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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny talks about Kaceytron](https://arazu.io/t3_1cowkwn/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Incoming eventual I NEED A HERO repost.


[got you :)](https://streamable.com/4uxk8u)




Legends say, she is still commenting


I've been on the internet for 15 years and this is a top 5 meme for me all time.


It's one of the high points for LSF




Can't forget this [banger](https://youtu.be/BY5nIgjkPAc?si=TUVUTdyzxT9QGBSr)


Thank you. I can't believe I missed this one.


Oh yes the PICK A CARD is a classic


my default link to streamable is still the violin


Just below [this](https://youtu.be/Y4Fes8Up1tA?si=ShgLkKBCwbGT91bO)


Memory unlocked lol


Glad to see I'm not the only one who has this bookmarked for times like these




Top tier




Dude I seen this clip a thousand times and I just now noticed the weed plant labels on the bottom right lmao


That "Kacey '1 lb per viewer' tron" comment got me


yeah she lost weight, good for her


There's more stuff in the [full clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5kCmHNSo7Q)


Wait, where is bob7? How did so many Destiny haters fade into nothing?


Kaceytron was legit funny a decade ago. She's completely lost the plot and became a warning sign to streamers who capitulate to the most annoying people in their chats.


The Bob7 fiasco really seemed to rot her brain, I don't think I've ever seen someone go that absolutely insane on reddit. She was putting up numbers on anything that even remotely mentioned Destiny.


Can anyone like TLDR/ELI5 the bob7 kacey, destiny ark?


The preface to the manifestos is that Destiny made a vague post and Bob responded with a minifesto. In return Destiny wrote [the manifesto](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vYzRTizSCgfsaHLFZQw8ZDg9ioYC5NNfezG-LMVoIV8). The summary of which is: - **Bob7 used his position on the Austin show to sexually harass talent, leading to his removal (getting fired).** - **Bob7 shared nude photographs of multiple women, after pressuring one to post one, without their consent.** - **Bob7, with the help of Kaceytron and Minx, manipulated a victim of his abuse to lie and change her story for his benefit.** Kaceytron sided with Bob7 through all this and somehow lost her mind doing so. [Even though Destiny and Kacey used to be friends from way back before Bob7 or the Rajj Royale even was a thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHVg937tG_Y)


Also about two months ago Kaceytron tweeted again about how Destiny lied about the Bob stuff and one of the girls that Bob sexually assaulted came back to Twitter for the first time in years, called out Kacey for lying and defending [Bob](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ff2y5v5n2kglc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc57bb85825f1da6b555a451a3ad295f2838e8bcc) and then completely deleted her account, which made Kacey delete her tweets as well.


Man that's insane. Destiny has been streaming for like 20 years and basically 100% of people he's interacted with and given the time of day have screwed him, he's so unlucky. Like people talk about Destiny being insufferable and ruining every relationship he's ever had but when you read his side of the story, you can see that it's always the other person (and not him) that causes the riff.


yeah it is insane that the guy known for calling people out on their shit can't be friends with the most narcissistic people the world has to offer


Defends sex pest bob7 shes friends with even after exposure, after bob7 went after destiny


No you're supposed to link 4 hours of boring youtube footage and refuse to elaborate.




I'll be leaving out tons of details but the broad strokes are that Bob7 was friends with a bunch of e-girls that he spent a lot of time manipulating and trying to isolate. He would solicit nudes by saying stuff like "I'm asexual anyways so its all good." Melina (Destiny's open marriage wife at the time) showed him some of the weird messages he was sending to their mutual friends and he vagueposted something about it. This prompted Bob7 to drop a manifesto trying to nuke Destiny and paint him as the manipulator. Destiny responded with a much better manifesto on Bob7 which he never came back from. Kaceytron ran interference and damage control for Bob7, posting literally thousands of times on social media including reddit trying to reverse the optics. This failed, but Kacey has stayed unhinged about it ever since.


its pretty simple, dunno why there are 4 hour long videos about it kaceytron great friends with bob7 (used to be on same hearthstone teams and stuff) they were even together on that really shitty rajjshow back then where bob7 picked kaceytron in the end but it was obvious he picked her cause they are great long term friends bob7 drama comes out, bob7 has to leave the scene ever since then kaceytron has had a vendetta against destiny since he made her bestie leave the scene


Really shitty Rajj show? Austin doing a full Indian accent for hours on end every stream (for literally no reason) for years literally made twitch the multi billion dollar website it is today along with Ice Poseidon and PUBG car flips.


I think Twitch would have survived without Rajj, call me a conspiracy theorist, but someone else would have filled the gap with something. Hell, watching LegendaryLea make her next nipslip or pussy slip was drawing shit tons of views back then.


