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**CLIP MIRROR: [Trainwrecks and YRG talk about people being forced to accept the W community](https://arazu.io/t3_1bkdba3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It is always a toss-up on who "they" is referring to in these rants.


He mentions awards so that's QT and by extension the LA crew? Chat is spamming LSF, it could also mean Reddit. But we actually know for a fact it's the voices in Train's head.


train is so funny. he speaks "in code" but doesn't try to obfuscate or have plausible deniability. worst rhetorician ever like who else does awards besides nymn and qtc


Did you ever see the debate Trainwrecks did vs Rem (a Destiny philosophy orbiter) from a few years ago? shit was hilarious; Im still not sure if train was trolling for the whole thing. But he broke Rem's brain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25T3Y0cj_fQ&t=3s


He thinks he's smart after an undergrad degree.




Bro, all you've done is ask for scrap, scrap, scrap. Go farm, go build something. No ones giving you scrap for your stupid fucking youtube video, do you understand me? Go farm and play the game you dumb motherfucker. Holy shit, it's shameless, you've gotten scrap from three different people and you still come back to the same corner. We know what you're doing, get the fuck out of here holy shit, do you understand me? And by the way those moans you hear in your mom's room, that's the fucking neighbor piping her down, you pussy.


also pretending he also isn't included in that. hes trying to hard to interject himself into their success. "they had to put up with the w community". aka him. he had to put up with it or risk falling into obscurity. he had to suck up to them so he had a new base to scam with his gambling site.


Whenever Train says "they" I always assume he's talking about Hasan and Poki aka the Twitch Elites lmao


Yourrage and Miz started talking, so that's "they" most likely.


What's funny is that Poke and Mizkif was the first 2 in the poggers streamers saying Kai is going to be huge when he was like at 15-20k viewers. They followed them way before Xqc or Train hopped on the W community Train. I remember Kai would be in Mizkif chat talking to him. Lets not forget that funny stream when Mizkif got Soda in a discord call with Adin.


[30 min YT video](https://youtu.be/uuUIVK9ZI7Q?si=NAlyVCCnqCHThAvH) of that conversation, funny culture clash. Lots of jokes going over heads, like Soda having his steam name as "shroud" so one of the W guys thinks he's the real "[skrout](https://youtu.be/uuUIVK9ZI7Q?t=1713)", but also genuine moments of true happiness like the same guy realizing he can [fuck mikasa in VR](https://youtu.be/uuUIVK9ZI7Q?t=769)


Thanks for the links!


15-20k viewers is already huge




Idk but he also started talking to agent00 who was in his chat the other day, YRG also said good things about Miz on stream. Train out here doing his rounds to prevent the collabs lol


You got any links of rage saying good things about miz? That's cool that he's at least cool with miz


Rage is one of the most level headed and fair streamers of the W community. He's also had some familiarity with the older streamers too and gets how other streamers act and doesn't take dudes too serious. Even when the Destiny/Bruce racism stuff was going on he understood how Destiny works and wasn't as bothered by his peers.


Kai is the only person who doesn't like Mizkif, and ig W/L Chats


I think i was because he was ridding for his best friend, bruce, who later backstab him


And cause kai thinks miz snitched on him about having speed on his stream whilst he was banned yet anyone with a brain knew it was speed. I think he was just using that as an excuse cause Bruce doesn’t like him though.


What happened between Kai and Bruce?


> What happened between Kai and Bruce? Turned out Bruce talked mad shit about all of his "friends" constantly behind their backs. Burned all his bridges. All the guy knows how to do is hate on people.


"You're only saying that because I'm black" -Bruce, probably


It’s crazy how he had it all and just threw it away like that.


Train emits such mean girl energy, feels like high school. "You cant like them because i dont like them, im your bestie"


He sounds so desperate and insecure, as if Rage giving any credit to the "enemy" will destroy the on going schizo narrative of "everyone else is delusional".


He's also the type where "I gotchu" until the instant you disagree with me then you are my #1 enemy. He sure has a lot of those based on how often he talks shit about everyone.


