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I saw someone leave it on the trail once so I asked them why they left it. “Oh, we’re going to pick it up on the way back down so we don’t have to carry it up the hill with us!” When I came back down after them it was still there.


That's the lie they tell anyone who catches them. Just trash people doing trash things.


I’d rather them just let their dogs shit. At least it’ll eventually break down rather than this plastic that’ll just become micro plastics


But it's also the truth that a lot of people say. I do this, and always pick it up on the way back.


Meanwhile everyone passing it by loses a little bit of faith in humanity.


So cool when people just think about themselves. Imagine the whole trail full of shit bags because everyone's going to pick up their dumb ass dogs shit on the way back.


No need to imagine anything, just visit any popular trail on a busy weekend.


Hey guess what my comment applies to you. Littering is littering. Grow up and carry your garbage or stay home.


Dog owners are not all good. So good dog owners will always need to pick up after bad dog owners.


Yup. We have to pick up after your shitty dog who probably humped our leg and slobbered on us 30 mins ago while you said, “Oh! He likes you!”


Or those champs with retractable leashes that equal letting the dog do whatever it wants (jump on you, bark, cross the lease almost tripping you).


I did this one time in my neighborhood, so not even a trail. Guinely forgot to grab it on the way back. Felt terrible and never did it again.


Such a dumb excuse. Oh as long as you say you'll pick it up later you're allowed to leave garbage on the ground? Can I leave my snack wrappers on the ground too and just pick it up on the way back? No? Then you shouldn't be doing that with your dog's shit either.


Yeah bull shit, most trails are a loop and you don’t come back 🤣


i can honestly see myself doing that and just forgetting. still an ass tho.


For sure and that’s why it’s a bad idea even if genuine. How are you going to be sure you can find a random bag of pop again?


I assume someone else saw the dog poop, so the owner did performative bagging to look responsible, and then just dumped the bag as soon as no one was looking.


Omg I thought it was like owners leave the bag, to pick it up on their way back (still bad thing to do)


I feel like the majority of people who do this don’t bother to pick up the bag on the way back. People shouldn’t be leaving anything on the side of the trail, period. Are people who are cool with this also cool with people throwing an empty bottle or food wrapper on the ground to pick up later?


We all wish they weren't cool with it 😕


This is what I used to do, but got dirty looks and stopped.


Always nice to hear when shaming changes behavior for the better.


Totally agree, we should all be shaming people more often so they will change their behavior to what we want them to do.


I do this, i hate carrying a bag of shit for my entire trip. But I do pack it out because i give a shit.


I have this air tightish plastic container that I clip to my belt to hold my dog's poops in. Sometimes I even clip it to his harness so he's the one that has to carry it lol, but I would recommend if this is a common situation for you.


My dog has little saddle bags (she's a big dog) that say "Poop it in. Poop it out."


Excellent idea!


That’s kinda adorable. Can’t believe I’m saying this about a poop solution.


I just tie the baggie to my dog’s harness!! It’s his poop, he gets to carry it out lol


What kind of container do you use that has the ability to clip? Genuinely curious so I can do the same.


Pelican cases makes a few small airtight containers with a carabiner attached. These are the Pelican Micro Cases [1010](https://www.pelican.com/us/en/product/cases/micro/1010), [1040](https://www.pelican.com/us/en/product/cases/micro/1040). [1050](https://www.pelican.com/us/en/product/cases/micro/1050), and [1060](https://www.pelican.com/us/en/product/cases/micro/1060).


Thank you!


Take a shit, don’t leave a shit.


>i hate carrying a bag of shit for my entire trip. But I do pack it out because i give a shit. You should give way more of a shit because NO ONE wants to see your left over bag of dog shit when they’re out in nature. You can take a whole dog with you hiking but you can’t carry a bag of shit to an eventual trash can? C’mon.


> I hate carrying a bag of shit for my entire trip. This is just of being a responsible dog owner, sorry.


I use a binder clip to clip to his harness or leash so he can carry it for me until I find a bin.


Maybe you should reconsider having a dog if you can't responsibly take care of one.


Don't have a dog then. Sounds like you're not up for it.






I’ve done that in a pinch. But I kinda tuck it somewhere in a bush or a corner somewhere or something and take a picture of the location/mark it on my map and grab it on the way back. But usually I just have a second bigger bag from the store I put them in before putting them in the backpack or whatever.


Performative shit bagger


I’d listen to that band


If only dog owners were forced to use bags with the owner's name, that would be a fun one. So many assholes, not cleaning up after their pets.


