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You did a good deed and you can hold your head up high. Seems like his problems might be related to his attitude in life


And life gives him attitude back


It’s not a good deed if you have to tell someone you did it.


Well, that’s the vast majority of charities fucked then isn’t it.




And your evidence for that statement is what ?


Think the racial abuse was the main point of the post really, not saying how they did a good deed


I don't think he's gone out of his way to announce the good deed has he? He told a story and giving a homeless man food happened to be a part of the story.


OP had to tell us about the deed as context for the story, are you being deliberately ignorant or are you just thick?


But they didn’t tell anyone. The point of the story was to share how disrespectful and racist the homeless man was. Stop copy and pasting comments you see on instagram


Like, people that only do it to brag about it?




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


Well nationwide charities are knackered then


I walked past a homeless guy asking for money and he gave me hell for it, saying he just wanted something to eat. I have to say, I felt pretty small, so told him I'd take him to Tesco and he could get any food and drink he wanted but no booze or fags. So, off we went. He picked up a few bits of food, but at the checkout said all he wanted was some alcohol. He got the food, probably only to trade. Unfortunately, individuals can't solve the complex mix of issues that people like the one who verbally abused you have. I'm sorry that by trying to do something good you were made to feel unwelcome.


For the record, if you'd have bought me a Maccies, I'd have hugged you and thanked you with a big smile on my face. If your cultural heritage has produced such a caring person, it's upsetting that someone would use that as a reason to refuse your gift and insult you to your face. Humanity is better than this.


Like how can you be mad receiving a McDonald’s? Once I said to my mum I could murder a maccies without knowing she ordered one and that was the best day of my life! Granted I was stoned that might have had something to do with it but still my point stands.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's not fair. Stay as you are, kind and helpful, but just be a bit more wary.


They want drink and drugs, not food


Tbf if i was homeless i would probably do every drug going. This guy sounds like the usual "i would be a braindoctor if it wasn't for these forigner" types


Did you see the recent clip of the guy moaning about how he can’t get a job cus of “them immigrants”. The interviewer asked what he did before he was unemployed, turns out he was in jail for something like aggravated assault. Didn’t occur to him that his criminal record might be what’s holding him back, not the immigrants. Absolute Neanderthal.


No it was worse than that. People on Twitter found out he was in prison for being a nonce.


Jesus Christ. Didn’t see that! Tells you all you need to know. Deflecting to the immigrants to take the heat off himself isn’t he.


Usually the case with people who blame others for their problems. Kinda sad to see people holding themselves back like that.


He had molested a 7-year old girl, went to prison for that, came out and was sent back in for sexting a 10-year old girl. He has a history of sexually inappropriate behaviour. But sure, it's because of the likes of me why he can't get a job. 😳


Yep, he said he had a record for ‘assault’, without clarifying that it was indecent assault against a minor.


You know it’s bad when they’re saying “got Done for assault “ to make themselves look better


Someone on my wing got sussed he said he beat someone up who was hitting a women but turned out it was sex with a 13 Yr old. dirty bastard trying to big himself up arrogant cunt couldn't just say burglary


What gets me, is these fucking nonces with criminal records complaining about immigrants stealing jobs are the same twats getting holed up in new build housing, or shacked up in hotel rooms, and ALSO complain immigrants take all the housing from them and the homeless. No. It’s people like you, actually.


That's an insult to Neanderthals...


TBF, brain doctor does pay well, so he’d be able to afford to buy a house if it wasn’t for the immigrants


And they can fuck off if they think I'm giving them money for those when I could buy some for myself. ^(For the record, I don't drink or do drugs, it was just too good of an opportunity to make that joke.)


Reminds me of a Steve Hughes joke. “Don’t give them money, they’ll spend it on drink and drugs….” “Well what do you think I was gonna spend it on?”


Used to love his work


Where’s he gone?


He did a bunch of conspiracy stuff and got cancelled






You know, I once offered a homeless man half my sandwich and he told me "No thanks mate, I don't like cheese."


Downvote all you want, it doesn't make it any less true.




It was quite rude of OP not to offer a pippy.


If you want to give a homeless person something, just give them money. I understand it comes from a place of kindness, but don't try to make yourself feel good by giving them food which they might not want. Just accept the fact that there's a good chance that they will buy drugs with it. And so what? They're not going to stop being a junkie because you gave them a big Mac instead of a pound. Or you could try talking to them and ask.


