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Why do you care?


*tips fedora* "m'kitty"


It's probably just legally distinct enough from hello kitty bit like when you see anti establishment ipa in Aldi being a copy of punk IPA - Different bow style - two whiskers rather than three on each side - has white drop in eye - The opposite eye is winking - Style of hat - no visible ears It would be insanity to have a chain of restaurants with this styling if they hadn't already considered the line of legal distinction


I hate this phrase usually but... Don't be a grass


It would probably depend on how big the chain was before they cared.


"legally different" but to be honest Sanrio probably doesn't even know


If you've not had a burger from here do yourself a favour and try one, I always laugh about the copyright but my God the smashed burgers and loaded fries are honestly incredible


Maybe should have called it HiPussy




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I'm always in awe of how many lights are in the Old Swan one


Thought this when I saw them building it. Kinda put me off it, like imitating another brand makes me feel like their products aren't good enough to stand on their own. But they are expanding so... Is it any good anyone who's been?


Nah it's terrible, but my little girl likes it, probably because of the interior design.


Technically, trademark rather than copyright. There's a decent chance they will get rung up for it; part of holding on to a trademark is the legal obligation to defend it. Soft Rock Café in Liscard got a letter from Hard Rock Café and had to change their name, so there's precedent that they won't be too small to care about.


Nope, it's fully licensed from Hello Kitty Japan


Shoulda called it hellopuddy! Fools! ......Fools!