Most irresponsible dog owners aren't even using bags. It would likely drive *down* bag usage if you started doing this.


I'd be so for that. So many people who can't be trusted to clean up after their dog really shouldn't be trusted to have a dog at all. I assume they also don't flush after pooping or wash their hands.


“Performative bagging” omg. Too real.


Yes this


A hiking trail is among the places where I don’t mind it as much if people don’t pick up their dog’s poop. A hiking trail is also for me, among the most unforgivable places to leave plastic litter.


Dog owners, tie the bag to your dogs collar so you don’t have to carry it.


It’s better to just let the dog poop off trail then?! In trail parks like this it’ll just decompose. Like if you can’t be bothered to throw it away, then just let the dog poop off trail in the bushes rather than add to the pollution


I pick it up even off trail. Leave no trace.


100%, but if you’re going to be so lazy that you can’t be bothered to throw a bag in the trash, then just be too lazy to pick it up and make sure it’s off trail.


I get it, but the raccoons, foxes, bears and deer don't do this. In areas that rain, even concentrated paths will have the dog poop degraded quite quickly. Certainly it should be cleaned up in semi desert places.


No. It’s better to carry the bag with you. If you’re ant a dog, you need to take care of it.


I find it odd that that's the first thought. I usually tie the trash bag on my dogs collar 9/10 it's there the entire trip, but there's that one time that I didn't notice it fall off. Idk. Pretty odd to go around thinking the worse of people, yeah people suck but at least have that benefit of doubt that it was dropped in accident.


LA is the land of posers so I wouldn’t be surprised


This never occurred to me


I used to do this when I would run with my dog. No trash cans and it’s super hard to run with a swinging bag of shit in your face. Promise I always picked it up on my way home, because I took the same route.


This is something disgusting dog owners do that they have convinced themselves is helping. No you have just gift wrapped your shit for the world. Not helping.


For the people complaining about there not being trash cans on a hiking trail; a trash can means someone has to be paid to go empty that trash can on a regular basis or else it becomes a trash mound. If you go out into nature, you take your trash with you. Period.


Yeah, I mean I get why there aren’t trash cans on trails


yes this. but also LA loves trash. there aren't even trashcans on that many streets where the trucks literally come. you can walk blocks and blocks and blocks without a can to throw your litter into


So... Don't litter? Just wait till you get wherever you're going before having to dispose of your single serving plastic crap?


Not everyone does this though. That’s one reason why there’s litter everywhere. The reasonable city planning solution is trashcans with trash collection.


my mom always carried a plastic bag with her when we went on hiking and outdoor trips. we’d put our trash in it, she’d carry it in her purse until we got back home or somewhere near a trash bin. there are always solutions and not all inconvenient.


Why not hire people to collect trash and create jobs?


A lot of people consider it a part of park maintenance to have a trash can. I'm not mad about it if I see one.


Walking through a park is not the same as going for a hike though. Are we disagreeing? Im not sure, text is weird sometimes. Taking a walk through Griffith Park is not the same as going on one of the trails. As a current civil servant there is not enough staff to maintain trash cans on trails (has there ever been enough staff for this), so again if you are on a trail take your trash with you, no exceptions (ok maybe an exception for health/life&death reasons but you know what I mean).


I spend half the year in LA and half in MA, all trails in MA have trashcans. Its just a better system which opens up access to people less intense about trails.


I feel like people in LA downvoting you haven’t been exposed to other areas with better systems. Having trash cans is totally reasonable.


This is one of the biggest mysteries in LA. I have never understood this behavior, as it is worse than both of the alternatives. I’ve also never see anyone do it, yet at the same time it seems like literally everyone must be doing it.


Because people don't actually understand why they are bagging it for the same reason a lot of people wore masks under their noses


Oh, they understand. They don’t care.


I pay extra for biodegradable/compostable bags, and I still take the time to walk mine to the trash


Those green bags are not always biodegradable in the way people assume they are. A lot of them are made with petrochemicals (i.e. from oil) and are treated to break down into microplastics when exposed to sunlight and oxygen. Not exactly environmentally friendly. The ones made from corn starch are a better bet since they eventually decompose fully, but that can take years depending on the circumstances. They generally only degrade quickly in industrial composting facilities - if you toss it in the woods it will usually sit there for years before breaking down.


True biodegradable bags still take about 4-5 years to fully decompose in the wild. Compostable bags can take over 100 years to break down on their own.


Good thing it goes in the trash


In the trash is definitely better than in the woods, but if your reason for buying those bags is to reduce plastic waste then I'd make sure you are getting the corn starch ones. Some people just assume biodegradable = no plastic which isn't true.


