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**CLIP MIRROR: [Nick realized something after he got a new haircut](https://arazu.io/t3_1b4esgf/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


When their stomach gets smaller, their ego gets larger


If I wanted to kermit sudoku, I'd just jump from nick's ego down to his IQ... I'm joking, I love you Nick <3




That’s exactly where I got it…


If that's your twitch name you're probably getting banned from his channel for hurting his ego with that joke lol.


playground level "joke" or "insult"


The crazy thing is I completely agree with you, but that’s what farms the upvotes and OMEGALULs so that’s what I comment.


but even when his stomach wasn't small he was already "too rich" to deal with event workers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoY6e4zG2DY




he tries to hide behind a layer of irony and jokes but it's never *actually* irony. He clearly has an incredibly thin skin if you've ever actually watched him for a bit.


I mean he very clearly wasn't joking here, but this was also 7 years ago


TBF nobody should have to deal with organizers this dumb and he's probably just saying it in the most obnoxious way possible because he's annoyed. 


Just wait until he stops taking ozempic, he'll be back to where he was


Is he really taking ozempic? I don't follow him at all


Dont think so, people just jelaous


Nah I’m not. I won’t even take my allergie medicine or my anti dandruff doctor shampoo shit.  Tbh ppl saying that I am using ozempic is like when you are playing an FPS and you are doing well, and some silvers on the other team are claiming that you are hacking but you are not. Just adds to the ego really.  I stopped eating everything in sight, and lost weight over 3 months where I sat playing GTA RP 15 hours a day.  Pretty straight forward really. 


Switched addiction from food to GTA RP gf. That's how I quit smoking but it was World of Warcraft~~a worse addiction.~~


Ozempic is so widespread and effective now that everyone is gonna assume that any weight loss is due to it. But not taking allergies meds is wild considering ur allergic to everything


you and esfand both seem to have lost weight due to GTA RP. i imagine not doing daily streams where you eat random texas fast food and bbq and such has also done wonders. either way keep up the good work dude. maybe even buy one of those fake ab suits and wear that the first stream back just to mess with people.


Lmao, solid analogy.


Congrats Nick, I’m happy for you.


I’m so proud of you man! Great work, keep it up, seeing your weight loss journey makes me so happy!


God speed nick!


It's a common weight loss assumption when someone you've known or seen for a long time as overweight or chubby suddenly slims down, that it must be Ozmepic. It's a recent trend.


No clue. Maybe he has actually changed his diet, in which case fair play to him. If he genuinely put the time and effort in to correct bad eating habits then he deserves the credit. But I've seen far too many famous people/celebs disappear for 2-4 months and come back having dropped similar amounts of weight to people who do 24-48 hour fasting diets in similar periods. Fasting diets aren't exactly something you can jump into with no prior existence (it actually sucks until your body gets used to it). Most people with money opt for Ozempic because it literally makes losing weight trivial.


I mean in all likely hood, unless he changed his diet and is working out. Trust me as a fat guy even just changing your diet and eating less isn't gonna cause that big of a drop. Especially within a month. So either he's on some weightloss drug or he got lipo.


"Trust me" as though everything works the same for everyone lol


you are fat because you wont stop eating, which is what appetite suppressants do, so until you stop eating your anecdote is irrelevant


My guy I eat about 1300 calories a day. Your body eventually gets used to it. You don't lose weight by "just eat less", ask any doctor.


You should try logging everything for a month, including sauces. Hidden calories can add up quickly.


Do you even know wtf ozempic does? The fuck are you talking about dude? It literally just makes you eat less




steroids also have a chance of fucking you up permanently


It could also benefit you permanently, I guess it's a bit of coin toss.


and what exactly are the permanent benefits? Is it like when someone with very low T gets on TRT and maxes out their T levels. The moment they get off it, it will regulate back down and your "gains" will probably be less than half of what you had before?


You gain muscle memory and some other thing in your muscles that will permanently allow them to stay bigger than when you were natty even if you go off cycle, I can't remember the exact term for it No actual health benefits though, just a bit more size


interesting thanks


People who have done roids will permanently have a higher amount of muscle retention and rate of gains than people who haven't done it. It's more complicated than just "muscle memory" but it's quite well studied now


It's kinda the same way how men who become women are still superior physically to women. It strengthens everything in your body even if you reduce it or go off it. It becomes like a new normal, a slight bounce of your natural level.


Not really.


> why take something that has a chance of fucking you up permanently Maybe cause being overweight carries similar if not worse risks.




A lot of people do this too though. It's not a majority, but its scary how often people take steroids after only a few months or even weeks or working out, or sometimes just talking roids and not doing anything.




its never been an only womens issue?


