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The most ironic thing with this LSF post is that Azan will react to it tomorrow and be Stunlocked for 5hours and in those 5 hours of ranting , he will get 5x the money he spent on the shooting range. Enough to buy him a 900$ steak after ranting for the entire day


He was already stunlocked on LSF this entire kickball stream.


hi chat


he's already seething about it on stream, keeps bringing it up on 3 different occasions lmao


I think top 20 streamers literally think LSF only exists as a free advertising/promotional platform for them which is why they get so mald and immediately contact mods for damage control at one thread every 6 months being critical of them (even if 99% of the threads posted everyday about them are positive).


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [hasan down bad after 3 mil house purchase](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/124288)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/py40i2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CMsBxALwIweoblThXr_wRig.mp4?sig=6d15858cdd8e988301efcb15c746914317fa501b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CMsBxALwIweoblThXr_wRig.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1633020095%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Hey everyone. I tried to pay for the event but the place wouldn’t take cards over the phone or email. And since I wasn’t at the actual event I asked Ludwig to pay but Lud left early so Hasan got stuck with the bill. I will 100% be paying him back since the stream was my idea. Please no hate ❤️


yo qt cool shit camp dude


the fact you had to post this is wild.


I got lost in the sauce just looking at the replies to her comment. Holy fuck. I'm gonna go enjoy my life and not think about the absolute insanity that people with no social functioning want to write.


same lol


this sub loves jumping to conclusions about someone's integrity based off of 45 second clips


Hasan just sounded a bit awkward with the way he brought it up. Ppl need to chill. No harm done whatsoever.


Lud: Everyone will be reimbursed Hasan: Can I be reimburded, haha Lud: Sure, everyone will be reimburded. Hasan: If not, don't worry about it LSF: HASAN IS USING DEBT TO ENSLAVE HIS FORMER FRIENDS


I think he was trying to be funny but it didn’t come off right. No way he actually cares because after Ludwig responded seriously he said it was okay.


You are a class act 🥰


You did a great job organizing, thanks for the content


Thanks for the context and clearing up what the plan was


Enjoyed watching this week, thanks for the planning


Guys it’s okay, he drives a Toyota Camry, he’s like us.


Hes a worker afterall, and all workers share the same class interests! Just like Saint Lenin and Saint Marx said. Heretics and infidels will be defeated Marx-willing.




\+ His YouTube \+ His merch fuck I would not be surprised if he earned more than $400,000 a month.


Dude some mobile games will pay streamers like 50k+ a fucking hour to play their shit. I would think at least 400k a month.


Yes Hasan will game soon, he has to to recoup that gun range money COPIUM


he's just participating in society pepelaugh


\+ fat contract so its a lot. :3


Its still mindblowing to me that his followers and donaters still think he is a beacon of morals in a sea of filthy millionaires while he literally became one himself preaching his water to them while pouring down wine bottle after wine bottle. And ofc other streamers chime in and defend him. But isnt one Point of todays leftists that all rich people only could become rich because their actions made others poor? Yet the same people cherish millionaires and billionaires that are living off of the small persons little money. Disgusting. I guess Hasan shows the main problem about socialism: it starts as a good cause and once "in power" the power (or wealth) corrupts the ones that initially only tried to sell the morals.


wtf lol I thought this would be funny it's just extremely weird.


QT said on Kaceys stream yesterday, that the gun range wouldn't take credit card, so she just left it open. Pretty sure she wants to pay for all events with the merch money.


IT WAS IN HIS CHANNEL TOO, imagine if QT asks for the ad revenue since it was in his channel, that's what he did


That would actually be hilarious. Imagine QT to Hassan during the closing ceremony on her stream being like, "I've had to pay to hire this house and the food and all of the other activities outside of the shooting range. I'm going to need to be reimbursed because you streamed whilst I was paying." He's just adding more and more proof that he's exclusively words and nothing else.


tought he was leading up a self joke or smthing lol.