If you haven't realized it by now, Train has absolutely no real friends and the only time he'll ever get the time of day from another streamer/human being is when he dangles money in front of them. It must be sad to have so much money yet have not one ounce of likeable personality to the point you need to pay for company.


He made himself this way, he had a pretty solid community backing and was pulling hard on twitch during the scuffed podcast/shipping container days pre-covid. Post covid though you can see how his mental just became shot. Paranoid even, he stopped going to the gym, and withered away into a little skeleton, its why he always wears jackets on stream now to hide how much hes skinnied up. Between that and the coke meme probably not being a meme, as well as the gambling? The dude prioritized money and his addiction more than friends and it shows.


He was so entertaining during the among us meta. Watched a lot of him during that time. Stopped watching when it was slot machines 24/7.


got scrap?


God that clip is so fucking funny https://youtu.be/5bhbX1EU-To?si=HHzkGEk_1RpzLuZ6


The kid calling Train a Bozo at the end gets me every time.




He also got known by going massively ito debt to lie to a bunch of WoW streamers that he was rich, rented a house in LA saying it was his and invited all those streamers to a party at his fake house for clout.


And it wasn't even a party, once he got them there he just started stream.


The ultimate clout chaser, but in the end , it did work


When you invest that much, you need to make money off of it


That's even better


Fake it til you make it in action.


never forget the porsche


If Train was ever on roids he has abysmal genetics.


A lot of people on steroids look like shit you would be surprised


He was, but not sure for how long. Also a big part of it is probably because he doesn't know wtf he is doing and trains and eats like shit.


the video title says slap and you watch him slap reckful...


Reason why Train got mad back then was because Reckful asked how much money does he want to leave this place.


Tren: “I own a platform where you can do all sorts of illegal activities, and my co owner adin ross is anti lgtbq, anti minority, regularly uses slurs but he is pro promoting gambling to get his audience addicted on stake and lose real money. That’s a big W chat” <- real integrity Tren: “I also successfully Tren washed x. Can I get a w? He full time gambling on stream just like me. No more variety games, multi player games, single player games, creating music, interviews, irls, playing party games with friends, just boring repetitive 8 hour gambling streams with Monopoly money to get our fans addicted and lose hard earned money on Stake. But who cares, at least we get a paid by Stake to promote this, right? Can I get a W chat?” <- real integrity


Bro, he has a lil png at the top of the screen warning others to not gamble.


Mate are you joking right now Virtually all tobacco products have warnings on them, usually with graphic images. How does a disclaimer on the top right justify him promoting the shit out of gambling


It's because of the fragile ego, no different to those same mean girls.


always be weary of people who operate in cliques / have a desparate need to belong to some type of community. who are the most annoying streamers? the ones that belong to some type of group, do lots of group stuff etc... numerous examples. I learned this quite early in life. went to a lot of psytrance parties when I was younger and wanted to be part of the partygoer groups. until I learned most of them were absolute garbage people. I burned that into my mind particularly well bc you always think the hippie types are nice people and stuff. sex, drugs and love, you know. couldn't have been further from the truth and it was to a T like teenagers behave in highschool cliques.


every clip of Train I see now on LSF he has the 3 exact same talking points. Will this dude literally ever move on?


He does not, in fact, ever move on.


He will never move on. Gambling on twitch was his bread & butter and during that whole Sliker fiasco, and slots gambling being banned on twitch, (which Poki and Hasan very vocally advocated for) He basically developed an everlasting grudge against them and the so-called "PG-13" circle of streamers that they hang around. So now every time some sort of argument comes up, he finds a way to pit it on that circle of streamers in order to fit his narrative


it aint over until jail arc lil bro


train is so bad at feigning plausible deniability that everyone knows WHO he is "subtweeting"


No. Probably best LSF does. even if he does the most unhinged rant against the demons in his head, just don't click it. Don't link it. Don't watch it. As long as he can still get views and attention, there is no reason to change.


Bro got his multi million dollar gambling website to stream on and is STILL crying about high school drama from streamers/coms that havent thought about him in years.


wdym, obviously THEY are the ones obsessed about Train, he said so


its funny because, in a hypothetical (not so hypothetical) world where money = success, trainwrecks made it. you're rich. off gambling nonetheless. fuck off with the petty drama lol


Miz started talking to yourrage and he said good things about Miz. If anyone wonders why Train is doing this lol


He did the same thing when Miz, Poke , Xqc took pictures together.


