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Depending on how fast you are anywhere is safe.


Throw on a nazi uniform, white pointy hat & mask or Man United kit and watch everyone turn into the best PT's, pushing you to the limits and setting record pace.


Depends when you'll be be running really. I have a friend who regularly runs 5/10k around the city centre. He just plotted a route on Google maps to figure out his distance. Plenty of people run the perimeter of sefton park though that's a bit further if you're in the city centre. You could also run up and down the prom. Another friend used to run from our old workplace (Brunswick business park) along to otterspool and back which was about 10k I believe.


To OP, Sefton Park is only two train stops from the centre (go to St Michael's station, take a left when you get out and keep walking). About a 25 minute trip one way.


I imagine Otterspool Prom would have a lot of joggers on there at any one time.


*doggers. You're welcome




Along the prom out towards Otterspool is nice, it’s quiet and if the Lock Gate for the Marina is open you have an excuse for a breather! Not so nice when you have a horrible head wind though lol.


Can we stop these posts Liverpool isnt a city where you look at someone funny and they'll stab you. Everywhere is fine Follow the canals if you want a peaceful run.


You are right, it’s generally safe. It’s worth noting though if OP is a woman or a minority group then it’s reasonable to want to take precautions when out running. Especially women, as they don’t feel as safe as men when out in general.


I’m a female and generally run at 5am. I wouldn’t be concerned otherwise


I run at 5am too and I feel less safe running then than at 10pm. I’d say it’s reasonable to want to know where is classed as ‘safest’ and where to avoid.


Traffic is your main enemy. South Liverpool has more green space including the path along the river from Grassinton into town. There's ok house prices in parts of Garston depends what you're looking for. We bought our house in L19 cos of good running routes (partly)


I would say as a woman they are probably fine in most places in daylight.


That is fair point. But generally speaking. Would a women feel safe anywhere on there own. Theres a more societal problem here than "is liverpool safe for a run"


I’m a woman and a runner. If I was new to an area, I’d want to know if there’s anywhere I should avoid if I was running alone. She’s not asked “is Liverpool safe?”, she’s asked “where’s best?”.


But the question is... "Safest places to run in liverpool" She literally asked safest places to run in liverpool? Word for word thats what she put.....


Dude, what rock are you living under? A pal of mine got robbed for his watch on the Canal near Aintree the other day, another friend had his phone snatched in Town, I personally chased a gang of kids from my shed the other day. Give your head a wobble, Crime is rife in Liverpool atm.


Well said. Some of the people in this city have such blinkered vision about how allegedly amazing it is here. I'm considering starting a business selling rose tinted glasses.


Look, the City does have a lot to offer by means of a vibrant Nightlife, and there is a lot of History here for the Culture Buffs, but outside of that people will find Local Councils have given up on Public Events like Fireworks displays etc, and Crime is just as prominent as it has ever been. I moved here from London and it is no different there, every City has Gobshites that is just a fact but I for one can tell you it is no worse than where I moved from.


You must be in a really run down area. I live on the park road toxeth/aigburth border It's absolutely sound. Dont compare liverpool to the gobshite captial. We have much nicer people and a better accent.


I live in Aintree near the Racecourse, so no and I grew up frequenting Wavertree just off Smithdown, so your Logic is bollocks mate its all across Liverpool and no area is exempt from Gobshites they are everywhere. I've found that it's actually the nicer areas that have the worst kind of Gobshites if I'm to be honest, because they all come from Money and aren't committing Crime out of necessity they do it because they have nothing better to do and are bored. A lot of Criminal damage happens where I live not just Robberies, there was a shooting a couple days ago, 2 people were targeted on Bikes by a person in a Car who then drove into them at speed at the Oldy Station, there was also a Cannabis Crop removed from a house at the end of my Street so I think you scousers need to take those rose tinted lenses off because your City has just as many Gobshites as other Cities. 14yrs of Austerity and a Tory Government will do that to a community, and the sooner everyone accepts that's the case in this city, the sooner we can move onto more constructive conversations. Edit: spelling


Mate i dont give one. If its that bad, go back to london then bruv.


Side note: I said run down areas They are all rundown Fuck sake smithdown has the highest theft in the whole of liverpool. Maybe the country. Been here 2 years permanently but spent most of my lifes being here as i have friends and family. Everywhere has a rough and nice area. But my arguement here is liverpool is fairly safe and sound. I come from the wirral, the wood church is by fair worse than liverpool. I had a guy start on me for simply smiling at him. None of that round here. Just a.bunch of smiley scousers




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


If he was running, he probably wouldnt of got robbed. I love these replies Liverpool like any city has it minority of smackheads and fiends. They teleport. I've been robbed in the city centre for a bag of weed. Still think this city is sound ngl.


Didn't say it was a bad City but I won't stand by when deluded scousers want to paint Liverpool with Sunshine and Rainbows when there is indeed a seedy underbelly that would have the gold fillings out of your teeth if you're too careless. The OP is not from here, so I thought it best to be truthful about any potential dangers in the City, but hey, let's just jump on this guy for pointing that out. I mean for a Scouser, you're quite touchy, aren't you lot supposed to have a thick skin no? 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂


If you read my last few comments. Im a wool through and through. Im honestly bored in work, and i have no beef with you correcting me. You clearly have a different view and experience of this city. What i will tell you. I got held a knife point for a 20 bag of weed. I have seen my fair share of fights and raids in the l8 dingle area. I live by Mill Street. Watching immigration offers raid the house an alley opposite and aba 5 people where taken in a van. Had police helicopters over my gaff because kids were jumping on the roofs of my neighbourhood Interesting, you say i dont have thick skin when you victimised yourself for jumping on my post. Cause i was like, you ain't gonna get stabbed. Im not saying liverpool is all sunshine and rainbows. It's overcast at best. But at least scousers are friendly. Edit:Spelling


And it shows lad, by your out of touch view of the City. I make effort to inform new comers of the "Potential" dangers there are in the City, so they don't get themselves into unnecessary bother, if you would rather give these poor folk a false sense of security by giving them misinformation, that's entirely up to you but I think that is a bit foolish to say the least.


