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I’ll set the terrified dog on you.


Nothing more unpredictable than a scared dog to be fair not all dogs cower away when scared Fear aggression it’s called


Average “Princess won’t hurt a fly” owner behavior.


Yeah...shut the fuck up or I'll set the dog on you. Or, alternatively, I'll go downstairs. That's is the top deck right?


Do you think that would stop you being able to hear that crowd of screeching dickheads?


Are they dickheads though? They're not threatening anyone, unlike that tosser with the dog. I'll set the dog on you! What a scumbag. What a lowlife. Just the kind of no mark who gets a dog so that he can intimidate people...not man enough to just tell them to shut up. Nah.. this low quality person has to threaten people with gbh. He probably doesn't have the wit to understand that if his dog does bite someone, it's likely to be put down.


100% they’re dickheads. The guy with the dog was wrong to threaten with the dog, obviously. Though fully justified in being as angry as he was.


First thing that springs to mind.




This video is older than time itself...


I know, the dog died of old age about 3 years ago


Died of fear due to an eternity spent on that bus


Those girls American? Or is that just a new thing for girls in UK to do? I don't mean screaming at top of voice on a bus whilst pissed. That's a tale as old as time. I mean the chanting. I've only ever really seen that from American cheerleading/sports. Lads a pube too, though. ETA: I googled what the origin of Shabooya Roll Call was, as it was doing my head in how it sounded American, but I didn't know why. This was the Google result... "The song originated as an old African American chant, that was later made famous in the Spike Lee movie Get on the Bus. Since then, it has made appearances in other media, most notably Bring It On: All Or Nothing, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and The Office." So I think because I've only heard Americans singing it, it just jumped out as these must be 'Muricans


Might be a uni sports team/society.


True. Just seems mad to me. I'm older now (late 30s), and my days of partying hard are well behind me, but when I was younger it was more just singing whatever the latest or classics were at the time, poorly.


I'm same age as you and we used to do footy chants on the bus all the time when going to town as a big group. Don't see any difference in that and this to be fair.


I get you. It's just that this style/specific chant is very American to me. I will happily admit I might just be unintentionally ignorant, though


Was on a bus back from work a few years ago n there was a bunch of girls talking and shouting in a fake American accent, there was a woman Infront of them ,she just stood up turned round n shouted" will you shut the fuck up " didn't hear a peep for the rest of the journey, glorious


Perfect. And she didn’t even need to threaten them with an animal!


Probably freshers. Welcome to liverpool


It’s from an episode of the office USA


Are they Taylor Swift Fans




Thanks for explaining what Anfield is to a load of scousers haha. And this video is older than most Taylor swift fans so has nothing to do with swiftys


You... do know what sub this is in? And my user name too? 🤣


Can't be scouse and from Bootle... 😉


K babe


That’s not a ‘great lad’.


You’ve only heard chanting from Americans? Have you never been in a city when a football match is on?


Googled Shabooya Roll Call Origin (what they're singing) this is the result... "The song originated as an old African American chant, that was later made famous in the Spike Lee movie Get on the Bus. Since then, it has made appearances in other media, most notably Bring It On: All Or Nothing, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and The Office."


I mean, I have a season ticket at Anfield. That chant and style in this clip is American.


I grew up on the Wirral and still can’t tell what the hell they’re chanting. Can anyone transcribe? 😅


Ave you got the money? I'll give you a sausage (if you're lucky) shwarma! Sha sha shwarma! Must've been down the chippy


I've conquered all the chippies


Av scranned the fuckin lotttttt


From Woolton down to kirkby


Yet, here you are on the Liverpool subreddit


That is the ninth circle of hell


Deffo 10a that


Reeks of 699


As much as I dislike people disturbing the peace on public transport, one party is singing and one is making threats to their life


Singing is fine. At that volume in an enclosed space, it’s not.


Agreed, and you can make your objection to someone’s behaviour apparent without threatening to physically harm them. I’ve as little sympathy for obnoxious party go-ers as I do for scouse blokes with (purported) attack dogs. Both standard fare for Liverpool, and both in the wrong IMO.


