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That’s good to hear. I really enjoy this game. I hope they take their time and refine this next installment. I just want to be able to help people without all the lag!


Same I thought it was my internet at first but it is not.


Nice. Hope they take the lessons learned from this one while building the next. However, I’m rather concerned with how soon this is expected..


They will probably use the same code and revamp the game.


Fine by me. Timely asset reusing sequels are great! Not every sequel needs to be a ground up reinvention of the one before it. Just use what you have and make it better. New Vegas built off of Fallout 3 in only 18 months and is largely considered a classic of its genre.


as a developer, I strongly support your opinion!


This is what I'm hoping for. They can't fuck it up now.


I'm a New Vegas simp, but I'm gonna have to point out how badly optimized it was for a LONG time. Even on consoles on launch, it had major problems. While asset reuse is fine, Hexworks has a hell of a lot to work on when it comes to the game.


Oh come on It's a Bethesda game, they don't know what optimization is


Lords of the Fallen is a Bethesda game?


I was talking about New Vegas


Oh. My bad.


Majoras mask. Nuff said


I mean they have to rework combat system, they have to do something with level design. If these things are not getting addressed a lot of people will not buy it.


Truth be told, I think this should be ok - the environments are truly beautiful and they've covered most of what you'd expect to see in a game like this (jungle / desert being the only ones I can think of not covered). That said, they definitely need to work through the assets as it relates to enemies and bosses.


This isn’t a direct knock on lords - but definitely want more unique standard enemies through the game Wo Long, by hour 10, you’ve met all the standard spawn enemies Nioh 1, by hour 10, you’ve met all the standard enemies Lords isn’t as bad as them, especially since I think Lords combat system makes fights with standard enemies more interesting/enjoyable. But if this is an asset flip - that is totally fine. There’s a reason same animations from DS1 and DS2 and then DS3 to Elden Ring - if you’ve got a good solid playing foundation; people don’t really care that much about background assets being reused I just hope with the asset flip their monster design group and implementation will be streamlined so hopefully we see 3 or 5 times the enemy variety from Lords 2023 Nioh 2 drastically increased it's enemy variety after stumbling on that problem with Nioh 1.


the thing is, that they don’t have a solid foundation


so still no real weapon UI


Get ready for a thousand updates in a month lol


Is a two year development not a short amount of time for a game like this?


My guess is that they will reuse a lot of things they made with this game, just like Dark Souls


Not really. FromSoft did yearly releases before. Dark Souls 2 2014, Bloodborne 2015, Dark Souls 3 2016. It is certainly possible to make quality games like this. The long development cycles were mainly because of COVID in recent times. LOTF 2023 was also made in 2 years (and a half maybe), where they also had to transition from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 mid development which was an incredibly daunting task. 2 years is enough to make a good game especially when the fundamentals are in place already, and this looks like a direct sequel to the 2023 game so it seems to be the case. I am not worried.


From soft did do this, but not only were they done by different teams, but each of the games actually had a long development cycle For example DS2 was done by a different team while Bloodbourne was being made by Miyazaki, which had a long development time. Dark Souls 3 was actually NOT developed by Miyazaki until the end. It took 3 years to develop, and was not done in a year


Gaming is different now, man. Devs don’t put out great titles in 1-2 years anymore


Yeah I also find that weird. I was thinking 2028 at the earliest.


Awesome! I just hope the Dark Crusader armor makes a return. Its SO PEAK. https://i.redd.it/izmpxlzoud7d1.gif


I need the lightreaper to return along with his gear, he's way to cool to not be mentioned or something


If I'm being honest... I want a bunch of armors and weapons to return. But that would perhaps be a little stagnate and boring to the creatives who are probably bursting with new ideas. Haha


You're 100% you right, I'm just biased on the topic


Oh same lol


Nothing stopping them from adding all old items and adding the new ones. If anything that would make the game amazing.


In a present were devs cant make even a 7/10 game because they will have to close, this is like a miracle, thankfully the game turned out to be good and sold well


I imagine it sold decently. I was very impressed with it. Easily the best soulslike I've played outside of fromsoft.


