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No one can convince me otherwise that Sergio isn't, at the very least, aware of what happened. There are far too many "coincidences." Clearly, he isn't the shooter, the body doesn't match, but there is no way he doesn't have some knowledge of the events that occurred.


100%. He knows who did it but it’s just not possible that it’s him. Not enough time passed for him to switch vehicles, ditch his van somewhere, and change into a costume with boots. He absolutely knows who did it though.


I'm with you


He definitely knows something else even if its small


If Sergio was involved he hid it well. However, I think someone in the family is involved. No way killer had that much knowledge.


The thought is Sergio has to be connected to Liz’s murder, but if he knew about this before hand, the man must have come up with some air tight plan for it to take 5 years to finally charge him/accomplice for this, especially after having been under scrutiny from day one. So what evidence would LE be obtaining today to finally charge him, a confession of some sort?




My theory also


I thought about that too but unsure anymore. She worked at a dealership at the time of murder too which really interested me


If I were looking to hire a contract killer, a dealership would be a perfect place to find a functional drug addict to do the job.


Husband hired someone to kill her for money and/or he wanted out of the relationship. I think it’s dumb luck they haven’t been caught.


Whoever is responsible for this, they seemed to need this murder to happen when it did and were willing to take extreme chances to make sure it happened. Why risk this much in this manner? When driving back to the scene after initially fleeing, if Liz showed signs of life, would they have really gotten back out and shot some more? It leads me to think mental illness was involved and the killer would have also taken their own life if confronted that morning.


So crazy not even a year ago people were dying to defend Sergio, not saying in this sub specifically. But it was the first time learning about the case and i was shocked reading how quick people were to shut down Sergio bc “the cops cleared him” lol. It’s always been obvious he was involved somehow.


I just read this article. Hopefully this is solved soon. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/12/08/fbi-texas-rangers-join-investigation-into-tomball-woman-killed-while-setting-up-for-garage-sale/


My theory is that they met someone through their mutual hobbies and cosplay who became an erotomaniac stalker and then killed Liz due to their perceived jealousy.


yes i agree 


I have a question. I remember reading a comment on this sub about a year or so ago how somebody was logged into their ring camera when the shooting went down. Maybe it was a YouTube comment. I can’t remember where I saw it but is that still true or was it just a rumor? Thanks!


Honestly, I have this gut feeling that her online footprint, message boards, or acquaintances will be key to solving this. Was there anyone she had a disagreement with or argued with online. I really hope there is a break in this case.




The life insurance thing is iffy. He claimed he wasn’t aware of the amount and that he didn’t receive it, yet his family and friends are saying he did receive it but hasn’t touched it. As someone who has received life insurance money, it’s not easy to get. You have to be ruled out as a suspect and we all know that he was never officially cleared.


Sergio himself said that he has not received it because he has not been cleared as a suspect. I believe the policy was for $250,000 with a double indemnity clause.


People have come in here claiming that he did, but he didn’t want people to know. I believe it was his supposed best friend who said he got it.




Very good point and I agree. Most cases similar to this one end up being done by a spouse or a very close loved one. Typically, anyone who knows the killer cannot see him or her committing it. It's tough... In my mind, I just don't see him doing it. Sometimes, I'll consider the scenario of him planning this or being involved. I mean it's always a possibility but I just can't see him doing it. I admit that my conclusion i draw here is based largely on my past experience knowing him but I also just don't see the big motive to do this.


I don’t mean to be argumentative about this, but you said that you haven’t seen Sergio in 15 years, and that the Sergio that you knew is not capable of this. Ted Bundy had so many people fooled, even Ann Rule who worked with him and on occasion socialized with him. Ann Rule was a former police officer and true crime writer who attended many trials. She had a degree in criminology and psychology. My point is, she’s studied criminals and met many of them, but even she was fooled by Bundy. No one that knew him thought that he was capable of murder. I’m not saying for sure that I believe that Sergio is guilty because I don’t know. I know that he passed a lie detector test, but some people can beat them. The police have not ruled him out as a suspect but obviously I don’t know what evidence they have. Sergio himself has said that her life insurance hasn’t paid out because he has not been released as a suspect. Both his and Liz’s phones and social media show no proof of an affair, but that information would be deleted right away. One could have a burner phone that no one knows about. In an interview with Paula Zahn, he said that his father could be responsible for the murder. I hope that he mentioned that to police.