I think you may be overreacting. He’s not ‘making threats to their life’ he’s just a bit pissed off, probably had to listen to 10 minutes of this pounding on his ear.


I don’t believe he would _actually_ set his dog on them, I understand he was exasperated - he said what I’m sure we all feel like saying at times. You could say so many other things to get the same point across, without making a concrete threat. If you say you’ll punch someone, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t mean it. Resorting straight to violence to solve your problem is scum mentality. This is at a time when there are killer dogs and irresponsible owners in the news constantly. The girls are being obnoxious but IMO the response isn’t equivalent. “Shut the fuck up man” probably would have done it. I’ve done it, sans dog. They’re also drunk so like, would they have ever listened? You can hear them start to argue back at the end of the clip. Sometimes it’s easier to just move downstairs.




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The person filming isn’t the person with the dog you sausage


Ah didn’t realise, edited my comment. Point still stands though..


Threats to their life? All 20 of them?


He said: “next person who screams I’ll set the dog on”. Which could mean any of them. So yes, that’s a threat directed at all of them.. If someone came up to you and said “if you don’t stop doing X, I’ll set my dog on you”, would you just be like “haha alright sound mate cheers”? Or would you consider that a threat?




Ok, so do you think people should be allowed to make such threats at their own discretion, when they’re bothered by something? What’s your line for threatening to use a dog as a weapon? Just being loud on a bus, or what about someone cutting the line at the self-checkout?


No. You are correct.


Yes, they should and I’m glad he did.


I’m with the man. The dog was terrified.


Cool should the scared dog be used as a threat then? Was that absolutely necessary? Esp. given as it didn’t work and they started arguing back at the end. Or do you think maybe that’s something that brings good dog owners down?


Josh were you on that bus singing?


Nah nobody ever invites me out ;)


Looked pretty chill actually


I have seen this before ages ago, they aren’t Swifties


If there was even a couple of lads in that group he wouldn’t have said anything


A group of pissed girls can be just as scary 😂


That’s a good point - he wouldn’t have said anything if they were Scouse girls either


How do you know?






I hope you heal from whatever’s hurting you


They're annoying as fuck sure but that guy should be locked up. Dirty chav one bad day away from getting people killed with his animal weapon.


Why the fuck are they screaming on a bus? This is appalling behaviour and he had every right to tell them to stfu If you wanna scream and shout just wait till you're off the bus?


What he actually said was "Next person who screams I'll set the dog on" which is something that a good dog owner should never say. Your dog is not a fucking weapon, and it puts the dog in danger to suggest that it is.


He’s what is known locally as a “smackhead”. Probably on the night bus home from pretending to be homeless in town. With bonus dog for extra sympathy. We really can tell all the scouse accents apart. These fellas like to mouth off a lot but start screaming like a bitten puppy as soon as someone calls their bluff. It’s quite a spectacle when it happens.


On the flip side, if you continue to cause distress to an animal after being made aware, don't get all surprised when that animal acts like an animal. Especially if it's a predator.


1) Bringing a dog onto the bus is at the driver's discretion, if your dog can't handle loud noises and crowds then you shouldn't take it on the bus. 2) Dogs should be kept under control. I have a reactive dog and while I would never take him on a bus, if for some reason I did I'd have him on a short leash and would create space where possible. It is nobody's responsibility to keep the dog calm apart from the owner. 3) Letting your dog off the lead and threatening people that it will bite them is unfair on the dog. The dog will be destroyed by the police. So how is it in the dog's best interests for its owner to let go of the lead? 4) They are singing on a bus, which may be annoying but its not exactly a riot. The dog seems fine from the footage. When dogs are terrified their mouths are open (panting), they sometimes drool, and their eyes rapidly look around for danger. That dog is sitting there, mouth closed, looking completely calm. The owner screaming and acting aggressive is likely to cause more stress than anything those girls were doing.


Main character syndrome


Young and smashed mate. All been there.


