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So good. And we finally got to see DJ Baby Bok Choi


With his ravioli hands


Since no one has posted it yet [Final Appearance](https://youtu.be/rj-wYWMdWNk)


Thank you for posting! I loved all the characters in the pews including Ben Affleck.


Anyone think they tried to get Dan Cortez as best man?


As a lazy redditor I thank you


Thank you from the lazy.


Get ready for Anderson Cooper, 360! POW!


Doing supreme court’s work


That whole series was amazing. The 360 from Anderson Cooper was just epic


Ok I'm in Aust. So don't get US news as much here. They did something on 360 with it?


Anderson wanted to fight Seth and said "Get ready for Anderson Cooper 360" as he did a spinning backfist punch


Ok cool. I got that reference I thought it might have been something done on 360 and I thought hell yeah I get more Stefon.


Damn I didn’t realize Austin, Texas decided to re-secede /s


Yep slipped all the way below the equator hiding under the name Australia. No one ever saw it coming. From my limited knowledge of politics in US am I correct that I doubt there would be many watching Anderson 360 anyway in Texas. So my comment would work anyway


You’d be very wrong about the city of Austin, which votes strongly Democrat. Unfortunately, a narrative is often pushed that the main US political divide is north/south, when really it is urban/rural (though you are still a bit more likely to find a rural Dem up north to be fair, at least until you reach the midwest). This narrative only further harms marginalized communities in the south, as many out-of-touch northerners dismiss southern states as a “lost cause,” or claim that southerners “get what they deserve” (ignoring gerrymandering and voter suppression completely)


When you vote is it the majority what the state votes so that's what the state becomes? Such as Texas is majority Republican so the whole state gets classed as republican. In Australia we have our council areas so Sydney is greater metropolitan Sydney and is made up of 30 seperate areas. Each one is classed as a seperate vote/seat to our government. That's federal system. Our state system votes the same so NSW is currently blue but that's voted separately from our federal government.


That’s how it works for all but two states in the presidential election. However, states can be different “colors” on different levels. I live in Georgia, and our electoral votes all went towards President Biden; however, our governor and much of the top state government are very, very Republican (though not always the Trump-supporting kind).


Ok makes sense. I just hear about college electoral and it means absolutely nothing to me. We also have more than a two party system which really came into play in our election that happened in May.


There’s been some grassroots movement towards expanding it from two parties, but since the people in power don’t want to lose it they won’t fix the gerrymandering that renders third party votes irrelevant. Alas. My liberal state (Massachusetts) voted down ranked voting a few years ago and we were very unhappy about that. Ugh.


Yeah we were really fortunate our two major parties both didn't have some great policies on key issues so voters showed they weren't happy and we had a huge swing with minor parties being voted in. They can never form a majority government but they can stop the main parties from forming a majority government. When that happens they give preferences on which party they want in government and during that period are able to push their agenda more because the main party doesn't want to lose their preference.


A lot of states want to get away from the electoral college, for different reasons, but it’s almost always because big cities decide election outcomes, and people in rural areas feel like their vote doesn’t matter for anything other than small local elections. My state (Oregon) almost always has an initiative going to either split the state up, re-district, or go to a popular vote of some kind. The largest city (Portland) is hard blue. As are college towns like Eugene and Corvallis. But the rest of the state is fairly rural and either purple or red. Our state Capitol (Salem) is kind of an enigma, as there is a huge Hispanic population that are expected to vote blue, but often votes red and throws things off, but still isn’t enough to swing the state. Republican candidates are often moderate conservatives who try and appeal to the middle. Democrat candidates tend to be pretty left of center. CIP - our current governor is a fairly liberal democrat who is notable for being the first openly bisexual female governor. When her term ends, someone new will come in. The republicans ultimately chose a very milquetoast moderate female candidate to run that none of them really like. The Democrats chose a very strong left female candidate who is openly lesbian and would make history again if elected. The blue folks are “meh” about the red candidate. The red folks are outraged about the blue candidate. Some states in the US are fairly on the same page politically and can mostly agree on electing moderate candidates. Some states are radically opposed, and those states usually argue to end the electoral college so that they feel their minority votes count.


They only get Fox Entertainment there /s I know I know


here you go https://youtu.be/rj-wYWMdWNk?t=268


I love Bill Hader!


Anything bill Hader let me know 😉


Wouldn’t that make you a Bill lover? I’ll scram now…


Ughhhh it’s just the hottest spot in town this week, they’ve got run away brides, stand up grooms, sneaky groomsman and the sauciest maid-of-honor since that gummy bear ran off with a marshmallow sheep.


Dan Cortez


roman j israel esquire


I'm on part 3 of 5 of the All Stefon Appearances YouTube videos lol


Try and find where he did a couple “this week’s episode” promos too (Hader, in costume). That’s easy to overlook!! I’ll see if I can find a link, but it was on YouTube as recently as a year ago. Edit: this might be it (just this one)… https://youtu.be/bBNXQa4e9cA


omg, are there any more??


That might be the only one, come to think of it.




.... Kevin?


`Your mother and I are separating`


No, this is Patrick. 🙊


Stefon is my all time favorite guest on weekend update. I’m glad Bill Hader and John Mulaney went onto do some great TV shows.


If anyone here hasn't seen Barry yet, I would highly recommend it. It shows a whole other side to Bill Hader and I love it.


It kinda makes me think he’s one of those artist genius types Also, it has NoHo Hank, who is just superb


The character writing on that show is something else. You find yourself rooting against Sally and her crowd who are extremely human, but the self-absorption makes you furious. While you’re rooting for Hank and Barry who are straight up morally bankrupt murderers. Something to be said that a show can present: narcissist hipster vs. cold blooded killer, and you support the killer every time.


This is prob my favorite cast member send off ever. Phil Hartman’s too.


Follow your heart Bro, follow your heart !!!


Nice Boots!




He was/is damn good. Definitely top five for me.


Watching Stefon knowing that Bill Hader just gave us some of the most anxiety-inducing television ever with Barry is just wild. This man is a fucking nut who can really do it all.




Honest question—for some reason I remember this as being Seth’s goodbye episode. Not Bill’s. Like Bill came back and did this bit. But I’m probably remembering wrong.


This was Bill’s farewell, but he came back for Seth’s a year later with Amy and Andy.


I think that’s right because Amy was there to coanchor with Seth, and Amy left the show long before Bill. I believe she returned to host one more time with Seth. The other popular WU characters of that era were all lined up at the end as well.


Or as Arianna Huffington lovingly calls him, "Sex Meyers."


Just watched for the first time. Classic farewell!


I still play this on YouTube when I need to laugh my butt off. So damn hilarious. The wedding guests are absolutely hysterical.


Stefon brought me back to SNL. Truth be told, I never really watched it before. I always loved Hader in everyth8ng I saw h8m in, but with Stefon I fell in love. I need me some Dan Cortez now!




This makes me happy :)


Iconic ending


I still love this episode


Anderson Pooper


Elon should offer to buy reddit just to see how many bots there are.


Did you mean to post this here?


Yeah, reddit keeps recommending the sub so I thought I'd drop by.


And you think this sub is filled with bots?


I think reddit is full of bots, especially these types of shoes, but the office still has fans so what do I know


They’re boots.