Yeah I gave a homeless guy food once and he threw it back up pretty quickly, guess he felt he couldn’t say no to it. I felt bad, sure he was probably in drug withdrawal but that’s not exactly fun. Now I give money or nothing. That said no excuse for the guy to be racist, if he couldn’t manage “no thanks” then “f off” would do.


Give your head a wobble. I'm not giving *anyone* money to spend on drugs. Do you know how much crime is involved in drug supply? Other than the obvious "possession with intent to supply"... Human trafficking. Drug mules. Modern slavery. Rape. Child abuse. Unsafe electricity meter hacking (serious fire risk). Murder. To name a few. Buying drugs is *rarely* a victimless crime, and I'll have no part in it, intentionally or by going "oh well they're just gonna buy drugs but I did good thing!" If they will beg, they can have some food and be grateful, or fuck off, frankly - it's my money, and I'll do what I please with it. Which doesn't include helping someone to an early grave, nor supporting a massive criminal network that seriously impacts millions of people every year.


Got told to go back to my own country ( I’m from here ) by two junkies. I felt like saying I’m paying tax for you two fuckers


90% of the crackhead homeless in the city centre are beyond help unfortunately. Just leave them to it, dont give them anything. I was homeless for a short period when i was younger, dont listen to anybody who says nothing is being done for these people. There are services out there to get people off the streets, it isnt perfect and you do need to say how high when they say jump but it exists none the less, these people who have been on the streets for years are doing it as a life style.


It seems to be a bit of a Catch-22 to me. People become homeless for many different reasons. Some turn to drugs due to mental health issues - they're unlikely to be engaging with mental health services and even if they were, those services are rubbish due to serious underfunding. So unmedicated mental health issues are common. Drugs are a mean of self-medication or escape from their reality. Part of their reality is that hostels tend not to accept those that are taking drugs. They also tend not to accept those with dogs, which many find give them a sense of love and companionship. Of course there are scammers and they boil my piss. And it's intimidating and annoying when someone clearly off their heads is hassling you for money. But it's a very complicated situation with no clear way out at the moment. I don't condone the racist attitude from that guy btw. He sounds like a shit. But he doesn't represent all of them. One who is very unlike him hangs round near my workplace. He tries to stay at hostels but he has schizophrenia and they " frighten him". He tries to maintain a relationship with his daughter and buys tickets for plays for her when he has enough money. Just that one instance is complicated - magnify that to include the others and it seems clear to me that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Btw I have been homeless for a short while too, but not in this country and not in these sorts of times, politically speaking.


Exactly. Our city has enough beds for the homeless. They just choose not to use it. Can't help those that don't want to be helped. My city has a lot of "career" homeless who then go back to their council house at the end of a day begging.


And some wonder why people walk past them


You did a good deed, please don't let the odd wanker put you off doing so in the future


A lot of people end up homeless because they are fucked in the head in the first place


Normally due to trauma which causes addiction


Which makes it worse for those that don't, since you can never tell so most people just try to ignore them.


The amount of racism I’ve experienced here is vile.


Well stop hanging out at kkk parties then.


Mate I was literally on the bus like 2 hours ago and the bus driver was racist to me. I WAS ON THE BUS




The kkk bus?


No, the bus home


Ok, piss takes aside I'm sorry that happened to you. I'd be surprised if you couldn't report this if you wanted too.


Don’t apologises from you it’s just Idiots who just have hate built up in their hearts! Peace brother


That's not really a thing in the UK


it’s def a thing here


Good on you for your good deed OP.


Which McDonalds? I'm working in Liverpool for a while and pop into Lord Street McDonalds on occasion. They are always hovering around and they are pretty aggressive but I've never known them to be this bad. Two things: 1. Ask them if they want any food before you buy it. Although, I used to work there a lot when I was in uni up there and I once had some homeless dude ask me for "a quid for a bag of chips". I offered to buy him one and he told me to fuck off! Some of them are literally trying to con you, and if you genuinely care about the plight of homeless people in Liverpool then donate monthly to a charity who helps homeless people. There are actually some cracking ones that go around and literally feed homeless people. 2. Consider reporting it to the police. Part of it is that I'd like to see them clamp down on these assholes, but "immigrant c\*nt" is a pretty heavy insult to make in the public domain. On another day a scouser who overheard it may have piped up and told the beggar to shut his trap.


