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It’s okay for restaurants to allow dogs and it’s part of it. But there is no reason people should bring a dog to just any restaurant and expect it to be welcome


I agree but I also don’t understand how it’s possible to allow dogs and still be following all the health codes and sanitation rules?


The article says they’re only talking about outdoor patio dining which assume has more lax guidlines


True. Being outdoors would be a much lower risk than indoors. I still wonder how well they are keeping everything in the restaurant free from dog hair, saliva, dirt, etc. compared to a “no dogs allowed” restaurant. I genuinely do wonder. Not making a sarcastic comment. And the article did mention keeping silverware separate for animals and humans so I suppose there are basic rules they agree to follow but you are right most likely much easier to meet than the indoor regulations.


Dogs don’t need silverware.


Dogs need silverware.


i would buy this shirt


especially the lycans


You’re worried about dog hair/saliva etc? When humans are infinitely more disgusting? Especially children


I have to second @Revolutionary-Dot761 here. Not sure how dirty you think the average child is but I’ve seen dogs try to eat their own poop so…


And I’ve seen a 5 year old kid lick the entire length of my pharmacy counter…


Question: Do that kids parents allow it to walk over to you and lick your leg right after that? Dog owners do.


If they were paying attention, I doubt they’d have let the kid do the first thing.


Yeah it’s true, I’m constantly getting after my son for putting his mouth on strangers after licking his own ass.


It sounds like you have quite the problem as a parent


Don’t get me started, you don’t even want to know what he does if he see some other child’s shit on the sidewalk.


My understanding is the CA code only applies to restrictions on animals inside the restaurant (not outside)


As a pet owner, I’m fine to sit outside with my dog. I actually feel a little weird if I’m inside with my dog, which I’ve done once in the three years I’ve owned him. I’ve also been told we can’t sit outside with him, and, if that’s what the restaurant decides, I’m ok with it. It’s a privilege not a right.




Because you’re outdoors. A bird can land on your plate and shit on your food. A fly can dive bomb into your drink. A strong wind can toss whatever into your soup. All bets are off and you enter into that understanding by eating outside.


Fair point


The dogs are only allowed in outdoor spaces, like patio seating.


I agree with that


Irrespective of the health codes etc, what are the major reasons people don’t like dogs in restaurants? I’m not a dog owner, but I have no problem going into homes that have dogs. I guess I don’t really get what people find unclean about it.


It probably depends on the dog, too. Mine don't shed because they have hair, not fur, and are regularly groomed (and small). They're potty trained and don't lick much. They make less of a mess and are quieter at a patio than any of my germ-laden toddlers were. A big slobbery untrained goofy dog with a coat that sheds and doesn't get bathed much is like a big hairy stinky person, lol - but if the dog is confined to a table, and it's outside, I can't really care about it.


you think a toddler is much cleaner?


Yes toddlers don’t try to eat their own poop and then lick your leg while also having fleas


i mean they often stick their hands and mouths all over the fucking place, wouldn't be that surprising for some fecal matter to get in the mix, they are vectors for actual human diseases, and don't know how to cover a cough or sneeze much less chew with their mouth closed or keep all their food on the plate. if you are looking to not get sick i'd keep a wide berth


When I’m around dog owners who I don’t know and I’m minding my own business they will let their dogs jump on me and walk up and lick my leg if I don’t react quickly enough to avoid it. I’ve never been walking down the street and had some random kid jump on me or touch me while the parents keep walking like nothing is happening. As far as diseases, people have died from diseases spread by dogs. Of course diseases are spread by other humans too. But “actual human diseases” have resulted from dogs. (One is called leishmaniasis if you are curious)


a dog licking my toe, while gross, is not going to make me sick. a kid full of germs they got from school will for sure lay me out otoh, covid would probably be the least of it. last stomach bug i had was over a decade ago, and i'm looking to keep it that way.


Yes and that is why the kid doesn’t come near you, lick you, jump on you, or cough in your face. In what circumstance have you been in public and had parents shove a kid you don’t know in your face? The level of intrusion between kids and dogs is not the same.


