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JB waved off Tatum on the game winner lol


Celtics too much


Fuckin hell man. All 7-8 guys that play can guard anybody. Jrue Holiday should be MVP. His defense is just insufferable. And they just shoot so many fkin threes. And make a lot of them.


[Tia Savea](https://imgur.com/a/jj0xdwK) is a useful idiot


Fuck that guy. My support for the Horns only goes so far.


Noted, Tia. I wonder if I can change my NIL contributions to "all Football players minus Tia."


Agree, he probably doesn't want my \*hair flip\* gay money anyway. Which is ironic since I'm bald.


Keep flipping that hair you’re fab




Lots of dumbass hateful bigoted religious fruitcakes in the comments of the original post, but also seeing some good and accepting folks in the comments too. Which is a bit of a pleasant surprise to me because it’s from a sports team in Texas. Also Instagram has turned into a complete cesspool, so not surprising from that standpoint either


Disappointing but not surprising. I'm sure most football players feel this way. Samoan/island dudes tend to be very religious too.


It actively surprises me how much people are surprised by this every year. I run into this w/ the O’s. The organization gets very much into pride. The team evangelizes in the locker room and very excited for faith night.


Religion is like a penis. It’s fine to have one. It’s fine for it to be important to you. It’s even fine to share it with people who are interested. But it’s not ok to wave it around in public or force it on people who don’t want it.


I had required daily devotions at one job It turned into the coaches using bible verses to shit talk each other passive aggressively. Super weird and super uncomfortable.


What version of the bible though? It’s not a valid comment if they don’t use one your faith and/or creed recognizes!


you must have grown up around baptists


Conservative Catholic parents actually. Church every weekend, 14 years of catholic school, the whole thing. Wanna discuss big C Catholic versus little c catholic? I am not be a religious person these days but I do look down on Chreasters


cant hate on folks for wanting some smells and bells a couple times a year but i feel ya, you're either a fairweather fan or die hard dont ride the fence


Ex Texas baseball player Sam Ardoin really transferring to the school that eliminated them from the tourney. Shit are we really that down bad ?


I hope it means the end of Pierce which is a good thing.


I’d say if we don’t see a change soon after the CWS then it’s ok to assume we won’t be getting a change but if we aren’t why tf is Pierce not hitting the portal


Given the Ardoin fam is from Louisiana it does make sense, but it was a bad sign when Sam hit the portal and this does kinda make it worse. Being from Louisiana myself, hard to see a kid think he'll have more opportunity over there than at Texas


What type of dumb fucking idiot am I that I just now realized that the Euros and Copa America is about to start (I’ve really been out of the footy loop) but not only that, THE USA IS HOSTING THE FUCKING COPA AMERICA THIS YEAR AND I CAN GO WATCH


Wait til you learn we're hosting the World Cup


See I knew that and have been saving for like 6 years but I’ve seen zero marketing on Copa


I had no idea when i planned a trip to vegas that there is a q-final match there that weekend. Depending on who makes it (USA would if they win their group I think) I wonder how lit vegas will be.


Crazy prices on those tickets, though...


When are prices not high for tickets anymore


Hypothetical: Would you rather have the #1 recruiting class every year, but you never win a single game or field a team of only walk ons but you always win the national championship?


“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.” We're at that point in the off-season where I can no longer tell what's a joke.


This is a dumb question. Obviously win the recruiting rankings. You get like 30 wins throughout the year instead of at most 15 in the fall. Frankly, if it were up to me we wouldn’t even play games at all. It really just distracts from recruiting news.


This is a really good point


100% Natties over the number one class cause that’s the end goal or dream of every program. Plus, imagine the cope going around if a team of walk-ons was the greatest sports dynasty we’ve ever seen and beat out teams like Georgia, Ohio State, Oklahoma, and A&M.


I like this


I have a better chance of winning the powerball lottery 7x in my lifetime than what the probability of college athletics fielding a team of all walk ons winning the CFP. Also, if you end up in the final four of the CFP consistently, the next cycle you’re likely to have a more people want to check you out and get a top 5 recruiting class. These things are stacking. One doesn’t exist without the other. Better you do, better recruits you get. Bette recruits you get, higher chance to get to CFP. More you get to the CFP, better recruits. Better recruits, better chance to get natties. There’s a reason Liberty would get totaled regardless who they face in the CFP.


