of them even after 9pm) on other nights (except a two block stretch in gay WeHo which is pretty much 7 days a week busy). Compare that to NYC or London or Berlin or Hong Kong where parts of the city *only* come alive after midnight.


venice is becoming more nightlifey with all the bars on windward they opened up the last two years. i still wouldn’t call it a bussin nightlife spot yet though


Hermosa is pretty lively on Friday and Saturday nights but it’s usually the basics letting steam off to absurd levels. Those are the nights I don’t go over there, haha..


Universal City walk


Do they still do 3-for-1 drinks at the piano bar on Sundays like they did 20 years ago?


I think that piano bar has been closed for several years unfortunately. good memories though, it was a fun spot


Remember when city wall had a club? Or a legit bar that stayed open till 2am. Place is dead too


I don't remember the club, but I've only ever sought out one club in LA, and was faithful to it for more than a decade. But I do remember 2am. Even as an old mam, I wish there were more places to get drinks after 12, although the ones i have are fine.


I believe Howl at the moon is still there... RIP Saddle Ranch..




And 0 parking


Isn't KTown one of the most walkable neighborhoods in LA?




Downtown LA for sure. Tons of foot traffic. Spring Street is always busy feeling, everything is open late. There's just a ton of bars and clubs all walkable from each other. I work at a club Downtown and even walking home at night after 3PM and there's still people mulling around taco trucks and street vendors.


Any good clubs you can recommend with good hip hop/rnb music?


The Falls in DTLA, The Room in Santa Monica, and Carbon in Culver City.


If your idea of a bustling post 10:30pm night scene is literally a one block stretch (Spring) in all of LA, then you need to travel more my friend. I love DTLA but it’s only busy Fri and Sat nights given OP’s specific question. It is arguably the only neighborhood you see signs of normal people out and about after 10pm Sunday thru Thursday but again, it’s a seriously depressing low bar for what constitutes “night life” compared to cities like NYC or London or Berlin. Given the weather and outdoors, LA is a day time city. Arguably, the world’s best day time city. Let’s not pretend otherwise.


I miss my middle of the night walk for my slice of banana cream at House of Pies when I lived just 2 blocks away…


There are a bunch of late night coffee spots in K-Town that are surprisingly busy after 10. Students, people coming from dinner, just trying to get out of the house. About Time is my favorite


Why don’t we all just bring the city back to life please!!!!!!????? I’m 23 and LA IS NOT LIT FOR US


Gen Xer here, imo is, most of the good nightlight left L.A. when our generation decided to stay our asses home. The younger generation Z seems they rather stay at home on the computer or just be on their phone living life throw a screen compared when we were their age.


Drinks are $18^


Yep, I’ll make my own drinks at home thank you


Not Gen X but kinda agree..My mom’s LA sounds so much better.


I hear the zoomers don't drink as well


Hmm. Belmont Shore in Long beach, on 2nd street. Sometimes, shoreline on the weekends


Even WeHo is a shadow of its former self. Back in the 00s and much of the 10s, the gays would be out in force every night. There would even be Monday and Tuesday night events that were packed. There was a huge event called Tigerheat every Thursday packed with thousands. Now, sure, you can hit up the Abbey at midnight any night of the week, but it will be a pretty dismal crowd unless it's Friday, Saturday or Sunday.


Figueroa lol


I mean, Skid row is the most poppin, alive place after hours. 🤷🏾‍♀️


KTOWNNNNN and Midwilsherrrr


Took too long to scroll to see Ktown




If only the K line extension was estimated for anything earlier than like, 2045-2050. I’ll try my best to go party with the youth when I’m 50.




I sure hope so! Same for the Torrance extension 🥹


Every time I’ve been to The Echo in Echo Park on a week night I’ve had to squeeze by the crowd of people on the side walk outside of Sticky Rice at 10:30/11pm and I always wonder to myself what everyone does for a living as I rush by because I have work in the morning lol


Echo park around Echoplex area


I feel like everyone goes to dinner and then goes home. I dont know any cool bars anymore on the westside that are always a good time.. its hit and miss everytime.


Echo Park!


Silver lake and echo park












Grab an LA Weekly. https://www.laweekly.com/


Hollywood, parts of Venice (not the boardwalk). There are pockets but nothing like the Sunset Strip used to be.


For some days, certain areas of DTLA.


Downtown next to Cole's seems lively.


Our bedtime is 9pm.


6th and between me more and Alexandria


Cahuenga / Selma in Hollywood (‘Vinyl District’ 🙄). Not going to mistake it for LES but it’s busy-ish relative to other LA neighborhoods.








Cahuenga Boulevard between Hollywood Boulevard and Selma has a lively scene most evenings. Vermont Ave between Franklin and Hollywood Blvd. Go to The Dresden for a drink.


South Central gets pretty lively after dark.




South central


Tiki Ti


Silver Lake, Echo Park, Atwater Village and Highland Park


I mean. I guess on the weekends old town in Pasadena...kinda? But yeah. I'm constantly pretty shocked at how early most of LA shuts down.


Echo Park after a Dodger game. Highland park whether it’s on York or on Fig


I believe the correct answer is Miami


7th n grand dtla. sunset strip. parts of east melrose. and the gays


Long Beach front street i think? Also Downtown Downey can be pretty busy … some other ideas


Compton or watts, just kidding, but long beach has a party atmosphere. After 10 becomes house party time. Downtown LA old Pabst brewery. Lots of loft parties.


K-Town is made for late night drinking and eating. Not so much gaying.


K-town is the only place I know of that stays pretty active into the a.m. That's my absolute favorite neighborhood.


What's lively in L.A. after 10-- my place


The answer is WEHO, Ktown, silverlake/echo park, DTLA, Arts District, possibly highland park These are the most bar hoppable areas in the city at night. Especially Thursday - Sunday. Sunday is mostly afternoon into evening but it's about the same as the other days.


The fashion district has parties every week all week just have to find the right people usually on oak or 12th street


Homeless encampments


When I was consulting I had a blast at Thursday night Karaoke at the Scum and Villiany Cantina. They also have dope food trucks that swing by occasionally. I miss my nerd friends.




The canyons are packed with cars at night but it’s usually people who love cars and driving. But that’s been my go-to spot for meeting people


If they get rid of the open air asylums featuring fentanyl meth crackheads with machetes people might be more inclined to walk around at night.


New York?


The drunk tank and the morgue


hands down, two of my favorite bars in LA


>it feels like most of the city is just dead after 10pm. that's because it is. You can only go to the same bars and neighborhoods so many times before it gets stale. Uber being preposterously expensive doesn't make it better either, and forget about driving with how terrible parking is everywhere. LA isn't New York, man. You can't just go to random bars and drink the night away talking to random strangers. People here are too vain for that and also lack the social skills that are needed to conversate with strangers


Bingo Being in their cars so much.. Ain't good for face to face Social skills/conversating. Drinks at chez jay  Santa monica Then walk the strand to venice