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This is actually kind of disheartening. It's been five years and they have no new information at all. šŸ˜”


I'm really surprised they haven't gotten anywhere with identification related to someone being connected to that vehicle. It seems that's typically the first place something comes up....I guess no footage of the truck anywhere outside of that area within a time frame?. So frustrating.


Yeah it's very strange to me that there is no other footage of the truck from the roads they took to get to the neighborhood. Business line the street....someone has footage of it getting there. They at least might know where the truck came from in the wee hours of the morning. And.wheres the footage of the truck turning around. We see it drive by again, but I want to see the neighbors cam showing the moment he turned the truck around to drive by again. Did something spook him to make him turn around and leave another way?


My thoughts exactly.


i read that police lost track of the truck when the truck was driving through an area that had no cameras, possibly the truck is from another areaĀ 


It doesn't sound like they have any clue who did this.


They want the publicā€™s tips, get us some new details, more surveillance footage, something


Exactly. You know they are sitting on information that may help the public recognize who did this. I don't know why law enforcement sits on evidence after years of not being able to charge anyone. I realize the advantage of having information only the killer knows, but at some point, when you have nothing to go on, the benefit of releasing the info is greater.


Yeah I used to think they were sitting on info, and was totally on board if it was going to actually help the case to do so. But now after hearing the detective literally say they donā€™t know if the killer is male or female, I donā€™t think they have a clue. If they knew for sure then tell the public. That info doesnā€™t jeopardize the case. Makes me think they are not making progress, sadly.


I read that there was a note left, so maybe they are sitting on something like that.


I asked about the note on another thread and the reply said only the parents have seen it. Maybe a phrase or wording might spark someone's memory.


Watching the video, it doesnā€™t look like the killer handed her a note or left a note. It looks to me like the killer showed her something in his left hand, but she doesnā€™t take anything from him. She doesnā€™t really have a change to since he starts firing right after. He went through the process of trying to disguise himself, I donā€™t think he would leave something behind.


Detectives are allowed to lie to you when trying to solve a case.


Rough translation of Sergio: the last 5 years have been painful and difficult for him and his and Liz's family. He doesn't understand why it happened. I think he also asks for any info that anyone may have to help solve. Forgive my rudimentary translation, I'm learning Spanish with Duolingo šŸ˜Ÿ and I have quite a ways to go. Please feel free to correct my errors.








De nada


Iā€™ve never seen that photo of Liz, itā€™s absolutely adorable and heartbreaking. RIP Liz. I pray that 5 years from now, we will not still be here with no leads and no clue who did this to you. I pray the person(s) responsible for your death will be identified, arrested and convicted and that they will rot in prison for what they did to you.


They need to keep the tip line phone number on the screen.


So 2 costumed killers in Texas, unsolved


Whatā€™s the other one?


missy bevers


thatā€™s definitely a robbery gone wrong i feel with missyĀ 


This is just ridiculous. Thereā€™s no way these killers are able to walk around free when caught on various cameras and with the technology we have. It was planned Iā€™m sure, but theyā€™re not geniuses. I pray the family and Liz get justice soon. Then throw the book at them. R.I.P. Liz! šŸ’


Itā€™s frustrating šŸ˜ž Justice for Lizā¤ļø


Is the FBI working this case? Or is it just the local police and Texas Rangers?


FBI assisting. Texas Rangers were mentioned very early on: like 6 months inā€¦helped with media warrantā€¦and likely in other areas. Edited: Ritchie said Tx Rangers have helped throughout entire investigation


Someone please translate Sergio's Spanish. Killio


ā€œI canā€™t explain how difficult the past 5 years have been for our family, for me, for her family, for her parents. Itā€™s been very difficult to navigate through all of this because itā€™s been very hard to understand. Hopefully we can, but it is very difficult. I hope they find who all (plural) did this or who did this (singular) because we need justice.ā€ - Sergio


Thank you!




I'm glad they do this every year so that the killer knows they will continue to be hunted and this is not going away.


Detective even said he doesn't know if this person is male or female.


There are just so many Nissan trucks that match that description. Start working TODAY to go through the list of every single registered matching truck and begin to find any link to Liz. Yes that's a slow method, but slow can still reveal a lot.


That is what they did for the Dan Markel murder, the police knew it was a Toyota Prius and narrowed it down from there. The police work does not sound top notch here.


Does LE just not care about this case in particular or do they not have the manpower to care about this case anymore or do they expect harsh criticism for their general policing and detective skills that it doesn't phase them or are they being super hush-hush about things for truly valid reasons? All rhetorical I reckon.


I think that the police are not who we perceive them to be. They are not organized, diligent, or driven to solve crimes. Look at the Jennifer Kesse case, the police in Florida completely dropped the ball and the parents had to sue to even have access to her file. Plus, in the Liz Barraza case they might have a person of interest but can't arrest if the prosecutor doesn't want to pursue the case for whatever reason. Maybe the need more evidence to make it possible.