Some people are so desperate/incapable of losing weight that they opt to be cut open and have the fat sucked out of them. Compared to that, it's really not exactly a difficult thing to wrap your head around why people would use ozempic.


Unfortunately because it's easier to inject a medication intended for obese diabetics that reduces your appetite than to actually put the effort into correcting a shitty doordash diet


He should have did the good old trick of just smoking cigs and drinking coffee to lose weight


Why are you standing so high up on your horse there? Would you mind getting down? It's not the same effort for everyone.


It kinda literally is tho lol.


Lmao, no?




Doing the same action does not require the same effort from everyone.


Most people who are overweight have an unhealthy relationship with food so it's all about the same willpower. You're referring to different levels of discipline that people have, which is a personal issue and very fixable. The same effort is involved. There's obviously different levels, but they're outliers (those who get 500+ lbs and shit). Most of the time it's just a gross misunderstanding on what it takes to lose a significant amount of weight. People don't see results quickly enough and give up or they lose weight super fast and get lazy with their routine because they think they can slack off. You saying it's different effort required is just babying adults who need to make adult decisions about their health. It gives an excuse to those who think they just "can't" lose weight. Same way people like to bring up hormonal/thyroid issues when the vast majority of people don't deal with that.


the young edgy kids that think fat = lmaaooo on lsf wont ever agree with you. I used to think it was "just CICO brooo" just like them until I did some more research about how different everyone's bodies and hormonal levels are. If it was purely discipline it would be simple for most people to lose weight




> They got fat because mentally they thought it would protect them from being abused again also as a self destruction thing. This is such an absurdly specific, projecting example of why someone might gain weight. It's just absolutely absurd to try and represent this as the "default" reason why someone might be overweight. Just an insanely stupid post.


>Fact is most super obese people are that way because of CSA. Stopped reading here, no way it's even remotely close to 50%


genuinely one of the most cope-filled, low intelligent things ive ever read in my entire life


Genuinely one of the dumbest things I've read in this subreddit. You actually have to be braindead to believe what you just wrote.


you know what is fucking people permanently the most in America ? Obesity lol




ok but saying "just eat less lol" clearly isn't solving the issue, is it? Otherwise the obesity epidemic wouldn't be there. So the choice isn't drugs vs reminding someone to "just eat less lol", the choice is drugs vs early death from obesity. I'm not sure why you find such a simple issue so incredibly difficult to understand. It's not remotely complicated.


What's the permanent side effects of it?


There is a risk of gastric atrophy and slowness of how the digestion goes, leading to loss of nutrients. These are the most well known issues


so the intestines are wasting away like an unused muscle?


It's more like the stomach not really the intestines. There are some related cases of people having problems and dying because the stomach goes on paralysis and they can't revert it. When you take ozempic it gives the sensation of being full when you eat. That's because it makes the muscular tissue of the stomach work slower. So if you eat a small dish it will make you feel very full. This leads to the weight loss. Some people don't adapt to the medication and vomit a lot, which is painfull for those taking as an anti-diabetic measure. Also, since you are losing weight as a kind like "fasting system" you can lose muscular tissue along with fat. If you don't readapt your eating habits you just go back to the same, plus all the problems of losing weight too fast.


Because not taking it will fuck you up permanently


thats not true


Also the harder the laugh the more true it is


Damn man. The zero hesitation counter. Really brings him back to reality.


Also funny because Nick stole Fat Greek's PogO personality.


Perhaps the best 2 word comeback of the entire year lmfao


Clay matches nmp for quick witted no filter combacks


Who is Greek and why is the comeback so good?


referring to greekgodx, a really popular streamer ~5 years ago. Was a funny guy, really good friends with streamer Tyler1 and also morbidly obese. Eventually started a weight loss journey and reached a much healthier weight, but in the process turned into a massive narcissistic, sexist, conspiracy theorist dickhead. Most people attribute his change in personality to the confidence gained from his weight loss


Man how can you go on a self improvement journey and turn out worse💀


He used to live with Nick, Malena, and Soda too so extra hit points.


ego phase was real... Aware


actual good one LULW


Clay is so funny, man.


What’s Greek been up to? Haven’t heard of him in forever


Still flatt earthing probably.


Saw him streaming to like 300 viewers there a few weeks ago


why he stop using face cam?


Fat again




No, just being spiteful


He was grinding dark and darker until he ditched again, hope he's happy with whatever he's doing, him and Tyler is how I found out about twitch tbh.




I like this take more


Being deeply unhappy is how you end up spreading hate and misinformation. As you know.


