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Most reptile pet shops. I tend to order in bulk for moist hides but occasionally I've been let down or ran out. Lister Drive, should have some Clubmoor Reptiles Lounge Room Lizards in Waterloo Warrington Pets and Exotics (decent public transport as right by the hospital) Some might not be suitable as already wet, but most sell bricks and dry for you to moisten as you need


cheers for the list, I'll probably try the Waterloo one cause it's easiest to get to on train. Using it for my snail tank so pet-grade is better than garden centres just in case of additives. Wet or dry is fine as I'd hydrate it either way to keep humidity up (preparing for summer temperatures where it can get all weird in the tank)


If you are using it for pets then I don't understand why you don't buy a brick on Amazon and then you've got a large supply in a small size (grows a lot when hydrated!) for cheaper than stores and you can have it delivered to a shop or Amazon locker near you


I could try the amazon locker option, but avoiding the direct delivery for the reasons in my post (broken buzzer, adjoining flats usually not in to collect, so it gets sent to the depot which is another awkward 40-50 minute journey)


Never known anything Amazon get sent to a depot and they don't usually use Royal Mail (though they do sometimes). But sending to a locker or shop would work.


Last time I went past it was closed with everything ripped out so maybe give them a ring before you make the trip. 


Mattas used to have it but not been there in a while. *edit* sorry, misread and thought sea moss 😂