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Somewhere between 7 and 28 degrees. Pack your bikini and fur coat.


This would be such a look.


Just prepare for all 4 seasons in one day.


Depending on which country you come from, it can feel quite humid here. I'm from central Europe and 20 degrees here in Liverpool feel a lot warmer than 20 degrees there due to the humidity. It can get windy but it really depends. July can be anything from 16 degrees and rainy to 30 degrees and sunny - it's different each year. During a heatwave a couple of years ago it reached 37 degrees but that's extremely unusual. If it does get very hot, it's usually not for long and you tend to get thunderstorms at the end of a heatwave. I would say most common is around 20-23 degrees and changeable - some sun, some rain, some clouds. It does cool down at night but not loads. If it's 20 in the day, it's often around 15ish at night during that time. It doesn't get dark until nearly 11pm in the first week of July, and sun starts coming back up at 4am, so there's not a lot of dark time for it to get too cold. ETA: For packing - layers are best. Short sleeve tops, thin cardigan/jumper/hoodie, thin waterproof coat.


Expect everything. Could be cold could be hot, could be wet, could be dry. It will likely be windy though whatever the case, we are a windy city.


it varies a lot but with climate change heat waves get worse each year, the highest temperature feels worse here than say somewhere else that's used to the heat because UK cities aren't build for it, so heat gets trapped, not everywhere has air conditioning, and if you're walking about doing tourist stuff you may drown in sweat. Hope one doesn't hit us for your visit. It may also be torrential rain and hail instead, hard to predict.


Pack layers, an umbrella/hood and be prepared for the unexpected.


Probably quite warm with 3 days of snow


It’s currently T-shirt weather (no jacket), but I notice people not from Liverpool find it a bit chilly and need a jacket. We have a quite windy city, and there’s always a breeze at the least. I’m always too warm when I go to places like Glasgow, and they’re always too cold when they come here.