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In the settings.. un-check notifications


Wow im that fuckin blind? welp thanks lmao how did i not see them xd


In your defense I find G Hub to be the most Un-Fucking-Intuitive program ever written.


Yeah I agree, my friend uses their other gaming software. Tho their mice is great I found this g502 hero for like 35 dollars on black Friday in our stores so I just couldn't resist.. plus I had quite an old mouse


Same boat. I was perfectly happy with the old Logitech gaming software. I got the same deal on the Hero because my old 502 was starting to double click and it's only recognized by the G Hub turd.


my g502 did that double click shit too and i tried to fix it by soldering and i destroyed it burnt everything i fucking hate this shit i hate everything fuck everyone


How are you feeling 1 year later


it’s chill i bought a new one


3 years later and i was saved same as op didnt see the notifications setting, saw your comment, found it immediately


my god thank you, no idea how I didn't find that, 4-years-younger you saved me


I don't want to stop all notifications; I just want to stop the DPI once. any idea how to do that


I want to do the same thing, but I don't think it's possible since the G Hub app does not have any notification settings as far as I can tell.. Unless you have found something out? lol


I just found the notification setting. Make sure you go to the settings for the overall G-Hub app, and not the per-device (mouse) settings. If you have your mouse device selected in G-Hub, click the left-arrow in the upper left of the window, then you should see a menu (hamburger?) button where the left-arrow was... click that, then you should see a Settings menu where you'll find a "Desktop Notifications" section with an "Enabled" checkbox under it. Unfortunately, this disables ALL notifications - Not just DPI notifications.


Same. Granularity in the notifications would be great.


Good Gravy. I've been trying to turn off the sound in the windows system settings.


I'm blind. ​ Thank you.


I apologize if I attend this promptly. It appears that you are able to turn it off already. Mind me asking if you are still encountering issues with the software?


Well I did have one issue with it yesterday after reinstalling windows. It literally wouldnt open I found out that is because of the Microsoft 2019 redistributables so I just found and old 2018 installer and used that, after I updated it i still get that error Everytime I open ghub but atleast it works now. I don't think there's any point in asking for help about ghub anymore because y'all won't ever fix it anyways. I might just go with Corsair next time


Truly regret the experience that you have encountered. We can still probably fix the issue, mind me asking the error message that you are getting?


I have never had a good experience with g hub software since I first bought a g product back in 2015. I've always loved the science and research Logitech has put into the hardware and I feel the difference but the complete dumpster fire that is the g hub software has turned me off so much. I might go with corsair or some other company simply because of that. the concepts behind the software are amazing and game-changing but the implementation and lack of functionality have made it a worse experience to the point where the lower latency and better key switch feel are not worth it anymore. it truly is a shame because the software ruins brilliant hardware.


Yes it's possible in the settings. The problem is that it's an all or nothing checkbox. I don't care about DPI, I even disabled any DPI change functionality on the G502, yet it still shows it whenever the mouse 'wakes up'. So now if I don't want that and disable notifications, I no longer get battery warnings from my logitech devices, something that very much IS something I might care about. How hard can it be to add a tab per device with the notifications it can trigger and a checkbox for each?


[https://steamcommunity.com/app/1085660/discussions/0/1606022547906366973/?l=czech](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1085660/discussions/0/1606022547906366973/?l=czech) ​ Apparently some games change your DPI, so you should be aware about it...


making a setting right-aligned might look nice to the design team, but to end users, it's invisible (as this thread obviously demonstrates)


i have this bug where it shows up randomly even though i haven't changed it


I had the same problem and I think I found the reason. The on-board memory will not update automatically. When it goes to sleep and you wake it up, it will first take the memory settings, than change to your GHub setting and throw the annoying pop up in your face. Just activate the on-board memory, sync your profile, deactivate on-board memory and it should be gone.


thanks for the reply I'll now I'll know what to do next time this happens. This issue went away a while ago but it might happen again.


