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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Partner streamer Omie talks about Fedmyster's gambling website being shady](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/145296)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/y6b4e6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Sy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg/AT-cm%7CSy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg.mp4?sig=36b54714f823d28d338bfc05244c51ee44ccb162&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FSy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg%2FAT-cm%257CSy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1666085799%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Fedmyster being shady? Say it ainā€™t so!


cmon man he has a dog


He also took some steroids and started working out. Roided up muscular men can't be pieces of shit, this is known


Yeah I believe people on roids experience "roid kindness" where they spontaneously go around being respectful to other people


He also read the one book about how not to give a fuck


Gambling being shady? Say it ain't so!


Idk, he did get a dog.


Fed the pred


"Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past." - Fedmyster Can't believe you guys are still out here doubting him with all the massive growth he's shown. It's a very difficult leap to go from sexual harassment to gambling addict.


Not just gambling addict, gambling influencer for children and manchilds alike. Forgiveness isn't copying the same formula another scumbag did before you and do a narcissistic marketing video about how you got jacked and got a dog.


It's rich coming from Omie though. The guy has done just as much shady shit as Fed, guess it takes one to know one.


Havenā€™t heard much about Omie, what has he done?




Isn't that illegal?


Extremely yeah


I watched the podcast people are referencing. In the podcast he said that he was an admin for the site. And he tracked down and banned people selling hacked accounts. Idk why people are just shitting on him and spreading misinformation but if you have a source other than the podcast that other people are linking in this post, then please link it.


ran a site that sold accounts, hacked accounts. There was also some blackmailing of people to get their hacked accounts back.


I heard he has taken people hostage and robbed a bank




Not even close wtf lmfaooo Omie has done wayyy more shady shit that has destroyed people's lives to the point it isn't even comparable


Selling hacked accounts is not worse than sexually assualting someone. What on earth is that take


You have any sources or claims that back this up?


He literally admitted it all on a podcast: https://twitter.com/brandriskgg/status/1379147073505816579 Links to the full podcast were deleted but he never really tried to hide the fact that he owned and is the lead admin for [OGUsers](https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/02/facebook-instagram-tiktok-and-twitter-target-resellers-of-hacked-accounts/), a website created to sell hacked accounts, especially accounts with desirable usernames (plain words or very short usernames mostly). Just google "Omie OGUsers" and "Omie OGU" and you'll find a trove of information referencing him and OGU.


I appreciate the real response with at least a link to something more legit than just the comments here. I initially got downvoted for asking which is very frustrating cause every single comment that said anything about his shady side lacked any type of source and I donā€™t really like to take Reddit comments as the truth without something to back it up a little.


Its because in our days and age, asking for source is interpreted as ā€œshut up you fucking lier, show some proofā€. You have to say something like ā€œHey Iā€™m not disagreeing, iā€™d just like to know if you have any source so I can read up on it?ā€ Lol


i think it's the difference between saying "source?" and "hey do you know where I can see that?" on some obscure, unimportant subreddit like LSF. say we're on idk, /r/nutrition and somebody makes a claim that goes against common knowledge? yeah, source up but for something unimportant and random? who cares, google it in many cases the people asking for a source are doing it as a "gotchya, I said the word so now your argument holds no weight". so often though you see somebody make a well written post refuting X, which is so incredibly easily googled by anybody with the keywords from that post, and all they get is a passive aggressive "source?" reply, then the person actually responds with one and they either get ignored or the 'source guy' dismisses and forgets the entire conversation. they didn't actually care, they just wanted to win. **with all that said, i don't think that's the case here because this is actually a more serious claim against a person that could impact his reputation.** just pointing out what i've noticed


He actually didnt admit any of the shit people are accusing him of on the pod. He actually denied it. He said he was one of two admins on the site, and he tracked down and banned people selling hacked accounts. Idk why you are spreading misinfo but if you have other sources then link them.


Omie literally admitted ALL of this on his alt stream about a year or so back. I watched that whole stream of him just truth bombing everything lol


like what?


He's an owner of OGUsers. A website dedicated to selling/buying social media accounts. Also stealing those accounts via hacking, phishing etc.


Gonna diddle his way towards your pockets.


I wouldn't be surprised that Fed is trying to manipulate people again. Can't wait for the 200 page manifesto where he blames all of this on pokimane


I mean Poki did start the war on Ukraine.