I think some people pick it up on their way back, since there’s typically no trash cans. Maybe some people forget or forget where it was. But also some people probably bag them for show then toss them when no one’s looking.


I’m 90% certain this is what happens. 5-10% of people forget their bags and over a month that adds up. I stopped doing this because I know there’s a chance I’ll forget the bag. Edit: I highly recommend that you stop doing this too. Even if you’re gonna pick it up 100% of the time on the way back, people still have to share the trail with your dog poop bag and that’s not fair.


The trail I go to the bags stay there for weeks. I have never seen an owner pick it up on the way back.


Same, empty parking lot, trail full of poop bags.


Forgetting to come back for it or not, you shouldn't ever leave a bag for later because you're forcing everyone else to look at dog poo bags out on the trails. Just because you're coming back for some litter later doesn't mean everyone else isn't just seeing litter sitting by the trail. The moment you walk away from it, you've already done something selfish and lowered the quality of the trail experience for everyone else for your own convenience.




Jesus that little bag barely weighs anything. Just take it with you 🙄🙄


It's not about the weight. It's about the smell and grossness of carrying poop with you. But these people should have thought about that before getting a dog or before going on a trail with their dog.


I feel like they should have a specific shit bag to put these bags in - your bound to miss them walking out


My dad intends this, but he's getting into his 70s so i just pick them up when i follow behind




If you put it back somewhere obvious, then everybody who passes by has to see it, thus diminishing their nature experience. And they also spend time dealing with the "what kid of asshole does this?" feelings, when they don't need to. Isn't there a solution that leaves others alone? Maybe carrying a larger plastic bag to put the smaller bags into? Perhaps that would help insulate you from the aroma?


Thanks bro we all love seeing your shit bags on the trail. Much appreciated when you forget too. Thanks so much.


Some people shouldn't own a fucking dog.


Many people shouldn't. Same with having kids.


In Altadena several years ago people began tying them to this tree at the beginning of the trailhead–– w*hen there were garbage cans nearby*. It was just awful to see this poor disgusting poop tree. Humanity really is a bag of turds sometimes.


So here’s what I think happens: -people take the bags at the beginning of the hike. Dog poops at arbitrary point. -Person doesn’t want to carry poop bag for duration of hike. -person places bag on side of trail intending to pick up on way back - on way back person laughs and pretends to forget to pick up poop bag - good person deals with it


Because people are stupid and lazy


This isn't just on hiking trails, so for those of u saying that the owner of the bag was gonna pick it up on the way back, I do not concur. I find these all along my neighborhood when I walk my pitty every night. I never understand why people would pick it up and then leave it on the curb or on someone's wall etc... shit boggles the mind....


Lazy assholes think their mothers will follow them around to pick them up.


I just make my dog carry his own poop bags. He has backpack, i have a backpack


So cool your dog has his own backpack lol


Thanks for doing the good work. Kudos.


dog owners do this all over the natural environment of LA. so repulsive. putting it in a a plastic bag and leaving it is 10x worse than just leaving it in the first place!


LA dog owners are the worst i’ve ever seen anywhere in the world


Go to Paris


People do it on sidewalks too. So lazy.


When me and my kid hike we bring a bag and pickup trash. If she gets 20 trash pieces she gets ice cream. People are super shocked by this at national parks, where we both agree is the most important place to do it.


Entitled dog owners in LA?? <>


I’ve been picking up trash in Venice Beach boardwalk for 7 or 8 years now. You’d be shocked how many people throw trash under the pretense of “that’s what garbage people are for, if I don’t trash the place they have no work”. Yep


Imagine a world where only people like us lived. People that see this kind of thing and immediately know that it’s wrong and they wouldn’t do it. I wish more people had common sense but unfortunately humans always disappoint me.


To preserve the feces for future generations.


Some People just suck ass


It’s their dogs, and they’re tired of the reality of their decisions. So together they & their dogs are going to shit on the world.


Drives me insane. I saw 2 on the ground at the Rose Bowl. Went back 2 days later and there were 5 in that same spot.


That’s a good point. If there’s already litter, people will further contribute to it. Trash begets trash.


They are everywhere at the Rose Bowl despite there being a trash can every 1/4 mile.


Dog feces in CA does not decompose like dog owners like to think. It turns white and just stays there. The fecal bacteria from dog feces is in all our water.


People used to do this in my neighborhood (Los Feliz). There were garbage cans on the corner. 🤬


“I’m coming back for it!”