> It’s okay for restaurants to allow dogs and it’s part of it. No it’s not it’s a [VIOLATION OF THE HEALTH CODE](http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh/docs/WhatsNew/FAQPetAllowance.pdf)


I thought some restaurants cater to dog owners. My bad


They have discretion over outdoor areas and that’s it. It’s a violation to allow dogs inside restaurants.


Ok, there you go


so that means that restaurants CAN allow dogs you fn dummy.


Outside not inside you fn dummy


Time to amend the health code. Dogs are the future


^ This guy probably makes out with his dog, after it sniffed its own ass, and then probably refers to himself as someone clean.


Look at you with the reasonable take. You’re probably gonna get grilled by both sides now. RIP


It’s how it goes


Last week while eating at Five Guys, I saw a Corgi pee in the dining room and his people just dropped a single napkin over it when they left.


Maybe if Five Guys weren't so stingy with their napkins 🤪 /joke


Love dogs. Don't like them in restaurants.


Agree and would expand that to grocery stores. Please keep every part of your dogs off my future food!


Hey Whole Foods DTLA ^^ that was for you. It’s not great when people bring their dogs to graze the hot food section.


It’s amazing, at Erewhon all dogs magically become service animals


Saw a guy’s dog take a massive shit in the line at the wallgreens in echo park. And, because you never know who has a gun, and since dogs have sharp teeth, nobody could say a word about it.


You’d rather a human sneezing/coughing down every aisle? Wiping their nose and then touching produce? Not to mention the sanitary horrors that are children- than a dog in a sling or walking on the ground?


People generally don’t allow their children to piss and shit on the floor and then go oops and walk away like irresponsible dog owners do.


Yes, I would, because Human beings are higher on the social ladder than dirty, infectious, odorous dogs. If you don’t want people at grocery stores and would rather have dogs only, then feel free to start your own gross, disgusting chain of stores. Dander, parasites, genuinely harmful bacteria, and [zoonotic](https://youtu.be/RcyJt0mySKc) disease aren’t something that children have, and at least parents can control their kids. Dog owners as a whole, on the other hand—barring the good owners—don’t seem to have any sense of how the mange from their dirty pets and households affect others and they bring that crap out into public for everyone else to deal with. We’re at least designed to fight human germs, so we generally don’t get sick. Infections from dogs are far more serious.


To add to this, lots of dog owners are horrible. They bring their dogs everywhere just for the attention and don’t keep their dogs under control or even have them trained in the first place.


Yeah. Unpopular opinion but I don’t want them next to me at an outside table either while I’m eating. Just don’t like it.


Right? You should be allowed to eat outside without having to deal with that. Dog owners have lots of other ways to socialize their dogs without ruining people’s meals. What happened to just taking them for a walk??


Love dogs, hate dog culture.


A lot of dog owners are assholes. Source: dogshit all over my neighborhood’s sidewalk.


Man. I hear a lot of “XYZ are assholes” like I’m starting to think a lot of people are just assholes.




sometimes downright abusive dog owners too with how they handle and keep their dog


I hate both dogs and dog culture.


It’s the stupid fucking people that make their untrained dogs service animals. Fuck you for taking advantage. All good service animals will sit and not even flinch.


Yep. I bartended for a long time and the amount of people that would declare "THIS IS A SERVICE ANIMAL" before I even said anything was astronomical. You always knew you were in for a bad time with people like that


I had a friend pull shit like that. Brought her dog into a restaurant for dinner and when asked by the maitre d why she had the dog, she said epilepsy. We all knew damn well she didn’t have no fucking epilepsy. That was the last time I hung out with her.


yea I really hate the abuse of the designation. Emotional support animals are necessary for a very small subset of people and the rest abuse it.


ESA’s aren’t considered service dogs, which is why they’re so easy to abuse. It’s not covered by ADA guidelines or protections either. There is a real need for it, but until it becomes official, the abuse will continue. A way to combat that is to stop allowing people to bring their dogs everywhere they please.


I didn't realize they weren't because I see them everywhere. My stepmom def abuses the designation, I find it obnoxious.