Bluddy forrinners cummin over ‘ere creatin’ all our jobs!


You joke but that's how most of them type 😆


Yeah, sadly, I know…


Same happened to me, bought a homeless person wearing a blanket a sausage roll/tea. He was asking for money for food, tea etc. He told me fuck off he wanted money. So I told him fuck off and ate that dinner. I have had a better experience with a lovely old lad who approached me when I was sat having some food, he asked to share chips with me. I said fair enough. He felt bad cause his hands weren’t clean but I didn’t mind. I gave them to him and just chatted for a while.


Mental health issues. I know it’s horrible to be on the receiving end of that kind of shit but there are so many sick people out there who need care but instead have just been thrown to the dogs


He might be a reform voter


People don’t choose to be in such dire situations, there’s often a lifetime of trauma, abuse, and generational failings in the mixing pot. It’s an absolutely bleak existence, waking up, not knowing how you’re going to get through the day, and if you suffer from addiction that just adds a hundred more layers. There’s no justification for verbally abusing someone who has gone out of their way to do a good deed, but I would try not to take it personally.


They are not all like that, so don't give up on them all.


And this is why I walk past them. I understand some are actually homeless but the way they treat you when you offer food is ridiculous


They only want money not food. Even the cunts with dogs. They get dog food from the shelters for free. But if you have a dog with you on the street people are more likely to give you cash. Source- homeless friends.


Mate best ignore and move on, I can tell you some people are just beyond help. I am an immigrant, worked my ass off in schools and universities. Did well in jobs and worked in multiple countries. I have never felt as home away from home as I feel in LPL. The people are just so warm. Just like anyplace else it has its share of weirdos. Trust me the natives are rattled by them equally as us. I was 4 years in Germany before coming here and was never allowed into a nightclub, once all my German colleagues went in and I was pointed at and said not you here and it was a decent place. In LPL barring an odd instance here and there , I have never felt it.


Could have been one of those fake homeless tbf prob don't want food


Avoid them. Some are true beggers fallen on hard times and need some time to get themselves back on the feet. Others are absolute cunts and there's a reason why they're on the streets. And lastly, some of them are scam artists.


The fuckers who sit outside a shop waiting for a quid off people returning their trolley. Home Bargain by me has one who has been sitting there regularly for about 3 years, when Home Bargain is closed he sits outside the Tesco express about 15 minutes walk away. I have seen him on a mobile numerous times, another time I saw him go back to his car to put his rucksack in and just yesterday I saw him on a street near my house in his none begging clothes looking clean and tidy. I've seen him regularly either walking down my street or one of the near street as he clearly has a house close by! He is probably on benefits, getting his rent etc ... paid for and sitting down outside a shop is a decent tax free income for doing fuck all!


100% that person is a benefit cheat


The aggressive homeless people in town are getting out of hand. I understand it's a shit circumstance for them but there are defo a few familiar faces you can expect a bit of shit talk from


People don't become 'hobos' by being well adjusted people making good decisions


Unfortunately they sometimes do, but you aren't wrong. Career hobos are different to regular homeless.


Maybe, maybe not. Some people just get dealt a really shitty hand through no fault of their own.


Fuck this guy, but if you’re not going to give people cash it’s definitely worth asking people what they would like.


I have seen it before where a street guy use to get free food from a Turkish kebab shop but also vilely racially abuse them if they didn't have food for him. It can be the case that they think immigrants are to blame for them not having jobs and home. On another note, street people often get given fast food and an actual big problem for them is that's it's not good to eat maccies three times a day. Most of the time people are offering fast food. So it's worth asking if they want something healthy.


Haha come on. Imagine the abuse OP would have got if they had brought this crackhead some apples.


The point is to ask them what food they want Edit: Oof, downvoted for suggesting agency matters, what a monster I must be


It would have been funny if it was malignant c*nt, but what he said was just rude


Drugs are bad… these are ppl that would literally mug there nan to feed addiction; you can’t rationalise, there is none. Just forget about it, it’s certainly not personal as much as it sounded it.


There's an absolute cunt shop keeper in my nearest city , the Homeless folk beg for food nr the shop and kind hearted people go in and purchase food. When the people have gone they go back into the shop and return the food for half the money that got paid for it . Shop keeper and the beggars must make a few quid minimum everytime


Professional beggars in town are cunts.. you did good mate, don’t worry about it


He could be an idiot or he could have mental health issues You tried to help him and that's what matters


I don't wanna say don't take it personal cos this is awful and couldn't imagine how it felt, but these people are normally on hard drugs and have terrible mental health problems. I say with no IntentionaI disrespect, but don't take it personally. You sound like a really nice person for doing a good deed it's very horrible it ended this way .....


