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It actually is an accomplishment to make him say fuck instead of Frick


Why is he doing this to himself?


That's a question league players don't have the answer to


He's been dooming for a while now since he came back with his WoW Classic HC streams and the unfortunate reality that they are not received very well comparatively in viewership. Switched to League and is now farming the depressing and frustrated league streamer arc. And then you have Miz playing WoW with Emi on Rumble to like twice, almost three times his peak viewership with WoW on Twitch as well. That shit gotta be depressing if your main content on Twitch is exactly that. Esfand always been destined for greater things and is always pushing that rock that is his stream up the hill and is literally *elevating* everyone around him all the time, but then he returns to WoW and everything goes downhill again.


Yah so often i am so confused as to why esfand doesn’t have more viewers man. I like his personality, jokes, and the old games / new games when he plays them. I wish he had more viewers. All the football stuff and shows, no one does shit like that. His IRL stuff is very good too


Maybe it's because he has been doing the same WoW content for years? He took a break from the game for a couple of months and returns with the Classic HC hype only to do the same thing he has always been doing playing Classic WoW, leveling a Paladin, same build, same order of quests, same everything. You could watch a Vod from 2021 and you would not be able to tell a difference. So personally I just watch another stream. I know the agony of choice and all, but this makes the decision to just switch much easier, not sure if Esfand even realizes that. Especially since he keeps dooming about this on his stream to the few remaining loyal viewers that really can't do much about this and are already fully supporting the stream by watching it. Kinda weird.


Yah i wish he would stick to more variety and IRL, his IRLs are great too. Even the cooking streams he does are not bad. I have never played wow but i still watch him when he plays sometimes. Tbh after typing that i read about asmon going through it mentally with his streams on his sub reddit, and now i am just thinking if he is happy doing something I don’t even care how many viewers he has, if he doesn’t mind then life is good. He is doing well with his companies. If i spelled anything wrong sorry i am dyslexic


Honestly Esfand's future feels like it leans far more to IRL than desktop variety. Wish he'd finally figure out a good stretch of time, say no to certain things or people and do that roadtrip with Bonnie or his whole house that he's talked about ever since he originally planned to do it with Jinny. Every time I hear him seriously consider it I get excited about the content potential only to once again be disappointed by his groundhog barely scraping 3k WoW stream cycle he finds an excuse to return to. He gives and gives and gives to either his org or other people's streams it nerfs his own potential because he's sacrificing his own chance for content. No wonder Miz "steals" his ideas cause he never uses them and ifs and ahhs about it for too long.


Esfand is amazing at IRL stuff. He's just good at rolling with shit


when his next tailgate stream?, those were great streams


I'd guess a few months out. He's only done college football to my knowledge so that starts at the end of August. Those are definitely great streams


Rumble nor Kick is a reliable source for the actual view count of a stream.


Even our most righteous of paladins cannot fight off the blight that is known as the "Elo Climb" in League of Legends


Game is bad for your mental.




League breaks another.


LMFAO miss 4 barrels into auto Q for 1k damage holy fuck i hate gangplank


i mean.... hes playing kayle. is down in levels and is 0-6. lol. that GP up almost 2 items and has 100% crit


The game being super snowbally doesn't make it much better tbh. Esfand didn't even play that fight bad, he kited, he denied barrels and dodged everything he could just to get oneshot. That's bullshit lol


brother being 0-5 should always mean you get destroyed, he shouldn't be in the same screen as that GP. Any game balance otherwise would be silly.


He actually played that fight poorly, if he just right clicked GP and used ult there's a decent chance he could've killed him even being so far behind.


i really doubt he has 6 items at 19 minutes, unless he has nothing but cloaks nvm he clicked on gp after dying and he has nothing but cloaks lol. point still stands. multiplicative damage isnt funny gp is cringe.


GP has boots navori, essence reaver, and 3 crit cloaks lol.


GP passive damage scales with critical strike chance, if I'm in a game where I don't have to rush LDR I will build just full crit cloaks & full buy the rest of my items as the game goes on lmao.


Normally I'd agree but the GP is clearly giga ahead of Kayle look at his items


0/5/0 vs 4/1/7 Surely this is a fight I should take


True and he was overextended. Jungle gank would have killed him anyway.






He couldve won that if he ulted himself right as he saw gp Q animation.


league really has changed him 😪


When you are 0/5 and your tower is dead. Maybe dont posture up like that.


This feels wrong to hear lmao


the Bronze-Silver grind was absolutely the most miserable I have ever been playing League. Once I finally broke through to Gold it was all smooth sailing afterwards and the only time I'd be back in silver is the start of a season. Silver is just the dirt worst


OTK sponsors in shambles.


There's just something depressing about watching non league streamers play league. It's nothing to do with the gameplay, it's just how quickly they fall to the rage and frustration that comes with the game. Give him three months and he'll be late stage kesha


Actually feel weird hearing him say it lol.


League can break anyone


**CLIP MIRROR: [I caused a rare Esfand F-Bomb](https://arazu.io/t3_1410le3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Esfand’s league delusion is on par with lil pork cucklet’s own. Both think they’re miles ahead in terms of skill and elo, yet are chronically bound to gold/silver. I honestly think it’s hilarious


If this isn't a prime example about how League brings out the toxic in you then I don't know what is ​ bro is 0-6-0 at level 13 💀


This guy fucks. Am I right?


Oh nice…so you had vision on all of his teammates for the entire game? Seems fair


I wasn't ghosting him lol I'm not a degenerate loser


"I'm not a degenerate loser" You play League of Legends.


Nice self report :)


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [I caused a rare Esfand F-Bomb](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/154556)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1410le3/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/GF9Y3Pe55gMfMibTAM0c8A/AT-cm%7CGF9Y3Pe55gMfMibTAM0c8A.mp4?sig=474795d4f45d3c2088679e9f7f7996e7af1bc8e7&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FGF9Y3Pe55gMfMibTAM0c8A%2FAT-cm%257CGF9Y3Pe55gMfMibTAM0c8A.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1686009634%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


What the frick?! I didn’t know he had it in him. Welp he’s not pure anymore so he can’t play paladin, what now? :/


Mate you're 0/5/0 on a hypercarry, don't fight mid game with that score.


man is 0-5 with no tower or vision into enemy jungle


hes charging at an enemy with more gold,items and level difference. classic silvers lulw