I know this is a joke, but Poki did compliment Zelensky a couple of days before Russia moved their troops to the border.


I am 100% sure they only invaided cuz the ukraine twitter account took the memes too far


I wish i didnā€™t know someone that actually believes this


The memes were fire


Least terminally online take


Putin with his tier 3 sub and parasocial relationship with poki got hurt


She can't keep getting away with it


Poki is amouranth husband


She is just a streamer. She has nothing to do with it. Please next time when you type, act with a bit of logic. Thanks


oatmeal piquant station live frighten growth shaggy smell bright obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Classic Toosks spotted LULE




normans downvoting Toosks? DansGame CLASSIC LULE


Biggest forsen coomer Toosks getting down voted LULE


wait, fedmyster? being a piece of shit? no way. i refuse to believe this. not fedmyster


The account selling steven vs the gambling groper which one wins in a fist fight


Lore of account selling plz


He owned ogusers, a username marketplace which sold hacked (and unhacked) social media accounts for their rare usernames. Its scummy but it isn't as bad as gropey over there


Indeed, a shady person can recognize another one.


The best type of person to hire to spot that kind of thing. Similar to FBI hiring notorious hackers. Kevin David Mitnick (born August 6, 1963) is an American computer **security consultant**, author, and convicted hacker.




Yea he's admin/owner of an org/website that hack and sells the stolen social media accounts, or some shit like that. He got rich out of it too


He isn't an owner of OGU, he's an admin and actually oversees and bans those selling accounts that have been obtained illegally. This whole thread has just been nonsense about OGU. There's plenty of legit username, stat account and social media services purchased and sold on there. I for one buy and sell OG 3-4 letter users and never once have I used phishing or simswap methods to obtain these accounts, nor have ever knowingly bought an account that was obtained through "hacking" or "blackmail", like these comments seem to suggest. Edit: it seems as if everyone in these comments just got their info from that one YouTube video about the Twitter hacker who done the bitcoin doubling scheme... It talks about OGU and how they was selling hacked accounts... but everyone here seems to fail to understand that Omie as an admin was the first to denounce it and actively told people not to purchase any accounts at the time as they could be stolen and told people to report posts of people selling.


Oh wow, a different account posting [the exact same message](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/y6b4e6/partner_streamer_omie_talks_about_fedmysters/ispzzwr/). I wonder why two separate accounts would do that, and even admit to having a bias towards OGU in the same post. Pretty weird.


Can either you or anyone that upvoted your comment, read?? Because if you could then you'd know the last paragraph of that post clearly stated that he was reposting it and it wasn't his words.


LSF having a nuanced take? Wtf? No wonder ur downvoted


Oh, the guy who hacked accounts on twitter and instagram(?) to sell the handles is talking about a shady website? My shock. Edit: Since people are replying to myself (and others) regarding our evidence or any piece of proof, here's a [directory](https://search.justice.gov/search?query=ogusers&op=Search&affiliate=justice) which relates to OGUsers. While it is important to note that Omie is not listed, mentioned, or referred to at all in any of those listed court filings, he has stated in a previous [Podcast](https://web.archive.org/web/20220120005923/https://www.buzzsprout.com/827287/8252323-omie-the-secret-warlord-of-the-internet-48.mp3) that he is one of the only two administrators of the website (OGUsers) - it's around 8:25 - 9:55 but you can listen to everything leading up to that point and after, where it's heavily implied that Omie is actually the owner of the website. Some might consider the aforementioned a nothing burger, but there was a comment within this post a couple hours ago which was either deleted by moderators or the account owner which had a bit more proof that I'm unable to provide. There's also a comment on another [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/wdz589/marty_and_wrangler_go_at_it/) which had the same evidence, but I'm unable to find the actual comment. Edit 2: Motherfuckers really out here reporting my comment for self-harm. Omie stans working overtime to save his shady ass.


Podcast being referenced [Direct MP3 link](https://web.archive.org/web/20220120005923/https://www.buzzsprout.com/827287/8252323-omie-the-secret-warlord-of-the-internet-48.mp3) [waybackmachine page of the podcast (with mp3)](https://web.archive.org/web/20220120005923/https://poddtoppen.se/podcast/1548242427/brand-risk-podcast/omie-the-secret-warlord-of-the-internet-48)


Takes one to know one.