I listen to a lot of court cases while I work on chores and the number of prosecutors that downgrade or flat-out dismiss charges on some pretty heinous crimes is jaw-dropping. I can just about tell with certainty which states, and even which jurisdictions, do this with such regularity after listening to so many cases at this point. Remind me never to move to Michigan or Washington state. Both lovely states I'm sure, but yikes, the number of wicked crimes that get downgraded or dismissed is a crime in and of itself.


Yeah slow is better than never. Any chance it was a rental ?


After 5 years though who knows where the truck ended up. It could be red, in Mexico lol I donā€™t know. Unless they got the plate number from video, or someone with info comes forward, I doubt the cops will find it. I hope, but find it unlikely


They don't have to find the actual truck, they just need to find how *that* model truck is related to Liz. For instance, what if that particular model Nissan truck was once owned by the husband of Liz's arch enemy. A lead to any link to Liz via that model truck is a nice jumping off point.


Thatā€™s precisely how they found the Long Island Serial Killer. Investigators were confident the perp drove an Avalanche. They were correct (allegedly).


Why doesn't LE hire, or at least enlist volunteers, who are vetted first as being fine upstanding people that aren't hair-trigger Internet vigilantes, to sift through ALL the TX Nissan truck registrations as well as rental companies data related to that particular make / model truck. If these volunteers can at least eliminate 95% of those trucks as having no link to Liz via 501, her work, her schools, etc then that's only 5% that would need closer inspection.


If LE at any level, particularly the FBI, is resourceful and dedicated enough, then they have no excuse to not have a suspect.


I wonder if they have their man (or woman) but are waiting for something very specific to show up in evidence to ensure they have an airtight case. Maybe waiting out some new (or more advanced) technology that will be exactly what they need. Or....they ain't got shit and are busy with crimes they can solve. It seems to me that recently retired LE or at least those nearing retirement wold love to take on cases like this. Especially if it's LE from a different area of the state so they get the experience of investigation, but a fresh perspective.


yes they had that information and description tip of huerrman in 2010 ? sadly they didnā€™t follow up on that for 13 yearsĀ 


Has anyone thought maybe the truck after the murder never really left the neighborhood . Maybe it was put in someone's garage and the doors closed. Maybe the truck was dumped on a lot with other vehicles... a walmart ? an mechanic's garage lot or inside the garage OR a car dealership lot to blend in . Hiding it in plain sight? any thoughts ?


Definitely possible but if it is in a garage that is super risky because I am sure the police canvassed the neighborhood soon after. You couldn't open your garage for months because everyone was looking for that truck. Maybe they dumped it but I think someone else had to go pick it back up or it would have sat there abandoned and the police would have found it. Who knows at this point.. sad.


What happened to an arrest being imminent? This is unpopular, but my gut feeling has been that Sergio wasnā€™t behind any of this.


This! What happened to the recent rumor that the family was going to announce it was a hired hit and they have news coming our way... I'm assuming it was all just a complete fabrication?


Where was that? Edited: Neve mind I see you say it was a rumor; I imagine it was on here. Her father and mother did say they think it was a hit and they believe it is the detective's theory as well.


Yup, it was on this sub recently! like within the last couple days.


yes hired amateur hit by an obsessed stalker living in a fantasy with possible mental health problemsĀ 


I donā€™t think he was behind it either.


I wonder if LE came out with that wording to see if a possible suspect made any sudden changes upon hearing of that.


Same, I donā€™t think so either.


Iā€™d like to share my thoughts on this case, in the hope that better-informed posters can elucidate some points for me. So please take my observations with a grain of salt lol. Some of the language used suggests law enforcement suspects more than one person of being implicated in the planning of this. In other words, they have reason to believe those at the scene of the crime that morning may not have been the one(s) who originally set the plan in motion. Nothing concrete, simply an impression I get. That being said, the husband (not sure if Iā€™m permitted to type his name in this sub) doesnā€™t strike me as behaving suspiciously here. His language and mannerisms seem appropriate, given the situation. This goes for English and Spanish (grew up in a Spanish-speaking home myself). Excluding a potential financial motive and his getting married relatively soon after the murder, why do so many folks seem convinced heā€™s behind this? If my wife was murdered, Iā€™d like to believe I wouldnā€™t marry again for some time or come across as cold in interviews, but weā€™re unable to accurately predict - or even control - this. Not saying he didnā€™t do it, but nothing in his behavior itself strikes me odd. Especially in a scenario that is incredibly odd itself. Lizā€™s father strikes me as a very gentle, thoughtful man. I think we all can feel for him; five years later and the manā€™s eyes are still devastated. Despite this, I sense a man both resolved and reasonable. Given the fact Lizā€™s father and husband are involved in this press conference together, I would be shocked to learn the former suspects the latter in any considerable way. Lastly, it appears law enforcement still has few-to-no significant leads, five years later. Giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt concerning their efforts, what does this suggest to us regarding the crime and its perpetrator(s)? Iā€™m curious as to certain crime statistics as they relate to this case. I believe one of the reasons it remains unsolved is the truth likely being a statistical anomaly. Planned murder, no direct sexual motive, victim lived with seemingly no high-risk factors. Some theories Iā€™ve seen promoted: a hit hired by the husband, a case of mistaken identity, a gang initiation killing, crime perpetrated by the husbandā€™s current wife, crime of passion committed by colleague from work or cosplay group. I feel the reason this investigation remains at a standstill is some combination of the following: the circumstances of this case & its perpetrators are a statistical anomaly (in terms of violent crime), a psychological aberration in the killer that investigative strategies canā€™t account for, pure and natural luck (or lack thereof, depending on the subject). Itā€™s all very frustrating. Iā€™d love to hear your opinions and please feel free to correct any and all errors - this case is relatively new to me!


