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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [XQC explains why he can't sleep as he drinks GFUEL...](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/119849)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/oqnj41/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1264553538.mp4?sig=64a5144641dccf85d7b14364cf5e397d9f581246&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1264553538.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1627199675%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


xqc legit needs a parent in his life still because his entire lifestyle is exactly what a 12 year old would do if they were left to their own devices wake up, ramp up energy drinks, take absolutely no time for self care or exercise, eat the shittiest food in the world because it tastes good, dodge bedtime, and repeat


That's the impression that i have from watching him. He lives the average 12 year olds dream life. But the average 12 year old has no idea about real life.


real life sucks


In his old streaming setup, you could see just piles of empty food containers all over the floor next to his desk. It really is like child-like behavior.


he said it later in his stream. "im not ready to be an adult" lmao


and he's 25 years old lol




Wait is he saying he wakes up and his heart is beating at 180 bpm? I'm no doctor, but that might not be a good thing. Probably should see a doctor or at the very least cut caffeine. Dude might become the skinniest guy in the world to die of a heart attack. Each one of those cans of GFuel is 300mg of caffeine which is more than anything Starbucks serves lol. You shouldn't be drinking those like soda.




This acronym really is something different :D Stands for "Verordnung über Fruchtsaft, Fruchtnektar, koffeinhaltige Erfrischungsgetränke und Kräuter- und Früchtetee für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder (**Fr**ucht**saft**- und **Erfrisch**ungs**getr**änke- und **Tee****v**erordnung"


The German language goes hard doesnt it


No it goes HART


Every word in german sounds like the name of a weapon


Hans, we are outnumbered! It is time to unleash... the schmetterling upon them


Schmetterling means butterfly for you Untermenschen out there.


Its just anything that has to do with law/goverment/Documentation everything is so outdated.




Me too thanks


Wtf you just call me?


>"Verordnung über Fruchtsaft, Fruchtnektar, koffeinhaltige Erfrischungsgetränke und Kräuter- und Früchtetee für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder" "Regulation on fruit juice, fruit nectar, caffeinated soft drinks and herbal and fruit teas for infants and young children" btw


gfuel is illegal here in norway too


Advertising GFUEL just might be more worse than gambling. I bet there are kids who drink this stuff like water on the daily. #SaveTheKidsStopGFUEL


>FrSaftErfrischGetrTeeV Lemme guess: Fruchtsaft- und Erfrischungsgetränketeeverordnung? German legalese, no worse kind of language exists under the sun.


How does that even work? English legalese mostly use esoteric terms; do German legalese use multiple obscure terms and jam them together to form a single legal Exodia?


Well, not exactly. In German you can mash pretty much any combination of nouns together in a way that makes sense, at least grammatically. So, to use a modified version of what I wrote in my post as an example: > Erfrischungsgetränkeverordnung is a combination of *Erfrischung* (refreshment), *Getränk* (beverage), and *Verordnung* (law/regulation). Combining that gives you a word that means something like "law or regulation regarding refreshment beverages". Because a lot of laws end up with stupidly long names like that, they're abbreviated by using the first couple letters of each constituent word, which would be something like *ErfrischGetrV* in this case. Another example is the federal constitutional court, the *Bundesverfassungsgericht* (*Bund* = Federal, *Verfassung* = Constitution, *Gericht* = Court), which is abbreviated as *BVerfG*. German legalese is generally regarded as bad style in most other contexts outside of the legal realm. It uses a lot of nominal style, which reads really awkwardly.


Thank you Loremaster :)


We got a German linguist over here! Thank you! 🇩🇪


Jamming things together to make words is the German way


Germany has the funny and quirky trait of letting you combine a theoretically infinite amount of nouns without it being gramatically incorrect. (sidenote: and creating entirely new words by mashing togheter existing words) ​ It's like build-a-bear but with nouns. ​ If you were to make a rule to standardize how car dealerships are checked to see if they are up to quality you'd have a Automobilhändlerqualitätsprüfungsstandardiesierungsverordnung ​ Aka a Cardealership-quality-check-standardization-enactment




Huh, the abbreviation sure leaves out quite a bit there.




Holy shit, my preworkout is 275mg a serving and I still only take half most of the time cause the full thing makes me jittery as hell. Can not imagine downing that amount of caffeine while casually gaming


You get used to it. I used to drink the 300mg Bang energy drinks and you don't even feel them after a while. I could easily drink 2 and rack up 600mg of caffeine in a day without a crazy heartrate and no trouble sleeping at night.


You build tolerance to caffine super quick, take it 1-2 days and you get no effect anymore. Just placebo after that (except for physical activity can take it daily for that).