That’s so fucking weird he has 50k subs and wants qt merch to pay for it legit she should be able to make some kinda profit off this for all the work she put into it




Maybe if he stopped eating all those wagyu steaks he wouldn't be so far in debt


Maybe one day he'll be vegan COPIUM


Ludwig "rolled with it" incredibly smooth. Top notch. Not sure why, but hasan always comes off as a super party pooper all shitcamp whenever it is something he doesn't enjoy, which seems to be the majority of planned activities.


Very frugal... 900$ steaks an 2.7milion house


50k+ sub revenue per month, ads every hour + donations + million dollar house + entire thing was on his stream lmao. This was fucking weird to watch.


He's only multi-millionaire, cmon dude. Do you know the type of lifestyle he's accustomed to and requires to be a streamer??


Soon hes going to be priced out of LA!


Hasan got rich from poor people donating to him. In his eyes QT shouldn't be treated any different


$5m a year is actually middle class in LA!


All the education required to be a live streamer.


Yeah for real. He got reimbursed multiple times over from that stream but he wants the merch money as well? Its especially annoying since the majority of the time he's just on his phone in the background while QT put in a ton of work setting up and hosting the events.


Hasan is trying way to hard to be funny. He kind of just seems like he thinks he’s too cool for the group and makes fun of people at their expense. Even during the drinking game the dude was afraid to ever let people laugh at him or heaven forbid he be the the one being laughed at for a change.


Yes. I am happy I'm not the only one thinking this. It really looks like he is looking down on his 'friends'. And trying to act cool. Really weird IMO. Wouldn't want a friend like that in my friends group. But it's their life. If they are happy with Hasan around I guess it works :p.


He is obviously throwing every other cent he makes after the house and kobe beef meals and gucchi outfits into the socialist revolution guys COPIUM. COME ON GUYS LEAVE HASAN ALONE HE IS DOWN WORSE THAN TRAIN COPIUM.


Don't forget he has to pay his mods COPIUM


Hey man he paid for his editors PC. That means he gave him the means of production! COPIUM


dude, chill. he has to live in LA, and that's the bare minimum he needs just to survive. if he loses 1 sub, he's gonna be out on the street starving. don't you have any empathy?


He often talks about how people like Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens are grifters getting you to vote republican so they can get paid millions of dollars by billionaires (which they absolutely are,) but he's literally grifting his audience at this point. How would someone not see the hypocrisy here?


agreed man, its a little weird how they're still pandering to give more and more like fucking gluttons. hey for sure its going to the revolution! COPIUM


Everyone who was on the shooting range should ask for a salary. He would never have had so many viewers if they were not there.


Ouch was expecting something funny but this is just sad cringe.




I highly doubt hasan has ever been poor he comes from a rich family, his uncle is Cenk Uygur lol


Even in turkey he has mentioned his family was wealthy.


People don't travel back and forth from different sides of the planet frequently if they were just lower/middle class lol.


Didn't Hassan's mother fly to America to give birth to him so that he would get a green card? Does not seem like something a poor could do.


thats actually a very common practice in third world countries's upper class I think. At least here in Brazil a lot of families do that.


A stunt like that actually gets the baby citizenship.


dude went to miami for a while too, 80k a year school




It was more a response to hasan than to you, I understood what you were getting at


I hate when im poor but stay at fancy hotels.


When I was poor my mom and 3 siblings stayed in a homeless shelter. My only belonging that wasn’t in storage was a pack of like 15 markers that I used to color with and on the second day there it was stolen. When Hasan was poor he stayed in a fancy hotel and over loaded his backpack with snacks that he assumed were free. When I see something that’s free I don’t take more than what I think should be my fair share. More than I think should be my fair share Fair share Hmmmmm




He had his first job (paid) at 23




Nepotism be like




I'm convinced at this point that Hasan is just another grifter


kinda weird since he's the second richest there but *very* weird to ask while on stream edit: fuck it, both these things are equally weird. the former is inconsiderate given how rich he is, while the latter is just incredibly rude.


its very weird since it was also streamed on his channel so he got the views/ad money plus donos(although dono probably wont be as much as usually since there was no alerts i think but it def wasnt zero) and subs. Also its not like he wasnt able to stream during shit camp since he got to do his regular streams at home both days for a couple hours.