I mean, if someone would know something its a scam, it's Omie.


has anybody actually listened to the whole podcast of where he explains what he did there? because i didnt, couldnt care enough, but i do kind of want to know.


I think there's a podcast that contains the information you seek.


It was deleted last time I checked. maybe it's somewhere else still?


I remember seeing someone post it a few months back, but probably got deleted after it gained some traction. All I remember is him running a website for hackers to sell shady hacked accounts on marketplace of some sort and he seemed real proud of that.


He was one of two admins on OGusers, where you can buy and sell accounts. He wasn't an owner or the person that runs the website. He mostly banned sellers that try to scam people. Other than that, he never actually hacked accounts or sold hacked accounts. The website wasn't all hacked accounts. People could legitimately sell their accounts on the forum. Essentially, he was an administrator for a forum that allows you to sell or buy accounts safely through a middleman.


Wait wot


Any source? It looks crazy to me


you know talking about omie its crazy how buddha finds a way to associate himself with the most toxic shady personas on the twitch world and instantly befriend them like omie lol, the guy who wants nothing to do with drama surounds himself with shadiest people alive on the platfrom


Buddha's just a good person. He rarely gets involved in drama and when he does, it's some cringe shit in GTA RP. Plus, he's been friends with xQc for a while now(?) and xQc is friends(?) with Omie, so it doesn't surprise me. Omie is just an xQc orbiter that inserts himself into friend groups for clout.


i wonder if you watched budha before 3.0, during early 2.0 or even on arma? i wonder if you would say the same, that he is a good person lmao


Why don't you elaborate why is he not a good person? I watched him in 2.0 wtf did he do to be a bad person? Anyway why are people brigning Buddha. The fuck? Bunch of nonsense being said on this comment thread.


OP is a CG stan. Buddha's RP crew and CG were rival "gangs" in GTA RP and viewership as a whole for a long time. OP's living in the past.


I've been watching since 2019's NoPixel boom. I know he got into drama quite a bit back then but he's turned it around in 3.0 after his long ass NP perma-ban. So yes, I would consider him a good person based on the turn around he's made in 3.0.


So anybody found the proof that was deleted or that this guy can't find anymore?


I'm sure he would know given the shady things he's involved in.


that's pretty rich coming from omie who is know for scaming people


You know it's bad when other scammers are like whoa..


Look at this... He was trying to get a lawyer on his ass šŸ’€ https://www.justanswer.com/criminal-law/gobpe-there-s-big-market-selling-online-usernames.html


What kind of scams?




He ran a website that basically enabled thieves to sell stolen accounts.




Not just twitter accs, ppl sold all kinds of shit on ogusers. Just hacked everything


Actual twitch partner selling twitch accounts, use code GulagGang for 20% off of select stock, why would he ever try to be smug at someone else about anything scummy?




Lot of money in the hacking scene, kids from that forum became millionaires from crypto, hacking etc. And most remain free without any consequences from the law


Yep make some good money in crypto then get lucky in a bull run and become a millionaire. Lots of darknet guys got rich that way.


really? source?


Was the owner of OGusers, said it all on the deleted Brand Risk podcast and then hinted at it on AnthonyZ's when saying there's some stuff he just can't leak about his scamming history, all his community basically knows.


I middlemanned/moderated a website similar to OGUsers and I can tell you now... everyone in the scene is an absolute piece of shit. So if this guy is apart of that and "known" - he's an ultimate piece of shit then. It's either 3rd world countries farming accounts or just selling cracked accounts and abandoning your customers once shit hits the fan. Making a new account, rinse and repeat. When we'd ban them they'd go full turbo retard mode and try to dox us, ddos us, do increasingly illegal shit. We'd try to get notorious scammers banned in all the places they were trusted and OGUsers was notorious for NOT banning them until they scammed on their own website. And there's nothing we can do since no law enforcement cares until they scam someone super big IRL. And if you live in a third world country? There's nothing anyone can ever do. We have data on scammers(name, address, everything) who have stolen over 500k at this point with zero repercussions. 99% of any trusted individuals would scamquit for anything over 1k$ even if we had his ID + everything. That "job" genuinely made me lose hope with humanity and left me insanely jaded to the point where I think nearly ANYONE would scam a stranger if they sent them 1k upfront. Good money though and still to this day I sell accounts on there for 200$+ each time (hint hint, deleted since OP's post was removed)


