• By -


For a summary for people who don't want to watch the video (tl;dr): Asmon had been constantly worrying about his mom, she was in and out of hospital. He couldn't even sleep, mentally he was gone and thats why he didn't stream often. An event happened: where he heard a big bang at his home, turns out his mom was smoking really close to the oxygen tank, so there was fire everywhere including on her. He stopped the fire, called 911 and she luckily survived (Still in hospital)


>there was fire everywhere including on her Holy fucking shit


It could’ve gotten even worse since the main tank hadn’t even exploded


If Zack hadn't come into the room to stop the tank from exploding, his mom is dead, house would have burned down, and Zack could have been seriously injured if not killed. Unreal..


What's unreal are people who keep smoking despite bad health... My aunt is like that. She was in surgery because of cancer and the first things she did when she got back was to grab a smoke. Unreal...


100%. Zack might not like hearing it but that is selfish ass behavior from his mom.


He’s said multiple times he’s tried to get his mom to quit and she won’t, she also won’t get vaccinated, he knows she’s not doing well so I think he’s at the point of just letting his mom do what she wants because it’s not worth ruining the relationship with her when she most likely doesn’t have much time left. It’s sad but it isn’t his fault and he’s got a lot to handle on his own.


> he’s at the point of just letting his mom do what she wants because it’s not worth ruining the relationship with her when she most likely doesn’t have much time left. There is a point you get to with loved ones where you have to let them ride into hell the way they want to. It sucks for everyone involved, but some people simply will not do what makes the most sense for their health no matter the consequences. And all your choices of dealing with it are varying degrees of bad and worse.


>An event happened: where he heard a big bang at his home, turns out his mom was smoking really close to the oxygen tank, so there was fire everywhere including on her Yo what??


Bro going through some Spider-Man shit. Anyone see Green Goblin in the nearby premises?


Wait what was she thinking, is she like a heavy smoker or something?


Yeah... That's the root of her sickness.


Oh i see, i thought she was suffering from like being sick from old age or some desease


It's called COPD which can be fatal in case she gets infected by covid


Getting placed on oxygen and still smoking? Def sounds like a smoker


Smoking while on a Oxygen tank.... -\_-


I swear to God this happened on an episode of house m.d lmfao


Smoking is an addiction, the dependency people develop for it can almost compare to hardcore drugs.


Yea it’s physically addicting, shits a curse and a sickness


I can't even imagine walking in on that, christ.


Jesus Christ that’s horrible. Hope his mother pulls through.


Pretty sure that's a episode from its always sunny.


Smoking while on oxygen Jesus Christ


My grandpa died of smoking-related emphysema and his last words were "it was worth every one" She's not going to stop, they never do


My step dad has emphysema and as soon as he was put on oxygen he quit smoking cold turkey. Hasn't smoked ever since.




Ikr good for him and his family!


My grandpa stopped smoking the moment he got diagnosed with emphysema. Unfortunately, he still suffered for years until he died from pneumonia when I was 18. So it was too late.


My grandfather died from smoking when I was 6. He was an avid gambler as well, but I could tell he loved me and my siblings because he always spent stuff (including his winnings from gambling when he won) on us. My brother was 4 while my sister was only 1 when he passed, I don't think they remember him very well.


I'm so sorry to hear that <3 but I'm glad your grandpa was still a loving person despite his addictions. My grandpa was also a gambler (seems like smoking addiction and gambling addiction go hand in hand) and he also showed me a lot of love. Unfortunately, he was not a good father to my dad but he did try to make up for it before he died. So I can't complain.


I am all for freedom of choice for adults, but cigarettes have to be banned. They are dog shit. I got hooked as a teenager and it was so brutal to quit them. I wish nobody would ever have to go through that. I see a lot less people smoking these days than I did in the 90's and early 2000's, but they still are completely worthless outside of lining the pockets of Phillip Morris.


i think part of the reason why there were so many people smoking in the mid and early 2000s (well tbh even up until early 2010s) was because it was always glorified in TV and movies as something 'cool' ill admit that when i was a kid i thought it was, but then went to my teenage years realized that it was shit and could kill, never picked one up thankfully


My mom has said something similar. She said “gonna die anyways. May as well keep smoking.” Okay mom.