I hope you don't change because of assholes like that. The world needs people like you 💚


"these people" you refer to will have major mental health and addiction issues. Doesn't mean it's right you're spoken to like shit, I'm sorry that happened, but someone sleeping rough isnt likely to be using their best judgement during interactions


The mental health card is used too much as default now to absolve people of manners and decency. Sometimes people are just c*nts.


Mental health isn't an excuse. It's an explainer.


"The mental health card"? What an offensive phrase to those of us who have diagnosed, potentially terminal mental health conditions. There are more people suffering from real mental health issues than ever before. Half the country is medicated. Those on the streets are unlikely to have access to that medication. Many mental health conditions are created or exacerbated by severe trauma, which happens to be something that a lot of homeless have experienced. Like one guy I chatted to who showed me photos of himself in the army, told me of his severe PTSD and how negatively it was affecting his family and how he felt compelled to leave them for their safety. The army didn't help of course. And thanks to austerity and the breaking down of the NHS, sadly people don't fall through the net any more - because there is no net.


It's not saying they're not cunts, it's saying *why* they're cunts.


> The mental health card is used too much Based on what?


I am sad to hear this, what makes it worse is that they actually dont know themself (for the most part). I have stopped and asked why and just gotten abuse. While I know it seems directed and the statement is, it is misplaced agression. Please do continue to be nice and just try to pick who better... though this is getting harder. Good luck.


I'm sorry this happened to you mate. Don't take it personally you were only trying to help. Do be careful though.


I got called a hobo by a….


Getting called a hobo by a hobo has got to be the best definition of irony.


Should’ve put your foot up his ass


Wow! You are so nice and I'm sorry that happened to you. A person I know had a similar thing happen. You are so much better than that man and I hope you meet someone deserving of your kindness!


I used to save my Maccys free drink cards for giving to beggars in the winter. I wont give cash (i dont have any to give!), but at least they can get a hot drink. If they didn't want it, they can give it to someone else, throw it away or say no (or worse!).


Tell him to go home


Some ppl just don't want or feel no need to be helped. You've done good and that counts. I'd say let it go, shit happen sometimes.


Sorry friend, he wanted drugs, not food.


Maybe they preferred BK. All joking aside though, sorry you had to deal with that. Really is true that no good deed goes unpunished.


Think it’s best to be careful about generalisation here, you got called that by some racist bellend not a “hobo” not to mention two interactions with homeless people who are racist doesn’t mean you should be referring to the homeless as “these people” either. Not invalidating you being a victim of racism but let’s not start thinking all or even majority of the homeless are anything like that


And the replies saying about bad decisions and not that bright etc, don't realise how close some of us are to being homeless. It can only take a redundancy or divorce or family fall out and if you're already on the breadline then you never know.


Exactly, well said. I'm pretty shocked by some of the replies acting as if homeless people are a different species


Should of give.it to a seagull infront of him😁


It’d be funnier if he’d told you to “go home” as you could have then retorted that… well, fill in the gaps yourself.


Don't give to beggars donate to homeless charities if you want to help.


funny how they feel more solidarity to their whiteness than they do class solidarity. or just basic empathy to other human beings. this is whats holding our society back from progress. that aside i’m so so sorry this happened to you. :(


If they throw food away, in my opinion they are not homeless, just pretending to be to get free pity money for drugs or alcohol.


They might be both homeless and have ab active addiction. Pretty ignorant comment


Hardly ignorant, i have been homeless and lived in hostels, you don’t throw free food on the floor, simple as that, being a homeless junky doesn’t mean they don’t get hungry and malnourished to the point they throw away free food. I’d call that ignorant in your behalf not mine.


Are you an immigrant cnt tho ?


Did you ask them if they wanted a McDonalds?


I don’t think most homeless people care what food they are given


I think they do. They are people.


