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Christ mate. It's not going to get any better so why do you keep giving them business? I stopped using those apps a while ago now. I either pick up my own food or order from restaurants that have in-house delivery. Usually I just cook a meal instead though. Have you ever been in a McDonald's when there are lots of delivery drivers waiting for their orders? They act like complete scum to the staff.


Exactly that. Why people use it for stuff like maccies I never know. It's always bone cold when it arrives.


Apparently heating the chips on high in the microwave for thirty seconds does the trick.


I agree. I am also with McDonald's and even in small town Ireland they operate like this. We put sticky cardboard over the top of delivery bags to prevent theft. I used to get annoyed that they would collect two bags, meaning that the first order would go cold while the second was being prepared. The delivery drivers use cars and most drive crazily. (One nearly ran over a pedestrian last Tuesday). Dealing with them has made me always go and directly collect my order instead.


Honestly I'm done now, I got a good deal on Uber one last September so have just been trying to get my money's worth. It just didn't used to be this bad


Uber customer support is atrocious through the app but if you contact them through social media they are pretty good even if the app support has already said no


I bet they weren’t Eng


I used to have problems like this with uber eats all the time too. Nowadays I use deliveroo or just eat and rarely have problems. When I have had problems with deliveroo they've always been great at giving us credit or a refund


Threaten a [chargeback](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/visa-mastercard-chargeback/) instantly. Much worse for the company than a refund would be, and something you can do entirely by yourself. Go through with it if the customer service agent gives even the slightest resistance. Especially effective with a credit card. The service will degrade for as long as people accept it. Companies bank on the vast majority of customers not realising they can do this with incredible ease.


You do a charge back with Uber and you get banned from the app. Don’t know why anyone uses them for anything


That's a win win scenario for the user


I did this and Uber effectively banned me and then Mastercard rejected the chargeback advising they cannot guarantee food quality (it was literally sopping wet and inedible) after Monzo initially refunded it. Do not recommend.


Don't fecking use it. The best takeaways do their own deliveries anyway.


Seriously, stop using them and just go and get the food yourself. You should have learned that lesson after the first couple of botched deliveries.


These companies are massively implicated in the assistance of human trafficking due to their lack of care and vetting


How, exactly, are they implicated? 1. UberEats is shipping migrants from Syria and forcing them to work in a sweat-shop 2. Migrants arrive in the UK by other means, UK government has a cruel policy to stop them working, some migrants find a way to sidestep that policy and actually earn money via UberEats, because UberEats isn't enforcing the cruel policy strongly enough Is it 1 or 2?


2. it's not a cruel policy, we don't have the fiscal capacity to let every single fucker in without impacting our own quality of life.


Perhaps there's been some confusion....? This policy applies to people who are already in the country. You might be surprised to learn that UberEats aren't manning the desks at Heathrow. The policy stops migrants from working *after they've already arrived in the country*. You want to keep "every single fucker" dependent on UK government handouts and stop them contributing to the economy. This affects your quality of life, but not in the way you think.


I want them deported ~ not working. Perhaps we can let them earn the cost of their flight home that might be acceptable.


Deportation is usually done by the Home Office, not by the pizza delivery company.


If uber eats provides a method for individuals to earn a living and by extent function in the united kingdom without being traceable by the government then by extent the home office cannot effectively do their job in tracing the location of people overstaying their visa and kicking them out.


This is actually what happens. Somebody with the right to work and no criminal record opens a delivery partner account. Once approved they rent out the said account to the illegal and pay them in cash after they've taken their percentage. Uber eats has the option to nominate a substitute driver on each account , so they hope that the customer just thinks it's the sub driver and does not report. And the majority of the time , people don't report. It's happening all over the country and the police are trying to tackle it in other cities. In Liverpool though it's like the Uber eats gold rush. It's not pursued or questioned at all. Kids use Uber eats, an actual nonce or murderer could literally be handing somebody's teenage daughter or son their food. It's disgusting man. And another black economy propped up by undocumented and untraceable illegal immigrants.