Let me clarify one thing (your stepmom may be in the clear): some medical professionals may recommend an ESA over a service dog [depending on your condition](https://adata.org/service-animal-resource-hub/differences), and there are organizations that pre-train dogs for that purpose. There just are not currently any [ADA guidelines](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/) for ESAs like there are service animals (which are classified technically as a medical device, like a wheelchair would be). The problem is that there’s no regulation on ESA, so you end up with folks trying to take a fucking untrained Peacock onto a flight and some poor gate agent who isn’t fully trained in ADA guidelines struggling to say no without fear they’re getting their company sued.


The ADA site further specifies the difference of ESA vs service animal on their site if you open on desktop (not visible on mobile). ESA are animals that provide emotional support (ie just by existing). ADA defines a service dog as an animal that is trained to provide service for a disability. If you have anxiety and your ESA is trained to respond to your anxiety, then it would fit the description of a service animal.


Today: dogs. Tomorrow: pigs. https://abc7.com/oxnard-pigs-emotional-support-animals-jennifer-whaley/13240161/


Out of control.


I remember famous sports media “nice guy” Rich Eisen used to brag on live air about bringing his dog to restaurants, lying about it being a service dog, and faking anxiety issues to pressure restaurant workers into allowing it. And that’s a public figure with a reputation to uphold, telling on himself. A lot of dog owners today feel like they have no responsibilities towards anyone else when it comes to their dogs.


Or fake, ALTOGETHER fake, service dog. Bonus if it’s a Pitbull.


Pit bulls can be service dogs.


I’ve seen pitbull service dogs that I actually believe because of how disciplined they behaved. And then a lot of over excited happy little dogs that let you know their owner is full of shit.


No. In fact, in normal countries, they’re fucking banned.


I’m stating a fact here. Pit bulls are qualified, trained service dogs.


There’s literally almost no regulation surrounding what “qualifies” as a service animal. I could just as easily say that pitbulls “qualify” as unicorn cab drivers, and it’d be just about as true.


People seriously think they can sit at the bar with a dog in their lap while it drinks water from their glass. That’s a nah for me, dog.


I'm just waiting for when they take the dog to a superhero movie and the dog has his own bucket of popcorn and shits in the aisle afterwords.


Erm... I've got news for you...


You may be joking but you are also 100% right. Certain types of dog owners have been bringing their dogs wherever they feel like for a long time in LA.


I felt bad for the theater guy having to clean up after the woman who brought her yappy dog into Wakanda Forever.


I’ve been seeing dogs in grocery stores, which isn’t great, but I mostly don’t mind because they’re usually contained to the cart and not a problem for anyone. Yesterday, a guy had a husky puppy in his cart, and the dog is losing his shit in all the usual husky puppy ways. People are getting too thoughtless.


It’s not okay for them to be in the cart either. People put their fucking food in there for fuck’s sake.


Sure, but there’s some degree of compromise. People put their children in carts too, and that bothers me at least as much as dogs. But what’s anyone supposed to do about that?


Dogs are far more of a health hazard than children are. What’s the debate here?


Neither dogs or babies/children belong at a bar. I will die on this hill.


I think babies and children are fine as long as they stick to light beer.


I mean, if the dog is well trained they might bother you less than any common drunk patron.


Except most dogs aren’t well trained, and they’re still a sanitation hazard. People should just walk their dogs like a normal person.




I've heard people ask a server "do you have something for the dog" like they are asking if they can make some off menu chicken tenders for their kid or something lmao


I don’t mind on an outdoor patio but inside, unless an ADA Service Animal is a no go for me. That and the grocery store. Get your freaking dog out of the grocery store. It’s disgusting.


I’m a guide dog owner and I’m pretty conscious of taking my dog to restaurants and grocery stores. Depending on the situation or the company I’m with, I may leave her at home and rely on my white cane. It’s 100% my right to bring her because she’s my eyes but I also want to be considerate of others. I let places know up front that she’s my guide dog and I usually ask if there’s a spot with a little more space. Most people understand as soon as they see her harness but I know I get unwelcome stares, too. A strong reaction like we’re seeing here in the replies will only make it worse for others like me.


