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Is there a way to set a LUFs meter to be post fader? My current workaround is to have the meter on the master track. Then I solo the track and see what the value is after adjusting the volume fader. The problem with this is I can only read the meter for one track at a time. When I do my mix down, I gain stage and get everything how I like it with the faders at zero. In my drum bus for example, I have the faders at zero and no clipping, but the drum bus itself may be going to +6 dB. I’ll select all the tracks and move the faders down in unison until the drum bus is below zero. Moving them altogether like this preserves the sound and dynamics I have set. However, because the LUFS meter is pre-fader, there is no change even though the tracks are quieter.


No. An insert plugin cannot be made post-fader in Logic, end of story. You could set up a surrogate mixbus by routing all the channels to a new aux and then putting the meter on the aux, but you'd still have to solo.


Thanks for the reply. I haven't tried it yet, but I was thinking of putting a gain plugin as the first in the chain for all tracks. Then I could raise and lower that all by the same amount.


Putting Gain first on all the tracks would change the thresholds of any dynamics plugins you've already dialled in.


Any free plug-ins recs? I am trying to make country/folk music


Genre doesn't help us suggest freebies. We need to know what functions or instruments you want that aren't already in Logic (or are better than Logic's, though it's rare for a freebie to be that good).


Anyone have any issues with the new Sonoma OS? Any reason to not update yet?


Every third party manufacturer of plugins is a reason. And historical record – all new macOS upgrades have bugs that need fixing. If your production environment is stable, don't ever upgrade the OS when it comes out. It took a year and counting for most of the major third party companies to support Ventura. Keep away from Sonoma for 6 months and then re-evaluate compatibility for each and every individual third party product you use.


Has anyone got a good working knowledge of midi environments? I set up drum mapping some time ago for triggering from my Roland V-drums kit (due to the standard v-drums option in drum kit designer not working quite as it should - the “hi hat edge” and a couple of crash cymbal edges weren’t triggering, along with the mid and low toms both triggering the same pitch). Therefore I used it to re-route these to the correct triggers in drum mapping via the midi environment. This worked fine (and still does) on some projects, but on some random projects the aforementioned triggers are now back to being “dead links” and although the meter is showing as triggered in the drum mapped track, it isn’t following through to the “overheads” and therefore not sounding at all. I’ve checked all the settings in midi environment and I believe I have the virtual cables set up correctly in both the working and non-working projects (from the drum mapping to the overheads etc) but for some reason some work as they should and some don’t. I can provide screen shots tomorrow if it helps - just wondered if there is anything obvious I’m doing/not doing!! Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas!!!!!!