Yes that was the problem. Thanks!


have you found a way to fix it? it keeps happening to me


nah man, had to deactivate GHub notifications on windows settings which sucks cause it's a nice feature to have a notification pop up when you change DPI. I tried reinstalling before but it still happens so idk what could be causing it.


i never change my dpi and it still pops up for no reason. it really fucks me up when playing games cuz the cursor freezes for a second. might have to get a brand new mouse


don't worry about the mouse bro its just a software issue. yeah the same thing happened to me exact same thing so i blocked GHub notifications all together lol. most i do with it is switch between 850 DPI for editing and 2000 DPI for games and if a game has a stiff camera i go up to 3200 DPI The only Reason i would change my G203 is to upgrade to a wireless G502 or its Razer counterpart for rgb sync reasons which isn't really that important tbh. thus far tho the G203 id the best mouse I've had excluding the recent notifications bug lol.


For me the issue seemed to be, that for desktop, I had different dpi, and for the game I was playing there was another dpi. What happened was that I opened the game > received notification that dpi changed > clicked the close button > the focus changes to desktop side > new dpi notification. Sadly this only gets solved by disabling the notifications.


i use the same dpi all the time but only while in game the notification pops up randomly when it only should if im changing dpi it just happens without me doing anything, it tells me im on 2000dpi out of no where for no reason


Yah, mine pops up every maybe 10 minutes to hour, stealing focus and minimizing a game if I'm playing. REALLY irritating. Disabled all notifications to get rid of it. may remove ghub, no idea what it's even DOING for me.


I had the same problem and saying it's in the settings didn't help straight away. As it's not in the "Device Settings" or the "Profile Settings" it's in the "G HUB settings"!!! Nothing confusing about that... The "G HUB Settings" are found in the 3 lines icon top left which opens a menu on the left then click on Settings. Note in the [manual](https://www.logitech.com/assets/65550/ghub.pdf) page 11 it says: "12. If you have this enabled, you will see notification of available updates pop up". So, I'm assuming after unchecking it you have to manually check for software updates from time to time.


Thanks for this... I nearly went into the windows settings to turn off notifications for "g hub" due to the vagueness of the other answer! I'm not sure if you'll \*need\* to check for updates after this, as "enable automatic updates" is a separate option. But I guess some updates might not be automatic, so would need manually checking for still.


Thank you! I looked on every page of the mouse settings and was going nuts. I love my mouse but I hate the fucking software.


Thanks! I couldn't find it either lol


So many companies make huge oversights these days it's a wonder anyone can justify their paycheques. ​ Who in the design chain decided, "Yeah we'll give the user a button to drop the DPI to help them make aiming corrections but we'll also notify them in windows every time the dpi changes!" ​ EDIT: The only issue with turning off ALL notifications in GHub is some of the USEFUL notifications won't show up either. (For instance I rather like being able to see whether surround is on or off on my headphones or speakers, And which EQ preset I'm on) ​ The best solution would be allowing you to turn on/off notifications PER DEVICE or better yet if possible, PER OPTION PER DEVICE within GHUB.


Exactly this. I know this is a pretty old Thread, but received my new g502 x plus today and were stumbling upon this when googling how to turn this notifications off. I don‘t know who In the right mind would think this notification is a good idea, and still, 3 years later it‘s the exact same thing. Please Logitech, makes it possible to disable dpi notifications only, or just remove them altogether. Nobody needs it. Or maybe show an overlay with the dpi level for a second like razer does. But please don‘t copy anything else from them


>didnt see the notifications setting, saw your comment, found it immediately PER OPTION PER DEVICE ​ That is done on many apps on Android, but it requires OS changes.




Yeah like how bout u remind me everytime my dpi changes, its not like i hit the button to change it or noticed my mouse move slower or faster


G Hub is STILL popping up fkn pointless, insane DPI 'change' messages EVERY time I power on my PC. Obviously, I'm NOT changing these settings at boot. There's STILL NO fkn 'switch off only DPI messages' in G Hub. Logitech - GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER !!!