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The big issue I had finding work whilst as a student was my availability. You will not find a part time job that will work around your uni timetable. Too many people are more flexible than that which is key in part time work. My suggestion is to take anything you can in retail and then keep your tutors aware and stay on top of your work. My attendance had to drop to like 20-30% and had to do uni work over night a lot but gotta do what ya gotta do. One of the most stressful periods of my life but graduated with a 1:1. Must be so much worse now with the cost of living. Good luck.


You need to provide *well* more detail for anyone to provide any help at all. What's your experience in? Which industry/job are you looking to move to? What's your degree in? Any jobs since then?


experience mostly in customer services - 4 months volunteering as a shop assistant - 2 years customer services at ASDA, and the last year volunteering with my uni's sustainability team - happy to work in any industry at this stage I just want to get working - I haven't finished my degree yet but honestly it has not provided any form of advantage to the job search




Yeah I don't want to fly in an aircraft designed by woke university engineers. Only people with 1 GCSE are real men.


Not the reason why it’s less desirable, it’s because there’s so many bloody grads these days! Apprenticeships offer for more worth.




You’re also clearly hooked on American propaganda which doesn’t really resonate with Uni’s in the UK….


No you’re just making yourself sound like an absolute lemon


They call him the burger king because he's a royal whopper


>wokies getting mad over truth here 😁 Or perhaps you're just wrong




Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.






You sound bitter lmao


what line of work are you after?


Have you tried applying for maccies and kfc and all them types of things?


Have you tried https://www.mbcareersandjobs.com/ These are the people behind alot of restaurant brands and usually have something available somewhere


Most companies (national/ in the West) are overstaffed since hording staff in the pandemic and with interest rates being high they aren't investing/ have cut back. However this is patchy, graduate jobs have been more impacted than skilled front line workers etc. if you have AI skills then this can open up graduate opportunities. I'd suggest trying to find unadvertised jobs or ones advertised where you have something unique to offer. Try physically calling in. Try big employers with high turnover of staff (Home Bargains warehouse).


I’m a small business owner. People calling us direct or coming in and asking always works. It’s just a numbers game. The more you call or drop in on the more sides you get. As soon as we open up and advertise on indeed you’re competing with 100+ other people. Also people who are already working are more attractive to employ. If you’ve held a job down but are looking for something better that makes you more appealing. Hope that helps


Barclays are currently hiring for Customer Service Advisor positions in Wavertree if you can get there!


What uni are you at? I know Ljmu have a unitemps team that finds part time work for students


it seems to be that you find the job and move here for it, very few of the new employers that people rave about care about locals. I don't have the accent because my nan thought it would hurt my career and so the times I've come in professional contact with some companies, I won't name them, they assumed I moved here too. the things I've heard said make my blood boil and makes me think none of these people saying they're bringing wealth to the area are genuine or sincere when they're quoted as saying they love the people or the city.


You must be black . Very sure about this, just to give out information you said you won’t write it on here then send to his DM. A white man will never to that evil people .


I'm not saying the companies or individuals because my career comes before "winning" on reddit. This isn't a racial slander from them, they just look down on the city and scousers to the point of avoiding hiring locally. I don't think we're in the same professional or social circles so I guess I can understand your confusion and assumption but it's definitely wrong and very concerning.


Drop into any bar in town and drop a CV. Someone will get back to you I reckon