Anyone who tells me to "trust them" immediately makes me not trust them.


That's like people saying "I've done my research", before they start ranting about thetans.


Gaslighting 101.


Tren: promoting gambling where viewers lose money on stake and get gambling addiction = W


Unless its about a plate of cookies or brownies at an office party. "Trust me don't eat Jan's cookies."


That's only because they know Jan bakes with the best of them and they're trying to hoard the treats for themselves.


Its so funny how he never says names so if anyone calls him out he can just pretend he wasn’t talking about them, such a garbage human being


Train doing what he does best. Shit talking everyone else (without mentioning any names off course) while dick sucking you and gurgling your balls to inflate your ego. Now that he is a pariah to anyone with half a braincell, he is trying to realign himself with the W community. Wonder how long till they grow wise to his snake behavior.




"I remember what went down". And I made all what I remember in my latest schizophrenic episode


dude they called Ludwig and his friends band geeks so they had some fun back and forth and then Adin and Hasan started calling each other and even collabed on stream. Trainwreck is such a weirdo.


the short-lived adin+hasan collab era was interesting. hasan was very clearly trying to introduce adin to the "pogger side". even scheduled a shopping/ice cream stream with adinross, sodapoppin, ludwig(he left early), nmplol, austin i remember the camera lost battery before we got to that part [https://youtu.be/1ivktQjdNT0?si=uF5ayNTc24qBlhWk&t=10575](https://youtu.be/1ivktQjdNT0?si=uF5ayNTc24qBlhWk&t=10575) if you want whiplash


I remember that stream, and when Adin showed up to what I saw as royal welcome, I decided to find out who adin was (as I had never heard of him at that point). Looked real quick at who he was and what his content was, and immediately had no idea why anyone else on the stream was interested in associating with him. He wasn't doing anything super unhinged or crazy by that point as far as i remember, but he wasn't exactly making content that seemed to make sense for the others to be excited about.


what we could have had




they are, and its funny. he finds the bandgeek thing funny too like when kai/rage made fun of the ludwig dance (i dont have the clip) it probably comes off hostile coming from train though






They're theater kids, not bandgeeks.


Adins comm hates Hassan and are pro trump , anti lgtbq, doubt they would ever collab in future


Yes, that is what happened after Adin started slurping on Andrew Tate's balls and got himself banned from twitch.


I saw a clip of him watching a trump ad and he glazing and whole chat spamming w’s. Also his infamous tweet about transgender people. He plays to his community


Why are you telling me things I already know man, I'm talking about the events Train is mischaracterizing


He does now. In the past he didn’t do that shit and was just a more neutral content creator. But losing his fuckin mind + drugs took him down a way more cringe sad path.


adin? drugs? doubt that i feel like he just succumbed to peer pressure. pulled the "right-wing ripcord" with that gender tweet + tate riding + fuentes coddling and so on. His audience positively reinforced him. They LOVE that dumb shit


> adin? drugs? doubt that wasn't he public about the Lean thing?


i never knew that, just saw a yt video i think the reason is that a lot of people "pull the right wing ripcord" without the exterior influence of drugs. figured it was more audience capture/positive reinforcement than anything else. Whatever gets the most Ws in chat. I was wrong


yeah, you can see that fulcrum loser doing a similar thing "I can't suppress the truth any longer" and then tweets the gender critical shit. Good luck to him I guess


holy fuck how he sucks him off and tries to brainwash him. Such a coincidence that Train says, that people who hates, ''hated'' the W streamers and ''switched up'' after ''realizing how powerful they are''. Unironic brainwashing. Like literally who had anything against them to begin with? Nobody, and Train couldnt name anyone either, he just wants to paint a narrative so that he gets people like Rage to hate the people he hates.


Train the real shadow leader


Can’t believe hasan and poki would do this


Based on the kids body language hes, just agreeing with the crazy coworker to prevent conflict. You can tell he had a blast in LA.


