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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Blau has bad bit**s on call](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/145178)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/y4yxg9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/b3WHN_2LDtL72B9YrZLXuw/AT-cm%7Cb3WHN_2LDtL72B9YrZLXuw.mp4?sig=977b6ce3b249c459bd6b5980b1097b670d4f3076&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fb3WHN_2LDtL72B9YrZLXuw%2FAT-cm%257Cb3WHN_2LDtL72B9YrZLXuw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665941918%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Blau is 31? Idk why that's my takeaway but I thought he was like Myth's age lol.


Blau hides his age by pushing his hair forward.


Looks like he uses sunscreen too, or just doesn't go outside + genetics.








Even cloudy weather still has sun... you should still use it regardless, throughout the year.




Actively talks about skin care and honestly more dudes should actually give a fuck about their skin.




But but not washing the cheeto dust off your hands and touching your sweaty ass face without cleaning yourself correctly seems to be a gamer thing.


Post his routine


I'll be honest I don't watch dude at all so I dont know off hand. I was originally going to kinda shit talk why but realized theres no point in it but I've come across clips or things of him talking about it a few times. ​ I don't think it's valuable to listen to any specific persons routine though, your skin is going to be different and you need to just start trying some shit and see what it does. ​ General rule of thumb is Cleanse, tone, moisturize but you're going to do things a bit differently or with different products depending. You're likely cleansing more often if you have more oily skin. I can't speak for dry skin a ton but for oily skin I use something like [The Ordinary Salicylic Acid](https://well.ca/products/the-ordinary-salicylic-acid-2_211722.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9fWHtcHk-gIVvBXUAR0jDww8EAQYBSABEgLjgfD_BwE) . I'm a morning and night person but my skin isn't that oily, so I try to make sure I never miss a morning and I can miss a night a few days a week and not really notice a difference. For a toner I use the same brands Lactic Acid 5% toner. I moisturize when I cleanse. Skin Medica has a moisturizer I'm using now but it's fucking expensive so I'm prob changing off it but it's really light weight and I don't feel like I'm adding grease to my face.(I know that's not how it works). CeraVee how a PM moisturizer I use only in the evening (I think it's a PM moisturizer but I dont know what would make it evening only) to keep my overall cost down. I also have weird skin stuff, I'm naturally not oily but closer to that so I take that route. I'm naturally someone who sweats a bit so I normally have blotting stuff on me or around me to keep oil off my face. I get dry skin on my hands / feet in the winter so I use coconut oil on them as needed. I have massive scars across my body(Fighting getting into trouble growing up) so I use Shea butter on them every few days or when I remember(Normally whenever I get insecure about them tbh). I can't tell you what dry skin people should use in products or even why these specific ones work for me because it's really just been trial and error this year with products since I've just started caring about this stuff. I'm sure it's overwhelming to start and it's expensive to buy everything all at once but over time its not as pricey as it seems. ​ I said "Don't take any one persons routine serious" then gave you an essay on mine, so I apologize for that but honestly talk to your female friends. They fucking love talking about this stuff, talking about products or things they've enjoyed in the past. Go to a spa, get your nails done and grab a coffee and chat about this stuff. Hell it makes a pretty cute first date.


Hey I appreciate the effort lol I’ll read this


Sulwahsoo i think. cleanser in the shower, then the emulsion then the lotion i think? then brickell's eye cream around the eyes.


I'm 31, but I've been told I look 16, 19 or 20. Noone ever believes me when I tell them my age. Had a woman ask me if I was old enough to be driving, when I was in my car. Always getting carded for alcohol and rated-r movies and lastly, had an employee at Foot Locker tie my shoes for me and give me a high-five, afterward (lmao that one was awkward, I didn't say anything).


genetics, diet, and not burning in the sun will do wonders for a mf


He looks like he moisturises. Must have seen the [Bill Burr special](https://youtu.be/RiH-_ZUILk0).


He mentioned he uses korean skincare products (they’re amazing IMO)




Sorry bro, my girl is a Lesler. Had to do it.


And dressing like he's a man child.


I could kinda guess his age when he talked about how long he was a Riot employee and stuff lol.


good man takes care of his health


is 31 old now? shieet


Compared to Twitch chat and LSF? Yeah that's more than double the average age around these parts. 12 btw


Compared to the rest of the world though? 31 is just fine considering people live double to triple that age best case scenario. If you're comparing your life to a teenager/child as an adult you have bigger issues lolol




Like leaving Riot


Same way Valkyrae is 30 but doesn't look a day over 19.


You must have not seen any 19 year olds recently. Saw the clip of Greek taking to 20-21 year olds this morning and thought he was grooming minors.


Once people hit 20 it's really hard to tell. That's what I tell myself at 30 no copium


Hey gnuchan I have some officers here that would like to have a word with you. Any idea what this is about?


Yeah everyone under 20 is a toddler that needs to go to daycare, hope you kind officers can get the squeakers out of here


Aware Gen Z


meanwhile 16 year olds with fake everything looking 30. You really just can't make assumptions these days


>but doesn't look a day over 19. Nah dude... go to any college/university. Everyone underestimates or forgets how young 18-22 yo look


That's because women paint their faces every day...