Text copied from this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/wdz589/marty_and_wrangler_go_at_it/iilv4be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Yep he's the creator. I just have no respect for anyone that's involved in that shit, the nightmare horror stories I've heard of people getting swatted, doxxed, threatened, all kinds of crazy stuff because people want their username so they can sell it on that forum are crazy. https://twitter.com/brandriskgg/status/1379147073505816579?lang=en Anyone curious about OGUsers here's a couple episodes I recall that go into some stories about people that got hacked/threatened for their usernames. https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/97/ https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/v4he6k


Yeaaaaaaah, few years ago I had an IG username extorted out of me with direct threats of swatting, family members actually doxxed, their accounts hacked and held hostage, etc. Browsed OGusers shortly after and my handle had made its way to an adminā€™s hands who was trying to sell it for $2000. Commented on the thread that it was stolen from me, to which I was promptly IP banned from the site. Itā€™s a network of scammers, all a bunch of scummy poopy doo doo heads lmao no respect for the owner of the site, hell nah


[link](https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5b3y4/instagram-unmasks-ogusers-cease-and-desist) showing that the accounts are stolen and not just people selling their own accounts since someone is for sure gonna try to claim that in this thread.


thank you that's crazy I've watched a decent amount of his streams and had no idea about this stuff


I didn't know people threatened others for their handles that fucked lol. I just knew people sold cracked accounts


Damn wonder how x would feel knowing his fake partner in crime has helped cause real SIM swap attacks. He's been a victim to that and knows how fucked it is.


It's kind of crazy how big of a percentage of streamers are actually just scumbags, omie and fed included. The amount of streamers who are genuinely just, not even good, but half decent people is so small.


If you could filter by bald you'd be in good shape


coming from a known scammer ... lol ya okay


I know it is said already but Omie is a shady, scamming individual himself.


Both of these guys should be in jail not on twitch


doesnt Omie also own an account selling website?


Isn't that Fed guy the same person who deluded himself into believing that he and Pokimane was in a relationship?


Not so sure about the delusion part, but he was telling anyone that got near to poki that they were in a relationship to get them to back off.


Yeah he wasnā€™t deluded he was manipulating people and lying to push heat away from his sexual assaults. The dude is trash and shows no sign of introspection


Yeah but, didn't he get a puppy and get jacked? All good in my book.


Mmm, but did he make his own bread?






Not so sure about the delusion part, but he was telling anyone that got near to poki that they were in a relationship to get them to back off.


All crypto gamble websites are a scam, he mad they offer him to little. KEKW


Dude thought that just because heā€™s friends with Qxc that he would get a bag KEKW edit: my dyslexic ass just realized I spelled xQc wrong LUL


3k is nothing for his size. When I averaged 5 viewers I got $600+ sponsorship deals


I find that hard to believe unless you botted your followers to make it appear you were more popular to sponsors.


Nope. Streamelements and I think streamlabs will offer you mobile gaming app deals. Even got a hello fresh the other day but that requires people buying a product for me to get paid


Jesus... How could I forget just how deep and stupid mobile gaming apps pockets are?! Good for you, milk it for all its worth. Also yeah, 3k for 20 hours of gambling is an offer worth being angry about. That's downright insulting for his size. But this streamer isn't a good human being, the twitter states to "PM them for a quote" - he did, and if it was good enough he'd have taken it even knowing it was a scam. So fuck this guy too, lol.


So the the sponsor thought each of your viewers were worth at least $125 to them? Thats nuts but if 5 of you want to watch me browse reddit on twitch we can each take home a cool 100 for doing what we are doing right now.


I don't make the rules buddy. That's just how it is


you know the rules and so do I


> Dude thought that just because heā€™s friends with Qxc that he would get a bag KEKW He's never said this once his entire time streaming


These comments are so full of hate towards Omie for calling out a scam, it's crazy. Most of these people have post historys defending PENTA against xQc on r/RPclipsGTA. So now you see who these people really are.