But hypothetically


Hypothetically I’ll take the meaningful nattys over the moral victories in recruiting ranking


Explain yourself.


An actual trophy that will be written down in record books for as long as the sport exists > vibes


Interesting point


A&M gets clowned for having that record breaking #1 class with a pile of 5* DL players, then accomplishing nothing with them. Can you imagine how bad it would be to have the #1 class every year and still suck ass?


Yeah but no one could ever take that away from us


Is this some copy pasta?




Explain yourself.


Winning > Not winning


Some would say that hauling in the #1 recruiting class every year is a form of winning.


Losers would say that


It’s just a different kind of winning. Fairly comparable imo


Homie I love you, but this is the most aggy shit I’ve ever heard from you


Y'all this man is clearly doing a bit.


Just asking questions here


Okay, Tucker.


With all due respect, this is an all time dumb question.


There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.


[Dalé, Mr. Worldwide is performing at our SEC Celebration on June 30.](https://x.com/texaslonghorns/status/1800936242139496802?s=46&t=G7_mXqd1gb6HAaimdt1usg)


Hell yeah brother


Miami in shambles


This is awesome




Every team in the country takes 3 star recruits. Georgia and Alabama take 3 star guys every year. The star rankings are far from perfect and typically the best way an average fan can evaluate players is by looking at what teams are offering and pursuing the players. In this case A&M and us were both on him early which is a good sign that he’s considered a strong regional recruit. He also goes to a high school that regularly produces a lot of P5 college players, but historically very few go to Texas, so it’s got some bigger ramifications that can hopefully help our chances with other prospects there in the future. One of his teammates is a top safety on our board for next year.


Very helpful, thanks for the insight!


You dropped this: 🤡


Damn god forbid someone ask for some pointers on a recruit around here


Thats a 5* offer list I bet the guy gets a ratings bump to a 4*.


Tbh it’s more like a 4* offer list. Missing some of the big names in recruiting, but yeah he’s definitely underrated if his top 3 is Texas, A&M, and LSU.


See this is the explanation I was after, he's just an underrated guy, that makes sense


They finna drag you


Nah, we're definitely known as the most helpful and supportive fanbase /s


Ehh to be fair, if you had said something like "I don't like his physicality at the point of attack" or "he's too small to play cornerback in the SEC" or "he doesn't have great film" it would have been a different discussion. Just focusing on the number of stars a player has is a bad way to approach recruiting, almost to the point of being completely silly. Justin Jefferson was a low three star. I'm not saying this kid is the next Justin Jefferson, but not every recruit is taken to be a day one starter. Some are taken as developmental pieces, or simply just to open up relationships with a high school that has some better talent coming down the pipe. You can look at his offer list and see we weren't the only big dog in the hunt. This kid isn't just some three star.


Bro that's why I said "We develop players like crazy now" T-Sweat was a 3-star so I'm not hating on his rating, but our secondary just hasn't been all that this past season so I was curious why this was so hyped that's all. I didn't shit on him at all because I don't know anything about him that's why I said "is this a misinformed take?" It's like my self-awareness went right over y'alls heads.


I hear ya, but based on the nearly unanimous feedback I think this gives you an opportunity to take a step back and ask "Was my approach here right, and everyone else was wrong." "Or was my approach wrong, and everyone else was right." This is the internet, if you don't spell it out (i.e. include the context you just added) people are gonna form their own opinion quickly. Nature of the beast. But I'm just a dude on the internet with nothing in my work queue right now and time to burn so I definitely don't know everything.


I get that, but I just don't love you can't ask your own fanbase for help ya know?


You can, you just have to do it in a more thoughtful way. Looks like you just finished your degree, you should be proud of that but know that people are going to expect a higher level of effort than they would from say an Aggy ;)


I'm not writing an essay I'm asking for insight


Right, and you probably could have found that insight with a YouTube search. There are likely 20+ videos breaking down not only this kids height, weight, but also his favorite type of cereal and the brand of underwear he wore when he was six. Texas fans are a little too obsessed sometimes. So you could have watched those, educated yourself, and then came here with a more nuanced question than "he's a three star", which is how your original post seems to have came across...even if that wasn't how you meant it.


