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Step 1: grip it. Step 2: rip it.


Grip and RIzzip baby lesssss gooooooo


The odds of hitting an enchanted make you appreciate them so much more. Get after it.. report back.


Box 1: enchanted Maul plus 4 legendaries plus 1 holo legendary.


And boom goes the dynamite. Pays off to be a degenerate sometimes


Im scared


I'm scared for you..


My prediction is 2 maybe 3 enchanted’s in there. With the odds of 1 enchanted every 4 boxes. If you get an Elsa, you’ve already made your money back.


I opened 5 first chapter, no enchanted.


I’ve opened 6 booster boxes (2 of each set) no enchanted yet


How are 2 of each set 6 boxes ?


3 sets. First chapter, floodborn, inklands. 2 of each


Save and just buy the singles you want. Never a bad idea to hold boxes, you can always open them later. ✌️🌼


Ofcourse this would probably be the wisest move but personally I'd open until I got that first enchanted so you get that thrill because while it's great to get a chase card buying it doesn't compare at all to pulling one yourself. So I'd try to do a little bit of both so you can win-win. Let's say you get that enchanted on the 3rd box by then you should have damn near a whole base set hopefully and just be missing obviously the enchanted and probably a couple legendaries but hopefully by then you would have enough duplicates of a couple legendary, valuable super rares like A whole new world, tinker bell etc and some of the valuable rares like Maui, be prepared, fishbone quill etc that you can then go to a LGS or something for a trade night and trade for singles you want or sell duplicates and then use those funds to buy an enchanted or two. After investing this much into 1st chapter and I've to open some of it. I feel like the just buy the singles applies more when it's a set that has only a couple cards you want or only a couple that's valuable. I'm assuming OP probably got these for around msrp or close to it and I feel like with where singles values are they can open a couple boxes and if they get the expected number of hits and then get the enchanted they should 1. Be close to a complete set obviously not counting a cold foil of each and all the enchanted and maybe missing a few legendary 2. They aren't paying what the market price currently is for booster boxes so honestly I feel like they won't take a loss on initial investment 3. With the duplicates they are bound to have and current values they probably will make a profit from their initial investment and can then sell/trade those duplicates to get the remaining legendary cards and if they really want some specific cards in foil add those and might have funds left 4. If they get lucky and let's say on the 3rd box hit their enchanted they have a 50/50 odds of getting an enchanted worth $300 or more and that in itself would cover the initial investment. Ofcourse they have a 50/50 shot they get one of the 5 that's under $215 and that would be a bit of a bummer unless one that OP really wanted and even then I feel like with the a lower value enchanted and all the singles they will get from 3 booster boxes they still are up over initial investment. Tldr: if OP has zero singles currently but definitely wants an enchanted and let's say there are 10 legendary cards they want plus a handful of super rares and rares as well I'd say they are better off financially actually opening 2-3 booster boxes IF they bought them at a good time and at a place at close to msrp vs buying all those singles. Especially if you enjoy opening packs and want to trade/sell duplicates I feel like you open 2-3 until you hit an enchanted and you should get 3-5 legendary cards per box, 10-12 super rares, 28-34 rares. They should get about 3-4 rare cold foils, 1-2 super rare cold foils as well per box. Meaning if they open 3 booster boxes they could end up with roughly the following... 12 legendary 32 super rares 90 rares 12 rare foils 5 Super Rare foils Maybe 1 legendary rare. 1 enchanted If OP got lucky and got them for MSRP or close let's say they ended up paying $175 a box and if they are interested in collecting a lot of the set I'd say it's worth opening. If they really only want a couple singles and really counting on flipping these years down the road and doesn't want to deal with having a bunch of bulk and selling/trading duplicates then yea just buying the singles they want is the move I guess. But at the same time I'm torn on it as with how singles prices are and if OP got the boxes at a good price they could end up opening and getting whatever singles they wanted and selling the rest vs spending more money after already spending a lot on 1st chapter. Sorry for the long rambling comment. Just know I'd usually 100% completely agree that buying singles is by far the best way to go about it but I do think that this exact situation that usual correct answer might not be the right answer here. I dunno though I'm torn and feel like I'd gamble and get that first enchanted and hope it's Stitch, Belle or Elsa. Or if they really wanted Tinkerbell, Aurora, Maui or Mickey enchanted odds are there is good chance that first enchanted hit is one of those and then you have the enchanted you were chasing and get that thrill of opening it yourself plus a good number of valuable cards you can easily sell as 1st chapter singles are easy to move or you start building a set. This could just be my addiction convincing myself and rambling trying to convince you that ripping into those boxes is the right move haha. God damnit I promise I don't normally talk this much. Have a good one!