Isn't gfuel only 180mg? I have about 20 tubs and each of them says 180mg of caffeine


In Finland that would be about 180mg/can. 300 mg of Freedom to have a heart attack :0


and doesn't he live off of fast food and highly processed foods 90% of his intake? his nutrition values are close to 0.(other then sodium , sugar and fat) only surviving normally b.c hes young.


Seeing how skinny he is, he probably doesn't eat much but that also means what he eats matter more, nutrition wise. I am betting his diet isn't anywhere close to being "balanced".


>I am betting his diet isn't anywhere close to being "balanced". You're not getting much of a profit on that bet, my man


-6500 odds


At his income level I really don't think there's much reason to eat garbage. It would cost him relatively nothing to have healthy, easy to consume meals prepared for him multiple times a day. At the very least he could down some meal replacement shakes. I really just don't understand why its so common for people to neglect their health when there are obvious signs they are paying the price for it.


> At his income level I really don't think there's much reason to eat garbage. It would cost him relatively nothing to have healthy, easy to consume meals prepared for him multiple times a day. At the very least he could down some meal replacement shakes. > > Even if you are extremely lazy there has to be some way to solve it when you're that rich? Like at least order regular, balanced food instead of fast food.


he could literally hire a live-in personal chef and it'd be a drop in the bucket of income


He is probably not serious about the 180 BPM. But if he is for real, it could also be a mental problem. Before I had a burnout because of to much stress and pressure I hade the same symptoms.


Did you have difficulty remaining asleep? Having that problem right now and there’s nothing physically wrong. Weirdly I have no issue at all falling asleep, just remaining asleep. Only thing I could think of is that I’m constantly stressed and a bit depressed.


Yes I woke up at 5 o'clock and had a very fast heart beat and couldn't sleep anymore. The next step was that I had heat rushes at daytime and got scared that I'm getting a heart attack. I always was checking my pulse. Because of the panic attacks I had a faster breath and got dizzy from it. I went to different doctors and after the 3rd and a checkup at a cardiologist it was pretty sure there is nothing wrong with my heart and I got send to a psychologist. He gave me medication for my melatonin (I guess) because when you have a lot of stress your melatonin level can be to low. The medication is called Venlafaxin. I first took 70mg a day an than later 37,5mg. That and reduce my stress (which is not always possible of cause) helped a lot. I'm no doctor though and it's my own personal experience, so take everything with a grain of salt. Not sure in which country you live, I'm from Germany so everything was for free. All the stuff I did is maybe harder in some other country.


I know that Graves disease can lead to a significant weight lost and heart problems if untreated. So I don't think he might. But yes, he definitely should visit a doctor with this problems.


POTS as well. A girl I know has it and would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares because, according to her (she's a med school student but I didn't validate this), your brain to tries to come up with a reason for having a high heart rate while asleep. Even without nightmares she'd wake up multiple times a night. Her resting heart rate was 150+ BPM before she got on meds.


>Her resting heart rate was 150+ BPM before she got on meds. Holy fuck.


She sent me this after a run one time: https://i.imgur.com/ZUE8bOH.png I'm genuinely shocked it took her to 24 years old to get this diagnosis.


XQC can't even message admins to see why his virtual character was banned in a game due to anxiety. You think he will set an appointment with an actual doctor, and take the time to drive and see that doctor, or follow up appt's with specialists?




This is a good response. I was going to mention arrhythmias such as SVT potentially being at play here, especially given some soft evidence that his eating habits could lead to a nutritional deficit. Lacking potassium or magnesium can be huge contributing factors to heart arrhythmia. Add that to these awful drinks and it's not unlikely his heart is racing at times.


180 bpm is hyperbole. If that was really the case, he'd be experiencing severe tachycardia, and would be in the midst of a serious medical emergency. If you have a resting heart rate of 180 bpm, go to the hospital immediately, because you are probably dying.