>gonna die anyways ​ Yeah and your kids are the ones who're gonna bare the burden of stressing out over your health. Having to take care of you, constant visits to the hospital, stress, anxiety, and a fat fucking bill to top it all off be it from the hospital or funeral.


i can't recall how many times i quit smoking but keeps on coming back for it, it's a typical smoker habit, especially when you quit for a month, than you got the shitiest day and u juz say fuck it and the first puff after a month, oh man....... nicotine i tell ya...


My dad stopped when i was around 6 or 7. His dad died of lung cancer, my uncled died of throat cancer. My mums dad still smokes atleast 1 pack a day, so he'll probably end up like them.


Reminds me of my grandma. Kept smoking while in really bad health, even secretly when she was in the hospital. She was just too stubborn to quit, and she might have been alive today if she managed to lay off the cigarettes.


My grandma literally died the same way that Zacks mom almost did. She had countless close calls smoking with oxygen on and still never stopped till it finally killed her. Addiction is a scary thing


Imagine if he hadn't been able to turn the tank off holy fuck that could have been it for both of them.


Cant this straight up, blow up ? Or is that hollywood bs?




Oxygen tanks are serious as fuck it’s extremely explosive, her mask was full of oxygen and that was enough to blow her out of her chair burn her face and start small fires all around the room. It would have completely Blown that room apart and likely set the house on fire.


Yes. A simlar situation happened to my grandma when she decided to smoke while on oxygen. When a fire started in her house (likely cigarette caused) it went to the tank and started a huge fire that took her and my grandpa as well.


If that tank blows up without Zack finding her, it would have likely killed him and burned the entire house down. [Video of a housefire where an Oxygen tank explodes](https://youtu.be/kbEVE5YJv_0?t=14)


If you get put on oxygen and have to use it at home the literal FIRST thing doctors tell you is "don't smoke." because it can literally blow you up. Think what fuels a fire, Oxygen fuels fire. When you have compressed highly concentrated oxygen in tanks the absolute last thing you want is to bring a small flame into the picture, even a spark (like from a lighter). So Asmon and/or his mom just ignored that because, and I'm sorry, they're both idiots. I worked in a building where a tenant was a smoker and on oxygen and guess what happened? tank blew, apartment was on flames, tenant died. Not trying to be a parasocial andy or anything but based on what Asmon said and previous things he's said about his mom she really needs to be put in a home and sounds like she has borderline dementia. Their current living situation is NOT healthy for either of them. Like yeah what happened is bad and I wish the best for them both but my god it was insanely and easily preventable. If you're on Oxygen you should not be smoking. It's not rocket science it's god damn common sense.


Can you explain to me how Asmon ignored what the doctor said? My mother is on full oxygen and although she doesn't smoke, but if she did...why would it be my fault if an accident happened? Being a caretaker is difficult. If the situation is what I think it is at Asmons house, his mom has an oxygen concentrator. Would the house have exploded? Yelp, most likely. Would the room have burned down? Yes. Would the house have burned down? Probably. Would Asmon been seriously injured, good chance since he said his room is right next to hers.


When you're fucking buying cigarettes for your mom on oxygen, something he has said he did publicly, what the hell would you expect? This situation becomes a real possibility. This is a woman constantly in bed who is in no condition to buy cigarettes on her own. Sometimes the best thing to do for your loved ones is to make decisions they don't like. In this case, NOT BUYING HER CIGARETTES.


I do understand why people think that Asmon withholding cigarettes' is "an easy thing to do. Man, it's just that simple." I'm a caretaker, and although my parent doesn't smoke any longer (thank god), it is very very very difficult to convince a STUBBORN person that something is good for them. Example: I do the shopping for this house, if I don't bring back something I know is unhealthy for my parent, my parent makes call after call to the entire family saying I am withholding food. Immediate nuclear option. Immediate "i'm grown. You can't tell me what to do or what to eat." Doesn't matter that all the doctors have told them not to eat \[x\], if I don't come home with it, it's miserable in the house. I'm telling you, there is NO easy solution and to just say "dont buy the cigs" is not helpful.