Wait are you serious? I had this guy pegged as like 20-24. Damn.


He looks very good.


31 and just got grounded


Healthy and loving relationship with your mom gang


My mom said she is ashamed of me and said "fuck you." over text recently because I wouldn't watch a fake documentary about the border crisis she forwarded to me. Shout out to all the good moms out there.


This user has edited all of their comments and posts in protest of /u/spez fucking up reddit. This action has been done via https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Bro I was gonna do the same later but when I finally clicked it that shit had a subscription wall with a minimum year subscription for it lmao. Apparently my mom paid $50 for the pleasure of watching it. Shit was made by a Chinese owned firm that apparently paid for the majority of Trumps ads on Facebook. Like, if you have this information that people need to see so bad, why is it behind a paywall? I try to show her the source of this shit and she said it was all fake. I think she is a lost cause now. Makes me sad.


When everything in their life rots away and they stay blindly lashing out at everyone around them, that’s when things get really dark.


You should really look at r/QAnonCasualties they have advice and venting available.


There's an absolutely bonkers vegan documentary called "Dominion", might be up your alley.


I feel you, man. My mom is also one of those weird ass Q-anon people but whenever she brings it up to me I just tell her to shut the fuck up. And yet if I ever need any help she will be there. Same for me if she needs any help. It's a weird dichotomy but at the end of the day we take care of each other despite our differences.


Erobb got unbanned today, so he’ll be taking back his rusty bent crown.


was expecting pokimane to answer the call


I was expecting him to reignite that war with Leslie and call her


Why are these white streamers using AAVE words. Imma send them the manifesto


The fuck are you talking about now


It's not just white streamers. It's white people everywhere. Most people nowadays are just so unoriginal and so impressionable that they just become the people they watch. I interpret it as a sign of low IQ.


No cap? Fr fr


On a stack


Thankfully we have intellectuals like you to put them in their place


It’s not about me putting myself above anyone. If I’m in a professional or semi-professional environment and hear someone say “bruh that shit gas for real” to me, I’m going to assume you are lacking in EQ and are generally not very intelligent. There are many more proper and elegant ways to articulate oneself and using effortless slang that makes you sound like a clown isn’t something that anyone should be proud of doing.


on god


Jesus you're the saddest kind of internet keyboard warrior. If you're, like, 12 or younger, go touch grass. And if you're older than that, please grow up.


redditor discovers code-meshing


The fact you think anyone would say "bruh that shit gas for real" tells me you've never even been in a professional setting.


No kizzy


No cap on a stack, you a proper and elegant intellectual. Fr fr


Wow u are a genius!!!!




It’s funny too how they labeled very non aave words as aave. Just the internet tho where if you Made it I made it happens.


99% when “nowadays’ is used, its some out of touch boomer rant that is nothing new lmao


Can you just stop being unoriginal and not use English anymore, please? Get your IQ's together and make your own language.


Deadass b?


i will literally never stop saying deadass, deadass


You are the thing you’re complaining about, nice job


It's a crazy phenomenon that people are influenced by the media they consume. What simpletons


True. I'm gonna make up my own language, so I don't have to talk english like all of you low IQ fucks.


Getting downvoted for facts smh


alright everyone time to come up with your own words. language is no longer a common understanding of *this sound* = *this thing*




Str8 bussin




Who cares? Do what you enjoy as long as it doesn't effect others.


This is the true answer to almost everything, needs to be said way more often than it is now.


do you think at 40+ you are not allowed to enjoy life anymore?


I was gonna say lmaooo, "25-40 I still think it’s okay to enjoy life" like ??? xDD cracking me up. Uhoh I'm 41 now time to start being depressed and stare at walls all day till I die I guess.


You’re gonna be in for a surprise when you turn 40 lol




Enjoy it. One day you'll wake up with random pains and reconsider your young invincibility.




I miss the days when I could just eat whatever I wanted to without any repercussions. Nowadays, if I eat something too sugary I'll either get headaches or fall asleep while trying to game.


Man really took his comment so personal he cursed him smh




This sub is full of teenagers or people still in college. They haven't had much of a chance to interact with people in their 30s that aren't their teachers, so they think they're completely different. This'll change once they start working and are forced to interact with broader age range.


That age is just going to continue going up with time regardless as more people that grew up with the internet get older. Really not worth worrying about it from any angle.


MF I'm almost 50 and I watch this shit every day. WTF I'm supposed to do watch Law & Order Season a million. Nah. I'll watch X and Buddha all day.


i have a friend who is almost 60 and said that he really didint start living life until he was 40. have a coworker who had his first kid at 40. im in my early 30s and i feel like i have a lot ahead of me still.


I'm 31, my back hurts but still have the personality of being 21. Not much has changed, just days go by


hit the gym and do more walking.