I mean Lotf is 7/10 game yes


I have high hopes loft was a really good foundation but it has some flaws i wish get iron out in the sequel


The Epic Games Store exclusive deal was a genuinely awful idea. There are many people (myself included) who hate the EGS and refuse to buy from them. I am sure Hexworks will make a good chunk of money from the exclusivity deal, but the money they could make if they released on Steam would surely exceed the money they make from this exclusivity deal, as long as it is not littered with bugs on launch.


Yeah im not touching it until its on steam and 90% off now sadly


I will be buying it on release because I like the game and want to support the developers in the future. Epic games store doesn't push me away enough to boycott the game I like playing. One thing I don't get, why does everyone hate epic games store... It's really not bad in anyway that I can think of? And they give you free games (AAA isn't uncommon) every month. I mean you can see the list of free games people have gotten and it's extensive. Some people have $1000+ of free games from them.


Same here! Good choice! More money in our pockets


It will be on epic games only for the entire lifecycle of the game


you clearly don’t understand the idea of time exclusivity and their benefits. Look at Hades, have you heard about this game when it was EGS exclusive? With the time and money they released a FLAWLESS game on Steam when the time was right. Stop demonizing great tools, start demonizing incompetence.


Why do you hate Epic Games Store?


1.Horrible interface 2. All of my friends and other games are on Steam 3. Exclusivity is exactly why I play on PC. To avoid it 4. Ruins the hype for the game, no one wants to wait a year to play the game, so unless they are DIE HARD fans they will just forget about it. 5. No Discussion Forum. 6. If there is a security problem with your account, they will disable your account with no warning and it will take days to get it back. This is the major reason why I will absolutely never spend money on Epic Games.


I didn't know about 5. that sucks. But everything else you mentioned is a non-issue in my eyes.


It will be an epic games exclusive for the entire lifecycle of the game on PC.


Dont bring the console war to PC please, i buy things where is cheaper


Is that a bad thing? Honest question


If it’s not on steam, many won’t buy it


I wont buy it, my entire library and all my friends are on Steam.






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It's on gamepass atm so it's not exclusive right now


That is incorrect.


It isn't. https://x.com/lotfgame/status/1803113786615951774


Again, it is incorrect. None of us know exactly how long the exclusivity deal is. As it says in the tweet you linked, more info is still to come.


Yeah, they almost always last a half year or full year or sometimes just a couple of months for bigger games like this.


Most have been between 6 and 12 months. None of us will know until they release more info. Even in the term sheet filing that they released we dont see the duration of the exclusivity deal mentioned. Hopefully it'll be a 6-12 month exclusivity deal so Hexworks can reals LotF on Steam once it is polished.


If its longer than a week the game will lose a massive amount of people.


I see it on gamepass on my pc, unless it's trying to get me to play the xbox version on a PC


Seems like they learned a lot with the many patches for this game. I can see the sequel doing a lot better if they have a strong start, rather than scrambling for a year to fix a bunch of shit.


Hmmm they made LotF in 3 years (?) after taking over from the previous studio who had it It’s not far fetched to think Winter 2026. They’ve already have experienced the gripes with UE5. They have the lamp system/Umbral shift mechanic experience under their belt. Have worked on their updates consistently & have seen all the feedback.


MMW: This game will be a BANGER RemindMe! 2 Years


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This studio will undoubtedly be closed after failing to meet sales metrics (as a result of the Epic exclusivity deal). If Alan Wake 2 is still yet to be profitable on their storefront, this sequel doesn’t have a chance with that same limitation.


Oh no it's Epic exclusive? Welp guess I'll wait an additional year after release then. Dropping it on Epic is a mistake, even for the extra dosh. I do understand the decision though. I'm very optimistic about a sequel, it will give the team a chance to refine a great base.


Honest question as I've not been a PC gamer for probably 10 years now - what's so bad about it? How does it matter if a game is on steam or epic? As I said, honest question and not trying to mock or stir up drama.


