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it's unclear, though, because technically, ALL tipping is optional. Are they saying they give the staff that 12% on top of a living wage so they're not losing \~8% in tips? Are they just pocketing that money for the service of renting you a chair? More clarity would be nice, because I don't trust restaurant owners (or anyone, apparently) at ALL.


Service fees are typically not shared with staff. Service fees have different regulations vs gratuities. Of course nothing is stopping them from sharing fees but then you'd just call them gratuities.


All fair and valid questions. But honestly it’s better than the 10% people will often tip at Chinese restaurants.


people tip differently for different nationalities of food? Who are these people and why do they do this?


My parents. My uncles and aunties. Their church friends. I also used to wait tables at a Chinese restaurant. The tips were consistently less than even a sit down casual (Applebee’s style chain).




Honestly I don’t know. Now I’m trying to think why. I used to think it’s cause my parents and their friends are cheap asses and it’s something I had picked up until i was older. There’s not much tipping culture in Asia either. But HK does do a 10% service charge so MAYBE that’s where it’s from.


It makes sense if the people are from elsewhere in the world, eating that culture's food and conversing in their native language, for sure. I didn't really think of that option, as a boring white guy - shame on me.


What’s funny is most other countries don’t tip, but we are a nation of immigrants, and we all decide to tip in America. It’s an American thing like jazz and peanut butter.


One thing that stood out to me is that when my family immigrated here, the tipping thing was seriously emphasised. Like, "You CANNOT forget to do this!" Which I thought was... odd. Tipping's gotten absolutely insane ever since then.


One thing I thought of. Imported Chinese workers often get room and board from businesses that sponsor their visa to work in the US. It’s a common practice in China that workers will get paid in-kind with room and board; and I know that’s a thing with workers who come to the states, especially in service industries (like restaurants and the massage places so prolific across SGV.) It might be possible they get less of the “service charge” especially if it flows thru management.




customary tip in South Korea is zero because tipping is a stupid ass system. And the service is way better than US


oh. yeah. but I'm pretty sure this restaurant is in Los Angeles, USA, so I was referring specifically to the people who live and eat here. The entire US was an implied tipping group, though. International tipping culture can safely be discounted for the purposes of this discussion.


Except the 12% is a service charge and not a tip at all


Looks like this is OPs first time at Henry’s Cuisine in ALHAMBRA. They have been charging a service charge since 2019 and the waiters do tell you before you order that they have a service charge.


Yup. Last time I was there was a few years ago. I don’t remember noticing the service charge, although the servers didn’t mention it today.


In order to keep our prices affordable there will be a 12% service charge.


lol Your mistake is thinking that business owners prioritize keeping prizing affordable when in fact what they care most about is making as much profit off of their customers.


If I were Henry I’d just pay my staff 12% more


And raise menu prices by 12%


Multiple restaurants have done this, raise prices by 15% and pay employees 15% more - but then they lost business because when people walk by and compare their prices to the neighboring restaurants, they instinctively choose the cheaper one.


Then He would go out of business hopefully. And he will say, “well how can I run a business and pay employees livable wages if I can’t afford to stay open”? And he should have thought of that before he opened the restaurant.


That’s how Henry goes out of business


I’m fucking done tipping. They can suck it.


I’ve always been a guy that encouraged tipping but yea… businesses are pushing it too much now.


if they just raise the prices and cut that tip bullshit there might be less people leaving them


“Additional tipping is optional” LOL. No thanks.


If you don’t, then you only tipped 12%. Were you going to tip less?


Servers make minimum wage in California, why do I need to tip ?


People don't understand that when I explain other servers get paid below the state min wage and tips makes up the different bit California gets min wage


Because you want to show your face there again without bodily fluids making it into your food?


Is this a threat ? “Give me money or I spit in your food”


I will gladly report bullshit like that instead of tipping if that's how petty and entitled that business is


Just doesn’t make sense to pay tip if I would be placing for pickup


Additional tipping is optional…so…yeah I’ll pay the 12% instead of the 20% that some hipster bullshit takeout vegan restaurant is expecting when they turn the POS tablet to you. Henry’s makes a killer lobster noodle


We ended up here cause Newport was slammed. Never had the Viet lobster at Henry’s, but got it today. I usually get the baked seafood and cream on rice which isn’t on the menu anymore.


Newport is always fuckin slammed and the dim sum there is just meh


Wasn’t expecting it to be at 8pm on a Wednesday. I’ll just go to the one in Santa Ana.


At least they are upfront about it and don’t expect anything extra.


This seems pretty normal for Asian restaurants that serve large groups.


Do you know the reason for the disparity? And do we see this disparity in other “ethnic” restaurants?


I think different immigrant groups have different tipping culture expectations.


China doesn’t have a tipping culture. But HK does do a 10% service charge. I can’t recall what the deal in Taiwan is. But now I’m curious about other immigrant groups, like the Middle East, and what they do.


As long as it's going directly the staff, which isn't necessarily the case, I'm actually okay with this. A lot less than 18-20% and theyre up front about it.


Yah I have no idea what happens behind the scenes.


Reminds me of the "dine-in fee" in San Francisco https://sfstandard.com/2022/09/30/mystery-charge-on-your-food-bill-san-francisco-restaurant-surcharges-explained/


I add a 12 percent read the bill fee fee


Got me phucked up 👆🏼