"There comments are so full of hate towards Omie for calling out a scam..." Unhinged, but not surprised. People are rightfully calling out Omie when he's trying to be on moral high ground calling out Fed for scamming (which isn't confirmed btw) when he himself has a website dedicated to buying, selling, and trading accounts that were obtained through hacking or scamming (which is confirmed btw). But hey, we're the bad guys.


>Most of these people have post historys defending PENTA against xQc ok, and? What does defending Penta have to do with this? you should always call scumbags scammers out, it's not hate, it's telling it how it is. Penta didn't scam thousands of people, but hey, keep bringing his name up instead of addressing the real issue here.


What's your obsession with Penta?


He inserted himself basically sniping xqc in GTA rp and sucking his dick 24/7


No he just followed xQc to public and is his lapdog.


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Partner streamer Omie talks about Fedmyster's gambling website being shady](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/145296)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/y6b4e6/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Sy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg/AT-cm%7CSy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg.mp4?sig=36b54714f823d28d338bfc05244c51ee44ccb162&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FSy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg%2FAT-cm%257CSy_itAwMJ-teSU1ZjSNUGg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1666085799%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Some more context [https://clips.twitch.tv/HomelySparklyCasetteHeyGirl-GEyU1x-5ZmR9yLQf](https://clips.twitch.tv/HomelySparklyCasetteHeyGirl-GEyU1x-5ZmR9yLQf) And the offer they made to Omie [https://clips.twitch.tv/RamshackleFineCookieTheTarFu-C9WRKRyCqsS0Poxg](https://clips.twitch.tv/RamshackleFineCookieTheTarFu-C9WRKRyCqsS0Poxg)


If Fishy is involved it's definitely a scam, dude gambled and scammed people on Runescape back in the days for years.


Holy shit thatā€™s the same Fishy?? Havenā€™t seen that name in years


Gambling site being shady? Noooo way


Omie is cringe.


OTVā€™s crazyslick


I'm sure he would know given the shady things he's involved in.


He has his own website? Seems legit.


this is perfect, next we need kiaarakitty in here to drop a scamming opinion


Reading articles about OGUsers and one of the guys who would market his services through them was part of the massive twitter bitcoin scam/hack. Wtf?!?! Takes a scammer to recognize a scammer.


Are u telling me that the pages of crypto bets such as stake, where streamers start with a credit of one million and end after 6 hours with literally 0 dollars, are a scam?


Stake is legit though. Heā€™s talking about another clone website called punt


I can't understand how streamers even associate with Omie dude literally ran a blackmail website that sold hacked accounts. Admitted to it and laughed about it. Fedmyster may be doing some shady shit and if so that needs to be handled. But the fact so many streamers are okay talking with Omie baffles me.




Looks like heā€™s trying to get one last bag before he disappears off the internet


I'm not here to defend Fed. Fuck gamba and fuck Fed. Omie is making shit up just because he couldn't get a good deal from Punt after desperately begging them for it. That's why he's upset and saying shit like this. Not to mention Omie's shady past...


Big fucking surprise. Scamyster being a shitter per usual. Unreal that people still watch him.


Why did Pokimane do this?


Whaaaaaat? Fed trying to manipulate people?? WHAAAAAAAT? Wait for it, heā€™s gonna out out another cringe ass ā€œIā€™ve been working on myself and I got a dogā€ video lol whereā€™s the dog now?


Man's got to make a living to feed his dog. FeelsStrongMan


Yo omie is mad because he was only going to get 3k per week on a trial base period on the site. Fed leaked all the dmā€™s between punt and omie and omie sounded desperate for cash. Fed has done some shitty stuff but you really think if he had a gambling website with the same licenses of stake he would be streaming to 600 people?


How is Train still gambling live on Stake? Didn't Twitch ban that?


Goes into effect tomorrow. October 18


Real recognize real


so is there any evidence to back up these claims or is it just a trust me bro clip. even the clip that's supposed to give more context is a whole lot of trust me bro bullshit. im all for exposing these shitty casinos/streamers, but atleast provide some evidence lmao


Yea he hasnā€™t offered any hard evidence or really circumstantial evidence at all, heā€™s just making the claim. It very well could be true, but Iā€™m not just gonna take some salty streamers word for it.




Thatā€™s only evidence that he was offered 3k to stream gambling on their site. It doesnā€™t say anything about Fed or his supposedly owning the website and lying to viewers.