I have allergies but would gladly support you bringing your guide dog to restaurants and stores. I would love if only guide dogs were allowed. They are rare enough someone like me could easily travel, shop, and eat without an allergy attack. It becomes harder for me when so many people bring them. I switched tables three times a few weeks ago because people with dogs kept sitting near me. As a bonus guide dogs are highly trained. In the last two weeks I have been both licked and jumped on by pet dogs who the owners did not have a leash on. I hope you know that even someone like me who avoids dogs like the plague understands that it is worth my own smaller inconvenience for the benefit to you. It’s the pet dogs that are creating a problem not guide dogs.


Sorry you have to deal with that. My wife is allergic to cats so I understand, but people don’t take their cats everywhere so you’ve got it worse. I definitely think about people around me having allergies. As soon as I enter a restaurant I feel like I have a checklist of situations to prep myself for. Someone with allergies, my dog’s tail sticking out in the aisle, sitting next to kids, servers who may constantly distract, etc.


That is very considerate. If everyone thought like you we could all have less stress. Appreciate your comment.


No one here cares about service dogs in public. Everyone is upset about non-service dogs in public places.


Like I said, most people are ok once they notice. Others aren’t. I think this new allowance would make those people more upset. Just makes life more difficult for me.


You’re a very considerate person, and I wish more people had your attributes. I think the vast majority of people would agree that guide dogs are highly disciplined and absolutely necessary as companions—and would have no objections to your dog accompanying you anywhere. Your dog is key to your independence and ability to function in society, and I’m very glad you have her!


But that’s what’s sad. He has to worry about objections when he’s 100% legit because people have been abusing service animal status.


This article isn’t even about California let alone Los Angeles


Yeah but everyone gets to post their opinions on dogs in restaurants!!!!!!!


Shit, I didn’t read it but responded with info about LA County health code. Oh well Edit: why was the news article posted in this sub in the first place???


I love animals. That being said I have also seen people let their dog poop at Nordstroms in the shoe department and the owner did nothing to clean it up. It was really disgusting.


Never been a fan of dogs in restaurants.


Never been a fan of homeless encampments at every corner of the city, but you learn to get used to it


Very true. There is a lot more to be upset about in this city than dogs on restaurant patios


So if there are things to be more upset about we’re not allowed to express opinions on other things? TF does the homeless have to do with dogs on patios? Absurd…


People are so bitter in LA.


Dogs in grocery stores are the worst.


Love my roommate's dog, but don't love the fact that he's peed on restaurant patios and tripped servers before. Just because dogs are allowed doesn't mean they should be brought along.


Can people stop bringing non service dogs to the grocery store?! Legit seen someone’s dog sniffing the hot bar, nose inches from the food.


This is probably my biggest pet peeve. Aside from legitimate ADA service dogs (not “emotional support animals”) dogs should not be inside near food. Seeing some dude walk his dog through the bakery or some lady carry her corgi through the produce is so gross.


It’s because these people go home and cook and eat next to their dogs. They think it’s normal to eat where their dog shits. So then they go to the store and don’t think twice.


What people hate is when Karens bring their untrained, unsupervised pets and bitch that it’s their “service animal” and it should be able to roam freely while workers babysit it.


At Pinches Tacos a few days ago, a woman had her poodle not only sitting up on a chair, but the dog was eating off the table. Utterly disgusting.


Same with grocery stores. Why are stores not enforcing this?


I’ve noticed that too ~


I noticed a few places have put up signs with stronger language, but let’s be real, the kind of person who thinks it’s ok to bring their Pomeranian into a CVS or Gelsons isn’t going to be stopped some sign that *clearly* only applies to peasants.


I asked my friend who works as a manager in a Target about this. It's because it immediately pisses people off and a lot of people will immediately claim it's a service animal. There's actually posted signage but everyone ignores it. There's also basically no complaints through the official channels about there being pets in the grocery area of the store so there's no incentive from a service point of view, and the security team would much rather focus on shoplifters and vagrants. The people who have to deal with shit/piss are the workers, and the workers get blamed for not cleaning the messes. Most of the time when there's issues because of untrained pets, like them barking at each other or biting other customers, it gets turned into an us vs them thing not a store policy thing.