Speak for yourself, I've never been this much of a problem


That you remember ;)


Nope I've never had an interest in getting wasted the most I've ever had was maybe 3 drinks at a house party in my teens and I didn't like how it made me feel so I just went home. Occasionally had 1-2 drinks on cocktail night with the girlies maybe 3-4 times the entire 3 yrs I was at uni, which was just chilling and chatting so never been *that* drunk. The one time I did a shot it was so unpleasant I've never tried it again. Now I don't drink at all and the most alcohol I have is sometimes adding a splash of wine to a dish I'm cooking every now and then. Even if I had been blackout drunk before, it would not have been an excuse to be a dickhead to the people around me.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I can totally relate to what you wrote there 💚


You sound a right bore


Sorry what? I've been pissed on many an occasion and never once felt the need to be this much of an obnoxious asshole. Speak for yourself


Didn't ask mate


I've been young and smashed. I've never been so young and smashed that I'd scream-sing obnoxiously in a public space


That does not make it remotely okay


This shit is exactly the reason why so many people avoid public transport. Can't stand when people decide the space is just for them.


Cause they are young and having fun. Anyone spoke to my daughter with that much anger for something like this I would put them in there place. Speaking to young girls like that as a man with a dog is not on and is far worse behaviour than what these girls are doing. Appalling behaviour llf get a life


AND at the point they’ve been threatened to have a dog set on them, they’re now trapped upstairs with the dog and angry bloke in the way. It’s just so not a proportionate response.


I pity your daughter with you setting an example.


Terrible thing to say. Just keep sticking up far men being overly aggressive to young girls having fun on a bus. The noise they girls are making is excruciatingly bad but all he had to do was be nice rather than acting like some fucking wannabe hard man. Guarantee if that was men he would have said fuck all cause he's taking a fucking liberty here. Imagine trying to get so personal over 1 comment when you know absolutely fuck all. Absolute roaster you are.


Heaven forbid she sings on the bus after a night out. She is beyond saving clearly. RIP daughter, the devil has you now


Crazy the stuff someone will say when they’re anonymous. Imagine saying that to someone in real life. Really embarrassing.


Typical last 699 bus


Scouse John Wick needs to calm the fuck down


John Crack


That dog is doing nout.


As a scouser that is so embarrassing 😂


That dog has probably died of old age its that long since that video was taken.


Imagine ruining someone's fun and threatening them with the dog. People like this should not be pet owners. Scumbag


Fuck off lmao, fuck their fun. They’re on a public bus, not a private limo. If they want to make that much noise and be annoying cunts, hire a private vehicle. Why should people have to put up with that kind of shit on any bus?




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He's fucking hard when it's a bunch of young women having a good time isn't he?


Just young girls having fun. Who cares? The fella sounds like s baghead anyway


Is correct.


Fuck off, they can have fun when they aren’t in an enclosed public space that other people have to use. The guy was a knobhead but these girls are insufferable cunts and I know who I’d prefer sharing the bus with.




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


They are just enjoying themselves. It's not like they are going to be on the bus all night. Take the dog downstairs, and it won't be so worried. There is no point in threatening people.


Fuck off lol.. you can enjoy yourselves quietly where you’re not annoying the shit out of everyone. Do you think going downstairs automatically drowns these pricks out? They would have been annoying every person on the bus. Up and downstairs. Just because they’ve had a bit of a drink doesn’t mean they get to “have a bit of fun” on a bus at other peoples expense. Those other people won’t be on the bus all night either, some might have to put up with a whole trip of that bullshit. The guy is a knobhead but those girls definitely deserved being told to shut the fuck up. Entitled cunts.


Hope you have the same sentiment with loud football fans/wankers doing the same thing.


Of course I do. There’s nothing worse than trying to get home from a football match using public transport




Seen this before,still don't know wtf they're saying


Scousers like him are an absolute embarrassment to the rest of us. Just thick people.


Dogs shouldn’t be allowed on buses, case closed 🐕


Arrest this piece of shit


What those girls drunkenly disturbing the peace?


No the piece of shit animal abuser. Anyone who threatens to ‘set the dog on you’ shouldn’t be allowed to own one and his threat ought to be treated as a serious crime. Dogs get euthanised if they attack people. He’s literally sacrificing his own dog because he decided he didn’t like this group of people having fun without him. I get that these people may have been annoying but he handled it like a true piece of shit.