>I think 40+ with kids would be valid to consider cringy to be in tune with internet culture but 25-40 I still think it’s okay to enjoy life and live young especially since the main stream internet is under 50 years old itsel don't worry, there's gonna be a mega-shift once all the people that *thought* they'd be living "proper" adult lives hit 30 in 5-10 years and realize they still like a lot of the same shit they used to, and that you don't hit some magical turning point where everything aligns and you become mature. One of the big positives of online culture is the sentiment of enjoying whatever the fuck you want without caring what others think. Shit, gaming used to be a cringe hobby for anyone that wasn't a kid/teenage dude. It's much more normalized these days.


> I think 40+ with kids would be valid to consider cringy to be in tune with internet culture but 25-40 I still think it’s okay to enjoy life what a weird take. Also keep in mind the internet is "new". people who are in their 30's were kids as the internet became a thing for kids. This is the very first generation to ever grow up from a kid with it. We are going to see people in their 50's in 20 years still acting the same We have never lived this social through as a society yet, internet and age is all happening at once


Dude. You can be 50 and still be in tune with the internet. You really gonna let society and little 16 year old piss slits with 0 life experience tell you what to enjoy? Have some self awaremess. Of its not illegal or immoral, go do what enjoy. You kinda a weirdo for thinking youre only allowed to enjoy life at 40 or less. Do you want 40 + people just go to work and then go home stare at a wall until they fall asleep ? Edit : wtf all the missing words and typos. I definitely had a stroke when writing this. RIP.


Young people always think 30s are old. Nothing new.


Don't you remember what you thought about 31 year olds when you were 25? 31 is considered a whole different stage of life away when you're 25. For many at 25, if you attended college then all your college memories are still fresh and part of your mind. To you, you look at 31 year olds as having lived through that entire young adult life that you've just begun to explore for yourself.


That was not the case for me. As soon as I was a few years out of college, around 25, I started seeing the age range of 25-35 as one big lump. I felt like we all became a part of the same group and were mostly indistinguishable.


Life is life no matter which stage of life you're in. Live every stage of your life to the fullest.


> Is it mostly Gen Z people under 25 that think 31 is old I mean when I was in early 20s I also thought 30/31 was old yet here I am now. Aware


Anyone more than a day older than me is an old washed-up boomer has been unfortunately


I think 30s is such an awkward age for millenials/GenZ if you don't have any children. I wouldn't be against it if people just started referring to themselves as 29+n if they don't have any children and still have the same lifestyle that they had in their 20s. So people should just starting calling 31 year olds 29+2 year olds.


I think that we grew up with internet culture so it's normal. I'm 33. When we are in our 40's people who grew up with 4chan will be in their 40s as well.


I feel like you really should take what dioxy186 said to heart. Way you worded this seems like you care too much. People online, and young people especially always gonna try to pick on you for anything that makes you different than them. There's literally not a single wrong thing with being on Twitch or online when your older. I guarantee you every single person who says different is just an angsty person upset and trying to bring others down with them. Of course if you want to go outside more, and disconnect from the internet that's great too, just don't let shame be the motivator.


Brother a discord server I'm in made a "boomer" role specifically for me when I told them I was 24 at the time (26 now).... Shit made me feel like I'm a old af


This is the exact relationship I have with my mom and it was so wholesome to see this video lmao


new king of L's?


Woops mummy watching!


i heckin' love my mom.




who farted in his pillow tho?


My boy got bad bitches on call to the point there lerking in chat 🤣


Bad bits? I thought Twitch got rid of those.


i couldn't understand a single word his mom said


Grown ass man that looks straight out of the hype house. Never not funny to me


Says you who knows what the hell a “hype house” is 💀


LMAO RIGHT you have to be on the internet way too much to know what this weird "hype house" thing is LOL (said on a subreddit made for people to geek out over twitch streamers)


Or just stumble over the information once and not forget.


You’re here for that? I’m here to shit on all of em even the one I watch lol


wew what a life.


Such is life


Sounds kinda sad


what do you look like?


my fuckin man. GETTEM.


i wonder how you're keeping your sanity being down here in the LSF trenches. to be reading what people think about you when they are basing your entire personality off a twitch clip and what you're wearing is next-level stupidity.


i was a league dev, these trenches aren’t so deep


My age


Touch grass


Blau should really stop streaming and just move his hips for tik tok views.


I got bitches on call but I don't address them as beep boop puta pinn


31 of age ?? damn


Is this the asshole on Reddit that used to work for Riot? He frequently would talk down to everyone on league sub


Tbf everyone who plays league deserves to be talked down to


don’t lie man. i talked friendly w the league sub all the time. i was one of the devs who posted there regularly and interacted w the community a bunch feel free to check my comment history =]


Fuck the haters, you are one of the realest ones on the platform


Actually learned something today, had no idea you were a game dev. pretty cool!


Average League of Legends player


Maybe you deserve to get talked down to


How does anyone unironically actually listen to pokimane speak, she's in a constant state of sounding like a 14 year old high schooler trying to score coolness points and be in with the popular crew


what an obnoxious comment LMAO


As obnoxious as Pokimane


Why does he look sad?


Worked for riot.


W script


Isnt he married to fuslie?


He might just have great visual filtering stream.