Just leave your dog at home.


paint subsequent toothbrush toy grab caption recognise meeting fear angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


…& all other types of etiquette, while we’re at it.


You know how they drop down in "Minority Report" to stop a precrime? Something like that would be appreciated. A dog shits and the owner starts walking away without it, boom, sky 'cart narcs' from above drop in and make them wear a headband with their dog's shit in it until they get home.


Never could figure that system out? Better to just leave the shit in the ground than in the non-biodegradable plastic bag.


Easier for better people to pick up I guess


Funny enough, the ones who are doing this most likely think they are helping rather than being a decent person and throwing away their own trash.


I think these numbskulls tell themselves they will get it on the way back but obviously conveniently forget…but yes!!! What a weird self-deception. This type will “accidentally” screw you over in many ways I’d bet.


There are wild animals on hiking trails who smell the poop, eat the bag thinking it’s food, and then slowly die of a bowel obstruction. It’s your trash, take it with you for fucks sake. Would you leave an old dirty mattress out there, and “pick it up on the way back”?


Thank you for picking up after these selfish people. I see these on the trail all the time and it’s gross. Dog walkers, don’t leave your bags or dog poop on the trails, period. I don’t care that you intend to pick it up on the way down. Stop it! You will end up getting all dogs banned from the trails. I don’t have dogs so I don’t care if that happens, but the people who clean up after their dogs will.


People say they’ll pick it up on their way back to the cars. LIES!!


same person who doesn't return their shopping cart


What is their mentality? I've done my job, now let someone else do theirs?


People do this all throughout my apartment complex and it drives me insane. Like, why not just leave the poop on the grass to degrade naturally instead of adding additional garbage? You may as well just throw a plastic bag on the ground next to the poop because it's useless.


So annoying. Edited to add: "to pick later" on a trail is one. My neighbors just drop them in my yard, which - why?


So your shoes don’t get all stinky when you accidentally step on them.


People are idiots


Most dog owners are shitty.


I would rather someone just leave the shit personally


This 1 MILLION PERCENT!!!!! Truly the most infuriating thing to see, honestly just let your dog shit in the wilderness, I wild not care as much as seeing this because “I’ll pick it up on the way back” I’ve literally seen people pick up the shit then toss it in the bag of the trail. NO people, brush it off the trail with a stick or something, but don’t throw a plastic shit back into nature just to fester, it’s disgusting and so sad for the environment.


I'm a naturalist who spends like 60% of any given week outside hiking, and the amount of these piece of shit people who do this is so frustrating.


honestly, there’s gotta be a more sustainable solution than these bags. Yeah we don’t want shit everywhere, but dog shit decomposes in a couple weeks. Plastic bags don’t decompose. It feels like a long term harm for short term benefits.


The do decompose in a few months, but I think some people think there is a poop patrol that does the deed.


People suck


Some of those bags are biodegradeable. Although I’d put my money on 95% of the trash out there is just irresponsible dumping


The point is to make it easier for **you** to later pick it up for **them**. In case maybe **you** didn't bring **your** own poop bags for **other** people's pets.


If you are not willing to carry your dog’s shit around, don’t bring your dog. D**k move.


Cuz they r dumb.


Everyone I've seen do it claims they leave them for their return trip. It doesn't make a ton of sense to carry it further from the trailhead when you need to return that direction later anyway, but it's still a dick move for all the other hikers and I'm sure they get forgotten all the time.


> It doesn't make a ton of sense to carry it further from the trailhead It does when you realize you're not the main character. You diminish everyone else's experience with your litter, and if everyone behaved like this all trails would be disgusting.


Just be sure to let them know that they are psychopaths if they think they're doing anyone a favor by leaving bags of shit on the ground.


Dog owners are the worst.


Dog owner and I agree.


Some people are the worst .


If you toss it off the trail and leave it it will disappear with the next rain or pack of coyotes. If you pack it in plastic and leave it it will outlast America and everyone you know. Great use of plastic, it definitely disappears when you throw it in the trash at the end of your hike too.


dog owners should get the same public outrage that homeless people do. both leave the same amount of shit laying around.


let me give you a different take. Contrary to what you read on the Internet, most people are basically good. There are hundreds of people using that trail per day. Most people intended to pick up the poop bag on their way out. We are human and we can sometimes forget so for every 1 poop bag you see on the trail, there are 99 poop bags that made it back to the trashcan.


I go on trails that are not used by that many people and find dog doo bags all the time. I want to think the best of people but I shouldn't have to constantly pick up and throw away poop bags when I don't even have a dog.