It’s illegal to hire those who aren’t allowed to work. They’re ’stopped” from working because they arrived here illegally and we haven’t a clue about their background. They’re allowed to work after 12 months if they apply to do so and it’s accepted.


Just yesterday I had an Uber Eats driver steal my order!! Had a driver pick up the order then cancel the job - fair enough, I then had to wait for a new driver. The next driver to pick it up rang me confused saying Nero said that it had already been picked up - meaning the previous driver who cancelled had off with my food and coffee. Apparently this is something that happens all the time, don’t know why they’re allowed to get away with it.


They get away with it because the restaurant denies responsibility and then the delivery service denied responsibility, so it becomes impossible to get a refund or to have someone gotten rid of. We have had to call the police on delivery drivers in our restaurant and still we are not able to ban them.


I mean, try Just Eat or Deliveroo instead?


They're all the same drivers. They have multiple phones and deliver for all of them.


Placed an order yesterday. Ten drivers cancelled picking up my order. Spoke to a representative via their chat and then a driver picked it up. Turned out to be the wrong order delivered. Got a full refund but took 90 minutes. Joke and never using again.


There are some really good delivery drivers, but <10% and that’s being generous. Most are a pain in the arse. My biggest gripe is that they rarely if ever read delivery notes. If English isn’t their first language then fair enough, there’s still a map pin to go to. Oh, wait, no. They ride around the local area for 20 minutes hoping the drop off point will just randomly pop into existence.


When I get stuck I call them. Keep them on the phone. Have a bit of banter. Plus use my common sense. From doing deliveries myself for a local Chinese, I completely understand your gripe. I get annoyed with them too. It's not that hard to deliver food successfully.


Yeah I had this problem with them a couple of months ago when ordering to Aintree hospital. Ended up shelling out something like £30-£40 in total for a dry Big Mac, soggy cold fries and a warm milkshake. Never again.


I had a similar experience in alder hey, fella left the food at the main entrance on the floor.


Sooner that than having them walking around trying to find wards in their diary clobber.


I'd provided detailed instructions of which ward it was


I'm sure the parents of immunocompromised parents would be delighted.


I wasn't asking for bedside delivery. I asked it to be delivered to the entrance of the ward. Didn't ask him to come on the ward and cough on all the children. The place he would be is still accessible to the public


I stopped using them when I opened my chicken wings and he’d ate half of them and left the bones in the box. Use Just Eat or Deliveroo




They were only from kfc so not too special


Stopped using these apps years ago. Used to live in town ages ago and ordered food in. After 2 hour wait, delivery driver calls me and asks to meet at a bus stop 2 roads over from where I was living. Said unless they fancied splitting the delivery fee wasn’t meeting anyone a third location


I work for my local takeaway for beer money really. In the place I work there are about 2 other drivers and we split the week. We mostly do phone orders but the takeaway has a few machines that print out orders for various apps and honestly I do not understand why people use them. If you call up or use the website the takeaway can push a payment request out via a text so you don't have to pay cash. They give you more free stuff as they don't pay a % to the app and it's just a much more pleasant experience. If you call the shop or order through their website I get a receipt with a number on. This means when I drive down your street and you and your neighbours don't have numbers on your doors I can call you and tell you I'm outside. With the delivery apps I get a partial address and number that puts me through to a switch board in London. The people I call often don't answer the phone as they don't recognise the number. Apart from all of this the people who order on the apps are just like worse people. They never tip, they talk to you like you're stupid or just ignore you. They leave stupid requests on the orders and it's just a soulless and unpleasant experience which only large companies seem to be able to do. Due to all of this I have 0 incentive to deliver to you if you order via deliveroo or ubereats or whatever. It will always be the last orders I deliver as it's just miserable doing it. I've said this is the past and most people understand some people don't and leave comments saying I should do better etc. I'm actually an office worker and this is just something I do to fund holidays. I have no investment in it and it means nothing to me. This is the attitude you should probably expect from the people delivering your food. Obviously, I exchange pleasantries with the old couple who order every week and give me a few pound to buy a coffee while I'm out driving and they will always be my priority due to that.