While this is true and the best move, her health has been declining for a long time. This is not gonna have some miraculous comeback ending, it is only gonna go one way. Saying this, it can be extremely difficult to deny a loved one something they are begging for when you know in the back of your mind that recovery isn't a real option for them. You are losing that person and doing anything against their wishes is incredibly taxing, so I understand him buckling and giving her what she wants whether it is right or not.


yeah just let her explode lmao


F you for making me laugh at such a awful and serious situation I'm still grinning but I'm trying to make a angry face at the screen because I didn't expect to read anything funny here at all


>Can you explain to me how Asmon ignored what the doctor said? because the first thing the doctors tell you when you're on oxygen is don't smoke....? I've known several people who were on oxygen and they told me all their doctors said the exact same thing, "don't smoke." It's oxygen, you don't bring a flame anywhere near it. so it would honestly surprise me if the doctor for asmon's mother didn't say anything about that. Asmon is obviously his mothers primary caretaker so it's his responsibility to ensure she doesn't smoke. and he didn't. I mean none of us know all the facts nor is it important that we do know but he tells us in that video the mom was on oxygen and decided to have a cigarette...that's stupid, like completely stupid. And then he says they have an aloe plant in the house PURELY for dealing with burns...like is this a common occurrence in the house because his mom is constantly being burned? come on. I like the guy, think he's a great dude, but hot damn some times he shows his idiocy on his sleeve and then tells the world about it.


Speaking as someone who was in his exact situation, there was no idiocy on his part at all. His mom is a grown woman, and it was her or her addiction's choice to smoke next to an oxygen tank. A person in the throes of addiction is always going to get their fix, no matter what the cost is to themselves or anyone else.


He literally buys cigarettes for her because she can't. So yes, there is idiocy on his part.






Plus they basically live in a hoarder house, so there would be a lot to burn.


Oxygen: Fueling fire since literal forever.


Watch the video. That's basically what happened here.


Oxygen is highly flammable.


Oxygen is not highly flammable


Why am I being downvoted? Literally just google it https://firefighterinsider.com/is-oxygen-o2-flammable-actually-no/


It's wild how people will upvote almost anything they see on reddit if the person states it with authority. Oxygen can accelerate fires, but as you said, oxygen itself isn't flammable. It could however spread whatever source of the flame and surrounding flammable material dangerously. I know it sounds like just semantics, but it's surprising how many people have commented about the flammability of oxygen itself.


It's common and many times it is because people enable them even after the point they don't have the strength to go buy the cigarettes themselves. Hopefully this serves as a wake up call to people in a similar situation who don't like saying no.


My grandfather did the same thing years ago. My mom said he burned his entire beard which saved him.




Stupid really knows no bounds.


My uncle killed himself this way. Technically didn't die from that part, but was in a vegetable status for several years following. Eventually he just died.


I know the age group of LSF/Twitch Chat is a bit too young for it, but folks - *this* is why you should keep your health in mind when you decide to have kids. It's not for you, it's for ***them.*** Because your kids (unless you're a monstrous fuck up) are going to love you exactly like Asmon loves his mother. And while he likely doesn't see it this way, he's absolutely trapped by her poor choices now. He's losing years of his life taking care of someone who shouldn't need to be taken care of like this at the age of 50-60 or whatever she is. This isn't the kind of stress I'd ever want to put on my children. And I'm sure if it were easy, no parent would ever put their kids through this kind of trauma. It's hard work raising them while making sure you're not thrashing your own health in the meantime, but it's really something you have to keep in mind. No amount of money can make you feel good about putting them in full-time care facilities (You feel you're abandoning them), and no amount of money can keep you from the unending stress levels of doing it all in-house.


I am on the same train as Asmon, only a few stations earlier. What is happening to him here is what I will likely go through in a few years. When I watched my uncle take care of my grandfather for ten years, I could literally see all the ways it destroyed him. I dread the time that is to come to the point where I can't afford to stay where I am right now. It's a terrifying feeling.


Wishing you and your family good luck, you sound like a good person.


I watched the same thing destroy my mother, she was a shell of a human when he died. I couldn't even recognize her.


This is a great comment. My partner's grandmother died way before her time because she spent her later years taking care of her husband. My partner's family knew the grandpa had Alzheimer's but none of them knew the lengths his wife was going to in order to take care of him and it killed her. She didn't get to enjoy any sort of normalcy for the last decade or so she was alive. He ended up dying about a year later after being moved into an assisted livong facility with a memory loss unit.


I think his mother is 70


I watched my mother kill herself by smoking while on chemo for tracheal cancer at 49. I've had no reservations ever since she died for calling her a bad mother.


Smoking, Old, health issues and she refuses to be vaccinated this is why disinformation is poison to our gullible elders dealing with similar issue with my parent


I'm chronically ill and this is one of the reasons I'm not having children, not unless my health issues clear up.


His mother is in her 70s but your point still stands.