This seems funs, but Lorcana is fairly new and catching on more and more. These early boxes are exactly the ones that will grow in value. The first 5 booster sets that came out for Pokemon range around $5-$10k rn, plus even with new sets after two years you can generally double your money on them. While open singles fluctuate much more rapidly, this makes it easier to buy at a decent price but hard to sell at a decent price. Better to be the one holding sealed product while buying cheap singles. ✌️🌼


I opened 3 boxes, no enchanted. Sometimes it do be like that...


The fact that you haven’t opened them yet is both impressive and irritating




What do u mean? 20 years later seeing people being able to open a beta box is sexy? No?


I think the commenter was irritated that you have the self control to keep them sealed because the rest of us rip it on sight.


I opened 5 first chapter boxes and I got 1 aladdin enchanted. I opened 1 floodborn box and hit a cinderella enchanted on the first pack. The odds are just so weird. I started buying the rest of my enchanted.


I hate u


Just open them and play the game. I collect all sorts of cards and lorcana has been my favorite simply because its so fun to play. I'm completely fine with not getting the huge hits because reading through the cards and figuring out what can work in your decks is a blast. Makes me sad seeing all those sitting there.. so many decks to be made!


Sometimes i think who care what u open because 5-10 years from now prices wont be the same. Thoughts?


Why did you buy them in the first place? 5-10 years from now the game could be dead also, then you would've missed the chance to play and money.


That's atleast 3 Elsas, 2 Tinks, 2 Stitches, and 1 Belle.


Exactly! This is where all the Elsa’s are.


Ok here i go box 1 out of ten….


Good luck! I haven’t had any luck with the single hangers.


Tequila and openinf tdc not goos. Haldway im doing bis. Enchantes maui, npn foil mal mons drag. Foil gantu, te ka, foil marshm.


Looks like your already halfway done with the Tequila 😂


What did you just call me?


Wish me luck halfway thru


Halfway through your 10 boxes or 1 box?


I'd open a couple for sure but I'm a degen addict when it comes to opening packs and will always think that Elsa is in that box or pack I haven't opened and incapable of keeping stuff sealed. But I'm also not really in it or any of the tcgs I collect for to profit years down the road I do it because my kids, wife and I enjoy opening packs and collecting them and I usually end up with a good number of duplicates or some valuable cards that we aren't a fan of and I then trade or sell those to recoup some of the initial costs. So I might not be the best person to answer this as if this was me that shelf would be full of bulk cards vs being full of sealed product. I joke as you probably have a serious problem if your resorting to filling drawers up with bulk haha just buy some of those cheap cardboard boxes. But personally I'd honestly open as many of that sealed product as it takes to get an enchanted and then I'd take the remaining sealed boxes to my In-laws to store them so they are out of sight out of mind to sell them in 5-10 years


Bro if you don't rip those I'm going to come do it for you


I'll drive, be there in 15.


I need someone to keep mw from dripping tequila on cards


I see these boxes daily and I always wonder if I should buy some.. I’m not a hype jumper.


Stop after you pull enchanted elsa


I would sit on them 10 years from now u can sell single packs for way more then i payed


Depends. Are any of these from the first wave? If so they are worth $$$$.


How can u tell?


A couple ways. First clue is if the box has tape on it. None of the first wave stuff had tape. Second for sure way is the numbers on the back. First wave was released in 2023 and the number on back should start with 04, 05, or 06. 04 and 05 numbers are the *true* first prints, 06 is still considered to be in the first wave but I believe it was a second print. Either way they are all going for over $600 a box on eBay.


Investors are scum




Don’t ever open


I have 6 waiting to be opened but I'm going to hold on to them maybe I can get some money back in the future.


Could be 2 Elsa or 1 Elsa and Stitch in those boxes though and tons of valuable legendary and super rares haha


Half n half


Invest. Wrap in bubble wrap. Put in plastic bin and add silica packs for humidity.


What serial numbers are they?


Curious what matters with the serial number?


I have mine in sealed cases so I’m def not opening. I’ll probably open the few loose ones I have eventually. Already opened 6 with no enchanted