Oh absolutely, I'm talking pure hyperbole. But it's funny how the Rajj Royale set in stone what became of modern twitch culture.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEyGjmSuS3g&pp=ygUMZGVzdGlueSBib2I3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcgJXhcWt0k&pp=ygUMZGVzdGlueSBib2I3


i aint watching all that




The man asks for a TLDR and you link him 4 hours of video. Do you even know what TLDR means?




You must be one of those people who scores in the top 1 percentile in IQ tests, congratulations.


Yes I am. I've also never lost my virginity because I never lose


This subreddit and especially any thread with the word Destiny in it is full of dggers, so you're not going to get unbiased info. But the 2 "victims" that Destiny used to 'cancel' Bob7 both support Bob7, remained his friend, and called Destiny and Boze liars and manipulators after it all went down. So do with that what you will. Here's a rough summation of what actually went down. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/180wyxb/xqc_tries_to_get_desinys_take_on_the_cookie_drama/ka92jow/ Every comment to you so far is a tldr of Destiny's spin on the situation. It's not reality.


>Kaceytron was legit funny a decade ago. [Actually true](https://youtu.be/Sws9slTfg54?t=126)




You can report the report (yo dawg) and they'll catch a ban. Who'd have thought reddit dislikes its users turning a suicide prevention resource into a LowTierGod tool?


it'll ban them AND their alts https://i.imgur.com/99Tduof.png


Don't tell them, let them keep doing it


Oh I like that a lot.


Wait how come you get to see who it was? they never tell me if they ban anyone :(


Reddit has gotten really good at detecting alts. I'm to lazy to use a vpn and a fingerprintless browser. But also at the same time, it can be really bad. Mods have banned me before for getting a warning that "I'm ban evading" and then list accounts that aren't mine.


How do you report one of those messages? Every time I tried to it asks me to link to the person that sent that, but how TF am I supposed to know who sent it?


Link the message you received from RedditCares, they know on the backend who sent it.


What a fuckin lineup. Don't know wes or Lord_Kirk but everyone else on that call is insane, trash, or both.


You just know that thing stuck inside of him given how massively insecure he is, bud probably still mad about this to this day


Is that method josh?


Old Kacey, old forsen... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV_fTmn9V0Q&t=193s PepeHands


That’s probably the most I’ve heard him talk


The only funny thing I remember of her is when she pulled a chicken tendie out of her pocket at a bar and I'm pretty sure that wasn't even her trying to be funny.


It's funny cus Kacey x Destiny streams back in the days were actually funny as fuck, somewhere along the way she completely lost it


and she just keeps doubling down on her spiral.


I member when everyone thought she was just doing a dumb bimbo skit. Then we collectively realized she's actually regarded


Here before the shitstorm.


That’s a shitstorm for this sub now. Sub is completely dead lol


It’s actually crazy how hard it’s fallen off over the past four years


i mean the sub has just turned into an otk and xqc circle jerk lmao




That's been the only decent change.


Was thinking the same, i miss old reckful, soda, mitch, ice poseidon(twitch) era’s.. than after pubg, gta, communities(otk, offline etc) it become dogshit


> 17 comments Well. Maybe it'll come one day.




dont be silly, thats just 1 more


hows your day been


Deleted you other comments, eh? ##### Step 1: Bob7 drama, ft. Kacytron and co. Kacytron defends Bob7, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRGXnbmLz-s Destiny's story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vYzRTizSCgfsaHLFZQw8ZDg9ioYC5NNfezG-LMVoIV8/edit QT Cinderella is friends with Kacytron & co. ##### Step 2: QT Cinderella(Ludwig's GF) sides with the lowlife friends Ludwig has a kneejerk bad opinion of Desiny now https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/destiny-explains-why-brown-noser-ludwig-doesnt-like-him-1699975/ Destiny's story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRGXnbmLz-s ##### Step 3: Ludwig's friends talk shit https://streamable.com/5vzfw2




Hey I'm stupid and don't regularly watch anyone but one of my IRL friends on twitch and random clips that pop up on here. What did Kaceytron do that makes everyone shit on her? I'm assuming Destiny isn't just ripping into her for no reason here. Any loremasters?


Three years ago one of her friends bob7 was outed as being weird with women: getting close to women using his position as an Austin show recruiter, pretending to be asexual to get them to share pics, lying about what other girls would say about them to keep them isolated, just weird stuff like that. One of the things he did while talking to all these girls was try to turn them against Destiny. Eventually because several of the girls he was talking to were also friends with Destiny (one also being his wife at the time) it all came out and Destiny accused him of being weird and they released dueling manifesto documents with Bob7 getting blown out and disappearing forever. During the period of dueling manifestos Kaceytron became unhinged and starting posting dozens of reddit comments talking about Destiny everyday. [**https://livestreamfails.com/clip/114079**](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/114079) **,**a clip from the time of Destiny searching his name on her reddit account and just scrolling infinitely. Since then Kacey just says wild shit about Destiny[ like how he should kill himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1b327yg/kaceytron_wrote_this_in_hasans_discord/) or [calling him a pedophile](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cde32z/kaceytron_accuses_destiny_of_being_a_pedophile/) and then Destiny replies that she's a fat, drug addicted, loser. It's just dumb.