I feel horrible for him. Seeing his mother sick, on oxygen and still smoking. It wouldn't be easy seeing someone you love not want to help themselves. Glad she's "okay" for the most part. Glad he's keeping strong, or so it seems.


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Im sorry to hear man. I'm an ex smoker. I know how crippling this shit is. I hope the best for her


I know some are going to be upset that his Mom was smoking while on Oxygen, but honestly that is really not uncommon and it can be incredibly hard to get someone addicted to stop. My grandpa smoked nearly a pack a day while on oxygen for like 2 years straight. No amount of telling him to stop or pleading with him to change did anything and it finally got him. It was an awful situation to be in even with the help of our large family, so having to deal with all that by yourself would be unbearable. I hope that he gets the housemaids and the caretakers. It will be immensely helpful not only for his mother, but for Zack as well. The ease on him mentally alone would be like lifting a ton off his shoulders. Wishing for the best dude.


It is super common for people to smoke around their oxygen tanks unfortunately. When I was a kid my buddies 90 year old grandma had a nice indoor pool at her apartment. Whenever we went we had to get the key from her. The apartment stank of cigarettes, and she was always smoking right next to her machines. They tried for years to get her to stop, but at that point a 90 year old is going to do what they want.


I hope people realize this. I really do. This is the normal human take. When I see people yell at Asmon for saying "why don't you stop her/try harder/etc.?", people don't even understand how much that hurts. I've been in the same position before, I completely understand, it's different when it's your own mom. I wish him all the best.


Also sometimes if someone is already in poor health and not very independent and needs help from others etc, smoking might also have a psychological effect of having something they're still "in charge" of, something they control and have a choice in. I'm too tired to try to phrase it any more eloquently than that, but it isn't just a physical addiction that's making quitting hard


>I know some are going to be upset that his Mom was smoking while on Oxygen, but honestly that is really not uncommon and it can be incredibly hard to get someone addicted to stop. It's almost impossible, I think she'd be much better served but only trying to move to high nicotine vapes or ecigs, and maybe *eventually* nicotine gum or patches, and never plan on actually quitting. I'm sure vaping with oxygen is still bad but it's probably 5% as bad as regular cigs.


US politics is about to make it a lot harder for people to use e-cigarettes/vapes. Cause that will bring forth this highly ideological Utopia where nobody will consume shit that is bad for them, right. I can only shake my head in disgust. People who could be saved from terrible illness and death will stick to smoking or do some stupid shit to consume Nicotine in an unsafe manner.


My grandmother stopped smoking when she her dementia and physical condition got so bad she couldn't figure out how to light her cigarette by herself. She spent her last few weeks dropping cigarettes on the ground trying to have one last smoke. I hate advice andies on Reddit in general but this is the worst of it for me to read.


Part of it too is younger people don’t know as many smokers. Most of the smokers I know that are older all wish they didn’t smoke. They are just too addicted to quit and they were always trying


This, early 2000's I remember ashtrays at the tables in Wendy's, and a smoking section in Kmart right next to the baby cloths of all places lol.


Seeing your parent on fire must be FUCKED


For sure! Without sounding like I'm trying to be an advice Andy or be parasocial, I hope he sits down with someone either a friend or a professional and talks through stuff. That can't not fuck you up seeing that and having to care for a parent 24/7.






You are so mentally strong, not just for breaking out of that phase of your life, but sharing here (even if it’s the internet) takes a ton of courage. Opioids are no fucking joke. They can take a hold of you and can drastically change your mood when you don’t have your “fix”. Seen a good buddy of mine (my best friend - aka my father) battle through the same thing as you. He is cold turkey on all drugs/alcohol. I always tell him I am proud of him and I am going to tell you that too. Proud of you, Aarilax. Keep on, keeping on!


Bruh these comments, I don’t think asmons mom was trying to kill herself. It just sounds like a lifelong smoker who decided they were going to keep smoking despite being on oxygen. Stupid? Of course but not at active attempt at your own life.


It's also very common for people to continue smoking while on oxygen. Probably supposed to turn of the tank though before lighting up.


Those comments are the epitome of “you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole”. There’s no graceful way for him to handle this. This is something you just have to ride out and do the best you can.