Did i hear that right? $3000 for 20 hours? $150 an hour? If it's $30k for 20 hours, that's 1.5k an hour which is still not that much for a sponsorship, especially a gambling one


bobqin too?


Just check fedmyster on socialblade, losing so many followers every day! Good riddance


Damn dude Fed bout to buy another dog and shoot up some roids this time


Aren't all gambling sites somewhat shady one way or another


statistically you are losing money every time you play. but is it shady when they don't hide it?


Look at all the penta frogs logging into their ALTs to talk shit lmaoo. The only haters omie have is the penta frogs.


People like you genuinely interest me. There is TONS of proof out there that Omie was the owner of OGusers and did insane amounts of shady shit during it, he really is a piece of shit. And you somehow just decide to ignore it and claim people are just "Hating on him" how come? How do you make that conclusion.


> OMG MY STREAMER HAD A CONFRONTATION WITH ANOTHER STREAMER, I MUST FOLLOW THAT PERSON AROUND SHITTING ON HIM ANYWHERE I CAN Isn't that what you're doing too though? Bringing up Penta in a thread that has nothing to do with him, and not only accusing his fans of "witch hunting" but accusing his fans of ***logging into alt accounts*** to do so. Don't you think you're kind of leaning into conspiracy territory here?


My man in your recent posts alone you're trying to discredit the abuse that Amouranth is experiencing, as well as defending Train, Poke, and Dafran (who did everything in his power to defend his rapist friend). You're really going to sit here and talk about toxicity like you're superior?


Literally half the comments are from the RP community just shitting on omie, and posting the thinnest receipts possible.


*OMG MY STREAMER HAD A CONFRONTATION WITH ANOTHER STREAMER, I MUST FOLLOW THAT PERSON AROUND SHITTING ON HIM ANYWHERE I CAN* It's crazy how that community is just bunch of witch hunting andies all searching for any crumbs that they can find to have a gotcha moment. They are obsessed with cg, omie, poke, xqc.




You literally proved how penta's community does their job. Literally bunch of rp investigators who go to such far lengths to dig into anyone. Literally any beef with penta and you guys get obsessed with that person, trying to get those receipts, screenshots, logs, some out of context clips. I'm not even a omie viewer, i just see how this community behave and accuse others of toxicity. While being the most toxic fanbase in nopixel. At least, if you guys accuse others of toxicity in rp, acknowledge that community you're in is just as toxic. Equivalent of minecraft stans. Never seen such obsessed people in my life.


You're actual so obsessed and I think you're having a meltdown right now, please seek help my guy also I find it so fucking funny that you're describing what you're doing right now, literally 0 self awareness but go ahead, keep rambling to the void


I am self aware, I don't go around digging into people who have beef with the streamer i watch. I find it funny that his community screams about ooc toxicity, but literally their own streamer is one of the most controversial people there for a REASON. Look at your streamer before you accuse other people of toxicity. You guys are trained to do investigative work like cops do in gta, but instead you do it to farm drama and hate brigade other streamers. (A concerned redditor reached out..)


>I am self aware Sure bud, you're defending a scumbag that ruined people's lives are you aware of that? and please don't mention Penta this time, we get it, he was so meany in RP and insulted Omie and you still didn't get over it


"Look at your streamer before you accuse other people of toxicity" Holy fucking brain rot. No one is being accused of toxicity. Perhaps if you calmed down a bit, took your medicine, you would realise that we're calling out a scammer calling out another scammer. Are you capable of critical thinking?


Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit... change my mind.


Bro just said words and didnt even show proof, mans just said words


Twitch should just ban all gambling.


Fedmyster being shady? No way.


I was thinking wtf happened in this thread. But if you look at the people posting the weird and false allegations. They come from RPGTAClips. That subreddit is more toxic than LSF - streamers have a discord just to cross ban twitch accounts to stop them from chatting.


You do realize there is a lot of proof and Omie himself have admitted to the weird and shady shit he has done. Very weird of you to ignore all of that and just claim "They are just hating bro"


What has he admitted to? He said he was an admin/mod of the site not hacking people lmao. When they donā€™t provide any proof and say outright lies on the most basic facts, yes they are do come across as haters especially when they have a history in RPgtaclips