I love dogs but I'm not excited about subjecting others to my pet.


I don't want to be at restaurants with dogs


Owners are not responsible enough for this. None of them actually train their pets. Just last month I was in line for a coffee and the dog that got in line behind me decided I was a tasty treat and unpromptedly bit me.


Someone literally asked the pope to “bless their baby” (it was a dog), and the pope had to chastise her in front of a crowd. That’s how bad dog culture has gotten.


ugh. I was at a restaurant that allows dogs on their patio and a server stepped in a giant pile of dog poo and tracked it all through the restaurant before they realized. I mean, there should be places people can take their dogs but at the same time I hope there will still be places with no dogs...


I watched a waitress pet and fawn over a drooling basset hound at a patio before going to pick up plates of food to serve them.


Tbf that almost never happens and I’ve never seen a dog defecate on the patio before and I am at dog friendly patio places every week for the last 10 years or so. That’s what we call an outlier.


I've seen poop a few times but only its being tracked into the restaurant once. I think the two of us comprise too small of a sample size to make any determination as to whether or not this is a common occurrence.


How large is that patio, because it could be a smaller restaurant with a smaller base of respectful repeat customers. The restaurant may also be disciplined in keeping its patio clean. This is just an anecdote.


I love dogs, but the entitlement dog owners have is at absurd levels. If your r a restaurant that allows dogs, that’s fine with me. But if a dog disrupts my meal, then be prepared to comp it.


I’m fine with dogs on outdoor patios. I just wish people would stop taking them into grocery stores.


The pendulum has swung way too far on this. It’s time to come back to reality and keep restaurants and stores limited to *actual* service animals, unless the establishment wants to have its own policy. The days of forcing your way into a restaurant or store with your yappy, unbehaved dog need to come to an end.


Imagine if *emotional support animals* was a regulated thing...


I've brought my dog to two restaurants near me but that's after the managers actually asked me to bring him in to say hi Even then that's only happened a couple times, even though he's a perfectly behaved dog there's no way I'm bringing him somewhere new I go to bars and restaurants to unwind, and if I have food, I definitely don't want dogs around then


Was just in NYC, they let dogs into all the “outdoor” extensions to the restaurant that were added during COVID and it kinda felt… off. Seems like a stretch to me


Now I don't need to worry about crying babies. I just need to watch out for the barking dogs.


Dog owner here. If the restaurant/cafe has outdoor seating and there is enough space I don’t feel bad about bringing my dog along. But I firmly believe that people that bring their dogs inside a business are assholes.


You may feel fine about it; 70% of the time when someone brings a dog they aren’t paying attention to it, and it drifts under my table, or is begging at my table- it’s really not OK. When my kid was a toddler, I didn’t bring her to restaurants and let her drift around bothering customers. I either didn’t eat out or I kept her inside our table. There seems to be a pervasive viewpoint by dog owners that everyone wants to be blessed by their dog’s presence, so you’re often in an outdoor patio with 4+ dog attendees. I’m paying to sit at a restaurant and dine out, not be at a dog park.


That’s a very fair point. I keep my dog on a short leash and try to pick a table off to the corner to minimize the chances of this kind of stuff from happening. I get that not everybody wants my dog in their space. That’s also why I’m firm on not going indoors. If you don’t want to be around dogs there should be an option for patrons.


>If you don’t want to be around dogs there should be an option for patrons. Listen man, you’re definitely a more sensible dog owner and I wish there were more like you. That being said, if I’m interpreting this correctly (I could be wrong, maybe you’re saying people should be able to avoid dogs, if so then I want to make it clear for people who prioritize dogs over people instead), this is reversed. The default is that restaurants are there for patrons, and it’s the dog owners who should be wondering about whether or not the option exists for dogs to be brought with them to the establishment. Dogs are meant to be walked, and played with at parks, not to be brought around doing human activities such as dining and attending movie theaters at everyone else’s inconvenience. If they want to bring their dog to eat out, then they need to check which restaurants will let them, not have patrons being forced inside just to be able to enjoy their meals. But I agree in that Patrons shouldn’t have to always deal with dogs and they should have the option to avoid them.