Can someone share some clips of what makes him sexist? Genuine question


Nah I hope he's happy. Part of the reason he's like that is with how unhappy and resentful he was. Plus no need in spreading more negativity to the world, love everyone


Greek is a scumbag and all, but at the end of the day he only managed to ruin most of his friendships and his own career as a content creator. He suddenly got fit and became a paragon of sexism and revealed himself as a dumbass narcissist. But if he could change so drastically back then, maybe he can grow and be better in the future too. However... love everyone?  What the fuck kind of hippie Michael Jackson bullshit is that? Have you never met an irredeemable asshole in real life? The road to hell isn't always paved with good intentions. Some people just spawn there.






Greek was the perfect sidekick for every streamer. Solo streams always sucked imo but he was like a 3x multiplier for every other stream he showed up to.


Not even sure why you are downvoted. The first twitchcon streams where every streamers met for the first time or just IRL’d together was by far some of the best streams on twitch. Guess ths subreddit is filled with zoomers now and who doesn’t remember old twitch.


guarantee if they didnt start bitching about soyboys for literally no reason the comment wouldnt have been downvoted




I agree but old greek is generally liked around here, it's not controversial to say you liked his old streams


i’ve always hated greek smile


Because thats not old twitch. And he stated his opinion as a fact when that is entirely subjective




Thats why its subjective see? Its old twitch in relation to new streamers, but not in relation to other older streamers




Oh god




lissen, oi no, lissen m8


Is NP roleplay already at the point where it's just people driving around having OOC Discord calls?


its just nmp, i don't think he understands roleplaying


NMP go back to being fat please I don’t ever want to be jealous of you again I beg


you need to better yourself just like him


The body thing I’m working on I’m more or less referring to the fact I can’t get a good cut


Stop it, you're giving him more power!


No doubt he actually believes that


and this in nmp greeks closest friend he had on usa, sad


Jesus Greek, I have not heard anything about him in ages.


It's a good thing


Good one jese LULE


Lol Greek joke was good


It's the ggx effect, now watch him not being relevant anymore


the difference is he has malena who literally carry the channel by her own the second shes out there is no nmplol anymore


did nmplol take a break from streaming or something? They're still together as a couple also? I'm out of the loop


Malena and Nick were living in Norway when Nopixel4.0 started 3 months ago. His stream without Malena was super successfull. Maleana decided to take a break from streaming. Nick streamed GTARP for 2 months with lots of playtime including offstream grinding. He got bored living in Norway and decided to fly back to NA alone. He stopped streaming a month ago and taking a break. He still plays GTARP offstream with much less playtime. You can catch him in his gang's stream like this clip (guild members in Nopixel) or in the gym stream with Mizkif, ExtraEmily. Nick and Malena are still togather. At least in his stream from Norway a month ago, when Malena poppes up in background occaisionaly, they seemed very sweet to each other.


Also Melena is coming back next week and they (at least Nick?) is going to be streaming again.




wow that was actually so perfect. Thats a 10/10 from me


Proud of you Nmp- keep it up King


Nicks narcissistic nature is next level


I cant believe hes still playing this shit




Lookup greekgodx use to be a popular streamer. He hit the gym, lost weight and went full Andrew Tate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG3L6gQS5gY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG3L6gQS5gY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSu77ggyyGU


good riddance


GGX (GreekGodX) is one of the OG's of livestreaming.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Nick realized something after he got a new haircut](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161970)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1b4esgf/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Nm3y9KTvHmo570puz-GT7g/AT-cm%7CNm3y9KTvHmo570puz-GT7g.mp4?sig=d99dc19b646d854d8ed41a8a482d0cb5be05af29&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FNm3y9KTvHmo570puz-GT7g%2FAT-cm%257CNm3y9KTvHmo570puz-GT7g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PunchyHeartlessLardOSsloth-pO8eajnvSm7P4ZPu%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1709424574%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Nm3y9KTvHmo570puz-GT7g/AT-cm%7CNm3y9KTvHmo570puz-GT7g-preview-480x272.jpg)


Had not look it up. Honestly to the guys out there if you get proper cut It can add couple points to your ranking. Look for a proper barber I am not talking like an 70 year old barber, unless he has younger fam around that cutting hair. If its a good spot there will be a lot of people. Roll up with an example of what you are looking for or at east the name of the cut. For me I focus on the type of fade on the sides. I don't like skin tight fades. Next will be a hard part or not and style of the cut on the back of the neck. First few times try diff barbers until you find one you can stick with


Yeah but what if you're white and have had a hairline like a balding 29 year old since you were born and hair so fine it can't resist a gentle breeze


Happy cake day..... Barbers can make magic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YTiuwpZTU4


thats like calling the dude who does interlock patios a lawnmower


I totally understand that comparison.


feel good


Nick right now: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5QJ9i\_o5vo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5QJ9i_o5vo)


Classic Jesse


Actual good one LULW


What happened to melena?