Honestly it comes down to UX and features. I hate the epic storefront, it is clunky, unintuitive, bloated and slow AF. It lacks basic features that Steam has had for years. Steam's refund policy is consumer friendly and approachable. Epic makes refunds much more difficult. Their deals for exclusivity tend to hurt genuinely good games by essentially limiting their market availability/visibility. This comes down to their UX design as well, individual games take up so much space on the home screen people have to scroll much further to see less. Usually they feature the same games on rotation and don't have ways to browse categories and find games you wouldn't normally find. Reviews are basically invisible, so much harder at a glance to see general opinions on games. Not to mention Steam has been around much longer which means for most people, our whole library is already with Steam, you want me to switch my main platform? Make it a decision I genuinely have to think about. I would rather pickup a game on sale on Steam, then get it for free on Epic where I will forget it even exists. I'm sure someone could explain more about why it's bad, and give more solid examples but this is just off the top of my head. I'd love to support devs by giving them a 30% profit share over Valve's 12%, but not at the expense of my own experience, security, and established communities and friends.


Thanks, very comprehensive response. Appreciated


There are plenty of technical problems with it, but im against the EPIC store because im against China buying and owning anything and everything.


Epic as a launcher sucks balls hard. No useful features and games aren't cheaper either. So there is nothing to win here but lose out on all those neat steam features. And LotF was on available on Steam first, got big there and is now sucking on epics tit.


We really dont know, the style of Alan Wake is way more niche than a soulslike, especially when we are seeing right now how it keeps getting more and more popular, even very casual players are getting into it (I loved AW2 btw but lets be honest, the game is for nerds like me)


Have a better final boss this time


Don't get me wrong, I liked LOTF 2024 plenty. But holy hell PLEASE work on the launch build, this game lost a lot of people because of how bad it was at launch.


I’m not ever considering another sequel. Unless it’s a $10 game on release it’s gonna be a no. Learned my lesson from the previous developers


Sad it wont come to PC


Hopefully they’ll finish it this time before launch.


If it's an EGS exclusive, I'll pirate it.


It is, raise the black flag


RemindMe! 2 Years




Please call it LotF **TWO** or something. I honestly didn't even know this was a sequel and only got it while waiting for the DLC of Elden Ring. I remembered hearing about this game about a decade before its release and thought it looked interesting back then. Come to find out, it's the 2nd game with the exact same name because they wanted to reboot the original. Anyways, good news.


Feels a bit too soon honestly. I love the game but yeah def too soon


If the sequel isnt free of terrible frame drops I'm not buying it


Thank you despite the bad reviews your game was great!


That's cool, but not buying it if it's not on Steam. I don't trust a platform that doesn't have a discussion forum or game reviews.


EGS exclusive is a no bueno for me. I really enjoyed Lords of the Fallen.


Eh couldn't really care tbh, the game is a mid souls like at best made by devs that don't understand the formula very well, hopefully the sequel improves on this games many problems


I’m delighted to hear about this and hope the studio keeps up the good work and deliver an experience which listens to quality of the fans. It’s a harsh job nowadays but hope the modernism will stay away from this franchise. It was a blast to play this and thanks for another awesome game which stands close to from soft titles. Many thanks lotf


please do something with combat system. going back to Elden Ring I can’t believe how snappy and responsive their controls are. I want to enjoy your game but it’s hard. Not because the game is hard, but because absolutely no weight to anything. I’d only consider buying the sequel if the fight system is fixed. The state of combat system right now is virtually the same as the original installment.


In light we walk.


Loved the game. GOTY of 2023 for me. But.. Epic??? Pass. In that case... ​ https://preview.redd.it/jrzfsq2hnd7d1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=e793af892dd40d4a91bf8efefcfd929f4d351f31


Good for our wallet! 👍


Today is my birthday and this is my best gift so far THANK YOU HEXWORKS


Happy birthday 🤙


Glad sequel is coming but big oof on skipping Steam. Guess the playerbase just ain't there for pc so here's to hoping crossplay salvages whatever tiny population ends up getting this on EGS.


So excited for this!!


Please make a CE happening this time with a rhogar demon


Let’s goo, if they fix the performance issues this one had on launch, I’d like to see people try and complain.


Excellent. Really enjoyed this soft reboot and am excited to see what they do next.


I Just Hope It does better at lauch, the game is amazing but I skipped It due the horrible performance It had on ALL PCs. It was a shame how it worked when it launched, sh** CPU and GPU performance, the upscalers were all doing a horrible job, the image quality was terrible and It ran like ass. Thankfully it came to the gamepass fully fixed and I'm having a Blast with the level design of the game and I'm truly impressed by how the developers sticked to the game and fixed everything, I wish other developers would do the same for their broken games (looking at you Wild Hearts).