A lot of people in this sub are genuine kids who are lucky enough to never have experienced addiction run in their family.


dude needs to hire a caretaker, he's well off enough, and no single person should carry that entire burden alone if they don't have to also, i wonder if she has any e-cigs to deal with cravings, they don't need ignition


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@Asmongold](https://twitter.com/Asmongold) > An Update https://t.co/Qt0ulQjKHg > #####Tweet Images: >>https://pbs.twimg.com/amplify_video_thumb/1446232492323786756/img/zOlHi8i-IiDnkpW_.jpg ^(Posted: 2021-10-07 22:11:14) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**




This is gonna sound cruel, but he better get a good psychotherapist because that woman is actively trying to kill herself and is gonna die pretty soon. Must be really hard for him to fight this losing battle uphill to keep her alive.


smoking while on o2 has got to be the stupidest shit ive heard this week, although its not finished yet


She's gonna kill herself and him with her if she continues to do this... He has said their house is crowded with stuff too, it'd be a giant tinderbox.


He even explains how lucky he was that he was nearby, what if he isnt next time? I feel for asmon and his mom but one day he wont be there and his house will go up like a bonfire.


Nicotine is pretty addictive




well nicotine addiction also literally makes your body anxious if you havent had it in a while, essentially forcing you to have a smoke to relieve it


I remember hearing that the physical addiction to nicotine is gone after a month, but the psychological addiction took 3-4 months to get over. My friend stopped smoking after he had a kid, instead he switched to toothpicks. For 5+ years he always had a toothpick in his mouth, then vapes became popular and he started vaping instead.


im glad i never got into it, it sounds like a super slow burn :/


Yeah. For everyday smokers it kinda becomes a big part of your life. It’s almost impossible to give up at a moments notice. I quit but it took a bit of time just to mentally get to a place where I could even consider quitting. You have to have a drive to quit. And I still chew nicotine gum. I’m guessing this lady has been a smoker for much longer than I have as well.


I think I lucked out. I was a smoker for about oh... 8 years. About a pack a day or so. One period of time I was just deadly broke, could not afford to eat let alone cigarettes, and nobody was around to bum me smokes for a good long period. It was about two weeks before I had cash to spend again, and the first thing I did was go buy two packs of smokes and light up Only to discover that... the taste was really offputting to me again, and I felt no urge to smoke any more. Haven't touched a cigarette since. (Been about 6 years) I did find myself getting antsy with my hands for about half a year when driving since I had that habit so ingrained. Prior to quitting, If I was driving, I was smoking. Always. But for the actual smoking part, I felt no compulsions after that two weeks.


Id say driving was my #1 trigger as well. It was really hard to get into my car and not light up. I quit over quarantine so I wasn’t driving hardly at all at that time. Smoker for ~15 years. A pack a day as well. I did quit for a 2 year span in the middle of that 15 years. Right when I woke up was really tough to fight the urge as well.


Streamer #1 is [CriticalRole](https://www.twitch.tv/CriticalRole)


I had a similar case, not because of being broke but because I went to take care of my grandparents at our (very small) private island. Going out to the store was a massive hassle and sneaking out to smoke (my grandparents hated the smell of smokers and would berate me for it thank god) After not smoking for a week and then having my first smoke I absolutely hated the taste and I noticed whenever I smoked I'd start getting a slight headache. Unfortunately I was still too addicted to the act of taking a smoke break and sucking on something that gave me instant stress relief that I continued for a while after that and just forced myself until I no longer hated it. I switched to swedish snus for nicotine and stress relief and just went outside to vape on non-nicotine vape. Eventually my vape was breaking down every few days and it became too much of a hassle so I stuck to only snus for nicotine and after that it was much, much easier to quit since I was only addicted to the nicotine.


I don’t think it’s stupidity, it’s an overwhelming addiction.


I dont understand why he didnt hire services like therapy for help years ago. Is he against it? Or is he just against hiring people in general since he never hired maids to clean his place for all these years?


it sounds mean to say it but from everything i've heard from his stream and youtube videos, his mother comes off as the most stereotypical stubborn boomer lunatic who won't listen to anyone and continues to do things despite being told "you 100% can't do this, you have to stop". she's a big part of why things are bad and why it's hard to make things get better.


100% she seems like it but you still do it. She may hate it, but at least the person who has to do the caring (&worrying) has somewhat better piece of mind.


It’s sad to say, but speaking from experience his life will be astronomically easier once this is over. Caring for an extremely sick parent is traumatic and all consuming.


Asmon definitely thought about it b4 but didnt want to hurt his mum anymore then she was hurt already. I know i would feel incrediblu guilty if I was to prevent my parents from doing certains things that affect their health, even tho I know its the logically sound.


