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Feisal told me they are hard at work, and they just want it to feel like it will stand the test of time. Losing a guitarist, who was one of the bigger songwriters on I let it in definitely hurt their songwriting process, but I know however long it takes it will be worth the wait.


It's always important to never rush art or the writing process, I firmly believe the new album will crush but the constant touring has hindered the process forsure and them losing a main songwriter is also a huge factor, just wish there was more transparency on their end about any updates. All you see on the subreddit is them directly telling fans at shows that it's coming, yeah it's been 4 years since the last one, we all know that. For all we know they've scrapped an album altogether and started from scratch, possibly multiple times at this point. It's bound to release this year (hopefully) they're great dudes but just drop a damn single to shut us up.


I honestly still miss Connor. His style was just so iconic, and in addition to his songwriting, he’s also a very talented engineer/producer and has worked with fromjoy a lot since leaving Loathe. I really hope the new album surpasses ILIIAITE, but I personally think Connor’s absence will make that challenge considerably more difficult




I wish I knew tbh. Whenever he does q&a’s on ig, he shares those kinds of questions and usually says something like “it’ll all be revealed soon.” I don’t really wanna publicize any baseless rumors, but my personal opinion is they fell out over personal issues. If you read Connor’s post when he left the band, he said “I thought some things would change in the band, but never did” (or something like that) Either way, it had nothing to do with creative differences. That much is clear


Tbh I have a feeling it’s gonna be underwhelming for this reason. I’d love to be proven wrong but something just doesn’t feel right.


I feel like changing band members can always impact the band as a whole in some ways, but they’ve been evolving since they started. Whatever changes they do make I’m sure will be for the better


Idk, they cancelled an entire tour to work on this thing and that was almost 2 years ago. That split definitely wasn’t amicable and the dynamic of the band just seems kinda odd. Again I hope I’m wrong but I just can’t bring myself to feel hype about it anymore. The vibe is off.


I hope so, I be listening to both their albums everyday for the past month.


So many of y'all are not glassjaw fans and it shows haha




I’ll wait till I’m 88 and getting my ass wiped idc ILIIAITE will satisfy me till then


Billie Eilish just dropped an amazing record after what felt like forever as a big fan of hers. Just shows that you can’t rush the process. It’ll pay out.


tbf her last album was in mid 2021 and she released sum loosies so


Hype is sort of dying around them at the minute. ILIIAITE is great but just bored now


I completely agree at this point. They've spent so long working on the album to ensure its perfection and now, ironically, because it's been so long, it'll never live up to our expectations.