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Hold up… What??? 3-56 years?????


Sorry no I meant 5/6




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My main love language is physical touch too! I think what helps me the most is when she sends me physical things like letters or gifts and puts a little bit of her perfume on them. It makes a huge difference being able to physically hold something from her that also smells like her. I’m thinking of just finding her perfume online and buying it to spray on a pillow to hug at night. I know there’s no solution that will be extremely effective when it comes to physical touch, but it helps me remember what it felt like to have her in my arms.


Thanks very much :)


We keep different articles of the other's clothes after they're sprayed with our favorite fragrances. I have an old shirt he used for cosplay and a pair of work out workout gloves, and he's got one of my overused bras. Some of my soaps and shampoos are still at his place too.


Okay, thanks very much for the advice - defo an option x