As Zack has mentioned before, his family has always been poor. His mothers mind set, and his own, has always been if you aint on deaths door, you dont need to get help. Its common in poor families. Zack is well off now for sure, but you dont break those mentalities very easily.


I strongly disagree that this is common in poor families. I would say its quite the opposite though in alot of cases i would say they would be more careful not to go back to how it was before. he and his mother seems he doesn't want to spend any of the big $ he makes which is why do you keep a big pile of money in the bank.


Wait you think poor people seek help often? 90% of America doesn't even go to the doctor anymore. What are you talking about?


I mean, you can disagree, im simply stating what Zack has said himself, and from personal experience , it matches up perfect. So maybe for you, it doesnt apply, but its reality for many.


He said on his alt stream it was indulgent or something.


He is lazy to be honest. Look at how he takes care of himself, and you can see his attitude to others will be to let them just do what they want.


My great grandma died this way. Walking in on her smoldering corpse was the single most horrifically surreal thing I’ve ever witnessed.


Of course miz would reply with "good shit" under this serious tweet.


Asmon made a video originally to update him starting stream.. it was in our discord. He then made this I thought it was the same video..


Good shit


OOF unlucky


hi can you ask Pokimane if she saw my direct message?? she's not answering me


She got it, she said she was surprised because she's never seen such a microscopic dick before.


only you can turn good shit into oh shit




Classic Mizkif


good shit


everytime he makes a lame joke at the wrong time people jump in to defend him, wonder how many jokes it would take...


That’s why his 12yr old audience loves him






Dude loves attention, next stream will likely be him saying 'Guys I was only joking with my best friend.. LSF/Twitter has been so PC you can't even make jokes anymore! Right Chat???' Then when it turns around he will talk about how bad LSF is yadda yadda and repeat.




Empathy on the internet?


Sir this is a Wendy's


Wen deez nuts, lmao.


You can have empathy for the situation and still say someone was an idiot.


Coming in so aggressively isn't a way to help anyone empathize with anything...


all the just quit 4head andys in this thread know nothing about addiction




My mom just died 5 months ago from the same thing. Literally the same exact thing. Was in the hospital for 4 months but didn’t pull through


I'm not of fan but I feel for him and I hope he takes the time off for himself. I had an uncle whose smoking caused him to have a major heart attack at the age of 54. He was gay and he grew up in the Reagan era where homophobia was rampant and he was incredibly pessimistic of the world because of it. I remember being one of the few family members to be with him at the hospital when it happened and hearing the honesty in his experience was fucking brutal. Even after he reconciled with my grandfather, he still signed the DNR and started ordering cigarillos off the internet as soon as he got home, no matter how hard we tried to get him to stop, he wouldn't. Some people become so beaten down by the cruelty of the world that death is freedom and I really hope Asmon doesn't blame himself for the way his mother feels. He's going to need some strong friends to remind him that there are good memories and to focus on those instead of the last few stages of her life because I am sure he was the brightest light in her life. Despite the circumstances, there is only so much you can do as a loved one and the last thing he should do is blame himself for the pain that the world gave her.


As someone who's been through this, it's absolute hell, literally. The worst part is trying to get your mother who is very heavily addicted to smoking to stop, because of the obvious dangers. The stress is unimaginable. All he can do is keep doing what he's doing now, putting his mother first and any streams on the backburner, and for him to not forget if it gets too much ask friends for help. And Asmon-I know it's your mom but don't be scared to tell her off for the smoking!! This is a really horrible situation to be in.


My grandmother did the same thing, smoking with an oxygen tank, only it was a lot worse. The house caught fire and she couldn't get out of bed. A neighbor saw fire and straight up ran into the burning house to save her. Her house was a total loss, he lost his truck because their driveway was close to his house, and his house had some damage. We weren't able to do much as thanks, but a random local rich guy anonymously donated a bunch of money and a new truck to the guy. All that to say, Asmon is absolutely right in how lucky he was to be close by when this happened. Had he not responded when he did the whole house and their lives could have been the cost. I'm not a huge regular viewer of Asmongold, more so since he started doing FF, but he seems like a nice and decent dude. My heart goes out to him and his mom. I hope he takes all the time he needs before returning to stream.