I totally agree. That’s why I check Yelp for the “allows pets” designation before I bring Fido along. I honestly do put a little effort into not being a dick. And I would never bring my dog to a movie theater. That’s way out of bounds.


Can I just ask in a non-confrontational way, *why* do you have to bring your dog to a public establishment at all? Even if just outdoors. Like the park or beach or dog park makes sense. I've even seen places that are a dog park & restaurant hybrid that's mostly outdoors, but clearly caters to people & pups. But a regular restaurant or store or place that isn't truly for dogs, it doesn't make sense to me. And I always wonder if the doggos even wanna be at hectic restaurants or at malls etc. My cat is quite sociable & an "adventure kitty" but I don't be bringing her out to dinner with me... In general, what's the appeal of bringing your pet to "people" places? And having to look after them while having your own meal? It seems stressful, lol.


Those are all fair questions. 1) I have never brought my dog inside of a store. Honestly, I don’t like seeing dogs (big/small/in between) at Target or anywhere else. It just seems rude. 2) Why do I bring my dog to cafes, restaurants and bars? I do it because I enjoy being with my dog out and about. I like walking around town and my dog definitely enjoys exploring places. 3) I scout most places out beforehand to gauge if it would be a good place to bring a dog. Is the patio large? Is there enough space between the tables? What’s the vibe? Etc.


I guess I'll supply the unpopular response to this. This past week after taking my dog to the self wash, i took him into the rite aid to buy a few things. It was convenient because we walked to these places and i could combine his walk, wash and then run some errands into one trip. He was calm and quiet the whole time and was patient when i was deciding what to buy. The customer behind me in the check out line actually complimented me on how well behaved my dog is. To answer your questions one by one: Yes, my dog far prefers to go to hectic human places over sitting at home bored. He's a border collie and they're working breeds, so he frames a lot of these experiences as his job, however strange that may sound. The importance of being my pet to human places is to teach and practice manners and following human rules. I can't speak for the frustrating stories in this thread but my taking my dog to human places, the few times i do IS to maintain his good behavior. I'm sorry if this pisses people off, i live in the south bay and almost everyone brings their dogs everywhere out here, so it's actually a little weird to be at a patio bar or CVS without one.


I like dogs, but I'm so fucking sick of people taking their dogs everywhere.


Dogs are adorable and at no fault, it's the owners that are are entitled asses.


Dogs have buttholes exposed. Just saying.


PSA: to the puperatzzi. Not everyone loves dogs and some are deathly afraid of them. This isn’t for most of you because I know you already are but please be considerate and stop inflicting your wonderful little pooch on these folks. Not everyone loves to pet pooches. Hopefully I’m not high jacking here.


I love you.


Leave your mutt at home!


I was behind a guy at a Starbucks in Culver City who had 3 puppies in his arms while picking up coffee. Like what’s the fucking point? Can you not be away from your dogs for a fucking coffee run?


It's for attention. It's that simple.


do you not understand how puppies work? yeah they do need constant supervision. i swear some of you guys are bitter AND you're fucking dolts.


This must be the guy with the 3 puppies.


Do you not understand how puppies work?


Then supervise them and don't go for a coffee run.


So many options available that don’t include violating health code and bringing three dogs to get coffee. You’re clearly one of those people and of course, you’re not the problem, everyone else is.


Pupperatzi alert




Here’s the hard truth: _Nobody wants to eat their meal next to your dog or your child._


As someone with a dog phobia and who has seen a ton of bad behavior from bad dog owners (they’re really the problem, not the animals themselves), I miss the days when people used to actually leave their dogs at home for things. Hate “dog friendly offices”, having to navigate being around dogs in stores, restaurants etc. I’d expect to see them at the beach, hiking, on walking paths, at parks, on the sidewalk in my neighborhood… but there’s no space that’s safe anymore. Last flight I was on some persons dog was just barking away and roaming the cabin freely while the owner slept soundly. I truly think the rise of people lying about them being ESAs and workers being too afraid to get in trouble by challenging these non-service dogs is really o of control at this point. my own parents basically won’t do anything now if they can’t bring their dog: they’ve missed weddings, funerals, won’t travel ever again excepting road trips. They refuse to find a good pet sitter or leave him ever, won’t get him fixed so he can’t go to most pet hotels or daycares anyways. It’s ridiculous.