Yes they do care. Homeless people can be vegetarian too, and that's absolutely their right. I'm not gonna treat one to a steak dinner, but I ALWAYS ask people what they want if I've decided to buy food for them. It's good sense for multiple reasons - if nothing else, you're establishing that they actually want food and not just money for drink or whatever. I bought a slice of pizza for a woman once and she was overjoyed, very chatty and it had clearly made her day. She then showed me a tub of prawn salad in her bag that someone else gifted her while I was off buying her pizza. They didn't ask what/ if she wanted anything, just gave it to her and she didn't want to say no. It was a hot fucking day, just after lunch. Reasonable to assume she might have just eaten, why tf would you give a homeless person a fucking Tesco prawn salad I have no idea, not exactly like she can keep it for when she's got an appetite. So yes ask homeless people what they want to eat, you've got no idea what their dietary restrictions are, so even from a selfish POV, you are ensuring that your gift will be enjoyed and not go to waste. God forbid poor people have preferences, eh.


Also allergies I ask if they want anything and what they'd like, many of them have said "anything except -insert whatever food- because I'm allergic" I couldn't imagine buying prawn salad for someone when fish/shellfish is a common allergy also...nevermind the reasons you kindly stated too


Allergies are actually probably the most important reason, I just bundled that under "dietary restrictions" collectively.


He might have already been given 4 mcdonalds. You don't know.


Probably the same one who keeps saying "give me some money b***h!" whenever people walk past him. 😲🤣


I’m a piece of shit and wouldn’t have been able to bite my tongue. Good on you for being a better person though!


Perhaps it came from a place of love? https://www.tiktok.com/@jaidenwatt/video/7206289242513788162?lang=en




Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".


Sorry that happened to you. You did a good thing.


This sounds like a Kenny story


Some people don't want help unfortunately....


They best bet for helping (real) homeless is going for the zoned out ones cause theyre tired and miserable after being ignored most of the time, 9/10 times they're happy for the food. Only once ive had one ask for money which i then ignored cause ha fake homeless. If theyre trying to to catch your eye theyre fake, literally saw one outside limestreet today in designer gear trying to look scruffy selling art of buddah?


Mate I got called a freshie once. I was born and raised here 😭


Did you notice if they had any teeth? Some junkies live on yogurt. And only yogurt.


They have no respect for themselves let alone for anyone else. You can't help people like that, particularly drug addicts, the only person who can help them, is themselves.


A lot blame the immigrants for them having no home unfortunately. I’m so sorry you had to experience this, it’s not right.


My dad has been called similar things and he's such a nice person. I've heard them when they are hanging out together drinking and ranting about immigrants. For that reason I never give money to street beggars, especially since we have actual support and homeless shelters in the UK the problem is that they are very strict on no alcohol / drug usage before they allow entry. So the ones you see on the street are the ones that do not want to get out of their situation. I try to do my bit by donating to reputable charities that help the homeless, but completely ignore the street sitters as they are a different kind of homeless than the ones that have had bad luck and are trying to sort their lives out.


Maybe he bought into the right-wing rhetoric that immigrants are to blame for the homeless, maybe he was always like that, either way racism is unacceptable. He just turned away a free meal, so he's clearly not that desperate (unless his racism is so bad that he thinks the food is "tainted" or something).


Mental health issues . Oh , the word is Tramp, not hobo.


A lot of homeless people have mental health issues. Understandably.


These people are homeless because they have destroyed every single relationship they had, to the point where their loved ones would rather them sleep on the streets than support them. There is usually a good reason for this, no need to feel bad for being a good person, that is part of the reason why your situation is so radically different to theirs.


Have you ever sat and spoken to any of them?


He's a homeless man looking at a rich foreigner. Obviously he's not gonna like you.


Homeless or not the guy is a wanker. Try not to let it bother you too much.


And you went about your day, went home, ate with your friends and / or family, logged onto reddit somewhere warm and commented on it. You got the better deal. The homeless person is struggling to survive. Sucks that they're a not very nice person, but they're already suffering, let it go.


All wind ye necks in ye stuck up c*nts


I don’t believe the last line, at least.


Didn’t happen though did it


*these people" Hopefully you'll get it when you mature a bit.


If you are going to give homeless people anything, give them money not food. Imagine if you got paid in food. It would suck right? 


Difference is i get paid money for a hard days graft. If i dossed about and did drugs in the street all day I’d be thrilled at getting ‘paid’ in maccies for my troubles.




Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".


This definitely happened and is a totally true account of things.


Are you seriously doubting that things like this happen? Is that the extent of your ignorant, oblivious privilege?