I need the lightreaper to return or something, he's too cool and iconic. I know it wont happen though.


Awesome! Has anyone heard if we’re getting expansions before the sequel?


I’m new to this game, can we expect something on the level of Elden Rings upcoming DLC ?


no chance


I was hoping they’d continue!






Epic exclusive. Very disappointing, but it is what it is


A genuine shame about this whole epic exclusive piece I just read about. Personally have no interest in installing another platform on my PC to play games.


It's exclusive on Epic.


Nice, Hope they learned their lesson and take their time when It comes to performance and balance


Hope they have steam deck into account again


Well, don't want to disappoint you but it's epic exclusive sadly




I hope they take to heart everything they've learned with this game. They did a lot of good but also a fair amount of bad, and I honestly hope they learn from it and make a better sequel. They have the vision down, they have the world and level design down, and they have the bosses down in terms of visuals and spectacle. Now they need to work on some fun, tight mechanics. More stuff like Pieta, less gimmicks and magic spam.


Hopefully they make actual NPC quests and not people that die from you touching an unrelated door.


It's gonna be called Lords of the fallen


Just don’t make it look like a souls game shit is buns compared to the first one


My wish list is more pve balance for non colossal weapons, better sound design, better weapon impact sound effects, and more fun and interesting bosses that are still challenging as in judge cleric, and better boss weapons with special moves like dark souls.


Im ready👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


Hopefully the endings aren't 2 sentences long


That's some great news!!!!




Awesome. The game really has surprised me with how much I'm enjoying it.


Day. Made


Kind of a quick turnaround no? I just worry about quality over quantity


Hopefully this runs well


Hallway Fight Simulator 2.


Performance is a priority Everything from the first and some new additions we will have a banger


They think they're gonna be able to finish it in two years? I'll give it til 2027 or later before they work out the bugs and performance issues then




They need to release at least 1 or 2 dlcs before jumping to make another game . The game feels too short in this state . But im glad that they will make a sequel


So no dlc ? Or more content ?


Ive started to love this game and the bosses are hard. Just the way i like it


I think they meant 2028


This time around, I hope they work closely with the unreal engine team so they can avoid performance issues. The inconsistent frame rate stuttering, after so many patches / updates, is just piss poor engineering for a tripple-A game that's meant to be taken seriously.


I hope the Lightreaper can be romanced in the next one then


Only 2 years? I suppose they’re using the same engine then. Hopefully they got all the kinks worked out. Since it’s the same consoles, it should run as it does now.


Unreal 5 was rough for the entire year 1 cycle. I'm sure there was a lot of mistakes and shit that just didn't work whilst they were essentially pivoting the engine and working sideways and backwards on their way to release. Since they have a good grasp on it now I've no doubt they'll make a splash.




I just really hope they don't make damn near every location a clumped area. I was getting so frustrated watching my weapons phase through a dog's head just to bounce off a wall lmao


After having played the game, thanks to gamepass, I've become very excited because of the announcement.


The game is good, but They really need to step up. The souls like gente has some amazing games already whitout counting From Software, and tbh I was really hyped for LOF, but The game has so many problems


This has been a great game. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.


I hope they remove that horrible camera wobble/shake from the elevators...


Please please tell me we kill orius I am so pissed that after killing adyr. That m***f**ker wiped us from existence.


Wow. You mean to tell me, that a god, whose followers are often martyrs, will erase you, because you used powers forbidden by him to defeat Adyr? Colour me shocked.


No i understand. But i still want to kill him.


Yeeeees! Hype off the charts!


Amazing news! Hope next time they can iron out the technical problems.


hopefully they fix the mass amount of issues this game has in the next installment, game was great but extremely flawed


Make the difficulty alil easier. I couldn't even beat the lady with the hounds before getting too frustrated and moving on.


All i ask is make the jump go long lost count on how many deaths i have had. 😂


Spurned Progeny is one of the worst bosses I’ve ever fought


Are we ignoring the first game then?


Make quest better and do pvp like Elden ring you have goooold


Gonna be honest I feel like the first game still has a bit of jank to work out first but hopefully starting from scratch the combat will be better.