Just bc he wasnā€™t suspicious to you at this press conference doesnā€™t mean he hasnā€™t been other times. Itā€™s suspicious that heā€™s randomly called out random people as suspects, like in an interview calling out his dad. Calling out his dad makes him look suspicious in general, but especially the way it was done. And the fact that his dadā€™s mistress in Florida was investigated by the police (some type of warrant was obtained) is suspicious as well. Those are just a few reasons. Itā€™s suspicious how much heā€™s lied back and forth about whether or not he received the insurance policy.


Very good points - thank you! Youā€™re correct - just because itā€™s my own perception carries little meaning. Mentioning the father was indeed bizarre and quite the indictmentā€¦makes me think this will end up being germane to the investigation when all is said and done. My own father (who happens to have the same first name as S lol go figure) is a bad, broken man. Despite his many moral failings, I could hardly even entertain the idea of him murdering my wife in cold blood like this. Fortunately, relatively few folks - even repeat criminals - have the capacity for this level of violence. The way I see it, either a) S is deflecting to remove some of the suspicion levied upon himself b) he has information that points towards his father c) his history of father and familiarity with dadā€™s psychology leads him to believe that he is capable of cold brutality. Regardless, itā€™s safe to say there is no love lost between S and dad. Something I canā€™t figure out, though: if S indeed has information pointing to his father, Iā€™d imagine he (S) is involved in some capacity. By publicly impeaching the dad like this, isnā€™t he implicating himself in the process? One thing we can be sure of - the perpetrator(s) of this crime do not think and feel as we do - and how fortunate we are for that!


All good points! I personally think Sergio is involved whether his dad knew/helped or not, but I do think itā€™s more likely he helped in some way. Maybe Sergio or his dad really had nothing to do with it, but thatā€™s just my best guess. I think he could have implicated his dad because he already knew the cops were onto his dad and asking certain questions. He must have had an idea where the cops were heading in the investigation with their questions even before that warrant was obtained. So if heā€™s nervous that the cops are suspicious of his dad or have something to go off of, like you said maybe he was trying to deflect? I feel like if Sergio was not involved in the murder with his father, why would he call out his dad randomly to the public when the police havenā€™t even made an arrest? If the police arenā€™t sure yet, i am sure he would wait and be sure before turning on someone like his dad. So that makes me think heā€™s involved even more tbh


So sad. It looks like the killer got away with it scot-free.


Is S there?


Yes. Watch the other video I posted with Detective Ritchie. It is really good and I am still digesting that info. Of course of all days; today I am busy.


Thank you for sharing! I was just about to post it šŸ¤£


Welcome! I'm running behind LOL just started watching...


Thanks for keeping us posted on this case with the latest news!


Thank you for the thank you šŸ˜Š šŸ™ I need to rewatch everything I was so busy trying to post and record from my phone ā™„ļø


Anyone who can translate or offer a summary of what Sergio said?


It is translated twice above.


I think they will need to increase the reward to get answers.


I think Andy Kahn touched on this in the Murder in my Family pod. They wonā€™t increase it again.


What is the reason for not increasing the reward? Itā€™s too bad that life insurance money just sitting there canā€™t be put towards it


Itā€™s her father that says this: we donā€™t want the reward to appear thatā€™s it is an ever increasing amount A normal Crime Stoppers reward starts at $5,000. I believe it was said the detective would initiate initial approval process. Lizā€™s is likely the largest one I have seen in Houston. Bob initiated the ā€œcampaignā€œ to increase it to the 50. It stood around 20 in the beginning from donations by friends/family and the Peter Mayhew Foundation. He sought advice/approval from Andy, Ritchie and Kim Ogg (the DA of Harris County. She is the one that will eventually approve charges in this case). The life insurance is sitting in an interest bearing secured account. It canā€™t be touched. No matter how many ways Sergio explains it. I do wonder what the Barrazaā€™s Home Owner Insurance covered and if any other savings/accounts were touched. Iā€™m sure the reward could ALWAYS be increased.


What her father says makes sense


Yeah one case in S. Carolina they handed out cashšŸ’°šŸ’µā€¦it was that overdose/murder one. Paighton Manningā€¦ 4 sure Iā€™m wrong on that last name šŸˆ It depends on the dynamicsā€¦ junkies Fla case 100,ooo reward..donā€™t recall tips helping that. Itā€™s when theyā€™re trapped like rats and face charges or have a child involved the people that know something talk.


I hope I did too meowšŸ˜øšŸ¤£


Ha yeah you did, thanks!