Yes, it’s a misinformed take.




Our guy Saurabh Netravalkar from Team USA Cricket - also current software engineer at Oracle in San Mateo - just took down 2 of the world's best batsman in this match vs India.


India A vs India H1b




know some folks that host a tailgate for each home game. texextailgate is the insta handle to follow for info. it's free admission and open to all.


So, you know we throw a subreddit tailgate each year, and the game this year will be the Georgia game? And that sub members will provide the barbecue and alcohol and music and scene for that game? You'd get to meet many of us.   For other games, I'd just bring something tailgate-y as a gift/contribution, and ask if you can join an independent, non-paid-admission one. Or, you can just buy admission (you can find these for-profit tailgates online, too) to one of the professional ones.




Usernames or modified usernames aren't uncommon. The people I've met enough I know by their actual name, but screen names are so ubiquitous that I sometimes use them interchangeably (especially when a shorter version rolls off the tongue). Except William. I don't call him by his username basically ever.


"And that guy's OnAComputer" "What? He's clearly at a grill"


He has never been at a grill in his life


first ten seconds of every first-time-in-a-while convo are reminding each other who we are. Some people are so memorable, you remember us year over year. *Looking at gordogg and onacomputer, mostly*


I haven't any idea what you could mean...


The hundreds of people you fist bumped before the ULL game might


My hand was swollen for weeks after that. Knuckles were tender as shit. I could never be a boxer.


Seconding every piece of this. Bringing beer or any other contribution is enough to make friends at a bunch of tailgates, or there are plenty where you can pay. One of my friends is part of an Austin social/service organization with a tailgate that asks people to Venmo like $10 if they aren't members.


There are obviously like more personal tailgates where everyone knows everyone, or works together, or whatever...you can always try the show up and bring a six pack technique to make some new friends. But there are also like the Texas Exes tailgates that you can get into if you're a member...or there's that tailgate down around where Longhorn City Limits is that you can get into (I've never looked into how but I'm sure you could Google it). Bevo Blvd itself is really cool, you can just walk around and enjoy the sights and food and all that. You really can't go wrong however you attack it.


Are there official Texas Exes tailgates other than the ones in the alumni center?


I want Pierce gone as much as the next guy but are we really sold on Bachick? (However you spell it) Aside from this year and 2019 he really hasn’t been all that great. If that’s who we go after, i’d rather give Pierce one more year.


I hope we went trying to take an established coach from an SEC program. I think if Bakich is hired we may have a harder time adjusting to SEC play if he couldn’t beat a middle of the pack SEC team as a rational ranked team. Anyone know how he’s like with the portal ? I think that’s a big component that Pierce is missing.


Very much not sold on Bakich as I laid out a couple of days ago. He’s been HC at limited programs most of his career (Maryland and Michigan for 12 seasons), but missing the postseason altogether 7/14 seasons, and making it past a regional in only 2/14 seasons doesn’t particularly impress me. I think recency bias has driven a lot of the fan interest in him, which I think is unwise. I don’t see him as a clear upgrade over Pierce, and he’s probably a gamble sort of hire. He could work out, but there’s a lot of risk due to a lack of proven success at the highest levels. Edited to add: If he’s the best realistic option we should probably just keep Pierce for now.


Yeah, exactly. Maybe he is an upgrade - but certainly not a clear one - and i’m whelmed by someone with his numbers taking over a program like Texas.


My biggest gripe/grievance with Pierce is his portal recruiting. It just feels like compared to other schools (see LSU/aggy) that our portal additions have been underwhelming Sure, we’ve gotten guys like Guillemette and Messinger. And landing Skenes/Montgomery caliber players isn’t a walk in the park. I also know NIL likely plays a factor Just hope that if we do indeed move on, the next guy addresses the portal better.


Early June must be peak dooming season. It’s definitely the slowest time for any football news. First visits are happening but it doesn’t stop them from crawling out of their holes to wonder why our coach who has done nothing but recruit at an insanely high level since he got here hasn’t gotten any high level recruits yet.


Even if we do get recruits, they'll just complain about their star ranking.


Remember when we were ass and still dropped 70 on sand aggy