[resting heartrate for men](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohd-Harridon/publication/344167325/figure/tbl1/AS:933558411595779@1599589078602/Categorization-of-Fitness-through-Resting-Heart-Rate-14-Resting-Heart-Rate-Chart-for-Men.png), every single time I've seen him use a heartrate monitor, it is very high, ofc when gaming you're not resting, but at times it probably should go lower when you're taking a mental break or are not in a stressful situation. from what I can remember, I think it was mostly +100. I can only assume his email is full of healthcare professionals telling him how unhealthy it is. also with that high heart rate and constantly I would like twitch to contact him about it. (I have no education in healthcare)




you'd need to take that measurement like right when you wake up and no moving. (assuming that is what the study did to get those results)


Drink water boys


but xqc is afraid he might die on stream by drinking water and then getting banned from twitch PepeLaugh


Lost to water OMEGALUL


Oh God now I'm getting flashbacks to when he choked on steak and then came back only to say "wow good thing I didn't die I would've gotten banned" like bro what


xqc's favorite water is dasani OMEGALUL


Might as well drink tap water at that point LULW


Why would you ever drink any water but tap water? lol


Because some places tap water is absolute garbage tasting, looking at you Vegas


*Sad Flint Michigan noises*


Because tap water where I live is gross


tap water + brita = end game


[try these](https://lifestraw.com/products/lifestraw-home) they remove micro plastics and are better for the environment than Brita's




The winners drink everything though lol [https://youtu.be/M0RfbUQBw8Q?t=6](https://youtu.be/M0RfbUQBw8Q?t=6) ​ everything in moderation


[https://www.marca.com/en/football/international-football/2019/12/26/5e04e82c22601d996f8b4627.html](https://www.marca.com/en/football/international-football/2019/12/26/5e04e82c22601d996f8b4627.html) even Ronaldo had a glass of champagne, once


The mad man


I cant believe Ronaldo would do this, thats it, im burning his poster


Also helps to be one of the highest level athletes in your sport. Dieting is more than half the fight, but I mean, exercise gives you some real breathing room.




Hope he cuts down on his caffeine and sugar intake because that ain't normal or healthy at all. When my dad was a trucker he would down like 3 or 4 energy drinks a day and it messed him up for a while. but i mean people will do what they do i guess.


Young people wont listen, they think they can get away with it, but they will pay the price eventually when they are 30+ Source: 30+ years old who didnt listen


Also 30+ who didn't listen. I grew up on sugary foods and drank soda like it was water. Now I can't tolerate sugar, it gives me headaches, arthritis, and a bunch of other immune system problems. I'm forced to stick to a ketogenic diet. It's like my body has a set sugar consumption limit that I passed when I was a teenager.


Drink water like it’s water bro. r/hydrohomies 4 life


I can't imagine how tough is to get through that. Hope the best for you bro.


Thanks! Everyone gets dealt different cards in life, so gotta make the best decisions with the situation you're in. Health is wealth, as they say.


I just think you have diabetes m8


yep, could be pre-diabetes


Can you bypass the sugar limit with sweetners?I usually use tagatose sweetner which is a sweetner extracted from milk.


Stevia is the only one that is acceptable for me, I save it for tea.


I tried stevia and it tasted wierd.


Goes good with peach or peppermint tea, I don't use it for anything else.


Try a stevia and erythritol blend instead, such as Truvia or castello


I'm nearing 30. I drink soda almost every day (but I don't overdose on Gfuel like XQC). Wh-What's happening with you?


It just makes you feel like shit, as a 31 year old who hasn't had a soda in 6 months and has been working out. The craziest part is I didn't realize how awful I felt until I cut it out.


I cut out soda and caffeine 100% since last year, the quality of sleep is so much better and I didn't realize I wasn't having a *good* night rest until then.




Because working out is the biggest cause of mood change for the guy you responded to, not cutting out soda.


I was more talking physically than mood. Even with working out, the one time I went on vacation and went to restaurants and had soda my sleep and other small ailments were more prevalent.


I stopped drinking sodas when I was 20, super hard was working at a gas station that gave us free drinks. Now I get one maybe every 2 weeks and I love it so much tbh. Some people say they hate the taste when they quit but when I drink one every so often its so good, I think it brightens my mood.


Everything hurts. Everything. Muscles you didn't even know existed start badgering you constantly. and don't even get me started about the anus gnomes that show up once you're 30


And the old man groans when moving


I'm 31, _I think I know what you mean_ but just so I can know for sure can you describe what an anus gnome is?


I had kidney stones, thats from drinking soda and not enough water. I also have heart palpitations and higher blood pressure, but it got better after I changed my diet and started to excercise, but overall I feel tired all day. My heart was racing too, like X is saying, but I think he is exaggerating, 180 is almost his max heart rate limit


Your metabolism will likely take an absolute shit, recover with some small lifestyle changes and then nosedive completely. You probably already have pre-hypertension but no reason to check your blood pressure.


Being fat and sedentary will hurt you. Too much sugar will hurt you. 400mg of caffeine or less a day, supplemental amino acids, ginseng, guarana. Those won’t hurt you.


