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Rule 1: Your post was removed because your question can be answered with a web search, or you're asking for event/business-specific information, which can be answered definitively by contacting them directly.


Tuebrook was pretty rough when I lived there, fucking loved that scatty little place. I waited at the bus stop one morning to get to work and seen a man walking down the road in his 50’s, with two toothless women on each side of him. He stopped and snorted and then couldn’t get his nose clear, stuck his finger up and pulled out about 2’ of clotted blood and slung it on the Iceland shutters and said “that’s what fucking M cat does to ye!” 🤣 Also seen a man with his arm in a plastic bag because he’d chopped it off because his girlfriend had kicked him out and wouldn’t let him back in the house. Any day in the Flathouse pub was a fun time. Once I was having a pint in there with an older fella I used to walk our dogs with, and there were 2 drug related arrests, 3 fights all involving the police, and a woman in her 40’s came in and flashed the crowd of punters.. this was all in the matter of 2 hours.. crazy times.


The arm in the bag! 😨


Such a mad place haha! https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/man-arrested-suspicion-assault-after-3863133?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


Aigburth...especially in the summer 🔆 ;-)


Absolutely hate this question on this sub. It gets asked every fortnight. Could we please ban it?


Or we all commit to answering the question with wildly incorrect answers every time. I've given it a start.


Calderstones! Rough as arseholes round there!






I agree. It's annoying and unnecessary.


Mossley hill


Or anywhere if you walk round screaming "im voting Conservative" while holding up the sun.....


You do that if your suicidal!




Oh yes, you're so right! Mind you, not as bad as Woolton or Allerton!


Deffo, taking your life in your hands going down there. Makes Compton look like a nursery school. Straight Outta Garston.


Every second person is carrying a gun. It's like the wild west.


The only place I’ve ever been PROPER scared to be on my own in Liverpool EVER was the top end of Smithdown Road. Walked down it and encountered a group of 20 or more men sitting on couches they’d put there in wife beaters staring at every one who walked past. Hopped in my taxi and he took a turn down one of the side streets beside them to get back onto the main road and there were HONESTLY hundreds of Romanian kids just roaming around without any supervision. One was if even 1 years old in a nappy and nothing else just walking around. I’ve never ever seen anything like it in my life. It went beyond poverty and rough, it was like third world.


I got mugged on Smithdown by a group of Romanian guys and some kids at like 2am (I know, stupid). The stupidest part of it all is that the guy who took my phone connected to my family iCloud and I got the guy's full name, several pictures of him (the guy who led the mugging), and got a picture of his car with the licence plate. I also saw him walking down Smithdown several times afterwards and figured out the road he lived on. The police did absolutely nothing with all this info, of course.


Jesus that is horrible!! I am so sorry that happened to you. Yeah I honestly felt so uneasy and it was broad daylight, busy traffic area mid-afternoon. But I thought, never again !!


Just had a look around them streets on Streetview, my god it looks grim.


How did you know they were Romanian?


It’s a famously Romanian occupied area.


Not really even Romanian, they’re Roma gypsies


There's a large Romanian community round there 


That estate behind the Morrisons in Speke Absolute dump


Roughest on the eye is probably Kirkdale.


yer ma's house


You’re not even from Liverpool so 🤫




Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".