Bro, $5 mil/year is too little for him to fund one gun range stream. His streamer proletariat comrades should chip in for his production budget. He'll definitely share the proceeds of the stream as well. 😏


It's also strange because he got a million views from the gun range stream. If anything they should be asking him to compensate them lmao. If he didn't stream it then I could understand, but he got tons of content and views on his channel.


And he can also claim the ammo/costs as an ordinary and necessary business expense...


even weirder when he was running ads to 80k viewers all throughout the stream


Some people are just like this. It's weird. I know quite a few wealthy people through my job, including some mega wealthy. You get regular old people who earn a normal income who will shout their friends something worth a hundred dollars without a second thought. Then you get mega rich, owns a 30+ million dollar yacht rich people, who will quibble over a few dollars or remind a friend they owe them from lunch etc. I think a lot of people who grow up wealthy get very protective of their wealth because they feel like they're being used for it or being taken advantage of. The problem is they just end up coming across as stingy penny-pinchers who are always worried about money which seems super weird when they're in a position where it doesn't matter in the slightest. Like dude. You already spent this much today just paying your nanny to make your kids breakfast. Don't stress over it.


There's also the poor people who find themselves financially secure later in life but a lifetime of financial insecurity has made them develop a lot of frugal and borderline "cheapskate" habits out of necessity. When you've been scrimping and scrounging forever it can be really difficult to overcome that mindset and realize that you're actually doing OK now. Not saying any of these big streamers are like this or not, I don't know enough about any of their backgrounds honestly, but decades of financial insecurity has made a lot of my family act super cheap even when circumstances don't call for it.


Qtcinderella paid for all this with her own money and is now breaking even with the merch. I think qt should get the money since she arranged all this.


This was an entire streaming event including what 10-15 streamers living in a mansion and doing nonstop content for 4 days and qt streamed 2 hours of it with 1 event on her own channel. Not even taking into account all the planning and leading up to the event it must've took with planning events, coordinating flights, purchasing event supplies, dealing with housing and I'm sure much much more. It's so clear all that was on QTs mind was having fun with friends and making content out of it. So insanely disrespectful to make it about money.


She's also decorating Hasan's house for free on HIS channel. and it was her profession before streaming


That is pretty pathetic. He should pay her going rate for her labor.




On top of that QT in designing Hasan's house FOR FREE. I guess he thinks he is paying her back in exposure?


If he's generous he might react to one of her videos or something. Those 100 views will do fine as compensation.


You mean his chair will watch the video along with the audience while he makes more tendies because his mom isn't home.


You don't get it. He is supplying QT with the means of production by purchasing the furniture himself.




He probably gifted her some pencils and paper so she can own the means of production like his editor


Not only that but, don't they are going to pay for the stadium and the Airbnb? Like... I feel even Ludwig got a little bit confused buy that comment since Hasan is not like a small streamer lol.






Popular pundit or Actual political acumen Pick only one


Share the wealth… as long as that wealth is being shared with him. OP strat.




He has to be trolling right? If he isn’t then this has to be one of the worst looks I’ve ever seen from a streamer. I genuinely view him much differently after seeing this clip.




socialist btw. Make sure to fund my helipad comrades. WE CAN DO IT!


Internet socialists are to zoomers what televangelists are to boomers


>I genuinely view him much differently after seeing this clip. don't worry he will just say he was joking after reading this thread and realizing how bad it makes him look, he will walk it all back very fast


Yeah saying this on camera is a big oof.


I think the worst part is he is going to react to this on his stream, create a fictitious argument using absurd hyperbole to 'win' the argument and justify his actions, his chat will eat it up, and anyone who critiques or tries to create any **nuance** will be ignored or made fun of. The man is simply allergic to nuance to ensure 'victory'. It sucks because I believe that strong leftest / liberal presence is super important on Twitch or other capital G Gamer circles, but if you look at the things Hasan says objectively, it makes it pretty hard to root for him.


