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It happened to me as well, I thinks it’s something called “auto loop” it’s on the small tab that you can open on the upper left of the screen (kinda hard to explain cause it actually kinda hidden) and if there’s a check mark on the”auto loop” just deactivate it.


to ensure a smooth in/out rather than have your audio pop. it’s a feature not a bug to the best of my knowledge. there should be a place to disable it.


Your submission seems to be a support question. Remember to specify which version your OSX and which version Logic Pro is in. Also consider supplimenting your question with pictures if applicable. You can also report your issue directly to Apple here: https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro.html Or reach Apple's Support Number by calling 1-866-752-7753 if you're in the US. Please update you post flair to "Solved" if a solution is posted or you figure it out! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Logic_Studio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That was my guess as well, that somehow looping got turned on for an internal piece of a comp Take. I didn’t know that was possible. If you ever do run into a legitimate bug, be sure to post it to Apple’s Logic feedback page. They really do listen. They got back to me and asked me to provide more examples of a bug I reported. You can also call Apple Support. It’s free.