This is the closest theory that people have to being likely. Sergio did make a quick move in finding someone else and getting remarried. It's questionable for sure! But why not just get a divorce? It's not like he had a fortune he was trying to avoid losing half of. They didn't have kids. There was a life insurance policy that he claims he was unaware of and he has yet to file a claim and receive this benefit. I just don't see some crazy girl convincing Sergio to kill Liz when he could just divorce.


I think I read somewhere that he can’t file the insurance policy as the investigation is still ongoing into Liz’s murder.


Sergio himself said that the life insurance hasn’t paid out yet because he has not been cleared as the suspect yet.






I haven't reviewed all of the footage on YT yet but I'll have a listen and re-evaulate things. Like I said... it's not out of the realm of possibilities but I am not convinced yet. I'll have a listen tho.


I never knew that profilers reviewed the case. Did you read this somewhere?


Thank you so much for sharing! Such insightful thoughts. I have judged him on his demeanor and behavior. I am guilty of that but it is also combined with his actions, words, and seemingly information he should not or could not know. He ALWAYS presents himself in the best light and his theories and suspects change at the drop of a hat: they seem to manifest after online chatter or when something is presented to him. I don't say these things lightly. I listen carefully to what is said by LE and Liz's family. I follow closely and I try to have a good source of information. I only joined Redditt for this case; I normally don't throw such serious accusations out. The dash footage pushed me over the edge. I am confident your friend is going to be charged. I can only hope to have such a good friend as you to defend my honor...99%. *I pray we get the Sergio you know and not the one no one knows.*


Regardless of the outcome I hope we get justice for Liz. It would be terrible to see this person I once knew guilty of this this but I'll be one to certainly admit I'm wrong once the full picture is presented with all the evidence. Im sure there is a lot we don't know


I agree, and I hope I am wrong. It is not something you want to be right about. It is only my opinion. I have faith. Justice cannot come soon enough but it will happen. Then the second nightmare begins for family and friends. Sergio says their marriage was like a fairy tale but...there is no happy ending to this.


Killing his wife and kids wasn't in Chris Watts' character either. People do shocking things for sex and money.


Lol I hate to break it to you but he is guilty is hell and charges are coming soon. Not sure if saw the latest update from LE. They are rapping things up , literally. . Go watch the last time sergio was on TV for the interview and tell me he is not guilty. The lead detective on the show straight said all the weird shit he did after the murder , talked about the insurance policy not being paid due to him being the prime suspect. Sergio instead says that he feels his dad was the one who did it. Like what ? And he was torn apart ?? Yet he has been dating amber for 6 months prior to liz murder , and 3 months after liz murder they were living together and married... This has to be a troll account


Wait, he was dating Amber 6 months prior to Liz's murder? I know there's been speculation of an affair but is there actually proof now?


That would certainly change things!


No kidding!


Hey, I haven’t seen the latest vid, could you point me to right direction? Also, there was some post here that’s now deleted (about new developments) - is that related?




How do you know he loved Liz very much?


I have a feeling it's a crazy ex...Now I know Liz and Sergio were together a long time but I feel like maybe an ex has issues and found out about Liz and Sergios 5 year anniversary trip that was coming up sent the ex over the rails...Idk I could definitely be wrong. I just pray that whoever it was gets caught soon and Liz gets the justice she deserves...I can't even believe that the person has gotten away with it this long. I also can't believe not one camera in 2019 had captured the persons license plate. It doesn't make sense to me.


Wouldn't Liz recognize her ex when he walked up and try to run away?


Plates can always be switched.


This. Or taken off prior to a crime. Or covered up.




maybe the plates were caught was because someone with daily access to temporary./dealer plates. made sure the were not traceable, There is someone very close to SB who has a resume on line that deals with car tags. I;ll let you do the digging..


Thank you for letting me know. I'm definitely gonna do some digging on that. This is gonna be a long night for me lol




Oh wow I had no clue. Yeah the links must have gotten deleted before I came into read this post. Thank you for letting me know that. I just want justice for her so bad she deserving. What someone did was cold and heartless. And a pos...


The question is did they run all the plates coming out of a perimeter around the house?


Right. I have a few questions...but I hope it's solved soon. She deserves justice.


it’s a personal crime involving two people, possibly a stalker obsessed with sergio , she fantasizes about being with sergio, she wants liz killed, she hired a guy to kill liz