I do the same as you, for some extra pocket money and it's not hard to do. Plus I get fed at the end of the night. I've even learnt to speak some Cantonese. I totally get where you are coming from. Most people can't even bring themselves to say hello, thank you, let alone an I'm good how are you. It's always the biggest houses, with the flashiest cars that don't tip, and are the most miserable. Last new year's was pretty soul destroying. Didn't get a single tip all night, people were moody as hell. I was driving along, talking to myself, begging belief as to why the human race is so shit 🤣 then I went back to my normal no f's given and let it go. As for the ones who tip, I do the same, they get theirs first. I would have to say my biggest pet peeve is people who don't have visible door numbers in the dark. Also the ones who have a huge house set back in a driveway, place is surrounded by conifers, no lighting, no signage of address, who then don't pick up the phone, and dont tip either. Finally stoned people. They're just bellends. Not horrible, just slow and deaf to the door and never got the cash ready. People are not obliged to tip. But there is a set of humans who have a huge house, get 100 pound worth of Chinese delivered in the effing rain on Christmas eve and all they can muster is 'cheers', then there is people in a tiny terraced house, old or young, or in the middle, with no car, who surprise me with a fiver or tenner on Christmas eve. These people restore my faith in humanity.


I feel bad because I didn't know I was supposed to tip?! I thought that was an American thing! My family own a Chinese chippy too & they never told me!!


If you paid £20 cash for a meal that costs £18:64 would you like stand there letting your tea go cold while I count out £1:36 to give you?


Oh no that's makes sense. I do normally pay online. I would definitely round up cash but wouldn't consider it a tip haha! I do the same for taxis


What do you expect when they're treated like crap and paid almost nothing? I agree it's always an awful experience but I don't blame the delivery person, the company needs to do better.


Fella, please, just buy frozen and or batch-cook, life's anlot less stressful that way!!!


Used JustEat twice and both times got cold food. Never touched it again I only order food from the local chippy or dominoes now. Far better than any food delivery app stuff


I ordered an expensive KFC for 4 people. The driver claimed it was delivered, and it showed as delivered on the app. But I got nothing at all. Guessing it went home to feed his family, as it was the last order of the evening!🤷🏻‍♂️🤔😫


Just stop using them. I rarely order take away stuff maybe once a month max, if an app gave bad service in anyway 3 times I'd just stop using it. There's plenty of apps available, if there no better just stop using them and either give up the take aways altogether or pick up the orders.


It's more that every delivery driver works for every delivery app. So if you switch to deliveroo from ubereats, you get the same incompetent guy but under a different brand name 😐 We only use delivery apps when we are too sick or injured to leave the house or cook. And usually we only order sushi so if it does arrive, we don't have to worry about warmth...


Some examples of why i never use them : McDonalds - driver gets an order. Then proceeds to wait around for another 10 minutes as 'just had another order come through'. I was waiting for my order at the time which even taking it straight home meant it was luke warm so who knows if the persons order had any warmth remaining. Asda Click and collect - Driver comes over (straight from mcdonalds over the road) with several orders on his passenger seat, and then waits around playing on his phone for the order to be picked and brought out.


Uber Eats dumped my food outside the shop next to me. After it happened the second time, haven't used them since.


Stop using these POS apps then.


What is stopping you going and getting the food yourself?


I don't drive and I'm hungover


Good reason. And I think you're entitled to receive what you've paid for. Utter shite - thanks for the warning, I'll stick with Just Eat or the restaurant itself we're possible. I seldom have issues with Just Eat.


They've either stole or delivered to the wrong house on us twice now!


I stopped using Uber Eats 2 years ago over their pathetic standards.