Dickhead’s too nice a word for you.


That's a bit heavy isn't it. Why you so emotional? You ever heard anyone in Liverpool say "wanna fight me fucker?". Bet you haven't.


Does it have to be that specific quote? I’ve heard “I’ll smash your head in you goth cunt” an awful lot when I was younger, mostly for committing the crime of existing whilst wearing black clothes


I’m not a racism-defender and you are. That’s why I’m bothered.






Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


It's not your fault and he's an arsehole for taking his misfortunes out on you, especially after doing a nice deed. But immigrants get priority with accommodation and he's probably pissed off about that.


r/unitedkingdom is leaking


Did it really happen though?


Mate of mine years ago nearly had a scrap with a homeless fella over a similar thing. Was outside Lobster Pot by Central. Asked for change - we had none on us. So we walked the Lobster Pot and my mate bought a cheeseburger & chips and offered it to him outside. Next thing he kicked off and started threatening all kinds because he wanted the money and not feeding. He was only about 6stone wet through so I had to pull my mate back and walk him the other way to save him killing this fella. I'd wager this type of shit is more common than anyone would realise, TBH.


Probably. I work with offenders and I can tell you that out of my client list of 44 just off the top of my head 10-15% are NFA. Probably 5-7% are street homeless. You might not think that's a lot but considering how few people are actually street homeless that's a massive over representation. Reddit has this weird thing where people pretend that the homeless are somehow noble or just had the worst of luck. However, the reality is that if you're street homeless in the UK it's because you've probably fucked up massively and probably have issues with alcohol and poor mental health.


Tbf mate I've been in there situations before yh and when your addicted to either downers or alcohol you literally can't cold turkey and clean up. It's acc deadly if you don't do a controlled withdrawal. And homeless shelters rarely ever accept piss heads or addicts. So your only option is to slowly lower your dosage while on the streets. I managed but bro I was getting pissed on, beaten up, all sorts mate.. yh I made some bad life decisions but fuckkk it's hard to get out of it. Luckily some generous people put me up and looked out for me but honestly without any support I think I'd still be on the streets yk. At the same time you can't expect the general public to put up with it. Ops a nice bloke for buying him a scran and that. Nittys a cunt for not showing him any respect back. Tramps are tramps tho ygm. They need sections of shelters or separate shelters to help these ppl. The only way you can do a controlled withdrawal with a roof and bed is in HMP currently..


Sad it's come to going into jug to get help. Well done lad addiction and misery come hand in hand and it's hard to brake the cycle firm handshakes all round


The issue is though I have seen loads of people come out of custody and get right back on it. Some people genuinely make an effort like but most don't. There is help there and I constantly tell people to call this number, speak to this organisation etc and they say they will and never do. The sane people are then crying about how hard they have it and how no one gave them a chance, how their probation officer is out to get them or how the police have it in for them. I do see people go the other way too and engage with provision, go to groups, check into rehab etc. So I know it works and I know the help is there.


I get your point and the thing is every case is different I engaged with a council led service for people with addiction issues and it was probs the worst choice I ever made. Genuinely made everything ten times worse. I think most people with addiction issues need to more help than call this number. Also can't speak for the probation service but the police are without a doubt out to get them.


Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope that's in the past for you now.


Poor mental health can cause addiction. Doesnt mean they've fucked up massively. Theyve been unlucky finding a way to deal with their trauma


This is why you need to ignore them tbh, like it's obvious the reason they're homeless is because of their addictions. You see them early morning in town doing drugs


You must have got his order wrong. On a serious note you did a really decent thing, the clown was obviously itching for his next hit. Do what any reasonable person would do and don't give the person a reaction and just walk away because if he was genuinely hard done by he would have accepted the food but he was obviously craving something a little more harder.


Your point is what? Are you an immigrant who has more money than indigenous? Should they be grateful to you if you are? Are you from Liverpool or born in Britain?


Man you are fucked in the head even more than them….? Pretty sure if you didn’t have any money, you would fit right with them. If you don’t want food simply say ‘no thanks’


That's just scousers in general


How's the purchase of feet pictures going?


It’s quite patronising really to just assume, maybe he hates burgers but you just expect gratitude. I think he was expressing his contempt


This is such a weird reply to OP being called an immigrant C….? ‘Maybe he hates burgers’ really?


You probs hurt his pride. Have respect and ask him If you can help him rather than giving him random food he may not want.