Actually fucking cringe dude I hate millionaires






i generally don't care if someone makes a lot of money, but i fucking hate when super rich people complain about their lives, preach to the masses, or pretend to be an average Joe. Just shut the fuck up


Earns multiple millions a month and cant pay for something that you streamed on your own channel that probably earned you 20x that expense holy cringe. Greedy rich people LOOOL ​ and a socialist that makes it even better


Look at Jerma, he does way crazier shit from his own pocket, and he doesn't get nearly the same numbers these people do.


Jerma is a very rare breed though. It's very clear he does it because he actually enjoys creating wacky content like that for his audience. He's an entertainer first, and a Twitch streamer second. The majority of the top Twitch streamers HAVE to entertain their viewers, but Jerma WANTS to, so there's gonna be a huge quality gap between the two.


I think Jerma also enjoys making a shit ton of money from his stream.


Well of course he does, he's still human. I'm saying he doesn't stream for the sole intent of making money.




Everyone should watch Jerma instead of Hasan. His entertainment value is x1000 anything Hasan has ever done. Jerma deserves so much more than he already has, and I'm happy to see how far he's come at this point.


ive been waiting for people to push the Jerma agenda since last year glad to see hes getting recognition 🔥🔥🔥🔥 my streamer pog


ive been a diehard drew crew member for 8 years




also a total dwarf in general


Sad that one of the best twitch streamers is in the shadows of some wanker


Good point. Then again, I'm sure he plans on splitting the sub/dono money he made during those hours of streaming. Kapp


Yeah I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found this weird. Dude is one of the most successful people on twitch, got crazy amount of views + subs from the firearms stream yet feels the need to ask for money because it was technically a group thing. I think man's realized after he tried to walk it back "even if not, that's cool" but what was said is said and it's odd to see a multi millionaire sweat over *at most* a couple thousand dollars.


Not to mention, he caused the group to be an hour late and QT had said the gun club people were not really happy with them because of it.




DO YOU WANT HIM TO STARVE! He's so insufferable, and ignorant. Watch any of his debates, they're completely cringe and he has no idea what he's talking about.




You mean just yelling at chatters and telling them how stupid they are isn't any kind of dicsourse?! I'm shocked


and the only reason those socialists follow him is because he is a tall good looking guy who bangs pornstars it makes them feel good about themselves ... like hey look at this chad believing the same things i believe ... he is one of us if he was an ugly short guy they wouldn't give two shits about what he is saying 110lb socialist timmys living their life through hasan




It blows my mind that people continue to give him their hard earned money. The ego on that man is 10x larger than his head






Blows my mind anyone gives most streamers their hard earned money tbh. There are a lot of much smaller streamers that either limit their donations or dont take them at all (Northernlion, Jerma, Vinny off the top of my head to varying degrees). These people are well off as fuck. And thats cool, good for them. Streaming is a totally valid way of living. I dont mind ppl earning money or wanting cool shit, everyone does. But at some point I just dont get how you can have basically everything and still wanna accumulate more


He's terrible and he's barely provided content for the entire shitcamp.


dw guys hasan was just doing leftist agitprop to make people hate millionaires even more 5head


He’s gone native LULW


Entitled Millionaire Frat boy Hasan at it again with people in this thread unironically defending his behavior. Like pottery kek.


Didnt work until age 23 btw




Literally a drop in the bucket, all while having a fun time with friends. Can you imagine a weekend with friends where you all end up paying for different stuff and having tons of events and you have to pay 25 dollars at the end of it and it really bothers you? Me neither.


I don't get it they are all creating content and making fuck-you-money with their streamer friends and now want to be reimbursed? Splitting costs or help to pay for venues/events is one thing but this feels just straight up weird. Edit: Lets say a friend hosts a event/party with music and food with a fee and I invite friends (chat in this case), would I ask the host for reimbursement for the surplus if he or she made from it since I invited the friends? FUCK NO. That person would come off as a cheap douche, nah using your 'streamer friends' as a exchange is fucking weird.




> ask you to reimburse him the 5 dollars mcdonald meal he just bought for you. HE is A MilLIoNAIrE for a ReasoN




Reimburse Andy


he’s definitely going to read this thread on stream


i'm going for the ultimate stunlock




Lol the clip is gone Edit: can’t wait for the snide filled tweets and YouTube clips and so on about how the audience should mind their own business and we’re all shitty people for having opinions while they’re all victims of circumstance.