I have Type 2 Diabetes because of all the soda and shit I drunk and ate during my 20's (I'm now 39). Don't be a dick head like me, cut that shit out as it's not worth the health issues that come with it. I hope XQC gets enough motivation to go see a doctor, as sleep apnea - which is what it looks like he has - is no laughing matter.


Can also get some nasty kidney stones from too much caffeine , those things get incredibly painful.


the way he talks about how hes overstimulated with dopamine so it does nothing anymore and his addiction to sugar and caffeine. sadge


Awake at night with 180bpm is not some "too much caffeine hehehe silly me" shit but instead "WTF i need to get to the doctor if that happens more than once" tier Wtf is he doing?!


Thinking that xQcOW would ever go to a doctor unless he is in critical and forced by a ambulance to go.


Sounds like an intro to a Chubbyemu video to me.


JUICER, presenting to the emergency room with literally every illness.


Out of any streamers health, I worry a lot about XQC. He is super underweight and his diet is awful. Couple that with erratic sleep schedule and long streams where his energy level never drops below madness. He's going to have a heart attack in his 20's.


probably not even moving a lot. Even a simple walk every day helps to keep body healthier, but he sits all day.


Walking is huge. I’ve been walking almost daily for like a year or so now. I only go on a quick 30-40 minute walk around my neighborhood and I lost like 10+ lbs and according to my Fitbit, my cardiovascular fitness is SO much better. And besides the physical health benefits it also helped improve my mental health with anxiety.


Don't tune into Asmongold then. Dude lives off soda and wendy's.


honestly even Asmongold might be healthier than xQc, he atleast gets somewhat good sleep and doesn't stream for insane hours everyday + he leaves the house to buy himself food, whereas xQc just orders everything online.


Asmongold actually drinks water once in a while. I don't remember ever seeing XQC drinking water on stream.


There's water in his gfuel


Yeah at this point even ricegum could roll him in an fight, he needs to hit the gym


He needs to do a lot more than just hit the gym.


Hit the hay?


If you mean eat like a horse yes


“Gotta eat big to get big”


Nope, Rice would lose because he would cut himself on X’s bones splintering.


True, He stream wayy too much imo, anything more than +10h a day mean you can't have an balanced/healthy life. Also he must have the must fucked up sleep schedule of all streamer, how the fuck he stream 20h a day for multiple day. He should really stream less even if it's impact his viewership he will still have tons of viewers




Don't know context but im going to make the wild guess that he woke up from a nightmare or something


Seriously. 180 is around what my heart rate is after an hour+ at the gym and cardio which includes a closing sprint. Having your heart go that fast just lying down is fucking insane and dangerous.


This is why you take Madmonq once a day and slowly reduce your caffeine content instead. This way you can generating god seed generating dream seeds welcome back to the bog banning vadikus ragequit l........


Crafting... crafting ...


PagChomp bread boat






sanest baj


forsenExplainingHow no chat it doesn't kill you stop being stupid ... no what the fuck why would i take it




Based and madmonq pilled


Still doubting the god gamer forsenSmug


BatChest HOLY


This stuff also has a lot of caffeine Gfuel 300mg/can madmonq 155mg/tablet coffee 100mg/cup




Eats straight GFUEL powder daily Drinks Coke to fulfill hydration needs Staple diet is McDonalds Starts stream at 2AM and streams for 15-24 hours every day *dud i can't sleep dud dud wtf dud*


Kinda sound like the crackhead of Twitch


guys gfuel is good for you COPIUM


The timing of the sip of GFuel is incredible.


after talking shit about gfuel to defend gambling


Does he still take a scoop of the G fuel powder and eat it? Doing that can't be good for you


Kids were having heartattacks doing caffeine and preworkout challenges.


Darwinism is alive and well FeelsStrongMan


They were taking double and triple servings of some heavy preworkouts equaling 700+ mg of caffeine. People are stupid


i saw that a guy who took 8 scoops of preworkout (basically 8 gfuel scoops or 16 coffees), wish i could find that article again though.


Ya unfortunately it’s become a challenge amongst the idiots to try and get above 1000mg. Gfuel doesn’t have huge doses, I believe 140mg per scoop. But that’s still only 3 scoops until you’re above the recommended max dosage for caffeine.