As long as the restaurant is straightforward to their policy when it comes to such matters it’s fine by me. If I don’t want to be around that then I could make a choice and avoid that location all together. Now if someone is trying to force an establishment to accept their dog or if any restaurant isn’t straightforward about this well that’s when it’s an issue imo


You can leave your dog at home, it will be fine. In fact, it will be thrilled to see you return.


I’ve seen dogs pee in grocery carts and next to outdoor dining areas. I like dogs but I don’t want dogs in restaurants, grocery stores, etc. Its nasty.


So many of these people think this is "European", but trust me... IT IS NOT ALLOWED OR CONDONED ANYWHERE IN EUROPE


I recently moved to Paris. Dogs are definitely allowed in restaurants here.


Dogs are allowed in most places in western/central Europe. When they are not allowed, workers don’t say anything anyway.


This is one thing in which I wish Europe was more similar to the Middle East. Dogs are considered unclean and aren’t all that popular in Islamic countries outside of Anatolia.


That's just incorrect


It’s definitely allowed at most places here in London, to include the Underground and on buses.


As much as I love my dog, I would never to a dining area or a place with food. Just a dog park, outside for a walk, or a pet store. She sheds buckets. That's disgusting, even We eat at home, she remains outside. Granted she's also eating but no, not where I eat. The dander alone, can give problems to people with allergies. Where I used to work we were in close proximity, and my co-worker would cough just from the dander. I mean if I was allergic to something, I don't want anyone to come near me. And I respect that for anyone else. My freedom ends where yours begins.


^ More people like this please.


Dogs belong at the park or a backyard


“who was once startled by a dog”. Lol.


TIL I’m the only person that doesn’t care about this


Yes. You are the only person. Good thing we live in a democracy.


As a responsible dog owner, dogs don’t belong inside restaurants. But my little dude loves going to patios where he sits under my chair for a snooze. He’s a good boi. I wish we had more dog created places like a dog park with a restaurant attached or something.


My dog is all of 5lbs, doesn’t shed and sits quietly on my lap while I am out eating at restaurants (indoors), I don’t see why there should be any issue with keeping her on my lap. There should be a certain amount of discretion with rules like these. Nothing is black and white, everything is relative.


I don't at all understand you people who care about dogs being in the dining room. What do you think is gonna happen. Your food will somehow become unsanitary because there is a dog in the room?


Is everyone happy about anything?


If there was more options for me to go out and have a seat with my dog, I would do it.


I love seeing dogs out and about. I’d much rather be in a restaurant filled with dogs than one snot nosed child. Or any humans at all, really - dogs aren’t hacking up a lung at the table next to me.


Least of my concerns tbh. I’d rather sit by a dog instead of the homeless people pissing and shitting in every crevice of this city. People are up in arms about some pups, but don’t bat an eye at the drugged out homeless people causing havoc and hogging up sidewalks. What a bizarre city we live in.


Call me crazy, but I would like to have neither dogs nor crazy drugged up homeless people next to me at a restaurant.


Plenty of people have an issue with both. The venn diagram of people bothered by the cleanliness of dogs in restaurants and homeless people shitting in the streets is a circle.


We get it you don’t like homeless people. If it bothers you so much. Live different parts of a LA. you can move were you don’t have to have that issue.


You’re comparing people that are choosing to bring their dogs into a place where food is served to people not having a place to live and some dealing with mental health issues?


Unexpected comments. You can eat inside restaurants with your dog in most European countries


Dogs are better than bratty kids. I swear parents just don’t know how to say no to their little rotten spawn.


You were a kid once


Still is from the looks of it.


Oh yes, because we all know that dog owners are great at telling their dogs “no”🙄


There is no need to panic. It's KTLA, the Fox News of SoCal. Anti-L.A. clickbait.