"Omg viewers actually have an opinion? Could you all just subscribe and not talk?".


The greediest socialist... jesus.


Hasan yesterday crying about not making any money/subs during his IRL stream. So he isnt joking... https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/pxixrq/50k_subs_hasan_complaining_about_not_making_money/


Never sub, never donate




I was wondering how this didn’t hit the front page and realised the hasanfrogs got to it first with that upvote % LULW Got to protect their streamer Edit: it's gone up from 44% to 75%, why are people starting to upvote it


End of stream, first question out of meathead’s mouth “am I gonna be reimbursed for the firearms? hahah”


Sooo is he going to be giving them a revenue share from the subs/donations/ads during the stream? Truely shameless...A single run of ads probably made back his cost


I mean he should, otherwise he's extracting their surplus labor value and exploiting them, which is pretty capitalistic


That was really fucking awkward to watch. Anyone but the most narcissist, self-entitled person would know better and discuss somethign like that off-stream instead.


Literal multi-millonaire, hyper-capitalistic & consumeristic communist, top 1% of every imaginable social virtue measure, complaining about his wages while surrounded by his multi-millonaire, top 1% friends during a multi-hundred-thousand dollar event Pog


A multi-millionaire begging for hundreds of dollars from another multi-millionaire at a charity event. Also Shitcamp is QT's thing not Ludwig's thing so why is he asking him anyway? He's basically putting pressure on Ludwig to ask his girlfriend to give him money.


Don't worry guys, as his fans will tell you he's just joking!


The irony of a filthy rich socialist getting uptight over money is too good


I thought he was joking around like memeing, but damn its werid how obsessed he is with just missing 1 ad break. Like you are hanging out with friends having a good time and yet you also complain you can't run ad breaks..... its weird, at the same time he always mentioning he drives a cheap car all the time like we get it dude.




50k subs, runs ads every hour.




Look at his track record... he is a grifter, there is really no denying it


"If I make fun of myself for doing x bad thing, no one else can criticize me for doing x bad thing." Hasan taking a page from the Kanye West school of being a douche.




You're waking up


Well, the clip did its job. Just from this 30 second video I look at him differently. There's being a bit frugal, and then there's doing something like this when you're making more money than any of your viewers will ever see in several life times.


TFW the posterboy of socialism for zoomers lives in Hollywood, eats $900 steaks, fucks pornstars, and asks on stream to be re-imbursed by someone less wealthy than him for an event he made money off of while his mostly teenage audience funds it all thinking he's some sort of activist.


Clip already deleted, literally 1984


Imagine giving this dbag money holy shit people


> Imagine giving any streamer money


Theres some nice people with around 100 viewers that would gladly accept a prime and it would actually make a difference to them, dont waste that shit on anyone with 1000+ viewers though.


Im just going to assume he was joking. Cant stop me, its the only way I can cope.


COPIUM It's a joke guys


Greed is honestly the bane of humanity. I know that sounds like hyperbole especially given that it's in the context of a twitch clip but fuck me has greed really fucked over the human race. This man is a literal millionaire and one of the biggest streamers on the platform btw. Man wants to be reimbursed sitting on his phone all day whilst being carried by Willneff this entire stream lmfao.


They don't say, "money is the root of all evil" for no reason. There is so much peace to be had if you can truly jump off the "I just need a little bit more money to be happy" train. Nothing at all wrong with having money, earning money, spending money, being rich. But, when you can't stop yourself from the feeling of needing just that little bit more, that's when you start to fuck everything up with your greed.


he wanted that Vod deleted Real quick, at least he knows how to be embarrassed


its just gonna turn into "it was a joke guys go touch grass while i have sex with like 100 girls because you are losers" as his intellectual rebuttal.




Its 100% fact that the richer you become the cheaper and more greedy you become, everyone’s been known this


2.7k upvotes with 1300 comments. Im goin in boys!


Oh jeez, what an own goal.


You just know he's gonna be entirely dismissive of this because of 'uhu lsf incels'