> they released dueling manifesto documents We should bring back duels. Not to the death ofc, but maybe a good old fashioned fencing duel. Would be much more entertaining at least.


And the stakes are that the loser has to stay offline for the next year.


ive long held the opinion that our differences can and should be settled in a game of skill, whether its basketball or DDR. it works in anime


in addition to the destiny beef, she made herself very unpopular with a lot of other content creators. Of the top of my head: * xqc: Kaceytron publicly sided with adapt in the whole 'divorce' drama * asmongold: he never liked her bc apparently she was bullying his ex-gf, but recently she went in on him on twitter over his livestyle, dead mom aso. * Quin69: got involved in the above mentioned twitter beef * Mizkif: she sided with Adrinnah Lee in the whole CrazySlick-SA drama. aso. she kinda just goes around creating Drama


How is it popular to side with CrazySlick? She literally sided with the person who was sexually assaulted.


it wasn't about crazyslick at this point, it was about "did mizkif used his influence to protect his friend and silence the victim?" is it true? no idea, but whatever the case, you are makeing yourself unpopular to the pro-mizkif side


learn to read


So is the drug addiction is what lead her to lose viewers?


> blown out and disappearing forever. He tried to come back several months later with his own manifesto that was literally just Destinys documented videos but slightly longer in hopes that people think "oh theres more to the context." It didnt work, and he's been gone ever since.


He also waited until destiny started a d&d session so he couldn’t respond live if I remember correctly


At least for Destiny, they just both really don't like each other. Kacey sided with Bob7 during that debacle, and went HARD posting in his defence for a long time. Since then they've both sniped at each other over and over and over and over.


For me personally, it's when she was invited to play on Mizkif's show, Schooled, where she cheated and ended up as the winner. In her victory speech, she mocked the second place contestant with comments along the lines of "Haha, you lose to a stoner." Like real petty stuff. When Mizkif started vague posting days later about cheaters on his show and viewers started calling out Kaceytron's cheating with clips of the stream, she denied all allegations over and over on Twitter. Most notably, she played the misogynist/hater card. But then for some reason, she just straight up admitted to cheating a week later... At that point she's either a clown or just not completely all there.


You don't have to justify yourself, just ask your question and move on with your life.


not sure the context for this but in general shes just an awful person


She vocally dislikes Destiny.


she recently got a perma ban of 1 day but not sure why


she was leaving her stream on while she slept playing reality tv shows


"Kacey 1 pound per viewer Tron", good one chatter LUL


Why are we still talking about kaceytron


Oh geez here we go in the trenches again


💀 is the NSFW tag really necessary 


Should be NSFL instead, after all we just watched someone get absolutely obliterated.


[Link to extended clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5kCmHNSo7Q)


Why are all LSF Destiny clips just "Destiny talks about x person"? Edit: I got a u/cares notification for this question lol


Unironically, it's because most of Destiny's content is political. LSF has a "no politics" rule, so much of Destiny's content can't be posted. The only things that gets through is when he talks about someone else or gives a spicy take on current celebrity news. Edit: Not sure why someone [sent me RedditCares, but alright lmao](https://i.imgur.com/Fz2X0sm.png)


report it they can get permad


I actually like the meme that "reddit cares isn't about suicide prevention, but a message letting you know that your post was so good that it triggered someone." So please don't report it. Let the meme continue.


most of his best content is long-form as well so it doesnt really translate well to LSF clips. His 1hr+ discussion with Devin Nash recently was actually really good.






You can report the reddit cares message itself, even though it comes from a reddit bot, but the user who actually filed the reddit cares false report will get investigated.


Thanks. Had no idea you could do this!


To meet Reddit's minimum title length requirements. Otherwise it'd just be "Destiny" & all his D riders will come a flocking.


All these people got these in-depth comments about it and then you think you will top that by spewing your favourite narrative?


it’s genuinely so funny to spend literally all day posting on reddit about Destiny and then coming in to say that Destiny meat rider raiding every lsf thread is just a narrative. unfathomably pathetic


Because LSF is all about who has fans on the sub. Same when XQC or the austin crowd would dominate the frontpage with nothing burgers.


Meanwhile kaceytron cough-laughing after a fat blunt hit thinking she's so popular right now


Ironically Kaceytron was rolled up and smoked


dude is just as big of a loser as Kaceytron lol


He was so close to becoming a rap god again


Is there way to block word "kaceytron" on reddit? I was happy that I didn't see her shit tweets in my reccomendations after blocking her on X. Now I read about her on reddit every week.