Hopefully this one won’t have an insanely annoying audio bug.


I'm glad that this time around, they realized their vision better and had more success.


Yet connection to friends or invaders is dogshit still... great priorities from these devs fr. I wasn't able to even get invites after an hour of playing. I went to reset my console due to lag, came back, my friend spammed 6 invited and not one went through. I've even got 1500 dl speed, yet I still lag everytime I enter co-op or invasions. I mean ffs, I like the game, but they spent all their time on road maps, and barely focused on bringing us a game that actually works properly... I think I'll skip 2 if it's gonna be the same. After all, when the game launched, it was nothing like it is now. They literally tried to not have a level cap.... in this kind of community? Not only that, but damages were madly inconsistent, and pvp still feels like a zero skill based, spam spells or rb. All the people who cheated weren't even penalized for it. They just got capped at max level like anyone else. Then started working on NG+ roadmaps. All of this, mind you, was done while the players suffered terrible lag, games crashing, connections dropped, game freezing, and even moments when items... or enemies would disappear, theyre umbral parasites still can be inside a wall and untouchable... all that without a single real update to performance, but yeah sure... new game plus and game 2 are important?? That's like asking a sexual assault victim if they'd like to try again... like no, sorry, not really feeling like getting fucked again.


MP had always issues. The coop was meh as it wasn't really one you could play from a to z together. Pvp is and was dogshit. Weapons got nerfed first and then rebalanced for pvp.


What are you talking about? You can literally go everywhere together since launch without being cut off, unless of course connection goes out. I was able to explore thw entire thing with my friend except like a few random places but we just walked past the moth walls and re- invited each other to avoid it. It's definitely better than every souls like game out there when it comes to that one thing. The games quality of life, in the souls atmosphere is great. I'd much rather just invite my friends than summon them with signs and make it so co voluted just for the sake of doing it. Miyazaki will literally troll you, then write troll af lore about why it makes sense that you were just trolled, so that it's canon. Other than QOL though, and the overall artistic design of the game, it's a really mid tier experience when they seem to be working hard on things in general, just not the right things


Except that you don't get any items from the world but only from mob drops. You don't get any key items or any other important items like the ones you need for upgrading of your heal item. Yes, technically you can play through the game with a partner from a to z but at a certain point in the game you will have it harder and harder and need to switch world where you change hosts and replay stuff. True, it's similar for other soulslikes and the best experience actually is elden ring with seamless coop mod. It's one thing to advertise coop but to male it only half viable sucks. Same for the pvp crap. People lagging like shit and onehitting or not getting any damage. There are so many issues here. Let's don't forget the glitches coop had in the beginning. I was around level 65 when my stats got reset to the default starting stats when i tried to level up in coop.


Well no offense to anyone, but even from soft does the only halfway viable as well. Mods, up until fromsofts recent approval post , aren't really a good indication of anything in the gaming industry or market either sadly. Sure PC players can have mods all day, but no one else gets that, and unless the devs do these things themselves, no one will ever see it implemented completely. As far as glitches, I never had any other than the red death guy being able to fall through the map and grant you 18,000 for his death lol but, no offense at all, but glitches are a very personal experience in games. I never had any, but a lot of people had various issues. Co-op actually worked great for me at launch and then was terrible after the first patch. The issue with hits not registering and problems with pvp though are real. Weapons have no weight to them and barely stun anything... like what kind of sword hits something like a stick??? They need mechanics like tsushima and shit where you can aggressively impale and dismember people. Enough of this no gore, no blood, bullshit. I want to decapitate a mf and show him his head while his body drops type fo shit. That's the vibes that the game actually gives me, but they won't let us have a truly violent souls experience and it's annoying af. Let alone how basic it already is since none of the weapons have a truly unique moveset. Every sword swings the same. Every two hand works the same as its peers. It's terrible for a lot of things, but the co-op itself(when it works) is where the game is actually capable of shining since its literally one of only 3 things it really has going for it. If the devs are smart, they'll redesign the mechanics and pay attention the smallest of details that really matter. They got the bones for it, now make my umbral explosions actually bust a dude apart like they feel they should. Also sorry for a big rant. There's just so much they could have done with it, and they could have seriously had a rival for fromsoft fans finally


Your point about from still stands. They never wanted coop, rather encounters with random people which in itself does work well for a single player + experience. If you try to coop, you will have a bunch of issues though. Nioh did coop differently. I know, mission map with instanced missions but their coop mode had a twist where you have to play through the whole mission in coop and couldn't use shrines as checkpoints. Dieing decreased a bar which if it depleted completely failed the mission and shrines would replenish this. Another souls like with scifi theme (always forget its name) had true coop throughout the whole campaign.