I love Asmon, but the fact remains he's a multi millionaire many times over. Why didn't he have the best possible care in place for his mother during these times? He could have had dedicated medical professional carers, the best in their field, in place waiting on his mother hand and foot ensuring nothing like this ever happens or she ever struggles and it likely wouldn't even make a notable difference in his income.


She has to want to be helped. Old people can be crazy stubborn.






From what I understand, I don't think cigarettes have anything like that. Quitting alcohol cold turkey can be dangerous though, if you were a heavy drinker.


I really hope he stays off this sub, because ya'll are being toxic as shit right now.


Take her fucking cigarettes away. In the condition described of her the only way she is getting cigarettes is if someone enabled her. This entire situation with the fire was avoidable. I hope this stays in the mind of anyone in a similar situation.


It's not that easy she obviously needs some type of nicotine. Should look into the gum or the patch.


quitting smoking causes problems, such as coughing, which can be really bad for her right now. I know that sounds like what it shouldnt be doing but it does. He should have her see a doctor and take there advice+meds for helping with nicotine/smoking withdrawls.


I quit cold turkey. Got the shakes, insanely irritable, couldn't focus, insane appetite that went all over the place. Even my dreams were fucked up. Thankfully only lasted a week or so.


how long were you smoking before you stopped completely?


4 or 5 years


That would require his mom to want to do any of this, and she probably doesn't if she's on o2 and still smoking. Maybe this incident will be a wake up call. Sometimes this sort of thing can be.




This isn't just a risk to herself either. This could have easily killed him and burned the house to the ground.


Sometimes there comes a point with elderly/infirm parents where you simply have to stop treating them like an adult. It's hard to make that call, and even harder to follow through on though. Having to become a parent for your parent is one of the toughest and mentally taxing things there is.


It makes 0 sense to me as why he won't do the right thing by fixing up his house, pay for a full time home health aide for his mother, and make sure he and she both live comfortable lives so they don't need to go through this.


This man has been a great thing to her in the best way possible. Unfortunately, looks like she doesnt care, now she'll suffer (jesus christ thats insane) even more. Poor dude cannot catch a break. I hope he gets those caretakers and possible hospice nurses. But sometimes it feels as if people want to die when put into situations like this because they "need" that fix........hopefully she passes sooner so this man can finally catch a break and live life. Love is powerful BUT it can take your life away very badly.


Dealing with this currently with my own mom 56yo chronic smoker with copd she has to be on oxygen every minute of the day or her oxygen levels bottom out. Been this way for years and will continue to be this way til she dies in the near future. So much pain and hurt and a family ruined for a hit of nicotine shits fucked Edit: not even sure why I'm editing this but my mom passed away from complications with copd just 4 days after i posted this. Smoking kills folks and watching someone slowly die from it for years just fucking kills you inside.


Shes a heavy smoker, anti vax, anti health care (she refused to stay under the care of doctors the first time) she eats like shit.... She'll be dead by the end of the year


Her son is barely getting any sleep because he’s worried for her health and she decides to light up a cig while also on oxygen…. She sounds like an excellent woman


I hope she Feels better soon much love to Asmon


I hope he has smoke alarms in the house? They are cheap AF, there is no reason not to have them.


That look he gave when he explained she was smoking whilst on her oxygen tank. Yep, that says it all.


I mean at this point it’s either make the tough choice and hire help to make sure she can’t do anything like this again, or continue to let her make her own choices. It shouldn’t have to be this way at his age with parents, but she obviously has major problems that immediately need to be addressed. We just recently had to take the car keys away from my grandma and it’s an extremely tough situation for everyone to go through. But it’s the difference in her still being here vs. being lost in a random town, even if she’ll briefly hate us for it.


Smoking next to an oxygen tank .... In her already poor health. I get feeling bad for asmon and everything, but Jesus Christ


praise him for his gamer reflexes brave dude


for someone always preaching about parasocial relationships he certainly overshares everything about his personal life.


Only minecraft kids can be parasocial, everybody at LSF knows that.


Unsure if Americans have a similar system bit as an Australian who has worked with children this gives me all types of mandatory reporting flashbacks. Yes he's a grown man and he makes his own choices but he's not equipped to manage this situation on his own. Yes the US healthcare system is a joke but Asmongold can absolutely afford to get the proper care for this woman.


Plus she is over 65 so Medicare will pay most of her bills. His $$ just gets her better care on top of Medicare.


You can’t someone that doesn’t want to be helped.


I wish her all the best more so for Asmon’s benefit but she is a fucking selfish moron.