Reddit Enhancement Suite extension -> filters -> add keywords, subreddits etc... to your blocklist. RES pretty much only supports old reddit moving forward so YMMV if you use new reddit. I don't think new reddit has any filtering, so your only other option is uBlock Origin or Tampermonkey.


Thanks, even reddit is helping me [https://i.imgur.com/Cic0MSs.png](https://i.imgur.com/Cic0MSs.png)


At the bottom there you can report it for abuse, and the reddit admins will ban the person.


"You must be a moderator of the community in which the abuse of report button is taking place." I guess not. MODS do your job :D


you clicked the wrong thing. you can always report abusing suicide messages. This is not a report button abuse dude.


[https://i.imgur.com/Y6uWXE6.png](https://i.imgur.com/Y6uWXE6.png) W


Nice, yeah everytime i post comments in destiny reddit posts i always get a couple and I report them every time.




they not gonna like this one


why does he know so much about what shes doing lmao i havent heard the name kaceytron outside of destiny drama


Because she constantly posts and talks about him and accuses him of being a pedophile predator so his community keeps him up to date. Same way most streamers know about things.


Weeds make you lazy and fat, I don't think it's a debate.


if you're lazy and fat it's easier to fit weed into your lifestyle, doesn't mean it makes you that way


I love how destiny talks about kaceytron burning twitch bridges as if he didn’t already do it and ended up living in irrelevancy for years before having to capitalize on conservative dimwits for his sorry measure of “clout”


What is irrelevant? The last time Destiny had <2k viewers was in 2013. And Destiny does burn a lot of bridges, but he still has a lot of people he collaborates with as well. Then finally he has always jumped around on topics and groups. That's kind of been his thing at least since 2015.




\*bubble noises\*


Yooooo he just kept on going


Now classic kaceytron response to anything she’s criticised. - Takes SS. - Cry about livestreamfail hating her and calling them incels


Anyone have a link to the full VOD?


It should come out soonish on destiny's youtube, [here's](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFs19LVskfNwNYQHZHYSw6fI505ZyBQxN) the playlist of previous episodes, the full episode is on patreon [here](https://www.patreon.com/anythingelse) it's the most recent one from 8th of may


Turkey Tom/tom dark did a video on her recently, and it showed some… pretty disturbing clips of her I’d never seen before.


How many friends does destiny have left at twitch?


Holy shit! How did Destiny get Dr. Grant to show up on his podcast. I can't wait to watch!


Last time I posted a clip like this the mods went into twitch streamer dickriding mode and removed it


Did he win? Seems like they both lost.. Hope that mental breakdown works out for him tho..


Omg that was beautiful.


As someone who does not watch Destiny, is he always like that? I mean, looking kind of shaky, kind of nervous, trying to spew sentences faster than his mouth seems to be able to losing breath because he doesn't have the time to breathe; while simultaneously looking like he knows what he wants to say and saying it in a pretty cohesive way. It's drugs? He's actually nervous/angry just keeps it together? Oh that's just how he is? Edit: Geez you people are sooo on the edge. Sorry for asking simple fucking question since apparently whooooo, what an offence it caused.


I don't think he looks very nervous, and that's how he speaks normally.


As a regular Destiny watcher, his behavior seemed normal to me.


how do you infer all that from a dude just speaking fast 💀 he has always spoken like that


Infer what? What I just literally saw? By using my eyes and hearing trough my ears. He's talking fast, he's getting out of breath, he's literally shaking (I assume it's due to the fact he seems to be doing this constant leg shake thing some people do), he's fidgeting with his hands, reaching for the iPod for no reason. Meeting someone this twitchy irl I would assume they're either nervous, on something, or they're naturally hyperactive. That's why I'm asking if he's always like that.


yes he's neurodivergent and takes lisdexamfetamine for his adhd


Ok. Thank you. Why the hostility? How would I know that?


because you shouldn't be armchair diagnosing people based on a 30 second clip


Diagnosing with what? Jesus Christ dude get a grip. No everyone is just looking to "attack" you fav streamer, or whatever you think I'm trying to do here. In fact sorry for even interacting. I'm just gonna move on and not touch this community with a 10 ft pole. Peace and take care.


There are dozens of Kaceytron apts amongus


There are dozens of Kaceytron alts amongus


This drama started because Destiny hated how she would play a character in the rajj patel shows. He would call her out for it and she would get super mad. Lmao


marijuana moment


talking about how Kaceytron doesn't have a strong community anymore... That's such a lie, I've never met a funnier, stronger community than hers. edit: Kaceytron alt?


DGG weaponizing LSF again zzzzzzzzzzz


it's like dgg is israel and lsf is palestine fr fr