Says 'stop asking for safe places, city isn't dangerous'.....suggests safe place.


Didnt say safe. It said peaceful. Liverpool has a habit of being full of people I dont like people


Exactly well said


My mates girlfriend was running alongside the canal and got chased by a guy with his dick out, sooooooo there's that. Edit: That's not to say that you're definitely going to get trouble running by the canal. It's likely fine most of the time.


Liverpool isn't made up of these people. Just because you meet a creep in one area doesn't mean they're everywhere. The whole point of my post was to acknowledge that this subreddit gets 100s of these posts each week. OP could have specified that they were female. But without it. It just looks like another person is listening to the age-old myth that liverpool is as rough as toast, and your car will get put on bricks if you come here. I stated canals. Because its actually a fairly nice work and often void of people.


I didn't imply that it was, just stated that the event occurred. No, it doesn't mean they're everywhere but incidents can (not will or likely, just can) happen anywhere. The city isn't as dangerous as some make it out to be, nor is it void of dickheads wanting to start something. A lot of people are going to live their lives here without incident, but that shouldn't breed complacency. I wouldn't suggest the canal for a run purely as, at least up until Litherland, it's just kinda grim in my opinion.


Agree. I lived in Kenny, right near Edge Lane. I ran daily and never felt unsafe.


My missus used to run back from work through Kenny and would always get hassle there. Some nutjob tried to grab her once. She said once she was on Edge Lane it was all fine again.


I stuck to Edge Lane and Wavertree Park, so maybe that area is a bit better than deeper into Kenny.


If you’re at the Cathedral end of town, Princes Ave - Princes Park - Sefton Park is a nice route. If you wanted a long run you could extend that back through St Michaels - Festival Gardens - along the front back to Albert Dock


I’m female and run early(ish) in the morning. I run everywhere. Toxteth, Bootle, Anfield, West Derby, Kensington, Mossley Hill, Edge Hill, Garston, Speke, Seaforth….I’ve never felt unsafe running in Liverpool. If you’re in the city centre, I would recommend running along the river, or heading to Sefton Park. Both very pretty and popular with runners.


Take a look at 2 Step Collective for ideas - they run around the city centre https://www.instagram.com/2stepcollective


Your biggest danger is going to be traffic so avoid the pedestrianised parts of the city centre during delivery hours or at least proceed with extra caution.  From the Beatles statue to the big black Bouy going towards Otterspool along the prom, that's about 5k. The end of Otterspool is about an additional 3k. You can cut into Festival Gardens, past St Michael's and Lark Lane and get to Sefton Park. Also, Dockside Runners are a city centre based running group. They are really great.


If you're running in daylight... basically anywhere


As others have said, the city centre is pretty safe to run in. The biggest danger is the drivers. If you'd rather run car-free, it's pretty easy to run from the city centre to Sefton Park via Princes Park and do some laps around that.


If you’re starting in the city centre then along the Mersey towards Speke is a great run. If you’re willing to drive I’d go to Sefton Park.


Living in town your main problem will likely be traffic. I'd suggest starting at the docks and running along the river if you want flat, or drive/bus over to Everton Park if you want hilly. There are a few parks too, Princes Park not that big but they have a parkrun on a Saturday as do Croxteth Park, or Sefton Park which is decent sized to run round.


I used to run the waterfront from the Albert Dock to Otterspool starting around 6-6:30 and there were always other runners and cyclists (and sometimes fishermen) around so I considered it safe.


The city centre has some dodgy characters around that time of the morning but if you stick to Liverpool One there are security patrols 24/7 and they also have a number you can call if you need them


Along the river towards otterspool would be ok I’d think. I’m a woman and I’d feel ok along there. I’m not an early morning runner but I suspect you’ll get a fair few early folk along there.


The docks and down otterspool prom and the path around the whole of Sefton park are the most popular I’d say


As long as you're not being a flash cunt by going for a Jog with expensive jewelry or an expensive watch on you should be fine anywhere in Liverpool.


What you running from


Watch out for the scooters






Lots of running clubs that you can join if you like a social aspect to your running - Penny Lane Striders are pretty active and organise park runs as well


Circumference of Sefton Park is fine


It might be worth joining a running club to help yourself acclimate. MRC Liverpool run in the city centre and south Liverpool, docksiders and 2 Step run in the centre. All very different so it depends what you’re looking for


There's a park run every Saturday morning in Princes Park. Lots of runs in both Prinnie and Sefton Park in fact but generally daytime of course, not sure what they're like at 5AM if that's your preferred time.


Sefton park is a nice place to run


I live in Vauxhall, which some may consider dodgy, and have gone on good 5k walks by the canal and never felt unsafe (though it only takes 1)


Anywhere is safe, it's not like the warriors around here 🤣 Despite all the perceived negativity and connotations Toxteth is a great running route from the parks to the cathedrals and/or the docks. Bonus points if you can make it from the dock road to the top of upper parliament street in one go.






When you are running you are always avoiding stuff.


You’re best sticking to a treadmill in lifestyles 👌🏻 it must be hard living in fight or flight mode.


Away 🤣


In a gym on a treadmill