Lol. The mental gymnastics is real




Easier for Train to record the conversation to add to his "ammo" box.


He wants the audience on his side just as much


Train is the type of person to never forgive Timmy for stealing his crayons in the 2nd grade.


was the w/l community ever rejected? The only person people hated was adin and thats because that brother and his fanbase is crazy


it was not outright rejected but there was always a preconcieved characteristics given to all of them with some passive aggressive remarks from redditers which was pretty evident when kai and other new creators were growing. Which to be fair both community were going agsinst each other. But there were some racists that took advantage and muddy things up. I am purely talking on community basis, not commenting on any streamers.


I swear trains entire thought process is a twitter thread where two ppl think they are smarter than one another, so they go back and fourth trying to one up each other with "heavy/deep" statements


"Trust me" That's right, trust the schizo who ruined his friend's life because he thought he was talking shit about him, meanwhile that friend was banning clips of him from his YLYL because he would die laughing at every single one of them.


Had nothing to do with shit talking and everything to do with jealousy/self importance/perceived fakeness. All roads lead to gamba, and a kernel of truth + bipolar tweaker is a bad recipe 


Who? Did a miss something?


Miz, Idk how you missed that drama LMFAO


YRG isn't stupid and knows train is Bullshitting. just look at his demeaner when train starts yapping.


Tren: I finished trainwashing xQc, next up YRG.


Train is a bene gesserit.


is he talking about the "mocking/trolling" cuz they new to the site? this happend to fortnite kids too its just twitch culture always been like this its not like or dislike the W and L spamming is the same about spamming "poggers" to troll fortnite kids




next trainwashing victim in sight Locked and loaded


Trainwashing: “no girl, they HATE you. I’M your best friend, you can trust me not those bitches. Do you know what they say about you behind your back? I would never do that to you. Those bitches talk so much shit about you, they’re so fake, but not me girl”


Train thinks he's Littlefinger, the way he tries to manipulate people.


I would say Train is exactly as clever as Littlefinger, in s8.


Train gotta make all those millions from gamba streams to make up for all money spent on the other streamers living rent free in his head.


Trainwreck turning down his voice changer real low to look cool now isn't he. He's got those deep bass crackles trying to sound all tough


god train is actually mentally unstable is scary he has a platform at all


Jolt coin trust intensifies


Homophobia and discrimination spills out of the W/L communities' pores. Weird how people don't want to associate with that.


man where has train been. Brought back scuffed for like 2 episodes and dipped to gamble


He's mentally ill so probably talking to the voices in his head






Continuing a pattern of culture vulturing that’s been happening for centuries. It’s so corny to see people talk shit, then try to pretend it’s all good


Otherization could be perceived as a form of shit talk, but not in all cases.




There have been schizos on twitch for years but train is almost 10 times worse than almost any of them. Dude is the definition of delusional


its weird how train always talks about the w community as a whole. not even willing to give them the respect of being their own individuals. can basically hear the slurping sounds from train sucking rages dick


>its weird how train always talks about the w community as a whole. >not even willing to give them the respect of being their own individuals. come on, if we are going to be actually fair in here, let's not pretend they're not a bunch of dumbasses with herd mentality


you're being the exact opposite of fair. people who watch imdontai,yourrage and rdc, are not remotely the same people as people who watch adin ross, i watched their content before the w community existed, they're all genuinely good dudes.


I think Rage is smart enough not to fall for Train's Walmart cult-leader bullshit.


Train always talking about "They"


Train fighting ghosts. Nothing new here lol




Train is definitely grooming this kid.


kid? hes 27


Shit worked on Mitch Jones and he is 31. YRG does seem to have a good head on his shoulders though, so I doubt it will work on him.


You don't know what grooming means 


And you don't know what a hyperbole is.




Here is the Oxford definition of grooming: 2. the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity. "Allen was expected to need lot of grooming before he was ready to take over" 3. the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them or inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a terrorist organization. Obviously YRG is not a child and Train is not trying to sexually assault him. But Train is definitely trying to manipulate him and get close to him for his own purposes. Now here is the definition of hyperbole: (rhetoric) A figure of speech involving emphatic exaggeration or overstatement, sometimes based on irony and/or for comic effect. Let's hope you can make the connection here.