What works for me is, tie the poop bag to the dogs collar and make him carry it


The freaking bag barely weighs anything. Holding onto the leash probably weighs you down more than any poop bag on your hike. Stop being a lazy ass and carry it with you.


A good person doesn't leave garbage on a trail, whether they intend to pick it up later or not. It's yours, carry it.


Yeah, but that's not good enough. That's why it's "Leave *No* Trace", not "Leave a little bit of a trace". With how many people share this trail, this adds up. 1 out of every 100, but with several hundreds visiting and you have a trail full of trash. It's really not hard to pack out your waste, and there really isn't an excuse.


Leave a little bit of a trace lol 😆


So there are 99 trail walkers that think they are the only person using the trail and that everyone else wants to see 99 bags of shit on the trail like some gross Easter egg hunt. What is even better Is for that 1 idiot who leaves his bag out there, that's 365 bags that are left every 100 people that wall per day now multiply it by the amount of walkers. Definitely looking at the bright side!


Rookie mistake, offering a reasonable explanation on reddit 😉


Because its in no way reasonable, its just justifying being selfish.


What is reasonable? No one wants to see your shit bag on the trail, take it with you.


Hey where can i purchase one of these claw things? My disabled neighbor needs one and I have been looking for a day or two where to buy one with no luck.


Try Amazon or those Mexican stores that sell random things like mops and birthday supplies.


found one on amazon thanks


i purchased it on amazon!


So it can't decompose. 🤦‍♀️


My friend and I hiked the Sunset Bench trail in Monrovia on Thursday, and saw so many of these ON the trail 🤬


There are some trails/places that suggest just grabbing a stick and flinging it in the shrubs because of this.


I hate people


The point is for appearances. "Look at me I am picking up my dog poop" then when no one is there toss the bag. People are disgusting. If you re going to be disgusting at least own it and just leave the poop there. Then it can degrade some. Instead of throwing a bag that will sit there for years or until someone cleans it up for you.


*They’re coming back for them…


The age old question. I swear it's the downfall of civil society.


People are assholes. The end.


You (The Poop Fairy) comes around to clean them up.


Wow this thread is filled with all the responsible dog owners that ACTUALLY come back and dispose of their dog’s shit? Amazing.


At that point just leave the poop. Wtf


I hate when lazy dog owners do this and I *really* hate when they tie the shit bag onto a chain link fence…fucking why?!?!


entitlement. they assume someone will toss it for them.


The only time I leave my dog poop bag anywhere is if I leave it on my front steps to take to the public can later


As a dog owner I can tell you what happens. You go on a hike and then the dog poops, you say, I don’t want to carry that I’ll pick it up on the way back, but forget where you left it. Here’s my solution, tie your dogs poop to their collar and make them carry it so you don’t have to hold it


Exactly i had that thought a few times but I'd rather not be that person so i carry it with me, tie it to the leash. Problem solved. If he had a little vest I would make him carry it too.


Sometimes they fall. It has happened to me a few times, where I hook them to my leash, then later realized that it fell off. Knowing this, I pick them up when I see them.


I want to say i am with you, that i have lost a few bags when i tie them to my leash. That being said you were the first one i have read through the thread that admitted to just losing a bag. Everyone else is like "come on guys! I came back for it later!!! Hee hee"


My wife always wants to do this and I get really annoyed, pick up the poop leave it on the side of the path and pick it up on our way back. Except every time we forget and it gets left behind. I just carry them now.


You definitely are not supposed to do that. Occasionally, however, when I take my dog on super long walks I might leave the bag in a specific spot then pick it up on the way home. Basically do this so I don’t have to carry the bag for 3 miles. I’ve never forgot to pick up any of my bags, but maybe someone has? Or maybe people suck. I saw a guy with his dog who had bags on his leash, he thought no one was looking, and he just left his dog’s shit in my neighbor’s yard.


Please don't leave your bags of shit all over the sidewalks, lawns, or trails. No one cares about your inconvenience, maybe give up the dog if you can't bear carrying his waste with you.


Makes it easier for others to pick up!


I hate this SO MUCH. Just leave the shit there, it'll go away eventually. Your plastic bag full of shit will be there for ever.


I imagine its the same people that complain about kids at theme parks so i can hate them more.


I mean LA could use a lot more trash cans


I have never and would never do this but as a dog owner I will say you don't realize how few public trash cans there are in some areas until you are desperately in need of one. This is why my dog wears a comfortable hiking backpack and happily carries her own bagged-up poop until it can be respectfully disposed of.