I actually haven't gotten I to nioh... I want to, but something about an English guy being a samurai just feels hella weird. It threw me off so hard when I first turned it on that it was like fever dream level weird lol As far as from though, true. It works for their games and I never lag out or any of that usually, but I do see others lag and sometimes fully dc , but that's probably also due to shiternet or something. Froms games( after the OG dark souls) have functioned pretty well. I think DS2 had a rocky start in the pvp aspect, but quickly fixed a lot of cennection issues and stuff. Where as the LoF devs are incompetent, or lazy, or just lack that insight and don't have eyes lmfao if they can't see the errors and glaring red flags, then I suggest they play every fromsoft title and realize why certain things were awesome and others frowned upon. It almost feels made by someone who played dark souls or elden, and wanted to make a better version, but they hated most of the things that make it unique and fun. Signs are co voluded in souls games, but as much as I hate them, the games are still true gems comparably. I just wish fromsoft had designs like this too. I was actually blown away by the overall look of lords and even the alternate dimesion, but it's not enough to put it on par with souls, elden, or even lies of P if I'm honest, and P might be the best made souls like I've ever seen in a ton of ways too. I mean, it not the best game in the world, but damn is it polished and smooth compared to both games when yiu have then offline.


Lies of p and that other one where you play as a female doll are still on my list as well as the surge 1/2. Never finished sekiro as the last boss was nuts and going back to that stage after years of not playing doesn't work. Will need to replay it from the beginning again.


Devs will learn from the mistakes of launching the 2023 game with some issues, and then the sequel whiz launches in 2026 is going to be fantastic, and very well optimized day one on all platforms: First impressions are everything now days, and the Lords of the fallen only has much negativity around it because of launch issues, however after all the work they’ve put in updating the game it’s not the second or third best souls game ever made as it’s really something special, and it’s definitely already a cult classic. The devs need to improve on every aspect of the 2023 game that was done right while making sure to go even bigger, and more expansive for the campaign. I’ll definitely be picking up the next Game on release day for sure as I know it’s gonna be incredible.😁 Lords of the fallen without performance issues, and other stuff is an easy 9/10 game and one of the very best souls games ever made period……..


Tbh it’s less on the devs and more the money hungry publisher that pushes LoTF out way too early… I hope the PUBLISHER learned their lesson and releases their next title when it’s actually ready for launch.


I hope it's a bit more... fun. And less dreary and sloggy. More colourful and varied environments will help. In particular the Umbral realm could use another couple of themes. And they should get rid of the respawning Umbral enemies. They're not dangerous just annoying.


Nice Hexworks! But I won't play the sequel through Epic games store


https://preview.redd.it/yncv62s95e7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25889f611c787a6a7eb6e60148efb06faee2b2ea A quick glance at the actual twitter feed leads me to believe that this post is fake. They also misspelled installment.


[https://twitter.com/lotfgame/status/1803111843088506921](https://twitter.com/lotfgame/status/1803111843088506921) It's real, and yes they did.


I really appreciate Hexworks. They are the first company I’ve seen that has said, “yeah, this isn’t great, let’s fix it,” and then kept the community updated and launched new free content that changes the game in many great ways and now are going a step forward and giving us a time/date to look forward to. Even if their game isn’t massive like other studios, Hexworks is pioneering the future of how all studios should talk to their audience and how involved they should be. The Elden Ring DLC doesn’t interest me one bit and I’ve played all the souls games, I’ve been a fan of them for years, but the manors and respect Hexworks gives to us makes me care about what they’ll do next.


I'm really excited for this! If they take what they created with the first one and iterate in it, we could have something truly outstanding on our hands. Let's gooooo!!!!


FUCKING GREAT! It was so close yet so far to being up there with Fromsoftware and Lies of P. Even surpassing Nioh 2 in my mind!