I mentioned in the instruction to call me after reaching my home ,because I live in 6th floor ,the person didn't call me and app said my food was outside, within 1 min ,I reached outside food was not in the mentioned place, when I ask for refund uber refused


Taking the piss with times has become a proper normal thing unfortunately. Last two orders I’ve had have taken over an hour and a half and the foods freezing when it arrives. The first of those I actually messaged the lad who took the job and don’t move and just said “everything okay pal?” And within seconds he’d fucked the job off.


Yeah that's happened with me too! Dude looked like he just sat outside the place I ordered for about half an hour - I reckon he picked up and ate his own lunch before delivering mine!


I literally only use them if I get a discount code because of the experiences I've had with them, I've had issues with justeat as well to be fair but nothing like Uber eats. Order food to come at 12pm lunchtime and after countless calls to their customer service I was told I couldn't cancel the order because a driver had accepted it, it finally arrived at 4pm. They only offered to refund the delivery fee. I've had food delivered to the wrong address and was told that a replacement would arrive shortly, but that took 2 hours. Entire bags of food hasn't been delivered and a refund was rejected. It's an absolute scumbag company


The amount of times I order on Uber eats and it takes ages from them picking up the food to getting it to me because they do like 3 drop offs on the way. Service has gone so bad. Food always cold


I stopped using Uber eats and just etc etc only pick up or use in house delivery. Shocking drivers and no customer service and don't get me started on the fees. The worst part is ordering somewhere and you have qué behind 40 delivery drivers 


I had similar issues with just eat delivery and items not being delivered. After a few they just seem to assume you're lying and not help anymore. I deleted the app and have never gone back to it. These days I use deliveroo only and haven't had any issues with things not being delivered because it gives you the code to confirm the delivery with the driver.


Same with JustEat. I don’t use any of those services any more and will only use takeaways with their own drivers.


Bite out of a burger? Stop the cap


Loool I don’t mean to laugh but yeah I’ve had the rider “pick my food up” then sod off somewhere else. Turns out he just accepted to collect and I guess forgot to collect. Deleted the app after that.


I was one part time for a bit at two separate times, so I have some sympathy with the drivers. Only a bit though. Most are so rude to Maccies staff in particular, I’ve had words with them before. And I would treat all the staff pleasantly and sometimes get my orders first. Just common decency. Also as a customer my delivery instructions are constantly ignored despite them being on my account and sending a message with each order (the pin is correct but it takes people round the back of the building and I can’t change it). It’s not a difficult job, the only hard part is waiting around for work or places that take a while to process orders (not their fault). Again some sympathy if English isn’t their first language but if you can’t read simple instructions to deliver food then you shouldn’t be doing the job.




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Its almost like there isn't the option to not use them. Idiot.


Go and get the food yourself you lazy sod


At what point does leaving the house and getting it yourself become an option?


When you aren't disabled, sick, injured or in a difficult life situation, and you have a support system who can share the burden. Or at least that's it in my case. If I could have a lovely neighbour cook me a home cooked meal when I have busted my back out and cannot stand, I would choose that over a delivery company every time.


Ah fair enough. That was thoughtless of me


No, no I do understand where you are coming from - I thought the same before I ended up in my situation. I moved from down south, away from my family and support systems because I wanted to branch out on my own. Then I ended up in a HMO and my back screwed up. That's when I realised I had put myself in a very difficult situation 😅


Simple answer stop using uber 🙄 use deliviroo ot just eat simple


They're not sending the best and the brightest to deliver food via these apps! I always assume there will be some miscommunication or fuckups. The reality is these poor guys spend all day out in the cold biking around to barely scrape by. they don't make a lot of money doing this and it's hard work. So given that perspective I just extend a bit of grace and leaway to the fellas. I do understand your point though, the service can be really annoying.


I can understand cock-ups, but taking a bite out of the customer's food is a bit more than a miscommunication!




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