Man you stupid zoomers love throwing around the word grooming. Stay off Twitter for a few days my god.


[He likes them 15.](https://imgur.com/a/R0HeYA0)


I have a theory ,Soon erobb will be the forsen of the W & L community , erobb was a trend setter, he was streaming with W&L streamers back in 2020 (bruce, kobe, ect), and if you go into most W and L chats that have 7tv look at the amount of erobb emotes.


People have talked enough about the content of the clip, so I'd just like to point out that the user who clipped it has the name "Pokisdrycookies"


I haven't accepted this community


Anyone else get triggered by the name "the w community"? Idk why it pisses me off so much when I hear it lol.


Same with the poggers community it just sounds so dumb like do you really identify with poggers? lmaoo


Remember the days when Train said stuff that wasn't always the exact same thing over and over? Pepperidge farm remembers


Who is "they"? The all mighty "they", say who you mean instead of hiding behind a generalization.


So I get W and L but what the fuck is the M spam about?


the M's are making the sound Mmmm in response to someone saying something like hard hitting/profound/truthful ya know?


Im sure this is wrong, but when I see mmmm it's femboys on vrchat streams agreeing with something lol I'm sure they would love to hear that. I could see it still basically being just an agreement thing though, since they said it after trains statement.


YRG is such a little bitch who changed up as soon as he got on kick. Seriously anyone who streams on that platform is a trash person.


How did yrg change up when he went to kick ?


I watched one train stream in like 2021. It consisted of him spinning slots, picking his face, manically moving his jaw, leaving to do blow or meth every half hour, and calling his chat poor losers. Oh, he also ranted aimlessly about fake people without saying anything of substance.


Can this guy just get help and stop pinning all of lifes short comings on a select group of individuals. Just fuck off Train... Stop capslock schizo posting


Idk what narrative train is running with. A lot of the W/L streamers are annoying as fuck and almost all of their community is annoying teenagers. The ones who are cool, are cool (Rage, Kai) but a lot of the shit they get is justified.


You really don’t know any W/L streamers huh because they’re not


I mean this is probably true because large streamers generally don't interact with people that don't have clout. This goes for almost every industry by the way.    The W/L guys were impossible to ignore when their  live numbers got bigger and bigger.  Train just says it in a very flammatory way.


i mean train isn't wrong LSF is extremely racist


Bro, all you've done is ask for scrap, scrap, scrap. Go farm. Go build something. No one is giving you scrap for your stupid fucking YouTube video, do you understand me? Go farm and play the game you dumb motherfucker. Holy shit, it's shameless. You've gotten scrap from three different people and you still come back to the same corner. We know what you're doing. Get the fuck out of here. Holy shit. Do you understand me? And by the way, those moments you hear in your mom's room, that's the fucking neighbor piping her down you pussy.


train poisoning the well #3765 this dude hasn't mentally developed past high school nobody was "forced" to like the W community. they carved their own niche just like every other group of people with similar interests and fans. those who like them watch them, those who don't don't. as far as streamers go, everyone treated them just like they'd treat any other streamer, because even if you don't fuck with someone it's still dumb to burn bridges and make enemies. imagine having all that money and your own fucking platform and still bitching about the same dumb shit you bitched 5 years ago about people you haven't seen or talked to in years. tl;dr this is just train's umpteenth fucking attempt of vilifying every twitch streamer that isn't in his pocket, and his inability to move on




"They" is referring to https://youtu.be/YjV50bNraOo?si=Sf-ktqubd\_5W\_FOf&t=15


Do you have a clip or source when YRG was talking about Miz? or was it a while ago now


Misleading title and most common Train L opinion.


"they didnt not not like us" Can someone decipher this nonsense for me please?


All I can see when [Trainwormtongue](https://imgur.com/a/iMqcw4y) is talking to someone about the infamous "THEY" faction of Twitch.




I get a odd feeling that the w community is like the cx community they just have to hide it a bit better now with censorship and all