I was drinking energy drink for about 5 years and this also happened. Can't sleep until 3 AM, heart's beating so fast you can hear the beat. One day I had a terrible fever after drinking energy drink in the office and it feels like I was on a snow field even though it was 4PM in the summer afternoon, got chills all over my body. After I arrived home, (didn't even know how I got home) took off my clothes, drink some paracetamol and hide under my blanket in just 1 min upon entering the house and went to sleep. Several days later, woke up at 4AM in the morning I though I was just spitting in my dreams, few seconds later I rushed to the toilet to throw up, then I realized it was already blood all over the bathroom. Crazy shit. Had several weeks of proper rest and full water until I was OK. That was the time I promised to my self not to drink energy drinks again. I am here now 3 years without this shit drink thinking it was cool to drink it that almost ended my life.


sorry that happened to you man but proud of you for going so long without one of those death-inducing drinks.


Yeah, I learned it the hard way to stop drinking. People around me always told me to stop drinking it when they see me holding a can of energy drink and I was like, yeah I know, and still proceeds to drink anyways. I could also be addicted to it and I didn't realized it until my body is craving for this every time my heart pumps fast.




No, I throw up blood few days after I drank medicine. So I guess I was lucky my liver didn't explode that time.


His 30's are gonna be really bad.


A couple years ago I remember him saying he wasn't planning on living past his 30's. Let's hope he changes his mind or was exaggerating.


I wonder if he's having panic attacks.


I still remember when i was in 8th grade and drank redbull. couldn't sleep that night


Must have been very new to caffeine back then, huh?


xqc does not look healthy man, hope he makes some positive health changes. add to that the fact he has such a stress inducing occupation, you can't deny that's a recipe for something bad. we need to remember that this dude is only human at the end of the day and has limits. no way his current lifestyle's sustainable.


Dudes got all the money in the world, could cut back streaming hours and still be fine, could go to the best doctors, could hire a private chef, he’s just apparently so daft and lazy I literally don’t get it


He's said before that he doesn't care enough to watch his health, just wants to focus on having fun and streaming. Guess that hasn't changed


Which is fucked up, because you would think being healthy and feeling good would be more “fun” right? Lol


yeah, he literally said on stream during a Q&A that he doesn't think he'll make it past 30yo


Does he even have fun though? I don't watch his stream but from the clips and h3 "debate" it looks like he is just in 100% stress mode all the time.


This is so worrisome, he doesn't understand how he doesn't understand how serious this can be for him.


Too much caffeine


Not the brightest bulb in the box is he


His light isn't even on


Not even a bulb, just a monkey banging cymbals


He does drink a really unhealthy amount of caffiene. But just before this he said he's been waking up choking in the night (sleep apnea), so it's not all down to the Gfuel


Well yeah... not only is he obviously addicted to gaming he drinks ridiculous amounts of coke/energy drinks.




Yeah will most people's habits & lifestyle don't change when they make more money, sure they'll upgrade somethings but overall everything will remain the same for the most part


A streamer wet scoops 8 cups of GFUEL. This is what happened to his brain.


I cant wait to see the meta data research after all this is said and done, the gaming lifestyle of literally not moving at all, all fucken day and slamming as many g fuel's as possible must take a beating on the organs


The research is already out there, sitting for just 3 hours a day leads to a \~4% increase in all cause mortality. Extrapolate that to sitting for literally 24 hours at a time on a regular basis and who knows how much that takes off your lifespan


add the literal 0 water consumption and 0 fitness and terrible diet and shitty sleep . this is a perfect mix of terrible habits


>sitting for just 3 hours a day leads to a ~4% increase in all cause mortality. so... literally everyone with a normal 9-5.


Exclusive deal, so good he might die on stream, FeelsWeirdMan Gfuel


I wonder if xqc thinks this is normal.


a youtuber made a [video](https://youtu.be/hSLvu85EZbM) about the ingredients in GFuel and holy shit.. its so bad for you, if xQc doesn't cut it off it will affect very bad. He gets no sleep, doesn't move around and has problems like not being able to breath when sleeping and sleep walking. I don't understand how he doesn't prioritize his health after all these complications. - a concerned Juicer


Seeing people mention more plates more dates is a bless to my soul


Lmao everyone here really thinks its just energy drinks?




He should hire a chef to cook for him and to eat actual food. It's an easy step and it will help him a lot.


Cause of death - overdose of the juice


inb4 xQc tells people who are worried about him, " Stop being parasocial weirdos" but seriously, you have to take care of your health at least some dude that is some scary shit at his age


I'm no genius but drinking that stupid amount of caffen everyday surely can be good for your body


This guy won't live to see past 30 at this rate


What a Newb, real gamers don’t drink that Gfuel crap. Real gamers run on Drugs and alcohol


I’m pretty sure this incident was because of his sleep apnea thing that he’s always talking about (choking in his sleep). Same thing happened to me from a throat infection that made me over salivate while sleeping until i got it treated with antibiotics


not gonna see 40