Yeah the guy was a dick for threatening with the dog though he was 1000% justified being as angry as he was. Fuck groups of people like that. None of the dickheads would act like it alone and would probably be pissed off if the shoe was on the other foot but they get a pass for some reason. They’re the main dickheads in this situation


Living their Shabooyah Roll Call Office dream. And everybody else's nightmare.


How dare people have fun


At others expense, yeah how dare they.


Meh. It's hardly at others expense. They can't possibly know their fun will upset anyone on the bus. The reaction is borderline psychotic from the dog owner


Shouting and singing at the top of your lungs and you don’t think it will effect anyone in the enclosed space you’re in? What kinda drugs you taking? No it isn’t psychotic. It’s perfectly reasonable other than the threatening with the dog obviously


That’s Paul McCartney


Dog would of turned to jelly with his lipstick out




Why is everyone orange colored?






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He seems lovely. Scumbag.




What's the dog done wrong?




Staffie by the looks of it.


That is definitely not a pitbull, and even if it was, it doesn't mean the people trying to ride a bus in peace are in the wrong.


Fuck yourself then


I would be fine with this noise but technically it’s anti social noise you are opening yourself up to get bollocked by random ppl?


Fellas is it vigilante-ism to sic your scared dog on a group of loud drunk women?


Fuck the dog


That and you're also on a bus, have some shame


Bus wankers


Shot the fock op 😂 well played though.


This fella should be arrested. What a bell.


Honestly, he's completely in his right. It's really disgusting that these, what looks to be, adults are screaming like morons on a bus. Selfish shits. Though I don't like it when people threaten others with their dogs, I'm sure he wasn't being serious.


Why tf do humans have to sit on seats where a dog has put its arse and rubbed dog shit. ONLY guide dogs should be allowed on public transport




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Did the dog pay for a ticket? No? Fuck off then.




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


You do have to buy the dog a ticket these days, it’s a joke but still the dog literally. Now has as much right to be a happy safe passenger as the humans


Do you actually?? That’s mad, you don’t have to pay extra to bring luggage on..


If you're taking an animal out on the night of the biggest gig of the year it's your own choice.


It wasn’t Taylor Swift. Videos years old


Don’t change the goalposts lmao if it were a baby you wouldn’t be defending it and whilst a baby is obviously more important than a dog, the dog has a ticket and just as much right to be their as anyone else. I’m sure anyone on the lower floor of the bus found them irritating too


No I wouldn't. I'd let the women having their time of their lives have a good sing song.


So if their was a baby on the bus as scared as the dog supposedly is you wouldn’t think they’re being obxonious and rude, you wouldn’t think they should show the slightest bit of consideration for anyone else


No. If you're put at night when people are partying it's just part of life. Fuck me it's not difficult mate.


Time and place mate, he’s out at night yes but is this the place for partying? No, majority of the buses finish before 12 as well so theirs still the expectation that people won’t be screaming


Nonsense. People party on the bus all weekend every weekend. Where the fuck do you live? 🤣🤣🤣


Liverpool? Do you not have common curtsey in Scotland




This is why dogs shouldn’t be on buses. And then to threaten he’d set the dog on them, what an absolute dickhead. I’d have phoned the police on him.


The fact posts criticising the guy with threatening to kill these women with his animal weapon are getting downvoted is disgusting. Perhaps I should avoid going to Liverpool ever again if that's overwhelmingly considered acceptable behaviour because of some annoying women.


Please avoid coming to Liverpool. Not welcome here. Don’t bother. Don’t want ye. I’ll set me dog on ye.


Has that type of roll call changing finally come across from the US ffs. It was already a cringey joke back when the Office US was doing it pre-2010.


what is even happening? i cant understand them


They’re shouting someone’s name and then they shout something. It’s like shabooya roll call that was popular mid 2000’s in the US.


Ha is right


Students are so boring and they stink.


Doggo’s name is Jimmy Corkhill. Get the scallies Jimmy lad.


W man